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Chapter 946: Reflect on Your Incompetence

"The virus was leaked?" Shangguan Xi immediately put on protective clothing and urged others to wear it quickly. "I don't know if the protective clothing will work. Gao Xiaoyan and his gang didn't even want the corpse. It's probably not a simple alarm. No.

It could be the virus from the laboratory in W19!"

"No." Xu Huo said calmly: "It's just a false alarm."

"Did you do anything wrong?" Kuang Wenjun looked at him in shock, "Did you know that the living sample was dead?"

"You'll know when you get to the lounge." Xu Huo glanced at the expressions of several people through the rearview mirror.

"It turns out that they didn't act on their good intentions a long time ago." Shangguan Xi seemed to have come to his senses and said angrily: "Gangqing wanted to deceive us and take care of us. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise he would have been blown to pieces by them.


"Why did Gao Xiaoyan attack us?" Zhu Feiyun was puzzled, "We agreed to go to the base city together. We can't deal with alien species in a place. Do we have to attack now?"

"It's not necessarily Gao Xiaoyan," Kuang Wenjun said: "Don't the man with the lightning pattern shaved on his head want to kill the sample when we meet him?"

"Is it possible that we are still involved in factional fighting?" Shangguan Xi glared slightly, "It's not ambiguous at all for one of our own people to kill our own people."

"But I see that those people are very obedient to Gao Xiaoyan. Besides, there are only a few of us. How much impact will a fight have on Gao Xiaoyan and the others? The factional struggle will not involve the training base that was finally built. It is more likely that a third party will take action.

!" Pan Qiao analyzed.

"This is even more unrealistic," Zhu Feiyun disagreed. "W37 Base City has a specially built training base, as well as new weapon research and player secret training content. The possibility of allowing players from other base cities to sneak in is not high. Even if it can,

There is no need to expose yourself just to drive a wedge between a few foreign players and W37."

"It can't be you, right?" Shangguan Xi looked suspiciously at the other people.

"Use your brain. We are also players. We are about to clear the level. Why do we want to kill the samples?" Zhu Feiyun was not satisfied and he was deliberately looking for trouble.

"Who knows, knowing the person but not the heart, it's hard to tell whether he is a real dungeon player." Shangguan Xi squinted his eyes and looked at the few people.

Zhu Feiyun and others looked ugly. At this time, Xu Huo suddenly said, "The sample was still alive when it arrived at the training base. If someone else did something in front of your eyes, shouldn't you first reflect on your own incompetence?"

Several people were speechless. From entering the building to the lounge, the players in the training base kept at least three meters away from the samples, except for about ten seconds in the elevator, but during that time they were all gathered around the cage.

, one should not be unaware of it - there may be many ways to kill the alien species, but one must also fake the illusion that the alien species is alive, and one must have close contact before putting the props in.

The car was silent for a few seconds before Shangguan Xi said: "I would have given them the body if I had known otherwise. Since we can't pass the level anyway, we might as well give us some props!"

Zhu Feiyun sneered: "That's not what you said just now."

"That's my negotiating method. If I can't rank, of course I'll lose a lot. How can I do it without letting them shed some blood!" Shangguan Xi said matter-of-factly, but also regretfully said, "It's a pity that there is nothing left now."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Huo, "Brother Xu, what's the point of snatching this body? Is there something wrong with the body?"

"There's nothing wrong with the body," Xu Huo said expressionlessly, "I just don't want to give it to them."

The expressions of Zhu Feiyun and others were hard to describe. If this were the case, it would be better to change props.

But they couldn't defeat Xu Huo, so they could only hold back if they refused.

Shangguan Xi was very discerning and said with a smile: "Brother Xu is right, even if you throw it away, you won't give it to them, which makes us unable to pass the level. Isn't it an advantage for them to just throw away a few props?"

"We can't leave, but we have to go to the base city anyway, otherwise we'll do something big and kidnap the old mayor and let them redeem him!"

The people in the car were silent again, but Teacher Ai spoke up first, "Are you okay?"

"I'm just kidding, you guys really don't have any sense of humor." Shangguan Xi waved his hand, "It's not like you are really stupid. Who would risk death?"

At this point, it doesn't make much sense to find out who killed the living sample or to find trouble for Gao Xiaoyan and others. Without the third living sample, this copy will definitely be aborted. The question is where to spend the next time.

At least find a place to eat and drink. The food and water they had stored in W37 Base City in the past few days have been consumed a lot.

"I entered the W37 base city as planned." Xu Huo said, "What are your plans?"

Shangguan Xi leaned forward and said, "Brother Xu, what do you want me to do? Why don't I come with you? I have nothing to do anyway."

After saying this, without waiting for Xu Huo's reply, he said to Zhu Feiyun and the others: "You must not come."

Zhu Feiyun also disliked him and said directly: "Everyone goes his own way when we get to the base city!"

It was bad luck for him to meet Xu Huo. The sample in the W19 base city laboratory died inexplicably. He finally sent the second sample, but failed at the last moment. This meant that he had nothing to lose after this trip.

, but he still couldn't go to Xu Huo to claim back the loss of the props.

Two of the other three samples have been removed, and there is one that I haven't encountered along the way. He may have arrived at the W37 base city long ago and there is no hope of clearing the customs. There is really no reason for him to still travel with Xu Huo and the others.

The same goes for Kuang Wenjun and Pan Qiao. They initially compromised with each other to form a team, but now Xu Huo has the upper hand. It is considered a failure to clear the level. There is little point in looking for branch tasks, not to mention Xu Huo's tone of voice.

Knowing what he will do when he arrives at W37 base city, it is safer to separate.

Of course, we can't do it now. We don't know if Gao Xiaoyan will lead someone to catch up in the future. Therefore, before actually arriving at the base city, traveling together is the best choice.

"Let's talk when we get to the base city." Kuang Wenjun said: "Even if you want to go to another base city, you have to replenish water and food first."

"Then we have to go to W37. Base cities are usually closed. How do we get in?" Shangguan Xi lifted Teacher Ai out of the front seat and sat in the passenger seat.

"Didn't you say that W37 is accepting infected people from other places?" Pan Qiao asked: "Can you sneak in?"

"It may not be possible to do what we did just now. It is possible to seal the city gate." Zhu Feiyun said: "After all, this is a city controlled by players. There should be instruments to limit time and space props. I'm afraid I can't enter the city directly."

"We'll talk about it later." Xu Huo asked Teacher Ai to drive, and he walked to the back to handle the alien corpse.

The alien species that had been dead for a while exuded a stinky smell, and there was green liquid flowing out of the mouth and nose. He used a prop to dip some of it in, and confirmed that the virus carried by the alien species was the same as that of the aborigines he had seen in W18 before, so he sealed it with

He put it in his body bag and put it inside the Umbrella of Justice.

Thank you to our reader friend Qianqianjun for killing the reward leader again. He is the second leader in this book. Thank you.

This chapter has been completed!
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