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Chapter 1993 Closing the City

After all, Yuquan City is just a small city under the division. It is not a highly productive place in itself. The number and quality of players are average. Many players working for Agor Company are from other places. Therefore, players from outside areas and other players in the same division

Under the attack of the players, they are evenly matched and now they are considered very powerful.

Therefore, after the defense line of the headquarters building was breached, except for some elite players, other high-level players have begun to gradually shift their positions.

Many players in the outer areas believe that the players in the east area are giving in. This also means that they can enter the underground facilities of Agor's headquarters to loot, so the offensive is even more fierce.

It was at this time that another battle broke out in other directions in the city, coming from three different directions, all at about the same distance from Agor's headquarters. From a bird's eye view, they could form a triangle, with the headquarters in the center.

The timing is so coincidental, which inevitably makes people suspect that players from other areas or the same area are taking advantage of the situation. However, the players at Agor Headquarters did not retreat because of this. They are still fighting fiercely inside and outside the building. Only after confirming that there is no benefit at all, they

Only then will the target be transferred.

The authorities are obsessed with bystanders and can fight to the top. Most people only care about the people and things in front of them. If you look at the entire battlefield, you will find that some East District players have shifted the focus of the battle after the explosion just now. Players on the edge even left directly.

He went out and ran towards the direction of the explosion.

In addition, the rebels have not shown up so far. Regardless of whether they participate in the war or not, most players from outside areas are attracted to the Agor headquarters, as well as players from the same area. So who is responsible for creating such a big explosion?

What was the cause of the explosion?

The answer is obvious. The simultaneous explosions in three locations were probably caused by the rebels.

Xu Huo did not leave the main reservoir, but captured information about other explosion locations through some videos voluntarily uploaded by citizens.

When the players in the outer area were fighting with the players in the east area before, the rebels were already secretly operating, sabotaging and destroying some important facilities in Agor. However, compared to the current explosion with a strictly scheduled time and a larger scale, it seems to be just a diversion.

s method.

The reason why I say it seems is because so far, the rebels have successfully confused the public and made it completely impossible for third parties to figure out what they are going to do.

They revealed the "white blood" at the beginning in order to lure players from outside areas to Agor's headquarters, and Agor also prepared a lot of bait. Not only did the resistance step on it, but there were still follow-up.

Multiple attacks in two days, without revealing their true purpose at all. Perhaps the explosion that just occurred was not the ultimate purpose. The result of repeated surprises is that outsiders will unconsciously think that this matter is not over yet, and there are still plans to follow.


Of course, it cannot be said that the matter is completely under the control of the Resistance Army or Agor. When the chip in the brain is exploded, both parties will be unable to stop.

It takes time for the news to spread, and there is a lag for more places in the same division. No matter whether Agor wins or the Resistance Army wins today, it cannot change that Yuquan City will become the focus of players in the same division for a long time to come.


Therefore, when the rebels disclosed the chip, they were actually trying to push the envelope.

If you say that Agor has developed some advanced potion that can make players' brains evolve for the second time, half of them will believe it and half of them won't. But if you say that it is a biochip that is at the forefront of technology, people who don't understand it can come and join in the fun.

Players are familiar with various types of drugs such as evolution potions, and they also roughly know where the upper limit of potions is. Chips are different. Most people don't understand and don't know about them specifically. But this thing is not lacking in super cities that are rich in weapon research and development.

, the upper limit of weapons produced in the game is out of reach for players, such as instruments that can directly cross partitions, ships sailing in space, even though many partitions have various space-time instruments, but in reality

All the above technologies are in the hands of the game government, and those that can be sold in bulk are consumable. They don’t know the principle, but they know that this is an absolutely good thing.

Now even if I explain that the chip is just a carrier of poisonous medicine, no one will believe it. This matter will not be finished until Yuquan City is destroyed.

Unless someone can turn the tide.

In a battle like this, it is difficult for an individual's strength to significantly change the pattern of strength and weakness, but Agor has deployed instruments underground throughout the city. If that is not just a master switch used with the jammer...

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Xu Huo felt the ground shaking slightly. He rolled out of the reservoir facility and saw a light blue translucent beam of light rising into the sky through the window.

The beam was at least fifty meters long. After it rushed into the sky, the two sections began to extend horizontally, like water, and then spread out and joined together like light.

"Look! There are so many blocking barriers!" People were shouting from far and near.

Xu Huo came to the top of the building, looked up, and saw one after another light blue barriers rising from the ground. They were like walls, gradually connecting into rings around the entire city, completely closing the city.

Cut the city apart!

And after these walls are connected, blue and white floating lights flow like water ripples in the sky and the ground. Although they look more transparent than the ring walls and do not affect the view, they are not expected to be easily destroyed.

"Bang! Bang!" The players who were trapped between the two surrounding walls like Xu Huo couldn't help but came out. Some of them attacked the surrounding walls, and some tried to find ways from the upper and lower barriers, but all to no avail.

I don’t know if this blocking barrier has other functions, so the players who were blocked no longer had the mentality of watching the show before, and everything that should come out came out.

Xu Huo returned to the reservoir and recovered the Nuwa Stone. He jumped from the roof to the ground. When he landed, he touched the barrier below. The "cube space" began to assimilate the space rays. He used a communication device to contact the masked boy, "What are you doing over there?"


The masked boy has been near the Agor headquarters. He happened to be trapped in the middle ring wall, which is the range that just encircles the entire Agor headquarters and the surrounding open space. This range also happens to block most of the attacks.

People from Agor headquarters.

There is a cartoon watch on his wrist. There are only four directions and four patterns on the watch. Above and below are a simple smiling face. On the left is an angel, and on the right is a skull with an "X" drawn on it. At this time, the watch

The only pointer in the screen seemed to be welded in the direction of the skull, pointing at it motionless.

Sweat dripped down his chin, and the masked boy replied in a deep voice: "I don't know what's going on with others, I might be dying."

This chapter has been completed!
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