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Chapter 5 It's all useless

Under a big tree in the yard, three-year-old Sun Yu was sitting underneath.

He was holding a ball of wire in his hand, and was carefully wrapping the wire around a wooden stick, slowly wrapping it around and around from one side of the stick to the other.

There is also a dark stone placed next to Sun Yu. This stone has a special feature, that is, it can absorb iron pieces. Everyone here calls it a magnet.

After Sun Yu wrapped the coil, he placed the magnets on both sides of the coil, then placed both sides of the coil on two branches, and then a simple generator was ready.

In order to make this generator, it can be said that Sun Yu spent a lot of time.

First, in order to get the wire, he told Po Wang that his mother wanted this.

Grandma Wang went to a nearby blacksmith shop to get wire. This wire was not used by many people, so it had to be beaten immediately and made into a long thread. So Sun Yu had to wait for a few days to get the wire.

Secondly, it took a long time to find the magnetite. After all, it has been renamed here, called Yuan magnetite, but today I finally got them all.

Sun Yu looked at this very crude generator and began to shake the wooden stick in the middle.

In order to make the experimental results more obvious, Sun Yu placed cotton at the connection between the positive and negative electrodes. As long as electricity is emitted, temperature will be generated, and the cotton will be ignited.

But Sun Yu kept shaking the generator, but there was no response. This made Sun Yu panic.

You must know that so many inventions in your previous life were based on electricity. If you cannot generate electricity, then all the content you learned in your previous life will be useless.

Since Mrs. Wang delivered the child with a jade in its mouth at the immortal's house.

That is to say, Sun Yu was greatly rewarded by the Sun family and was also hired by the Sun family.

The monthly payment given by the Sun family is several times that of other families!

So every time Wang Po went back, she was envied by many people!

Grandma Wang felt that immortals were different. Every newborn child had a piece of jade in its mouth.

At first I thought all immortals were born with a piece of jade in their mouths!

However, as I gradually worked in the Sun family, I discovered that only this little master had a piece of jade in his mouth when he was born, and none of the other immortals did.

And that piece of jade was inspected many times by the head of the Sun family, and he even took it out for inspection by others.

The final result was that it was just an ordinary jade pendant, but it looked a bit older.

After the master of the house knew that the jade was of no use, he returned it to the young master and issued a hush-hush order, so that no one could talk about it again.

However, this little master is different from ordinary people. He started talking at the age of six, walked at the age of one, and could read at the age of two.

Moreover, the questions she usually asks are so profound that many of them cannot be answered by herself. She is worthy of being the child of an immortal.

And recently, the little master has started to make some strange things, like very thin and long iron wires, and some kind of magnet that can attract iron.

Not to mention, if it weren’t for you, others wouldn’t be able to get these things!

Just when Wang Po was thinking wildly, the young master hurried over again.

"Grandma Wang, get me some thin and long copper wires. If you have to hurry, go to the accountant and ask for money. Just say it's from my mother."

"Okay." Mrs. Wang agreed and went to get the copper wire again.

Sun Yu began to go back and modify the crude generator again, but no matter how he tried, Sun Yu still couldn't generate electricity, so that he was about to collapse.

I can only wait for Mrs. Wang to get copper wire and try it again.

Sun Yu took a deep breath and returned to her room with the generator.

When he was bored, he picked up the jade pendant around his neck and looked at it carefully.

This jade pendant is the only thing that traveled through time with me.

Sun Yu had studied it many times before and found that this was an ordinary jade pendant.

This jade pendant was given to me by my mother in the previous life, to bless me to find a girlfriend. However, I don’t say whether I found my girlfriend or not, but I found a new mother, which is true.

I don’t know what my mother in my previous life would think if she found out.

At that time, I didn't take it seriously or look at it carefully, so I just wore the jade around my neck.

Looking carefully now, this jade pendant is a relatively regular circle with a regular round hole in the middle.

There should be a dragon-shaped pattern engraved on the front. Because of the passage of time, many of the textures have been worn away.

But it still looks like a dragon, with some simple patterns engraved on the back, that's it, nothing special.

Aren’t there many immortality novels that say that after the protagonist travels through time, he has a very powerful magic weapon? Is this jade pendant also a very powerful magic weapon?

Sun Yu planned to give it a try. He put it in his mouth, put it against his forehead, burned it with fire, and flooded it with water. He kept tossing it until midnight, but still found nothing.

Then Sun Yu had a flash of inspiration, and asked, "Do you want to shed blood to recognize the master?"

So Sun Yu found another embroidery needle, pricked the index finger of her little hand, dropped a drop of her own blood on it, and waited for a while, but still no reaction.

A long time passed, until the maid came to ask Sun Yu to have dinner, but nothing happened.

Sun Yu agreed casually, and after dealing with the maid, he became fierce and squeezed his index finger, causing a lot of blood to flow out.

Even after I wet the piece of jade, there was still no reaction.

Sun Yu wanted to curse again, but when she stood up, her head felt dizzy.

Was there excessive bleeding? Sun Yu had no choice but to stop doing the test.

Wash the jade pendant and go to eat. If you don't go, your mother will come.

The next day, Mrs. Wang brought the copper wire.

This time it was really fast. Last time I had to wait for several days.

Sun Yu checked the copper wires and found that there was no problem, so he took the copper wires and continued to make the generator.

As a result, this time no matter how Sun Yu tried, there was no way to send out even a tiny bit of electricity. Sun Yu was completely desperate.

However, Sun Yu still refused to give up and continued to improve the generator and continue experimenting.

Just over a month later, one night, there was a thunderstorm and strong winds outside, and there was lightning and thunder in the sky.

Sun Yu carefully observed the lightning in the sky and found that the lightning here was somewhat different from the lightning in his previous life.

The lightning here seems to be alive, and the path it takes will bend slightly, as if it is swinging on both sides. This is something that would never happen in my previous world.

Sun Yu made various guesses, and finally pointed all doubts at one point, that is, there is a civilization that cultivates immortals in this world.

Immortality can be cultivated in this world, and my father is a monk, so is this the reason?

This world is completely different from the world before the time travel!

The laws of physics are useful on Earth and also useful on Mars, but they are no longer useful here. This is really a brand new world.

At this time, a large lightning flashed, and the lightning seemed to be alive, twisting in the air before slowly dissipating.

At this time, Sun Yu abandoned all unrealistic fantasies. If he wanted to find the answer in this world, he had to use this world's methods!

It was time to forget everything he had learned before, and Sun Yu was ready to start over, and began to use this world's methods to understand the world, which is what this world calls immortality cultivation.
This chapter has been completed!
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