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Chapter Six: The Basics of Immortal Cultivation

This is the master's bedroom. Since the master married his second wife during the Chinese New Year, he went out with his second wife.

It's been three months now and he still hasn't come back, so the master's bedroom has been kept closed.

Today, the door to this bedroom was finally opened, but the person who came in was not the owner of the house, but a three-year-old child.

After he came in, I saw him looking here and there.

This was the first time for Sun Yu to enter her cheap father's bedroom, even though she knew that he was a very powerful immortal.

However, Sun Yu had never heard him say anything about cultivating immortals, so Sun Yu was still a novice in cultivating immortals.

This bedroom was very large, and upon entering there was a small living room. Sun Yu looked at it for a long time, but didn't find anything useful, so she walked inside again.

Inside is a bedroom with a bed and a bedside table next to the bed with a thick book on it.

So Sun Yu walked towards the book and saw several big characters written on it, which were "First Interpretation of Runes".

Sun Yu looked elsewhere and couldn't find any other books, so he picked up "Primary Interpretation of Runes" and read it.

This is a book that specifically introduces runes. The book says that runes are the basis for cultivating immortals. Whether it is making talismans, refining weapons, or refining elixirs, cultivation, or formations all require the use of runes.

Different runes have different uses, and the arrangement and combination of different runes constitute different functions, so some people say that runes are the foundation of the entire cultivation of immortality.

This book "First Interpretation of Runes" records a total of 300,000 different drawing methods and usages of runes, and then all the following are introductions to the runes, their uses and so on.

Sun Yu searched the room for a while, but found no other books. He had no choice but to take this book and read it.

In the next three months, Sun Yu read this rune basics every day, which runes were often used when refining weapons, and which runes were often used when refining elixirs.

In order to facilitate his memory, Sun Yu took a notebook and started to take notes.

After all, this book records 300,000 types of runes. Although these runes are also classified in the book, there are still too many.

In order to facilitate his memory, Sun Yu started to classify them again.

Divide runes into frequently used ones and infrequently used ones.

Finally, I found that there are only 30,000 types of runes that are commonly used, which makes it much easier to remember.

Just when Sun Yu was about to memorize the 30,000 kinds of runes, his cheap father finally came back.

After he came back, he hurriedly looked for his mother, and then found that his "Primary Interpretation of Runes" was missing, so he looked for Sun Yu again, took it back, and even scolded Sun Yu.

To the effect, he is such a little brat. He doesn't even know if he has spiritual roots, but he is not afraid of spoiling his brain just by reading these books on cultivating immortals.

Moreover, Xia was also strictly ordered to supervise Sun Yu and not allow him to read any more books on immortality cultivation.

After doing this, I left in a hurry the next day.

Sun Yu was very depressed, not because his cheap dad reprimanded him, but because people in this world must have spiritual roots to cultivate immortality.

After doing this for a long time, I still might not be able to cultivate as an immortal!

But the next day, Xia was very happy to find Sun Yu and said that her father had brought back some herbs this time, and Sun Yu would have to take a medicinal bath for two hours every morning.

But Sun Yu was a little strange, because when his father came back yesterday, he didn't see him taking anything. How did he bring the herbs?

So Sun Yu started taking medicinal baths every day again. Because there were no books to read, it was very boring, so she could only read books on how to take the imperial examination.

However, compared to the technologies in my previous life, these books are simply child's play.

So Sun Yu soon knew how to take the imperial examination, but there were no examination questions for reference, so Sun Yu was not sure that he would pass the examination.

So after Sun Yu read all the books at home, he felt really bored. Maybe it was because he was bored watching Sun Yu, or maybe he was also very curious.

Today, while Sun Yu was lazily taking a medicinal bath, Xia came in with another book.

Seeing the words "One Hundred Questions on Cultivation of Immortality" written on the book, Sun Yu started to grab the book to read.

Xia took the book back angrily and said, "This book is more beautiful than your mother's!"

"Mother is the most beautiful in the world." Sun Yu shouted hurriedly.

Mrs. Xia nodded with satisfaction and said, "Don't tell your father about this."

Sun Yu quickly agreed and grabbed the book.

Sun Yu flipped through the catalog and saw some questions about spiritual roots, and quickly opened it to read.

It turns out that people without spiritual roots in this world have no way to practice cultivation.

And for people with spiritual roots, the probability of their offspring having spiritual roots is quite high.

Spiritual roots can't be detected until a person is six years old, so Sun Yu can't check whether he has spiritual roots yet, but the chance of having spiritual roots is still quite high.

Spiritual roots are divided into metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, as well as mutated spiritual roots of wind, thunder, ice, darkness, etc.

Moreover, everyone's spiritual root qualifications are also different. From best to worst, they are divided into heavenly spiritual roots, earthly spiritual roots, human spiritual roots and miscellaneous spiritual roots.

Mutated spiritual roots are a little better than the original ones. For example, mutated earth spiritual roots are better than ordinary earth spiritual roots, but they are still not as good as heavenly spiritual roots.

Tianlinggen has only one spiritual root attribute. Because the spiritual root is single, the cultivation speed is extremely fast, there are almost no bottlenecks, and the personal strength is also extremely strong.

Therefore, as long as someone has Tianling roots, he will become a genius in cultivating immortals and will be competed by various sects. However, the probability of Tianling roots appearing is very small, almost non-existent.

Next is the earth spiritual root, which has two spiritual root attributes.

Their qualifications for cultivating immortals are also very good, and their cultivation speed is also very fast. Geniuses in the current world of immortal cultivation generally have earth spirit roots, and the probability of earth spirit roots appearing is also relatively high.

Next is the human spirit root, which has three spiritual root attributes. This is also the most common type of spiritual root in the world of immortality. Most monks have human spirit roots.

As for miscellaneous spiritual roots, they are four or more spiritual roots. Although such spiritual roots can also cultivate immortality, they are basically useless. Their attributes are too mixed and cannot be cultivated at all, so they are also called waste spiritual roots.

After reading the Hundred Questions on Immortal Cultivation, Sun Yu had a general understanding of the world of immortality. For example, the realms of cultivating immortals are the Qi Refining Stage, the Foundation Building Stage, the Golden Core Stage, the Nascent Soul Stage, and the Spiritual Transformation Stage.

For example, taking elixirs to practice can speed up your practice, for example, a monk's storage bag can store many things, for example, formations can trap people, charm people, kill people, etc...

The door to the world of cultivating immortals finally opened to Sun Yu.
This chapter has been completed!
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