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Chapter 947 Disobedience as usual

 Since this section of the journey is within the key monitoring range of W37 Base City, it went smoothly. I did not encounter any alien attacks on the way. I did encounter a few groups of people heading from the base city to the training base. Shangguan Xi used props and

The medicine made some changes to the appearance of the car, but it didn't attract these people's attention.

In other words, these people are more anxious about things at the training base, but don't care much about the players passing by.

"Did Gao Xiaoyan not inform Base City about us?" Shangguan Xi was quite surprised. They also had a contaminated alien corpse in their hands. Wasn't Gao Xiaoyan worried that they would wait for an opportunity to retaliate?

"There won't be any traps, right?" Zhu Feiyun thought more.

"Such a big base city won't put so much effort into a few foreign players." Kuang Wenjun said rationally.

What she said made sense. Xu Huo and the others were not pursued along the way. When they approached the base city, they did not find any players from the base city in front of them. Instead, there were some scattered players who wanted to drill holes and ambush them unexpectedly in different places.

place, but because Xu Huo had a large number of people on his side, there were often more people testing things and fewer people taking action.

W37 Base City is actually a semi-old city on the plain. Tall protective walls cover most of the city. From a distance, only a few tall buildings in the center of the city stand out.

Probably in order to expand the horizons, except for a few wide straight roads around the city, the trees in other places have been cleared away, leaving behind a fan-shaped field that looks like it has been specially treated.

The car drove all the way to the protective wall. Surprisingly, the gate of the base city was still open. People coming and going could move around normally, and the players guarding the gate didn't even do much checking.

Most of the people coming in and out are players, who only need to pay when entering. Players in the base city usually don't interfere too much, but if they are ordinary people who come from afar, they will register their identities and then take them for isolation inspection.

"With such lax protection, aren't we worried about the spread of the disease?" A foreign player walking in front chatted with the gatekeeper.

The player guarding the gate smiled, "This virus is basically unable to infect players. Ordinary residents live in the city, far away from the gate."

Xu Huo and his party drove over. They all changed their appearance for safety reasons, but the gatekeeper only looked at them one more time, collected the money, and let them go.

The simplicity made Shangguan Xi and others find it a bit unbelievable.

"Is there really something going on in that place?" Shangguan Xi looked at Xu Huo in surprise, "There are a lot of people there!"

"There are people watching the whole process. Where can I find the laboratory?" Xu Huo didn't show any surprise and motioned to Teacher Ai to find a place to park.

The base city is not as desolate as it looks from the outside. Although there are mostly old buildings on the edges, there are many plants and trees, and the environment is not bad. Some vegetable-like plants can be seen everywhere on the streets. Residents come in and out normally, and some return from studying.

Children are playing on the roadside.

Xu Huo cast his sights into the distance. The closer to the center of the base city, the more buildings were rebuilt. Among them were several buildings with a sense of technology that clearly exceeded the base station. Branch-like columns lifted these buildings in the air, forming a coherent

In the passage, you can vaguely see people walking on it.

It's roughly a circle, not very regular.

You can only get a rough idea from too far away, but you can see that starting from this circle of buildings, there are obvious differences between the cities on both sides.

"Hey!" A woman from a small building on the street stuck her head out and shouted to them: "You can't park your car here. Walk a few hundred meters ahead. There is a special parking lot there!"

The car that was about to stop slid out again. After walking some distance, I heard a woman talking to a neighbor: "Oh, these foreign players don't understand any rules. They just throw the car away when they get there. Do you have a start code? What's wrong with this car?"

It’s easy to move around, just find something to do for the law enforcement team, I don’t know how tired those young people are from training in a day..."

The street we are walking on is almost three hundred meters long in total, but there are three players wearing uniforms patrolling this street. The forks on both sides are also the same configuration. There must be a law enforcement team player within two hundred meters.

, I learned from conversations with nearby residents that this high-density defense started half a month ago and is called the B2 level alert, and there is no sign of it being lifted yet.

"Players and ordinary people live together, and the atmosphere seems pretty good." Kuang Wenjun looked at the ordinary people outside and suddenly sighed, "I have been living in an abnormal world for so long that I almost forgot what normal life is like.


The fact that ordinary people here dare to talk to foreign players shows that the government has given them considerable confidence, which also represents the strength of W37.

Walking to the front, you can see the sign. Under the watchful eyes of five monitors on two streets and houses, Teacher Ai drove into the "parking lot" - an open space filled with abandoned vehicles, with

A large operating platform is dismantling those unwanted cars.

"The car can only be kept for half a month. If it is not driven away within half a month, it will be handled by the base government." A staff member wearing a safety helmet came over and said.

When they walked out of the parking lot and parted ways, Zhu Feiyun was the first to leave. Kuang Wenjun and Pan Qiao stayed for a while, asking about places where foreign players were often active, and they followed.

"As agreed, I took you to W37 Base City. Do you have a place to go?" Xu Huo asked Teacher Ai.

Teacher Ai touched the armrest of the wheelchair and said, "Thank you. I will register with the law enforcement team myself. After reporting to the government for approval, I might be able to be assigned a room."

"That's good." Xu Huo nodded and set off towards the center of the base city without making any further stops.

Shangguan Xi followed him, observing the surrounding environment with great interest, "Compared to other base cities mentioned in the dimension, this place is really good. The average residents can still live normally, and the welfare seems to be good.

You see what’s posted on the notice board, if you go to work in the government’s experimental fields, you’ll get food and lodging included and you’ll get a salary.”

"No wonder some people are willing to come after receiving the news, but this policy has been implemented for a long time. Are there so many fields to be planted here?"

This is just one of the welfare policies promulgated by the government. There are many other jobs suitable for ordinary people, such as building roads, clearing forests, or identifying seeds.

Slogans encouraging childbirth and emphasizing education are plastered everywhere. There are rewards for giving birth to children. The government pays for raising newborns until they are ten years old. General knowledge education is also free. If the child has the talent to become a player, there will be more emphasis.


"Are you hungry?" Xu Huo suddenly turned around and asked.

Shangguan Xi grinned, "I'm okay. Brother Xu, you're hungry. If you're hungry, let's go eat. I'll treat you..."

"If you're not hungry, do me a little favor." Xu Huo interrupted, "Follow Teacher Ai and see what he does and who he meets. Write down everything in detail."

This chapter has been completed!
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