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Chapter 753 The Great Emperors Resurrection

Every move of Xu Qing and his entourage is being watched at all times in this complex imperial capital.

Everyone is watching.

This kind of observation has been going on from the moment they stepped into the imperial capital area, and it is even more true now in the imperial capital city.

So after Kong Xianglong arranged for the sword holder to go out, everyone's eyes immediately focused on this matter, until they noticed that the sword holder went to the Tenth Prince's Mansion. Through various clues and channels, most of the parties in the imperial capital knew about it.


Something valuable was lost in the twelfth prince's house, but the tenth prince took it away without telling him.

The tenth prince has a domineering personality, which is one of the reasons why the First Heavenly King of his mother clan dislikes him. With this kind of personality, he will most likely choose the jade slip sent by the sword holder of Fenghai County.


"It's interesting. Let's see how Xu Qing and others from Fenghai County handle it."

"When I first came to the imperial capital, whether I chose to be low-key or high-profile, we can also see how Xu Qing behaves."

"However, although the Tenth Prince is not favored by the First Heavenly King, he is not an outsider after all. This matter is interesting."

Most of the various forces and departments in the imperial capital have chosen to wait and see on this matter. For unknown and strange existences, their behavior is an instinct and the most correct approach.

Xu Qing was already aware of this the moment he entered the capital. As everyone settled in and it was still early, Xu Qing also chose to go out.

Walking on the streets of the capital, Xu Qing could feel the attention from all directions. Whether it was the shadows in the crowd or the shroud of spiritual thoughts, it all showed that all his actions in the imperial capital were transparent.

Xu Qing could understand the reason for this, and also understood that it was inevitable. At this moment, his expression was as usual, without any change.

As for the outcome of the jade slips he sent to the tenth prince, Xu Qing didn't really care, because he had already thought of the outcome when he sent them.

If you give it, of course it's best. If you don't give it...

Xu Qing's eyes were cold, he chose a high profile.

This is an experience he learned after experiencing the misery of the world as a child, just like when he was a child in the slums, he beheaded a person who had ulterior motives for him and hung his head on the door.

He is a wolf.

The wolf is patient and ruthless, and will show it at different times according to different occasions. According to Xu Qing's experience, many times when you are new to the country, it is easier to end disputes with a high profile than a low profile.

This is also the reason why he didn't stop Da Yuanzi in the formation before.

Therefore, Xu Qing chose to ignore those who were observing him and the shadows that were following behind him, and walked calmly on the streets, looking at the unfamiliar capital city and the first city of the human race, and recorded it in his heart.

Also leaving Ning Yan's mansion were Zixuan and the captain, but they were not with Xu Qing.

Zixuan glanced at Xu Qing before leaving. Xu Qing understood that Zixuan was going to sense the lamp in the imperial capital, but Zixuan's personality was completely different from Ling'er.

If Ling'er was here, she would be by her side all the time, but Zixuan was not like that. She had her own affairs and thoughts.

As for the captain, the sly look on his face before leaving had already revealed everything. Xu Qing knew without having to guess that the captain was going to explore some treasures in the imperial capital.

Or look at the regrets of his previous life.

Xu Qing shook his head. Under the noon sun, he walked through buildings and streets, arranging everything around him in his mind and looking for the route to leave in the future.

This is his instinctive behavior in any strange place.

And vigilance and vigilance still exist in him, and they have not diminished due to the improvement of his status.

It's just that he didn't show it on the surface, but actually did what others taught him when he was in the Seven Blood Eyes.

Loose on the outside and tight on the inside, hidden in the heart.

Looking from the outside, all you see is peace.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the layout of the imperial capital that Princess Anhai told him on the way, not only the powerful people, but also the heirs of the Human Emperor.

Based on Ning Yan's introduction on the way, Xu Qing made his own decision in his mind.

"Three princesses and twelve princes."

"The eldest princess and the second princess are marrying a foreign clan...not in the imperial capital."

Xu Qing's eyes were revealed and he was thinking.

The fifteen princes and daughters of the Human Emperor are actually, to a certain extent, one of the sources of power in the imperial capital, and many parties are inextricably linked to these royal heirs.

"The only princess in the imperial capital is An Hai. She has the qualifications to open a mansion, but she has no such choice. Instead, she follows the human emperor. The power behind her is not small. The ancestor of her mother clan is the second king of the human clan.

King Dongding."

"Nowadays, the Heitian clan's war is led by King Dongding."

"After the princess, there is the prince..."

Xu Qing looked in the direction of the Black Sky Clan, thoughtfully.

"The eldest prince is good at fighting and brave, but he is a rough man, and his mother's clan is Yanyue Xuantian clan, so his status in the imperial capital is very embarrassing. He is often jealous and suspicious. Even the Human Emperor seems to dislike him, so he is such a

The son who is good at fighting has no arrangements to go to the battlefield and has always been left in the imperial capital."

"The second prince is a low-key man, humble and gentle. His grandfather was the great prime minister of the dynasty. He had fully assisted Emperor Xuan Zhan in his ascension to the throne many years ago and made great contributions. Although there has never been a king in the family, the reputation of the prime minister is spread throughout the court and the public."

"The third prince is very talented and knowledgeable. There are many guests from all over the world in his palace, and there are also many foreigners in the palace, each with their own talents and learning. At the same time, the third prince also serves as the Prime Minister of the Imperial Academy."

"The fourth prince is gentle, friendly, and willing to help others. He is praised by all his brothers and sisters. His mother's family is ordinary, but he is recognized by Taishang Yue Qingzong, and he even worships the national master as his teacher."

Xu Qing was thinking in his mind and his eyes fell on the Star Reaching Tower in the distance.

Xu Qing lacked understanding of the mysterious national master and was difficult to judge.

"The fifth prince... has the same mother as the seventh prince. Among all the princes, he is second only to the eldest prince in terms of combat power. He is equally brave and good at fighting. He was noticed by the Human Emperor and granted him the title of disciple of the First Heavenly King. He grew up together with the First Heavenly King.

He spends his time stationed at Yanyue Border and rarely returns to the court."

"Due to the seventh prince's matter, this person should be a potential enemy."

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes and continued his analysis.

"As for the Sixth Prince, both Ning Yan and An Hai said that he is a romantic person, but he does not bully the good. There are women in the house, and everyone is obsessed with him. An Hai also said that there are rumors that even the thirty-three kings

King Nulan, the female heavenly king, is also unclear about him."

"And the seventh prince...because of the death of King Tianlan, he rarely goes out after returning to the capital."

Xu Qing sneered.

"The Eighth Prince is known as the richest among the princes. His mother's family is the richest businessman in the human race. He has financial support from various forces and is rich enough to rival the country."

"The Ninth Prince is talented and intelligent. He doesn't care about foreign affairs and is immersed in creation. He was sent to the Palace of Creation by the Human Emperor. His main responsibility is... the Sun of Dawn!"

As for the tenth prince, Xu Qing's thoughts were spinning, but his focus was on eleventh and twelve.

Prince Eleven and Ning Yan were brothers, but Prince Eleven died and Ning Yan was the only one left alive in the entire mansion.

The source of all this is his mother.

That is a taboo in the imperial capital.

When Princess Anhai said this on the way, she also said it through a message, but Ning Yan did not hear it.

"Ning Yan's mother is a mortal!"

"She didn't have any qualifications for spiritual practice, but she was extremely talented and was the true love of her father. After her death, a portrait was left in the palace. Every time her father looked at her, he looked sad. He no longer had any heirs, and he did not let any wives or concubines.


"Her death has become an unsolved case. Even I don't know the details."

These are the original words of Princess Anhai.

Xu Qing's eyes flashed. Along the way, he had already felt that the source of Ning Yan's story was his mother.

As for his mother's affairs, I'm afraid it involves many aspects, and there must be some secrets.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing rubbed his eyebrows and looked up at the sky. At this moment, the sun was getting redder and the meaning of sunset spread. Unknowingly, he had been walking in this capital city for two hours. Even the teleportation array had experienced

several times.

After the information about the prince flashed through his mind, everyone had a preliminary outline in his mind, but Xu Qing knew very well that some things should not be taken at face value.

After all, everyone has something like a mask. It comes from attitude, which is the expression of the heart.

Xu Qing instinctively touched his face.

"I have some too."

Xu Qing murmured and stared at the sky.

Today's sunset is particularly red, and the clouds reflected in the sky are glowing.

Such a red-clouded day was beautiful but also full of blood. It reminded Xu Qing that one day, in the Seven Blood Pupils, he saw tragedy in the same sky.

Xu Qing was silent, his eyes fell from the sky and placed on the huge statue in front of him.

Before he knew it, he had walked to the east of the capital, in front of the rainbow, and under the statue of the sword-wielding emperor.

Standing here, Xu Qing looked at the statue. He thought of the question he had asked in the past, and what the other party had shown him at that time...the true form of the mask that surrounded the entire Wanggu Continent.

I also thought of the words asked by my heart, and the words that the sword-wielding emperor finally sent me.

I hope you will never change your mind no matter what.

When Xu Qing stared at the statue of the sword-wielding emperor, in the crowd behind it, the cryptic gazes were locked one after another, transmitting what Xu Qing saw and acted along the way to their respective owners.

At the same time, wisps of spiritual thoughts are also spreading, and many departments are also using various methods to project Xu Qing's figure on the magic weapon and pay close attention.

After all, it was a walking sun of dawn.

"The target passes through the three districts and stops in front of nineteen buildings."

"The goal seems to be to record the route and the layout of the capital."

"Target teleportation."

"The target stands in front of the statue of the sword-wielding emperor and stares."

"The target...is to worship the sword-wielding emperor."

"The statue of the Emperor Holding the Sword...is shaking!!!"

"How is this possible? The Emperor... seems to be recovering!!"

As this information spread, the moment all forces knew about it, violent fluctuations occurred in the land of the imperial capital.

Countless eyes stared at him with surprise.

From a distance, the statue of the Great Emperor stands in the east, towering into the clouds, guarding the human race throughout his life. On the earth, Xu Qing, dressed in a green shirt, is worshiping with respect.

One big and one small, they seem to be separated by years.

A vicissitudes of voice seems to be coming from nothing at this moment, with a sense of ancient times and the meaning of time, echoing in the heaven and earth, vast and astonishing, like the power of heaven.

"You're here."

This chapter has been completed!
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