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Chapter 221 Singing, Crying Monthly Ticket)

 Seeing Qi Wu leave, Sheng Shuyu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't like Qi Wu. He felt like a poisonous snake. You never know where and when it will suddenly bite you.

Sitting on a chair, drinking tea slowly, Sheng Shuyu couldn't help but smile when he thought of the unlucky guy who was "accidentally caught" today.

After receiving a secret report, the Shanghai Red Party's Academic Working Committee planned to organize students to rush to Nanjing to 'parade' and cause trouble during the informal meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang.

Virgo took this matter very seriously, and Qi Wu happened to be coming to Shanghai to meet the 'Blue Bird', so he arranged for him to handle the matter.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them stepped out of the platform, they saw military police arresting people.

At that time, Qi Wu was surprised to see that Qingniao, who was disguised and performing a mission at the train station, was mistakenly arrested by the military police, and he couldn't help laughing.

Yes, Cheng Qianfan was performing a mission when he appeared at the train station. He had reported it to Hangzhou and Nanjing.

Qi Wu came to Shanghai precisely because Cheng Qianfan had reported this information via telegram, but there seemed to be something wrong with the radio station on the 'Blue Bird' side. The Nanjing side had not been able to contact the 'Blue Bird', and had not been able to communicate with the 'Blue Bird' in advance.


Unexpectedly, they saw something like this just after leaving the station. When they saw the clothes of the other arrested people, Qi Wu and Sheng Shuyu understood it and almost couldn't help laughing.

"This unlucky guy." Sheng Shuyu heard Qi Wu curse with a smile.

"Inspector, how should we deal with these students? Are we still following the old rules?" Someone came to ask Liang Fangshu for instructions.

The old rule is to interrogate and torture them one by one, and go through them first before talking about them.

Liang Fangshu had a headache and rubbed his temples.

If these people are Red Party members, they will inevitably be tortured if they are caught.

However, according to the information available, it is extremely unlikely that these people are members of the Red Party. They are basically "ignorant young students" who have been bewitched by the Red Party.

He just looked through the information provided by the insider. These students generally come from the two institutions of higher learning, National Tongji University and National Fudan University.

If students are tortured excessively, it will inevitably lead to protests and troubles from the school.

Of course, the most important thing is that according to the current situation, the purpose of these students' rally is to promote anti-Japanese resistance, and there is no mention of "overthrowing the Kuomintang reactionaries."

"They are all ignorant students." Liang Fangshu waved his hand, "Don't torture them yet, take them to the prison for a tour, and then find a clean cell to hold them in."

"Understood." The visitor nodded, wanting to give these stupid young men a lesson.

Most of them were stupid people who had never seen a truly cruel scene. After opening their eyes, they were probably scared.

Although the arrested students are arranged to "visit" the prison, it is impossible to have contact with the felon area.

This is because the families of many prisoners in the serious criminal area do not know they are here, and the national government has always denied that these people were arrested.

Most of the people in the felon area, their names are just cold numbers, and they will disappear silently one day, and no one will know that they have sacrificed.

The main areas that can be 'visited' are the general prisoner areas.

Most of these were publicly arrested prisoners with well-documented evidence, and the government could not deny the fact of the arrests.

Cheng Qianfan was surprised. He did not expect that he would be eligible for a "one-day trip" to Longhua Prison after being arrested this time.

His expression was frightened.

Mixed among the students, under the dim prison lights, walking in the slippery narrow passages that exuded a rancid smell, one could see the conditions in the prisons on both sides.

The unkempt ‘prisoner’.

The bloody ‘prisoner’.

Some of the students did not dare to look, some looked at it all with sad and angry expressions, and some were so scared that their legs weakened.

Cheng Qianfan acted a little scared and looked at everything secretly.

The 'prisoners' in the prison were also surprised.

At first they couldn't figure out what the enemy was up to and why such a group of students appeared.

However, soon, everyone who had rich experience in fighting the enemy understood the enemy's intentions.

This should be a group of passionate students who were captured by the enemy. The enemy wanted to use this method to make these young people afraid and destroy their fighting spirit.

"Comrades, we must not let the enemy's tricks succeed."

"Show these boys and girls our power!"

Similar words were conveyed covertly in prison.

Suddenly, amidst the sound of clanging iron chains, a slight singing voice began to appear.

Gradually, the singing became louder and louder.

Passionate and loud.

"Arise, you hungry and cold slave!"

"Arise, you wretches of the world!"

"The blood in my heart has boiled, and I must fight for the truth!"

The song soon resounded throughout the 'ordinary' prison area, like a bolt of lightning that fell into the dull, suffocating, and depressing night, roaring and igniting the night sky!

The high-pitched singing voice, like a war drum, beats in everyone's heart.

"The old world is in ruins!"

"Slaves! Get up! Get up!"

Cheng Qianfan's expression was still slightly timid, but his heart was singing loudly. He was deeply shocked by the strong fighting spirit of these comrades who were in prison, tortured and persecuted by the enemy.

He tried his best to suppress his emotions.

He even showed a slight expression of disgust under the deliberately timid expression.

He was observing the students around him.

Cheng Qianfan saw an infected student in front of him and was about to sing along.

He was extremely anxious, but he couldn't make any moves, let alone cause any accidents to damage this person's singing.

At this moment, a classmate next to the student grabbed him and signaled with his eyes: "You can't sing!"

"No singing!" the guard yelled hurriedly.

"Shut up!"

"Anyone who sings will be shot immediately!"

The guards' roars and threats seemed to have an effect, and the singing soon stopped.

Cheng Qianfan understood that this was not because the "prisoners" were afraid, but because some leaders were aware of Cheng Qianfan's worries just now and could not do bad things with good intentions. Instead, they would help the enemy to screen them.

Cheng Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

At the same time, he had some regrets.

It is very rare to have the opportunity to 'visit' Longhua Prison.

At first, he thought that this was an opportunity to observe in secret and find information about Comrade Ge Cuimin.

However, Cheng Qianfan immediately realized that this possibility did not exist.

Ge Cuimin is a "felon criminal". The enemy still refuses to admit that they captured Ge Cuimin. It is impossible for her to appear here.

Just walking along the road, Cheng Qianfan glanced over and saw some familiar faces.

These are all ‘criminals’ arrested by the national government’s special military police in public places.

This also made him speculate about the nature of this prison area.

This chapter has been completed!
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