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Chapter 220 Qi Wu comes to Shanghai (monthly ticket)

Perhaps it was because the floor of the academic building had just been cleaned, Cheng Min slipped, staggered, and almost fell.

"Cheng, are you okay?" Alice supported Cheng Min and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Cheng Min forced a smile, "Is Mr. Xu here?"

"The principal is here, do you have something to do with her?" Alice asked.

In the principal's office, Xu Zheng heard voices outside and asked, "Is it Xiao Cheng? Please ask her to come in."

Xu Zheng is the principal of the Chinese and Western Girls' School, a respectable female gentleman.

The Chinese and Western Girls' School was originally a missionary school. It has always been focused on teaching Western culture. The textbooks have always been in English and most of the teachers are Americans.

Xu Zheng became provost four years ago and was promoted to president this year.

During his tenure, Mr. Xue advocated strengthening Chinese teaching, improving students' Chinese proficiency, and hiring Chinese teachers to teach Chinese history and geography.

They even organized girls' school students to rehearse the patriotic drama "A Heart of Patriotism".

In order to gain more autonomy in education, Xu Zheng also specially hired seven Chinese teachers to form a school political committee, which to a certain extent resisted the control of American consultants.

"Mr. Xu." Cheng Min bowed politely to Xu Zheng.

"What's wrong? You look so bad." Xu Zheng frowned, asked with surprise and concern, and motioned for Cheng Min to sit down and talk.

"I'm not feeling well, so I came to see the principal and planned to take two days off." Cheng Min showed an embarrassed expression.

"I've approved your request for leave. I will arrange for Teacher Lu to take your place in your class." Xu Zheng said, "Go to the hospital and pay more attention to rest."

"Thank you, Mr. Xu." Cheng Min glanced at the thick pile of documents on Xu Zheng's desk and stood up to leave.

When he saw Cheng Min getting up from his seat, his face turned pale, his body swayed, and he asked worriedly, "Do you want me to ask Alice to accompany you to the hospital?"

"Don't bother, Mr. Xu, I will pay attention."

After leaving the academic building, Cheng Min walked towards the school entrance. Along the way, she encountered colleagues and classmates saying hello. She smiled and nodded in response.

"Rickshaw." Cheng Min waved.

Zhongxi Girls' School is a famous school in Shanghai. Mrs. Sun's three sisters all studied at Zhongxi Girls' School. Most of the female students are young ladies from well-off families. There are often rickshaws waiting at the school gate.

Moreover, the rickshaws here are very clean, even the carports are clean, and the rickshaw drivers are also cleanly dressed.

After getting on the rickshaw, Cheng Min named a place and threw his body on the seat. He seemed to have lost all his strength.

I pulled up the carport, covered my cheeks with a beautiful sunhat, and couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Brother." Cheng Min's heart ached terribly.


Cheng Qianfan's hands were already handcuffed.

He was gathered in an open space with other young men in the truck.

After being basked in the bright sun for nearly an hour, some young people with weak bodies began to feel dizzy.

At this moment, another military truck drove up and stopped.

"get off."

"hurry up!"

Cheng Qianfan turned around and saw five or six young women who looked like female students being driven out of the car.

There was a female student who was limping when she got off the bus and seemed to have been beaten.

Cheng Qianfan remained silent and watched with cold eyes.

He would do whatever the guarding soldiers asked them to do.

He didn't talk to others, and he didn't respond to the looks others gave him.

"Follow me, walk faster." The guarding soldier roared rudely and fiercely, gesturing for everyone to follow. Those who walked slowly would be hit with the butts of their rifles.

Cheng Qianfan was extremely well-behaved, walking with the large army, but secretly observing the others and keeping all the details in his mind.

In a two-story building not far away, someone was also observing him.

"Director Qi, I arrested your people by mistake. I hope it didn't affect your actions, and I hope Haihan will." Liang Fangshu, the inspector general of the Songhu Garrison Command, said with a smile.

"It's just a misunderstanding. This operation successfully prevented the red party's demagoguery. I would also like to thank Inspector Liang for his full cooperation."

"Yes, this person?"

"Let him be locked up with the others first. Everything will be as usual. I will see him in the torture room."

"No problem." Liang Fangshu seemed unwilling to spend more time with the people from the Secret Service, so he made an excuse and left.

After Liang Fangshu left, Qi Wu said to the young man beside him who had been silent, "Shu Yu, what do you think of this person?"

"Very calm." Sheng Shuyu said, "When he was mistakenly arrested, he responded promptly and behaved like a confused and scared student."

"After being arrested, I tried my best to hide myself from the attention of people around me and avoid leaving an impression on those around me." Sheng Shuyu praised, "If we hadn't been paying attention to him, he would have been inconspicuous among this group of people.


"Oh?" Qi Wu said with a smile, "Sheng Shuyu, who has always been proud of you, thinks very highly of him."

"Even if Shuyu encounters this incident, he can't do any better." Sheng Shuyu said with a serious expression, "Many of our comrades, if they encounter such a thing, most of them will reveal their identities to the military and police as soon as possible.

To protect yourself, few people can be so calm."

Qi Wu nodded, if the 'Blue Bird' revealed his identity to the military police after being captured by the military police, the 'Blue Bird' would be useless!

The most correct thing to do is to do it now.

"When do you think he will inform the military police of his identity and seek self-rescue?" Qi Wu asked.

"He should not tell the military police that he would only reveal his identity in a timely manner after entering the torture room alone. With his ability, he should be able to make the most correct decision." Sheng Shuyu said with a smile.

Qi Wu smiled while stroking his hands. He admired Sheng Shuyu very much. He was an extremely proud young man. Qi Wu was very happy that "Blue Bird" could be praised by Sheng Shuyu in this way.

Without him, he admired Sheng Shuyu, but although Sheng Shuyu was young, he had considerable qualifications and abilities, so it was extremely difficult for him to become his confidant.

And 'Blue Bird' is a fellow student from Jiangshan. He is only one year younger than Sheng Shuyu, but his qualifications are much less.

"Wake me up in an hour." Qi Wu said calmly and went directly to the lounge inside.

"As commanded."

Seeing Qi Wu leave, Sheng Shuyu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't like Qi Wu. He felt like a poisonous snake. You never know where and when it will suddenly bite you.

Sitting on a chair, drinking tea slowly, Sheng Shuyu couldn't help but smile when he thought of the unlucky guy who was "accidentally caught" today.

After receiving a secret report, the Shanghai Red Party's Academic Working Committee planned to organize students to rush to Nanjing to 'parade' and cause trouble during the informal meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang.

Virgo took this matter very seriously, and Qi Wu happened to be coming to Shanghai to meet the 'Blue Bird', so he arranged for him to handle the matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them stepped out of the platform, they saw military police arresting people.

At that time, Qi Wu was surprised to see that Qingniao, who was disguised and performing a mission at the train station, was mistakenly arrested by the military police, and he couldn't help laughing.

Yes, Cheng Qianfan was performing a mission when he appeared at the train station. He had reported it to Hangzhou and Nanjing.

Qi Wu came to Shanghai precisely because Cheng Qianfan had reported this information via telegram, but there seemed to be something wrong with the radio station on the 'Blue Bird' side. The Nanjing side had not been able to contact the 'Blue Bird', and had not been able to communicate with the 'Blue Bird' in advance.


Unexpectedly, they saw something like this just after leaving the station. When they saw the clothes of the other arrested people, Qi Wu and Sheng Shuyu understood it and almost couldn't help laughing.

"This unlucky guy." Sheng Shuyu heard Qi Wu curse with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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