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Chapter 1287 A plan within a plan

Nohara Kenji saw Sanbonjiro's face turn gloomy, and he was very happy. Although the section chief's reaction was slower, it seemed that the section chief also realized the importance.

"Nohara, please explain in detail." Mibonjiro suppressed his dissatisfaction and said in a deep voice, "I don't know much about this, you are a professional."

"Section Chief, we have been monitoring this radio signal for a long time." Nohara Kenji said, "In the past, when this radio station contacted the outside world, the transmission time was relatively long. In a sense, it could even be called 'unscrupulous'

to describe.”

After thinking for a while and choosing his words, Nohara Kenji said, "This radio station gives me the feeling that they are not worried about being caught by us."

Sanbonjiro nodded slightly and signaled Nohara Kenji to continue.

"Later, after we began to secretly use radio signal positioning equipment, the transmitting frequency and transmitting time of this radio station were reduced." Nohara Kenji said.

"Do you suspect that they already know that we can locate radio signals?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Except for this explanation, there is no other explanation." Nohara Kenji nodded and continued, "In addition, the silence time of this radio station is longer than before."

"The most important thing is-" Kenji Nohara raised his voice, "Today we captured the communication between this radio station and the outside world, and it only had a very short boot time."

He looked at Sanbonjiro, "This is very worthy of attention, because although this radio station has shortened the transmission time before, it has never had such a short transmission time."

"Nohara, based on your experience and expertise, what do you think caused this situation?" Mimotojiro's eyes flashed, and he had a faint guess in his heart. Now he needs the opinions of professionals.


"Although this situation is not common on this radio station, it is actually not too rare among the radio signals we detected." Nohara Kenji said, "The most likely possibility is that they mainly received telegrams this time, and then

Send a confirmation call back as agreed."

"Confirm call back..." Sanbonjiro nodded slightly, this was the same as his guess just now.

"Yes, Section Chief." Kenji Nohara said, "If they just receive telegrams, they don't even need to turn on the phone. They can receive telegrams with just a radio, and then in the extremely short boot time, they will turn on the phone and reply with a confirmation message.


He looked at Sanbonjiro and continued to talk, "This is why we only detected the radio signal for a short period of time this time."

"I understand what you mean." Mimotojiro showed a smile on his face. He looked at Nohara Kenji and said, "The situation you reported is very valuable and you did a good job."

He decided to forgive Kenji Nohara.

Such professionals don't understand the ways of the world, so don't pay too much attention to the unintentional remarks made by the other party just now.

Hearing what Sanbonjiro said, Kenji Nohara breathed a sigh of relief. His words were not in vain, and the section chief finally understood what he meant.

He raised his wrist and looked at the time, then frowned slightly and said, "Search, in order to save time next time, my subordinates should express their conclusions faster."

The smile on Sanbonjiro's face solidified at this moment, and he just looked at Nohara Kenji:

I, am I disliked by this guy Nohara Kenji?

Nohara Kenji saw the section chief waving his hand, and then said goodbye and left. He felt that the section chief was a little emotionally unstable today, probably because he was troubled by something.

Sanbonjiro told himself not to be angry and not to be like Nohara Kenji, a guy who didn't understand etiquette.

However, it was really affected emotionally.

Sanbonjiro lit a cigarette and focused on his work.

The situation mentioned by Nohara Kenji aroused his great attention.

Receive telegrams and call back to confirm.

Under what circumstances is it necessary to turn on the radio and call back for confirmation?

Basically there are two situations:

One is that the other party has issued important tasks and important instructions to Shanghai.

Or they are issuing important notices to Shanghai, such as personnel appointments and dismissals.

Sanbonjiro thought about it carefully, and he further rejected the first possibility.

I have issued an important task or instruction. Do I need a call back for confirmation?

This is unlikely.

Just use the special high-level course to send mission secret messages to important agents hidden everywhere. For security reasons, there is actually no need for the other party to call back for confirmation.

Both parties only need to agree to receive telegram messages regularly at a specific time, so as to ensure that the task is successfully delivered.

So, are there any important personnel appointments?

Sanbonjiro fell into deep thought.

He had an intuition that his analysis and guess was in the right direction, but it seemed to be just a little bit off.

"Have you called back to confirm?" After dinner, Cheng Qianfan found an opportunity to ask Zhou Ru.

"After receiving the telegram, I immediately called back to confirm." Zhou Ru replied, "Lihua."

Cheng Qianfan nodded.

"Pear Blossom" is the secret word of the telegram. The presence of this secret word means that the Chongqing Bureau headquarters requires a call back immediately after receiving the telegram to confirm. They are waiting over there.

Cheng Qianfan also understood the urgency of the bureau headquarters, which was related to Qi Wu's safety. They had to confirm that the special intelligence team had received the telegram before they could rest assured.

Cheng Qianfan made no special arrangements for Qi Wu's upcoming arrival in Shanghai.

In his opinion, everything must be done safely as usual. If there are any adjustments here because Qi Wu is coming, such as urgently sending troops back to the city for protection, etc., it may arouse the enemy's alertness and attention.

It was self-defeating.

Everything is normal and careful, this is the best protection for your team.

Of course, the premise is that there will be no problems on Qiwu's side. If it happens like Sheng Shuyu did last time he came to Shanghai, it will be terrible. His Shanghai special team can no longer afford another setback.

The next day, in the evening.


"Brother Fan, we have further clues." Hao Zai reported to Cheng Qianfan.

"Tell me about it." Cheng Qianfan said.

"There is a new teacher at Qingxin Middle School." Hao Zai said.

"Teaching mathematics?" Cheng Qianfan asked casually.

"No." Hao Zai shook his head, "I teach English."

He took a sip of water and continued, "The information my brothers have gathered is that this person's surname is Xie Guanglin. He returned from studying abroad in Citi and planned to return to his hometown in Fujian. However, he was stranded in Shanghai because of illness, so he was recommended by a friend to temporarily make a living as a substitute teacher.


Returned from studying abroad in Citizen.

Staying sick.

He did not teach mathematics, which he is best at, but he became a substitute English teacher. This seemed to indicate that this person was quite smart and knew how to hide himself. This also seemed to explain the reason why this person was able to hide away these days.

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Cheng Qianfan's mouth.

Even though it all seems so reasonable:

This person is Ren Anning, and there are good reasons for Ren Anning to hide away these days.

However, Cheng Qianfan is now 80% sure that there is something wrong with Ren Anning——

Ever since the news about the suspected Ren Anning came out, clues had come one after another. It felt like there were hands pushing behind him, pushing him to find this person and Ren Anning.

He can't be sure now whether this Ren Anning is really Ren Anning, but there must be something wrong with it.

"Is there any other evidence to support this?" Cheng Qianfan asked again.

"Yes." Hao Zai nodded, "According to your instructions, Brother Fan, through the Taikoo Ship, we found out the registered name of the person. That person's name is Liu Lin. The most important thing is that we found a person in the same cabin.

Passenger, the person recalled, this Liu Lin said he was from Fujian and wanted to return to his hometown in Fujian."

Cheng Qianfan nodded and said to himself, sure enough, the chain of evidence was connected and neat.

"Assign brothers to closely monitor this Xie Guanglin." Cheng Qianfan said, "Be careful."

"Understood." Hao Zai nodded.

Brother Fan understands what he means. Personnel involved with the special situation team must not be used in the entire operation. It must be absolutely clean and leave no hidden dangers.

West Jilaihuoxing Street.

A Shikumen residence.

The wattage of incandescent lamps is very small and the light is dim.

Suddenly, the light bulb went off.

"Is the light bulb broken?" Lei Zhiming asked.

"The power is out." A male voice replied. The man skillfully took out the match box, lit a match and lit the kerosene lamp.

"We found Ren Anning." The man said to Lei Zhiming.

"Really?" Lei Zhiming was overjoyed, "Great, how did you find him? Where is he?"

"Cheng Qianfan's people are looking for Ren Anning. We have comrades who mingled with the helpers of 'Mr. Little Cheng' and successfully found Ren Anning through their help." The man said, "Mr. Ren is now using the name Xie Guanglin.

His pseudonym is temporarily residing in Qingxin Middle School to teach English as a substitute.”

"Comrade Qipeng, are you sure that this person is Ren Anning?" Lei Zhiming asked seriously.

"From the feedback from Cheng Qianfan and what we know from the side, this Teacher Xie should be Mr. Ren Anning who returned from Citi Country." Hong Qipeng said, "However, for safety reasons, I think it is necessary to confirm

one time."

"What do you mean by the Student Working Committee?" Lei Zhiming asked with a serious expression.

"The organization plans to send a comrade to directly contact Xie Guanglin to confirm whether he is Ren Anning." Hong Qipeng said.

"I object." Lei Zhiming shook his head, his expression very serious, "This kind of direct contact is too risky, I object."

"Time is urgent." Hong Qipeng said, "The organizational meaning is to cut through the mess quickly, quickly determine Ren Anning's identity, and strive to gain Mr. Ren's trust..."

Lei Zhiming understood the attitude of the Shanghai Local Academic Working Committee. They wanted to seize time. They wanted to get the cryptography expert here before Chongqing did.

"I recognize the work enthusiasm and determination of the comrades of the Academic Working Committee." Lei Zhiming said seriously, "However, I still think that direct contact is a bit risky."

He made a gesture to signal the comrades in front of him not to interrupt him. He continued, "You must know that we are not only looking for Ren Anning, but also people from Cheng Qianfan and people from Chongqing. According to the information we have,

In addition to the Japanese, No. 76 is also searching for Mr. Ren Anning."

"Is No. 76 also involved in this matter?" Hong Qipeng said, his expression becoming serious and nervous.

"Yes." Lei Zhiming nodded, "The French Concession Patrol Officer Zhao Shuli's men are also secretly searching for Ren Anning. According to the information we have, this person should have secretly defected to No. 76."

His expression was serious, "In addition, the one-eared subordinate of No. 76 seems to be doing something as well."

"Cao Yu?" Hong Qipeng asked immediately.

One ear of No. 76 was a very typical feature, and he immediately remembered who this person was.

Lei Zhiming nodded, "So, we have to be extra careful."

He said to Hong Qipeng, "Even if it is not certain whether No. 76 and the Japanese have also tracked Xie Guanglin, it is already a fact that Cheng Qianfan's people have found Xie Guanglin. With this person's connection with the Japanese, we have

There are reasons to believe that Cheng Qianfan may be helping the Japanese find him, so this means that the Japanese have also found Xie Guanglin."

Lei Zhiming's expression was serious, "Comrade Qipeng, the struggle situation is very serious, we must not be careless in the slightest."

"It is precisely because of the serious situation that we should gain Xie Guanglin's trust faster and escape before the enemy captures him." Hong Qipeng said, paused, and said with a serious expression, "Mr. Ren gave up the generous living and working environment of Citigroup.

He resolutely returned to China to join the anti-Japanese cause, and now he is in danger. How can we Red Party members ignore him and watch him fall into the clutches of the enemy?"

"Comrade, I know the dangers you mentioned, but what do we do that is not risky? It is precisely because of the danger that we need to do it." He paused and said, "This is what I want to express to the organization.

The suggestions put forward are also the decisions of the Academic Affairs Committee.”

Lei Zhiming's eyes were fixed on Hong Qipeng, and he understood what the comrade in front of him meant.

Hong Qipeng planned to contact Xie Guanglin in person.

"Absolutely not!" Lei Zhiming said flatly, "I object."

He waved his hand vigorously, "I firmly oppose it!"

"Section Chief, my subordinates suspect that this person is Ren Anning we are looking for." Cheng Qianfan handed a piece of paper to Sanbonjiro with both hands.

"Xie Guanglin? Qingxin Middle School, English teacher?" Sanbonjiro glanced at the intelligence 'file', "Are you sure?"

"There is an 80% chance." Cheng Qianfan thought, "If possible, my subordinate means to arrest him secretly and interrogate him for confirmation."

"Do as you wish." Sanbonjiro rubbed his temples and said, "Once it is confirmed that it is Ren Anning, he will be executed on the spot."

"Hai." Cheng Qianfan said without hesitation, then he thought for a moment and asked, "Section Chief, when will I notify Zheng Weilong that I have found Ren Anning?"

He looked thoughtful, "Should I reveal the clues about Ren Anning first, or should I directly tell them that I found Ren Anning?"

"Tell me about your considerations." Sanbonjiro said calmly.

"You two, come here!" Sanami Umezu pointed at the two passengers who had just gotten off the plane and said sternly.

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