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Chapter 1992 There is always someone to let go

He has already experimented with the toxins obtained from the brains of players in the East Area, and the king bacteria can be used to detoxify them. This means that the poison used by the transformed players may not be of a high level, or not too rare. In short, the king bacteria can be treated. This is not like the previous sweeping 014

Mutated bacteria require the king bacteria to multiply in the patient's body for a long time or be supplied in large quantities. This means that the medicine can eliminate the disease and solve it at once.

Therefore, the culture of king bacteria in the Black Rain incident can be used as a backup plan.

Xu Huo took out the Nuwa stone and put it into the water storage system. Xu Huo planted king bacteria on it and let it grow slowly.

While waiting, he did not miss the news from Agor's headquarters. As Agor's control over the city declined, some surveillance aircraft took to the sky, and some of the thrilling pictures captured were transmitted to the Jixin terminal.

At this point, the super powerful space evolver and the player who assassinated Xu Huo showed their faces.

Judging from the content of the screen, although the super evolved person can use space rays to freeze space, it is obviously not the same as Xue Lang. He cannot use space rays to harvest human lives at will, but the space barrier and space ray blade can be used.

Very good, many players died at his hands.

As for the other player, he was an old man with gray hair. He stood in Agor's building from beginning to end. He only made a move every five minutes, but every time he made a move, it was a sure blow.

, if the targeted player does not have passive life-saving props, it is often difficult to escape with his own reaction ability. It is not known whether he is using props or characteristics. This success rate and lethality cannot be underestimated.

There are also super evolved players among the players in the outer area. They tried to kill the old man three times, but failed in the end. Either they were stopped by the players in the east area, or the cooldown time of the old man was up, and they came to harvest in a wave.

However, judging from these attacks, compared to the space-oriented super evolved person who was killing people everywhere on the battlefield, this old man would never come out of the building easily, and the targets of his attacks each time were also those with stronger strength.

people, that is, those players from the outer areas who killed many players from the east area.

So far, the casualties near the Agor headquarters building are mostly due to head-on duels between the two warring parties. It is not that no one has tried to blow up the building, but they are usually dealt with by the space-facing super evolutionizer who is active on the battlefield.

Xu Huo has seen this player's activity track from different videos and different angles. Ordinary small explosions, such as instruments or specialized weapons, are not very powerful. The triggering instrument buried underground by Agor can completely detect the impact of the explosion.

, and open the blockade barrier as soon as possible to control the impact of the explosion to the maximum extent. In this environment, the damage caused by small explosions to players is very small.

The more threatening ones are space explosion props similar to "little mushroom clouds". These props are easy to carry, compact and have no big restrictions on their use. They are very convenient to use and their lethality cannot be underestimated. Although they are relatively rare props.

, but with so many people in the East District, they can collect a few, so in these videos, there have been about five such explosions.

The first two props had taken effect, and the holder also retreated early, leaving the props in the area where players gathered in the east area. However, at this time, the super evolver appeared. He made a gesture of covering something with both hands, and then exploded.

The shock wave was locked within a certain range. It can be seen from the video that this blockade barrier is almost transparent. The final compressed shape of the shock wave is about a cylinder with a diameter of 20 meters and a height of 30 meters - this is what you see.

The missing blockade props perfectly suppressed the power of the space explosion props.

The third and fourth times were not as good as the previous two. As soon as the two players took out the props, they were discovered by the super evolution. They and the props were sealed in the barrier together, and they themselves were seriously injured.

He was killed on the spot by other players.

The fifth player had better luck. His props probably needed to be arranged in advance, but he was caught in the process and was chased continuously. In the end, he had to give up the idea of ​​blowing up the building and fled in panic.

It can be said that Agor's super evolver perfectly controlled the field and single-handedly blocked the big killers of all players in the outer area.

Because space to super evolution itself has great advantages, even if players without secondary evolution can sense the power of space with the help of props, they lack more specific knowledge. They can only get a rough idea. The defense is enough, but the attack is weak.

It is very weak, but the offensive power of this super evolver is not weak. There is a one-way barrier in the middle that cannot be broken through. Players in the outer area are at a great disadvantage.

Of course, there are also methods for super evolvers, which is to use space interference props or instruments. The effective range of the props can be large or small, and they can focus on attack or defense. However, the power of these props or instruments is often very single. For example, defense can only be used to defend.

, the attack may only be fixed at one point, such as Xu Huo's custom-made wormhole flower hand rope, which can reduce the intensity of space rays, or the space instrument "glass house", which is a large-scale protective barrier, limited to this,

Not only is it very inflexible, but it may also interfere with each other, so even if some stronger players from outside areas join forces to besiege the super evolver, they will be defeated repeatedly due to defects in props and instruments or insufficient coordination, let alone that one.

The old man responded.

After several attempts, some players from outside areas slowly exited the battlefield.

However, the situation of the battle did not change because players from the same division participated in the war. Compared with the weak resistance forces and the players from outside regions who mostly came to Yuquan City because of the dungeon and were of similar levels, the level of these players who came specifically to join in the fun was much higher.

In just ten minutes, they successfully detonated the first space explosive prop and blew open the defensive barrier outside the main building of Agor headquarters.

At this time, the attacking player has truly entered the Agor headquarters.

Most of the personnel in the Agor headquarters retreated before the battle or during the stalemate. Most of the remaining people were players. The battle between the two sides gradually moved to the inside of the building. Players from outside areas and players from the same area were fighting with each other.

Players from the East District fought each other while rummaging around the building.

"Do you think we are stupid? You have been fighting outside for so long, and of course all the important items and information in the building have been moved away!" A seriously injured East District player said while vomiting blood: "A group of idiots who are being taken advantage of, setting up props

Taking your life is ridiculous!”

A passing player from the outer area simply wiped his neck and said to his companions: "The thing is gone and the person is still there. Arrest the person and question them, and kill them if they don't tell you. If you kill a few more, they will always let you go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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