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Chapter 90 Don't Trust Strangers

"Whether it's the people who were originally in the town or the later players, since we can't find anyone, let's let them go first." He interrupted everyone, "We'll find a way to get the black metal out later."

"Do you have any handy tools for cutting metal?"

"I do have a short sword," Shen Yi said, "but it certainly can't cut through the metal on the outer wall of the town."

"Looking on the bright side, maybe black metal can be used." Gu Yu crossed his arms and said, "This is the second thing. The main reason is the sound. It's not that easy to demolish a house."

"Answer the puzzles." Xu Huo said: "Not all puzzles are dangerous. Some of them should be like the puzzles in the clock shop, which have an absolute safe time for answering questions."

"Compared to taking direct action, the risk of introducing alien species will be reduced by at least one-third."

"If you choose the wrong puzzle, it will lead to alien species. Only two people can stay in one place at most. How can two people deal with alien species?" Shen Yi doubted: "Also, alien species cannot see and can easily make noise. It is in Will it attract more alien species when you wander outside?"

"Players have been attacked by alien species before. Have you seen alien species wandering around the town?" Xu Huo asked.

"That's not true." Wu Qiuyi recalled carefully, "Alien species appear and disappear. I have never encountered them face to face."

"After the alien species appeared yesterday, there seemed to be a sound telling the time after a while." Lin Pei recalled it carefully, and then looked at Xu Huo, "It was that sound that attracted the alien species."

"I remember, there was electronic sound not long after the last alien species appeared." Ke Liang, who was driving in front, said.

"So, if the alien species appears for a certain period of time, it will be led back to the underground cage." Guyu tapped his palms, "Great, as long as we survive this period of time, we can avoid the danger of attracting other alien species, and we don't have to Fight head-on with the alien species!"

"Then the next step is to find the puzzle." Wu Qiuyi turned to Xu Huo, "Do you have any clues?"

"It's best to go to places like toy stores, clothing stores, and stationery stores." Xu Huo said: "As for the reason, Master Nisei's original intention of creating puzzles was to coax children. Places like this that children often visit are better than personal residences and The office space is more secure.”

"How do you know?" Gu Yu looked suspicious, not doubting the authenticity, but doubting the correctness.

"You have seen some children's books in the mayor's office building." Lin Pei explained: "They may be the children of Master Nisei."

"No wonder, I always feel that this decibel town is like a fairy tale town." Shen Xin suddenly realized.

Wu Qiuyi seemed to still have doubts, but Xu Huoqie said in front of her: "There are many uncertain factors. You have to try to know."

Wu Qiuyi hesitated to speak, and finally swallowed his words.

The bus could not turn back, so in order to save time, they decided to determine the location of the alien species along the way.

"I'll get off the bus first this time," Wu Qiuyi said.

"I'll go with you." Lin Pei took the initiative: "The best way is to have someone beside you to help. If the situation goes wrong, they can distract the alien species."

"You guys get out of the car first, and I'll follow." Ke Liang said.

“Who’s driving next?”

"I'll do it, I'll do it." Nian Hong'an said quickly: "I'm very skilled at driving, there will definitely be no problem!"

"I can also drive." Wang Chaoqing quickly expressed his stance.

How could others trust them to drive? Shen Yi and Shen Xin's brother and sister immediately said they could stay in the car.

Gu Yu took out a pistol and said, "If anything happens, I will kill them as soon as possible."

"I want to rest for a while," Xu Huo said.

The few people decided like this, Wu Qiuyi and Lin Pei got off the car first, followed by Ke Liang.

"I'll go and watch on the roof of the car." Shen Yi said, "If any alien species comes over, I will immediately warn you."

"Brother, be careful." Shen Xin told him and stood near the car door so that he could be contacted at any time.

Now there were only people left in the car that Xu Huo had met before. He sat in the passenger seat and carefully asked about the time and place of everyone's return.

"Nothing special, just as planned." Nian Hongan replied.

"You suspect that we are the ones who attacked you?" Gu Yu said bluntly: "If you have any ideas, please tell us and we will confront you."

Several people in the car turned their attention to Xu Huo.

"Definitely not us." Shen Xin said: "We have no reason to attack you. We are strangers. What is the benefit of killing you?"

"And you seem to be a smart guy, so we're counting on your help."

"Have you ever gotten off the bus during the three days you've been in the town?" Xu Huo asked.

"Of course we went down there to find food." Gu Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "But if you ask us if we know the layout of the town, then I can tell you, I don't know."

"Although I have been to the mayor's office building, I didn't pay attention to the sand table at all, and I don't know where Master Nisei lives."

"I can testify to this." Shen Xin said: "My brother, me, and Gu Yu only went to the back kitchens of some stores. Because the house was a little far from the main street, we were afraid of encountering alien species, so we never entered the house. "

"Brother, do you suspect there is a mole in the car?" Wang Chaoqing asked mysteriously.

"The mole?" Xu Huo shook his head, "The players are not allies at all. Where did the mole come from?"


In a house some distance away from the main street, Wu Qiuyi and Lin Pei were quietly waiting for Ke Liang to arrive. Suddenly Lin Pei whispered: "Qiuyi, do you believe what Xu Huo said?"

Wu Qiuyi looked at him in surprise, "What are you referring to?"

Lin Pei looked solemn, "He said someone attacked him, but he was actually implying that it was other players in the car who attacked him."

Wu Qiuyi's face darkened, "Is there really someone else hiding there?"

"This possibility is very small." Lin Pei shook his head, "We have been in the town for several days and have encountered no other accidents except alien species. He was attacked as soon as he arrived. Do you think this is possible?"

"Is it necessary for other people to do this? What's the use of killing each other?" Lin Pei said: "We have always been in peace before."

"And don't you think he knows too much about the town?"

"The key to the puzzle, the underground cage where the alien species hides, the black metal in Master Nisei's residence... We have also entered Master Nisei's residence."

"This alone does not mean that he is deliberately provoking conflicts, and it is not good for him." Wu Qiuyi frowned and thought for a few seconds, "It is because we preconceivedly believed that the puzzle was unsafe and did not dare to touch anything in the town easily.

I can see that he is a thoughtful person, and he didn’t hide the clues from us after he discovered them.”

"But what you said makes sense. After entering the dungeon, I learned one thing, that is, you can't trust strangers casually. I'll talk to Ke Liangtong later and pay attention to whether what he said is true when I go to Master Nisai's residence tomorrow.


Lin Pei nodded and said nothing more.

At this time, Ke Liang, who was not far away, gestured to them. Wu Qiuyi grabbed the stones prepared in advance and hit a toy at the fork in the street!

This chapter has been completed!
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