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Chapter 89 Flying Arrows in Enclosed Space

 After a fleeting pause, Xu Huo still stood behind the door, holding the doorknob with one hand while looking at the clock on the wall beside him.

Suddenly, his eyelids trembled, and his eyes regained their vitality.

The time on the wall clock returned to three seconds ago, and he also returned to before he opened the door and was shot to death. The moment his mind returned to his senses, he jumped to the side!

However, at the moment when he lost his body, the black arrow unexpectedly appeared behind the door for no reason. Ignoring the barrier of the thick door panel, it passed through the door in a way that transcended reality and shot towards the place where he was standing just now!

This is the arrow he just opened the door to meet!

Xu Huo did not dare to despise the arrow that could pass through the door wall. He rolled to the corner and quickly set up an ox shield, blocking the front while retreating into the house.

But what he didn't expect was that the second arrow came one after another, and it came through the wall from another direction, aiming directly at him on the stairs!

Xu Huo waved his shield and knocked down the arrow, and jumped to the corner of the second floor.

This is a blind spot and cannot be seen from any window in the house.

The two arrows just came in different directions. I don’t know how many people there are on the other side, and they avoided the place where they were “seen.” If the other side’s arrows can still appear mysteriously, it means that this is a kind of attack that does not require “witness seeing”.


Putting the shield behind his back, he just picked up the bright red sword when a ripple-like ripple suddenly appeared on the wall on the left, and then the arrow flew out, matching the height of his crouching body, and shot towards his heart!

He raised his sword and cut through it. When the arrow bounced away with a "ding" sound, Xu Huo had already jumped out of the window, holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. He flew down the street without stopping, using the cover of the house.

Run towards Main Street!

As he ran, he kept an eye on his surroundings, but he didn't see anyone as far as his eyes could see.


Xu Huo was thinking slightly and picked the bell on the door of a clothing store when he passed by the street corner. As soon as he entered with his front foot, an arrow from his back foot shot from the back wall of the store and hit his shield!

"Ding!" The arrow bounced off and was nailed to the wall. Xu Huo quickly exited the shop. This time he was not busy running for his life, but stood at the door and scanned the surrounding buildings again.

There is no trace of anyone in the field of vision, and the value of his good friend does not appear, but this does not mean that there is no one around him. The person who attacked him must be nearby. Someone is hiding in the town? Or is it the player in the same car?

He avoided the toys on the ground and walked to the street, put away his sword and shield and stopped in the center of the street with a wide view.

Three minutes passed, and there was no next arrow. Instead, the bus came staggering over.

All the people who got off the bus had returned to the car. He got on the bus under everyone's expectant gaze and stood in the aisle looking at everyone.

Ke Liang and Nian Hong'an should have never left the car. In order, Wang Chaoqing should be the first to get on the car, followed by Wu Qiuyi and Gu Yu. These three people should not have a chance to make a move in time, and they are far away from him. The remaining

The next ones are Shen Yi, brother and sister Shen Xin and Lin Pei.

He will suspect these three people because the three minutes of calm, when the bus has not arrived, and there is no second player on the street, those three minutes are the best time to kill him. The opponent will be ruthless and kill him as soon as they come.

In theory, I shouldn't miss this opportunity, but I didn't take any action. It would most likely take time to get back to the bus.

The order of getting on the bus cannot be messed up. The time for everyone to be active in the public area is fixed. If a player does not show up after a certain time, it will first attract the attention of other players.

"Have you found anything that can be used?" Wu Qiuyi asked: "The rest of us have gained nothing."

"I found a metal room in Master Nisei's house. It looks similar to the black metal used to make floor cages. It should be useful, but it needs to be cut." Xu Huo sat down and said seriously: "

There's another thing, I was attacked just now."

Everyone in the car changed their expressions, and Gu Yu said, "Is there anyone else in the town?"

"Impossible." Wu Qiuyi frowned and said, "Players have been here for nearly half a month. They have been to many places in the town. If someone is hiding here, how could we not find it?"

"That's not certain." Shen Xin said: "You don't get out of the car more than three people at a time, and you're just driving around the town. It's too easy to hide someone in such a big place."

Shen Yi said in confusion: "If there is this person, everything was peaceful for such a long time, why did he suddenly attack Xu Huo?"

"Shen Yi makes sense." Lin Pei touched his chin and said, "It may be a new player who attacks randomly without knowing the circumstances."

"Then should we find him?" Wang Chaoqing asked: "If he is wandering on the street, what will we do next?"

Xu Huo looked at the "good friend numbers" on these people's heads. They all remained at around 5, and no one showed any intention to kill him.

"The other party is using flying arrows. I don't know how many people there are." He said: "But I guess there is only one. His arrows are very strange. When people stand in a closed place, the arrows can fly out from any angle and can pass through doors.

Wall, space."

"However," he smiled and added, "that man's arrow may not work well in a wide area. I was on the road for a while, and the other party didn't take any more shots."

Wu Qiuyi's pupils trembled, and he immediately felt sorry for himself. Only people he knew would try their best to avoid meeting each other. Although he didn't explain, the person who attacked him was among these players!

But no player seems to be using arrows in the car.

She looked at the people in the car without leaving a trace, and suddenly met Gu Yu's eyes looking towards her. The two looked at each other for a second and then looked away.

Several people in the car had their own thoughts. The stupid Wang Chaoqing held his glasses and said: "This prop is too powerful! What if he hides out of sight and plots against us when we enter the house again?


"Then it depends on who is unlucky." Gu Yu said coldly.

"I think," Shen Xin said slowly, "the other party doesn't want us to leave Decibel Town."

Several people turned to look at her, and Shen Xin explained: "Think about it, whether it's people from the town or new players, why would they suddenly attack Xu Huo?"

"Because he was the only one who found black metal, and none of the rest of us found it."

"This reason is too far-fetched." Lin Pei disagreed, "If Xu Huo didn't tell him, who would have known that he had found black metal?"

"Maybe he has clairvoyance." Shen Xin reasoned, "An arrow can lock its target through the wall. What's impossible?"

Xu Huo didn't interrupt when they saw that their topic was off track, and looked at these people silently.

Whether he has clairvoyant eyes or not is one thing. We are both players, and we are all trapped in a small town. Killing each other without conflict is the most irrational behavior. Someone chose to attack him simply because he entered Master Nisei. 's residence.

This chapter has been completed!
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