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Chapter 7 Upper Average

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

During these two years, Sun Yu's father always came home once every three months. Each time he came back, he brought back a lot of medicinal materials. Then Sun Yu took medicinal baths every day for two years.

And Sun Yu's mother, Xia, secretly showed Sun Yu a lot of basic books about cultivating immortals such as "Initial Interpretation of Formation", "Introduction to Weapon Refining", "Introduction to Alchemy", "Qi Training Experience", etc.

And he asked Sun Yu not to tell anyone.

In fact, Sun Yu is also Yinbai. This is because his mother hopes that she can become a monk.

Sun Yu's mother was a mortal. If the child she gave birth to was also a mortal, she might not be able to accept such a result.

After all, the second brother-in-law is from a cultivating immortal family and would compare himself to his mother.

Although Sun Yu's mother is usually very easy-going, Sun Yu knows that her mother is also a very strong person.

She just understands a lot of truth, and many times she doesn't seem to be too strong in order to take the overall situation into consideration.

So this put a lot of pressure on Sun Yu.

Because whether I have spiritual roots or not is completely random. It doesn’t mean that I think I will have it.

If you don't have spiritual roots, wouldn't you be living up to your mother's hope?

My father will come back in two months, and at that time I will check whether I have spiritual roots.

So Sun Yu has been a little absent-minded recently, and has finished reading all the books about cultivating immortals. Sun Yu just lies in the bathtub of the medicinal bath, staring at his reflection in a daze.

Not to mention, Sun Yu is pretty good-looking.

When he was only six years old, he had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose bridge, a small mouth, regular facial features, and was somewhat handsome. He was 70% or 80% similar to his previous life.

And I seem to be more handsome in this life.

Sun Yu couldn't help but think that she might have inherited the appearance of her mother in this life.

His father is average-looking, but his mother is a great beauty. Thanks to her mother, he looks a little handsome.

Just when Sun Yu was looking at herself in the water and thinking wildly, the door of the room was pushed open, and Xia came in with another book.

"Mom, why didn't you knock on the door when you came in?" Sun Yu complained.

"Oh, our Yu'er is so shy! You often wet the bed when you were a child, and I wiped your butt!" Then there was a burst of laughter.

Sun Yu knew that he couldn't speak, and the more he spoke, the more passive he would become, so he decisively changed the subject: "Give me the book."

Xia smiled, handed the book in her hand to Sun Yu, and said:

"Your father will be back in two months to check whether you have spiritual roots! Mother also knows that spiritual roots are destined by God, so she doesn't force anything, as long as you can live a good life.

That’s good!”

Seeing his mother saying these words easily, Sun Yu didn't know what to say, so she had to agree and start reading.

Sun Yu thought to herself that this matter was beyond her control, and at worst, she would no longer be a monk.

After her mother Xia handed the book to Sun Yu, she closed the door and went out.

When Sun Yu looked at this book, he was a little surprised, because this book was actually handwritten, and the previous books were all printed.

The name of this book is "Notes on Cultivation of Immortality", which is a record of various encounters in the world of immortality by a cultivator named Lin Lei. It is more like a biographical novel.

It describes the whole process of this immortal cultivator named Lin Lei from the very beginning of his cultivation to the late stage of foundation building when he could no longer go any further and died after running out of life.

The things recorded in this book can be said to be truly thrilling and full of intrigues.

Sometimes it was Lin Lei who was tricked by others, and sometimes it was him who plotted against others.

It's okay if you don't watch it. Now that Sun Yu doesn't want to become an immortal, is the world of immortality really so cruel?

What is supposed to come will always come, time flies, and Sun Yu's cheap father is finally back.

But this time he didn't come back alone, he also brought back his second wife Pan.

Looking at Pan's big belly, she must have been pregnant for five or six months, and Pan held her belly up high as if asking for credit, as if she was afraid that others wouldn't see it.

I don't know why, but when Sun Yu saw Pan for the first time, she felt that she was not a good person.

Because he does look like a bad person.

Those thin eyebrows are still painted on, red phoenix eyes, small nose, and thin lips, no matter how you look at it, you look like a bad guy.

Especially this time when I came back, I walked slowly with my big belly deliberately.

Sun Yu really didn't know what to say. Her father must have married her because of her family background.

After finally waiting for Pan to sit down on the passenger seat in the living room, the cheap father who was already sitting on the main seat said:

"Sun Yu, come here, I'll check your spiritual roots."

Sun Yu had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk to the main seat like a prisoner entering the execution ground.

I thought to myself that God had brought me here just to prevent me from cultivating!

And Sun Yu's father didn't say anything nonsense. He just took one of Sun Yu's little hands and said, "Close your eyes."

Sun Yu closed her eyes and felt a light flow of air passing through her held wrist and flowing to her whole body.

Then the air flow slowly dissipated. When it was about to completely dissipate, an air flow stopped. It was a golden air flow.

Then there was a lighter airflow that stopped, it was red, and finally there was a looming airflow, like lightning-like airflow.

Sun Yu's father frowned, and another stream of air flowed from his wrist into Sun Yu's body, and then the result was the same.

"Open your eyes!"

Sun Yu followed her words and opened her eyes, and saw her father frowning and thinking.

When Pan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw her father frowning, his face actually showed joy.

Sun Yu looked back at her mother, Xia, and saw that she was very nervous and worried.

Sun Yu's father frowned, thought for a moment, and said:

"The mutated spiritual roots should be the human spiritual roots, which are the golden spiritual roots and the fire spiritual roots. The mutated spiritual roots should be the thunder spiritual roots."

"Children born from mortals actually have spiritual roots. There are so many strange things in this world!" As soon as his father finished speaking, Pan's thin, high-pitched voice rang out.

Sun Yu raised her head and glanced at Pan. She felt that when she saw Pan, she looked like a bad person. She even blamed herself, saying how could she judge a book by its appearance?

But today it seems that this Pan is really not a good person.

Just as Sun Yu was about to reply, Xia had already rushed over and hugged Sun Yu. She only heard Xia keep saying:

"As long as you have spiritual roots, it's good as long as you have spiritual roots..."

Sun Yu didn't know whether to attack Pan, but at this time, her cheap father spoke again:

"Since you have spiritual roots, let's practice hard from now on!"

After saying that, she got up and went back to her bedroom. Pan also followed her father to the backyard with a big belly.
This chapter has been completed!
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