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Chapter 1286 Qi Wu comes to Shanghai

"Qi Wu, take that document..." Dai Chunfeng, who was writing at his desk, said without looking up.

"Secretary, Director Qi is on a business trip." Mao Shun reminded in a low voice from the side.

Dai Chunfeng patted his head. He was used to Qi Wu being around, and he forgot about this for a while.

"Has there been a call from Hong Kong Island?" Dai Chunfeng asked.

"Not yet." Mao Shun shook his head. He carefully observed Dai Chunfeng's face and asked softly, "Or, I'll wait in the secret room."

Dai Chunfeng said nothing and waved his hand.

Mao Shun quickly put down the folder in his hand and exited quietly.

"The British..." Dai Chunfeng thought for a while and snorted coldly.

He was arrested by the British Hong Kong authorities in the past and the scene of his imprisonment was vaguely vivid in his mind. Dai Chunfeng regarded this as a great shame and humiliation.

He was a little worried about Qi Wu.

The British are arrogant and arrogant, especially when most of the country has been lost. The British seem to firmly believe that China will die. They are even more arrogant towards Chongqing personnel on Hong Kong Island and arrest them at every turn.

"Secretary, there's a call from Hong Kong." Mao Shun ran back and handed the telegram he just received to Dai Chunfeng.

"Okay! Great!" Dai Chunfeng took the message and couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the simple sentence "Boss Lin has arrived in Kowloon".

This was the secret telegram agreement between him and Hong Kong District Mayor Lei Yongshi, "Boss Lin has arrived in Kowloon", but what he actually said was that Qi Wu had successfully taken off from Hong Kong Island.

This is the secret word of screening.

"Go and ask Director Wei to come." Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

A quarter of an hour later, Wei Damin, director of the Telecommunications Division, came to the deputy bureau's office.

"Let's generate electricity." Dai Chunfeng handed the message he had just drafted to Wei Damin.

"Yes." Wei Damin took the telegram with a serious expression.

"Chief Feng, there's something going on." Lin Huan exclaimed and said.

Feng Man stepped forward. She picked up the earmuffs and put them on, staring at the dashboard with her beautiful eyes.

"It's our old rival." Feng Man murmured to himself.

"Can you further confirm the location?" she asked Lin Huan.

"Now we can only confirm that it is in the direction of the French Concession. It is difficult to go further." Lin Huan frowned and said, lowering his voice, "The Japanese did not give us the latest detection equipment."

"Okay, don't say anything that hinders unity." Feng Man snorted coldly.

The Japanese are petty in doing things. If they want to use them, they will keep everything on hand.

"You continue to watch here, I will report to Deputy Director Li." Feng Man lowered his head and wrote down the time and detection signal number on the monitoring record, then tore it off and left in a hurry.

"Are you sure it's the radio station of the special situation group?" Li Cuiqun looked at the monitoring record in his hand and asked with a serious expression.

"This radio signal was provided to us by the Japanese, and this signal is what they focus on monitoring." Feng Man said, "The Telecommunications Research Laboratory of the Special High School determined that this signal most likely belongs to the Shanghai Special Situation Group."

After a pause, Feng Man added, "At the very least, it is basically certain that this signal belongs to an important lurking person in Chongqing."

"Can it only be locked in the direction of the French Concession?" Li Cuiqun asked with a frown.

"Yes." Feng Man nodded, "Our telegraph signal monitor is an early product. It is said that the radio signal monitor used by the Extra High School is a more advanced product. Their instrument can be more accurate to a certain area in the French Concession.

And if we continue to approach and capture, we can lock it on a certain street."

"Okay, regarding the monitoring equipment, I will make a request to the Japanese." Li Cuiqun waved his hand and looked at Feng Man, "Chief Feng, based on your understanding of Chongqing, do you think the other party is Shanghai?"

What are the chances of a special case team?"

"70% sure." Feng Man thought for a while and said, "The Su-Shanghai area of ​​the Central Government has been almost wiped out. Only Xu Zhaolin is still absconding. Their radio station has been basically destroyed, and this radio signal has already appeared.

It can’t be something that appeared recently on the Central Unification side.”

"As for the military control of the Shanghai District." Feng Man frowned and thought, "My subordinates have studied the confessions of officers Wang and Chen. It is very unlikely that this radio station came from the Shanghai District."

"Is it possible that it's the Red Party?" Li Cuiqun asked with a frown.

"This..." Feng Man also frowned. She couldn't answer this question. After thinking about it, she continued, "Director, although we cannot rule out the possibility that the radio station is affiliated with the Red Party, I still prefer that it is the Shanghai Special Situation Group.

is more likely.”

Li Cuiqun waved his hand.

Feng Man quietly retreated.

Li Cuiqun glanced at Wan Sanliang, who had been quiet just now, and said, "Captain Wan, what do you think of this matter?"

"Report to the director." Wan Sanliang had obviously been thinking about this matter for a long time. He said in a deep voice, "My subordinates think it is not ruled out that it is a radio station owned by the Red Party."

"Tell me your reasons." Li Cuiqun glanced at Wan Sanliang in surprise and said.

"When my subordinate was still in Shanghai District, Shanghai District seemed to have some contact with the Red Party, and I heard that the Red Party had a secret radio station, and this radio station has been around for a long time." Wan Sanliang said, "Director

I also know those people, they are like rats in the gutter, very tenacious. A secret radio station that can survive successive strangulations by the government, concession authorities and the Japanese must be extraordinary."

"A secret radio station of the Red Party has been around for a long time..." Li Cuiqun glanced at Wan Sanliang and couldn't help but frown, "Why haven't I heard you mention this before?"

"My subordinate had just abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side. What he wanted to do was to try his best to persuade his former colleagues to turn to the bright side, abandon the wrong line in Chongqing, and join Mr. Wang's peaceful movement." Wan Sanliang said with a serious expression, "So my subordinate's attention was focused on Shanghai at that time.

Ou, for a while forgot about the more insidious enemy of the Red Party."

"Is it the radio station of the Shanghai Special Intelligence Group or the secret radio station of the Red Party? After investigation, the truth will eventually come to light." Li Cuiqun thought deeply and said, "I leave this matter to you to investigate."

"Yes." Wan Sanliang said happily. The previous attempt to seduce Cheng Xuyuan failed, which was a great regret for Wan Sanliang, who wanted to use Cheng Xuyuan as a criminal suspect. He was worried that his future at the secret service headquarters would be affected.

Now seeing that Li Cuiqun is still willing to give him a chance and entrust him with important responsibilities, Wan Sanliang is also very excited.

Immediately, he thought for a while and said, "Director, I don't have a suitable candidate on hand."

"All your former subordinates will be returned to you." Li Cuiqun said casually.

After the attempt to trap Cheng Xuyuan failed, Wan Sanliang directly sold his Shanghai District Fourth Operation Brigade, and the entire fifteen members of the Fourth Operation Brigade were taken over by the Secret Service Headquarters.

After several days of interrogation and inducement to surrender, eleven people were finally willing to follow Captain Wan and defect to Mr. Wang, while four others had been executed because they were unwilling to surrender.

"Thank you, director." Wan Sanliang was overjoyed. He complained just to get this result.

However, before Wan Sanliang's happiness could subside, he heard Li Cuiqun say again, "I have arranged for Ziping to cooperate with you. I hope you will have a happy cooperation."

"It's great to have a talent like Secretary Ye to work with." Wan Sanliang looked overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, Director, I will work together with Secretary Ye to achieve success as soon as possible."



Cheng Qianfan threw the small sesame seeds into the air, and then caught them again. This happened several times, and the young master of the Cheng family giggled happily.

Bai Ruolan watched from the sidelines, feeling happy about this scene of family happiness, but also worried, fearing that her husband would slip and fail to catch her son.

"Okay, leave it to your mother." Cheng Qianfan caught Xiao Zhizhi and handed his son to Bai Ruolan, "Look how nervous you are."

Bai Ruolan rolled her eyes at her husband. From the corner of her eye, she saw Zhou Ru pushing the door in from the courtyard, carrying an aluminum lunch box in her hand. She said, "I'm going to play the piano", and then carried Xiaozhizhi to the piano on the second floor.


Xiaozhima likes to listen to Bai Ruolan playing the piano very much. Every time she listens to Bai Ruolan playing the piano, the little guy always falls asleep quickly.

"Mr. Cheng, I just fried the fried fruits this morning. I thought Miss Bao would like to eat them." Zhou Ru opened the aluminum lunch box and put it on the coffee table and said, "Where is Miss Bao, she likes fried fruits the most."

"Xiaobao went to his classmate's house and will be back soon." Cheng Qianfan took a piece of fried fruit, took a bite, and nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad."

Then I took two more, but one fell out.

"Team leader, we're calling from Chongqing." As Zhou Ru spoke, she bent down to pick up the fallen fried fruit and handed it to Cheng Qianfan.

When Cheng Qianfan took it, he knew it was two fried fruits.

"I'm going to the study." Cheng Qianfan squeezed another fried fruit, then stood up and said to Zhou Ru, "You can watch it after Xiaobao comes back later. The fried fruit is delicious, but don't be greedy and eat too much."

"I know." Zhou Ru nodded quickly and responded.

Return to the study.

Cheng Qianfan closed the door and bolted it.

He opened the special fried fruit that Zhou Ru stuffed into his hand and saw the note inside.

Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but smile.

Zhou Ru is very smart.

Putting the note into the fried fruit is indeed a safer method.

The policemen in the French Concession all knew that Zhou Ru was his little cook, and no one would dare to search her identity. Even if they were interrogated, Zhou Ru told him that the aluminum lunch box contained the favorite food cooked for Vice President Cheng's sister.

snacks, and no one dares to touch these fried fruits:

Who in the Central District of the French Concession, or even in the entire French Concession, doesn’t know that ‘Mr. Xiao Cheng’ has a stepsister who is very much loved by ‘Vice President Cheng’, especially by Mrs. Cheng, so they don’t dare to offend her.

Who dares to inspect Miss Bao’s snacks with pickled hands?

The message on the note is a secret message.

Zhou Ru did not master the code book.

This codebook is only in the hands of Cheng Qianfan himself and the Chongqing Bureau headquarters.

Cheng Qianfan quickly translated the code on the note:

Boss Yuan went to Shanghai and Pan Asia via Hong Kong Island today.

Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but look stern.

Boss Yuan is Qi Wu’s code name. This code name is only used by him. If it were used elsewhere, the code name of Boss Yuan would be invalid.

The call meant that Qi Wu had boarded a Citigroup Pan Am flight from Hong Kong Island to Shanghai.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was serious, he was thinking.

What is Qi Wu doing in Shanghai at this moment?

You know, this involves taking great risks.

In this way, since Qi Wu took the risk, there must be something extremely important.

Is it because of the Ren Anning incident?

Cheng Qianfan shook his head slightly.

Is Ren An Ning’s matter important?

Nature is important.

Cryptozoologists like Ren Anning are exactly what the country needs urgently.

However, the matter is not urgent enough that Qi Wu needs to take the risk of coming to Shanghai to handle it. In other words, even if Qi Wu does not come to Shanghai, he still has the ability and authority to handle the matter.

So why did Qi Wu take the risk to come to Shanghai?

Did something happen again in Shanghai District?

This is the most likely reason that Cheng Qianfan subconsciously thought of:

There is nothing going on here with the special situation team. So, the only possibility for us to take such a huge risk to come to Shanghai is that something happened again in the Shanghai District.

Cheng Qianfan couldn't help but frown.

If what he expected was correct, this was the first time that major problems had occurred in Shanghai District?

However, it shouldn't be.

Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette, took a puff, and shook his head.

The Shanghai District had just avoided the arrest of District Secretary Cheng Xuyuan through his covert protection.

It stands to reason that after such a crisis, the Shanghai District will stay dormant and do things cautiously, so it is unlikely that any major problems will arise again.

Cheng Qianfan was puzzled.

He simply stopped thinking too much. Anyway, as long as he met Qi Wu, he would naturally know Qi Wu's intention.

What we have to do now is to safely receive Qi Wu, deal with the tasks that may be brought by Qi Wu, and then safely send the senior out of Shanghai.

Telecommunications Research Laboratory of Special Higher Education Courses.

Nohara Kenji stared at the radio wave monitoring records, his eyes trance-like.

"Chief, what's wrong?" You Gu asked in confusion.

"It shouldn't be." Nohara Kenji said with a frown.

Yougu still didn't understand, but he didn't dare to disturb the room chief's thinking. He just waited aside, ready to listen to instructions at any time.

Suddenly, Kenji Nohara grabbed the radio wave monitoring record, opened the door of the telecommunications laboratory, and hurried towards the section chief's office.

"Is there any problem?" Sanbonjiro looked at the radio wave monitoring records in his hand and asked with a frown.

Ken'er Nohara sighed in his heart. Your Excellency, the Section Chief, is a very smart and cunning officer like a fox. He also respects him very much. However, there is one thing that makes Ken'er Nohara feel quite regretful:

The section chief's understanding, or sensitivity, of radio signals is not as good as that of Chief Kiku.

If Minister Kiku had read this radio wave monitoring record, he would surely have quickly discovered something fishy in it.

"Section Chief, please take a look at the previous monitoring records of this radio signal." Nohara Kenji had to remind him, "Please take a look at this time's radio signal monitoring record."

Sanbonjiro looked deeply at Nohara Kenji.

It is really difficult for him to really like a guy like Nohara Kenji. As a section chief, he does not need to master such professional matters. He only needs the professional in front of him to tell him the answer.

However, Sanbonjiro did not reprimand Nohara Kenji, but carefully looked through the radio wave monitoring records.

"The radio communication duration this time is very short." Sanbonjiro thought carefully and said.

"The section chief finally understands." Kenji Nohara said happily, but he didn't notice the change in Sanbonjiro's face.

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