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Chapter 1544 Carnival of ants

 He ​​was obviously not the only one who came in together. The voices of other players were immediately heard not far away, and Xu Huo took the lead when he raised his eyes and saw a pursuer close at hand!

"Bang!" The black knife struck the opponent's defensive barrier with a loud sound, and Xu Huoren was also bounced back by the force. The man seemed not to want to fight with him up close, so he used props to hit him to the end of the corridor and held him up with his hands.

After trying to press the buttons in front of his clothes twice, the other party's face became ugly.

Xu Huo pierced the defensive barrier in front of him, stood up straight, turned the black knife, stared at the opponent and said: "This is most likely a copy space, and the ticket can't get out. I don't know if your space equipment can support you."

Going back and forth between different spaces.”

He probably guessed a little about the effect of the space instruments used by these four people. It is nothing more than a ticket at most. It can walk in different spaces. It is so easy to see them coming and going. 80% of them are mass-produced instruments. A partition does not necessarily have only one space. From

People with higher wormhole points may have been able to make use of this kind of space, just like the space where Dr. Wu hid the perfect potion in the Sun Museum City. It exists at the same time as reality, but because of the different spaces, even if it interacts

They do not interfere with each other.

If you use instruments to freely travel back and forth in such a space, you can indeed be regarded as a "god" who controls the rules of the game when facing players. When you cross the space, even people who have evolved to the super space can't do anything to them. They even

You can easily avoid player attacks without using props, and appear anywhere anytime, anywhere.

But I don't think there will be an endless supply of such things, otherwise there shouldn't have been four of them.

After saying this, Xu Huo smiled slightly, superimposed his mental power and space power to launch an attack in the spacious corridor. In just a few seconds, he had already gone back and forth more than ten times, slashing from different directions and angles.

Hit the player until his defensive barrier is breached and his protective suit is shredded.

The other party wore a lot of instruments, but lacked combat experience. After another failure to interfere with his mental power, he was pierced through the heart by an embodied object. The severe pain caused the man's face to be slightly distorted. After a moment, something appeared on his face again.

A touch of contempt, for Xu Huo and for the players, he said:

"The Carnival of Ants."

At the same time as he died, the instruments he held all emitted low hums at different frequencies, and then showed cracks or spewed out slight airflow.

Xu Huo moved over and picked up one in succession. The game panel could not read any information, and there were signs of self-destruction inside the instrument.

"Carnival of ants?" The player who had been watching the battle and leaning on the corner of the corridor smiled and said: "If I were you, I would cut him into pieces to vent my hatred."

Xu Huo took over the player's relics. There were not a few decent props in his props list. Most of them were instruments. Although the level of the instruments was high, it did not mean that they could be used. They should be able to receive biological signals.

Control, these gadgets are basically taken out and scrapped one by one, which perfectly achieves the effect of not being cheap at all and not being taken advantage of.

After trying a few items, he stopped and found a small amount of food and some energy weapons in the luggage compartment. He didn't know if the weapons would be scrapped when taken out, but at first glance, there were not many valuable items, and there were not many ores.

blocks, and there is no identification or other information-carrying things.

The long pony-tailed player who spoke came over and gestured to Xu Huo before looking over the body. "There is no extra information, but the protective clothing he is wearing is experimental protective clothing. It is usually only distributed to large medical companies."

Or for use in biological research laboratories. Of course, you can also buy it yourself.”

"This is the one you met?"

The player with the long ponytail had an acquaintance with Xu Huo in Xiaoyue City before. Both of them watched the "begging scene" from a distance, but now that Xu Huo has changed his appearance, the other party did not recognize him.

It's not important, we just met.

"There must be more than one," he adjusted his tone. "These people look like they are conducting some kind of shady experiment. How could they act alone."

The castle has the effect of suppressing spiritual power. To be cautious, Xu Huo did not observe the place outside this corridor. However, judging from the location, except for the one who disappeared, the other two people may not have followed him.

"Indeed," Long Ponytail nodded, "These people may have something to do with the alien invasion of Area 017, and they deserve to die."

He had no intention of delving into the reason for Xu Huo's entanglement with this player who might be an experimenter. Instead, he looked left and right at two sections of the corridor and said, "We are not very lucky. We may have entered a copy of the Suitcase Man."

Top hat, suitcase, black coat, blue eyes, this eye-catching attire can only be worn by people with suitcases.

"Is this really a dungeon?" Xu Huo asked, "I didn't receive a dungeon prompt when I came in."

"The ticket can't be exported anyway," Chang Ponytail said, "Maybe there is something special about the copy held by the super player."

It is not yet certain whether it is a dungeon, but the player killed by Xu Huo has two tickets. If he can leave, there is no reason why he should not leave.

"Is there any place in the game that restricts tickets like the dungeon?"

"I don't know, but super players are a level that we can't touch. Maybe the suitcase man went to other wormholes to get it." The long ponytail shrugged, "The game has been developing for so long, there must be some loopholes to exploit."

As he spoke, he pointed in a direction and asked Xu Huo if he was going forward. After receiving a response, he added: "I didn't expect that the risk of watching super players fighting would be so high. The two of them haven't gotten close to each other yet. Let's clear out the cannon fodder like us first."


"Who is the other super player?" Xu Huo asked.

"Lawrence Lee, you can tell it's him just by looking at the space rays," Long Ponytail came up with an adjective, "Very distinctive."

The two walked on the scarlet carpet, and the thick soft velvet material eliminated the sound of their footsteps as much as possible. As soon as they reached the end of the corridor, a person appeared in the darkness. When they saw each other, their eyelids jumped at the same time.

Standing in the shadow is a very lifelike dummy. The lack of heartbeat and breathing can make people immediately confirm that it is not a living thing, but the extremely real hands, feet and face give people the feeling that it is a human being.

A light and strange alluring fragrance wafted from the dummy.

Xu Huo and Chang Ponywei didn't look very good, because standing in front of them was a modified corpse. Judging from the shape and muscle condition of the corpse, there was no doubt that he was a player during his lifetime.

"I've heard that Suitcase Man likes to make dolls and often robs the government in games to steal rare metal materials. I didn't expect that... living people are also one of the materials."

This is not a good sign.

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