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Chapter 784

Chapter 784 Encounter on a narrow road

Quillens walked towards the road of attacking the city of Tomsk with confidence. He was cautious in his life, but the only time his heart moved, it made him embark on the road of no return. Zhou Dingshan's army stayed motionless on the Ryazan River, and Yorkolen's Pusk garrison

The army did not dare to move at all, but the news of Quillens's dispatch of troops to Tomsk City had been sent, so Yorkelen was no longer as worried as before.

Orientals, aren't they awesome? Let's wait for the bad news about Tomsk City to come and see who can endure it. Jorkoren is already imagining the scene of Mesuda City's army marching across Tomsk City. Orientals are really being defeated by Vilnius.

The situation in the city was so desperate that he actually did something so desperate as to jump over the wall.

However, it is understandable that the three strong cities in the west of Tomsk, Mesuda and Pusk, have fallen into the hands of the German army. If the only city of Vilnius falls again, Tomsk will be nakedly exposed to the attack of German warriors.

The three cities relied on each other and could tightly suppress the city of Tomsk. Even if the Easterners had an army of 100,000, they could not move. Although the city of Tomsk is good, it has the disadvantage of slimming, that is, the city walls are broken.

It is easy to attack but difficult to defend, and it is destined to defend the city of Tomsk, which is equivalent to adding a lot of constraints to itself.

Yorkelen thought that Zhou Dingshan didn't know what was happening in Mesuda City, but in fact, as soon as Quillens took action, Zhou Dingshan began to prepare for the next move. The reason why he hadn't taken any action yet was because he didn't want Quillens to take action.

The troops realized that as long as he was within fifty miles of Tomsk city, even if God showed up, they would not be able to save him. At this time, Bai Chong, Min Gui and others finally understood why Zhou Dingshan insisted on fighting at all costs.

The goal of Puske City was to create pressure on Puske City, thereby causing Quillens to make wrong judgments.

It is conceivable that the so-called offensive and defensive battles of Vilnius City and the offensive and defensive battles of Psk City are all pretexts. Whether the First Army rushes to aid Foyan Mountain or the Second Army is stationed on the Ryazan River, they are all intended to trick the Mesuda Army into attacking Tomsk City.

Looking at the generals under his command, Zhou Dingshan's solemn face finally had a sense of relief, "Now, I have not concealed it from everyone. From the very beginning, Tomsk City Base Camp has made plans to abandon Vilnius.

Our goal is to use the cities of Vilnius and Pusk to eliminate as many Germanic forces as possible and prepare for the next step to seize the Principality of Saxony. Now the First Army near Foyan Ridge has gone south to penetrate Quelens's headquarters.

In the rear, our task is to hold back the defenders of Pusk City. After the First Army enters the designated position, we can quickly return to support Tomsk City and cooperate with the First Army to completely annihilate Queiroz's troops. This is the largest scale since the army was restructured.

It is a battle of annihilation. I hope the garrison will work together and the commander will be victorious!"

The hearts of Bai Chong and others were surging. They had been deeply shocked by this great plan. "Supervise the division to win the battle and annihilate the enemy army." Everyone raised their arms and shouted. For them, victory was already a matter of sooner or later, because the Germans

They had fallen into the trap unknowingly. In order not to attract other people's attention, Quilens's troops deliberately marched along the Kaqiweier River until the afternoon of the next day before entering the territory of Cenweibok. When they arrived here, the Germans sighed with emotion.

Many, the Germanic army had experienced a disastrous defeat here. In that battle, the Germanic army no longer had the courage to attack the city of Tomsk.

But now they are back, and this time the Orientals must pay the price.

Quillens ordered all the troops to rest and rest on the spot in Cenweibok. After a night of this, they moved towards the city of Tomsk. At this time, Quillens raised his flag and was no longer afraid of being discovered. When he got here, he was already close to Tomsk.

The city is so close, even if the other armies of the Easterners wanted to rush to help, it would be too late. The first ones to arrive at Tomsk must be his Mesuda garrison.

At this time, the cold wind was raging, and there were few people on the road. Even birds and animals were unwilling to come out. After passing the black poplar forest, the front was the south of Tomsk city. At this time, a bright silver cavalry was waiting in formation, with about two thousand people.

Man.Quilens smiled, is this the last strength of Tomsk City? The Easterners in the base camp are too naive. Do they want to stop the 20,000-strong army of Mesuda City with just these troops?

The northern Shanxi cavalry did not immediately launch a surprise attack, but dispersed their formation and spread the entire battlefield wide apart. The cavalry dispersed, and a group of more than a thousand black-armored infantry appeared on the battlefield. They maintained a tight square formation and stood tall.

In the center of the cavalry, Quillens slowly raised his hand. No matter how many soldiers and horses are left in Tomsk, this battle must be fought. If the army has reached this point, God will be angry if they still give up the opportunity in front of them.

With a rumble, the cavalry began to charge, but the sound came from behind. The ground trembled and a hoarse whine came. There was another group of silver-armored cavalry. They were more numerous, about four thousand people. These people were Slavic.

The people, including Mongolians and Siberians, were all wearing silver armor. Quillens finally noticed something was wrong, "No, this is the cavalry of the First Army, their newly formed cavalry. Why? Why is the third cavalry the first army's cavalry?"

Will members of the First Army appear in the direction of Cen Weibok?"

When Quillens fell into a bad situation, the city of Pusk, which was two hundred miles away, also received the news. Looking at the good news in his hand, Yorkelen could not see any joy on his face. Instead, he felt as if his biological father had died.

Generally ugly. His Majesty Lothair led his army to capture Vilnius. The Vilnius garrison fled and the First Army disappeared.

It's over, the Easterners have been fooled. If Vilnius has been captured, then the First Army will definitely not stay near Foyan Ridge. The only explanation for why they disappeared is that they were targeting Quillens' troops.

Go, after the Vilnius garrison escaped, the first reaction was to enter the city of Tomsk. Oh my god, why did this happen? It was too late for Yolkolen to regret it. Even if he wanted to notify Quillens at this time, it was too late.


What shocked Yolkolun even more was that Zhou Dingshan's troops, which had been stationed at the Ryazan River and had been stationary, finally moved. Their intention to march in the direction of the attack was very obvious, which was to directly penetrate Cenweibok. Yorkolun could not care about any personal matters at this time.

The grudge was over, no matter how annoying Quillens was in the past, he couldn't watch Quillens' troops be wiped out.

At this time, Yolkolun was eager to rescue and made a mistake again. He anxiously organized an army of 10,000 to rescue Cen Weibok without knowing the specific situation of the Ryazan River and confirming whether all Zhou Dingshan's troops had evacuated.

.On the high slopes east of the Ryazan River, the scouts happily reported, "General Zhou, as you expected, Yorkelen has sent troops to Cenweibok in order to rescue Quilens."

"Very good, order Yan Fengshan's troops to immediately turn around and stop Yolkolun, Min Gui, and Bai Chong's troops go around to the back. Today, we are going to defeat the Red Robe Knights of Yolkolun in a battle." Zhou Dingshan was ambitious and rushed to the rear.

He clenched his fist tightly. The Red Robe Knights may not have the strongest combat power, but due to their church background, they have the highest prestige among the people. If they can defeat the Red Robe Knights, it will be a great blow to the Holy Roman Empire and even the entire Catholic Church.

A heavy blow.

Yorkelen marched all the way, and when he came to the Qisir Plain, he finally met Yan Fengshan's cavalry. Seeing this armored cavalry waiting in full formation, Yorkelen felt more and more uneasy. He just walked to

At this step, we must go forward bravely, and it will definitely be too late to retreat. Today, Yolkolen has put aside those slickness and cautiousness. He has never been so brave as now. Today, he is a true noble knight. Pull out

The broadsword in hand was drawn, the horses snorted, and five thousand cavalry and five thousand infantry formed a huge scene on the Qisir plain. "The whole army steps forward. For the sake of the empire and our dignity, we will never retreat."


The heartfelt cry of "Ouch" is the most moving, but how can Yan Fengshan be afraid? He has planned so much to wait for this moment, how can he let these red-robed knights go, the cavalry confront each other, and interpret the cruelty of war?

Incisively and vividly, on the Qisir Plain, a scene of epic battle was staged. The red-robed knights bravely rushed towards the waiting Northern Shanxi cavalry. They wrote their glory with blood. The red-robed knights may not be as effective as the Holy Cross.

Knights, but their fighting will is the most astonishing. They are war machines armed with God's thoughts and honor sacrifice. The red-robed knights and Germanic infantry launched the most violent attack, fighting with their lives.

Fa pushed forward bit by bit, and Yan Fengshan carried out the military orders from above. He did not fight to the death with the opponent, but retreated while fighting, wearing down the opponent's will to fight. Finally, Bai Chong and Min Gui's troops arrived and faced

Encircled on three sides, one can imagine the fate of the red-robed knights and the German infantry.

Yolkolen resisted desperately, but in the end he could not prevent the defeat of the Red Robe Knights. In the end, he could only lead a dozen soldiers to break out of the siege. On the Qisir Plain, the battle gradually came to an end. This battle was unusually fought.

Tragic, this meat grinder style of fighting was ruthless. In the end, only more than 400 German prisoners survived, and the others were all killed by the Northern Shanxi Army. After the Knights of the Holy Cross and the Knights of the Blue Shield, they became famous in the West.

, the Red Robe Knights, who were deeply supported by the church, were also defeated by the Northern Shanxi Cavalry, and their fate was hundreds of times worse than that of the Holy Cross Knights. The once famous Red Robe Knights only had a few dozen people left. The only good news

Even if Yorkelen did not die on the Qisir Plain, if even this church knight consul fell into the hands of the Northern Shanxi Army, it would be the biggest shame since the birth of the church. Yorkelen survived, but his fighting spirit is still there

How much can be left? Seeing the vivid faces falling in front of him, his heart was peeled off bit by bit and broken into dregs.

After cleaning the battlefield, Zhou Dingshan personally led tens of thousands of troops to march towards Cenweipok. At this time, the fighting in the south of Tomsk City also entered a white-hot stage. Quillens was not an idiot. From the moment the first army appeared, he knew that he was being attacked.

After all, everything done before was just to lure the Mesuda City garrison into a trap dug in advance.

There is no escape, there is no other choice. Quillens has been cautious all his life, but at this time he went crazy like a ruthless man. I have an army of 20,000 in my hands. Even if the Easterners want to bite them off, they will still be destroyed.

Teeth, facing the predicament in front of him, he did not speak grandly, but shouted coldly, "Everyone, listen up, we are now surrounded by Eastern people, we will die if we go forward, and we will die if we go backward. Are you imagining it?

Are you going to kill yourself like a warrior, or do you have to be a coward for the rest of your life? Those who still have the courage, pick up your weapons, even if you die, you should let the Orientals see how powerful Germanic men are."

The Germans are not as tall as the Slavs, but they cannot hide their aggressiveness and good fighting skills. Countless German soldiers began to roar crazily. They began to change their names in a life-or-death style of fighting, facing the Germans.

The Northern Shanxi Army really can't adapt to this kind of fighting style. The brave will win in a narrow encounter, and the Northern Shanxi Army, which happens to have the upper hand, doesn't want to trade lives with these losers.

Lin Teng is an ordinary cavalryman in northern Shanxi. He wants to make great achievements. He is not afraid of death, but he definitely does not want to trade his life with these defeated generals. But in many cases, you are not able to do whatever you want. A German

The cavalryman rushed over with a broadsword. When the horse turned around, the Germanic man flew up and rolled off the horse with Lin Teng in his arms.

After landing, the two of them struggled together. The Germanic man opened his mouth and bit Lin Teng's ear fiercely, causing Lin Teng to scream in pain. At this time, the ferocity in Lin Teng's bones was also forced out, and he

Pull out the dagger from the boot, clasp the opponent's eyes, and stab him hard on the neck, once or twice, until the German soldier stopped moving, but half of Lin Teng's ear was also bitten off, "

Damn, I’m really afraid of you, Germanic thugs, come on, come here.”

Lin Teng waved the dagger in his hand and picked up the German broadsword with his left hand. At this moment, he was not afraid of anything, just like a ferocious beast raised by blood. Scenes like this were everywhere, with people being beaten for their lives by the Germans.

Under the pressure of law, the tactics of the Northern Shanxi Army became chaotic and their formation could not be maintained. Many people were forced to lose their minds.

Tie Mo has been watching the battlefield from a distance. This kind of chaotic scene is really not what he wants to see. Although he is wearing a golden armor uniform, Tie Mo will not fight in person. At his current position, if he still needs to fight in person

Fighting on the battlefield means that his subordinates are incompetent. Wolkan also frowned at the sight, "I really didn't expect that Quillens's troops were so powerful. Supervisor, it's not worth it to continue fighting like this. We have a sure chance of victory."

, there is no need to trade lives with the Germans, I suggest opening a road to the south to allow the Germans to escape. As long as General Zhou’s troops arrive in time, they can still block the remaining German soldiers in Cenweipok.”

Tie Mo also had the same idea. Since the cost of fighting hard was too high, it was better to let the other side live. Seeing the hope, these Germans would have emotional fluctuations. The flag signal was sent out, and Elizabeth directly passed it to the commanders in front. Soon

After that, the first army retreated steadily, and a road was exposed. At this time, the Germans didn't care what direction it was in. When they had a way out, they rushed forward in a swarm.

This chapter has been completed!
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