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Excellent product, thanks to all my friends

 Good news to everyone, we finally got the premium badge.

This is not only an honor for the author, but also a great honor for all readers.

Anyone who is familiar with the author knows that I have been writing books on sports for more than ten years.

This is the first time to change the category, and it is the spy game category which is the least popular among the least popular.

It can be said that from the first chapter of publishing the book, I was filled with trepidation.

Changing the category is equivalent to starting over from scratch, especially for an author like me who has been away from the familiar category for more than ten years.

It can be described as being sleepless at night. I want to think about every chapter and every plot a dozen times for fear of not writing it well.

There was also confusion in the middle.

It’s everyone, everyone’s support and encouragement that has accompanied me through this period of time.

This book has an ill-fated fate. I have been waiting for Sanjiang to be released for more than three months. In the end, due to various reasons, I still did not wait. It was released on March 14th and will be on the shelves on June 18th.

When it was put on the shelves, there were only 10,000 collections.

On the day it was released, I was extremely nervous.

Finally, I placed the first order of 1,200 yuan, and I can say that I breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is not an outstanding result, for me who changed categories, this result is qualified.

In the days that followed, I felt even more support and love from everyone.

The editor boss was also very helpful and gave good recommendations later on.

From the collection of 10,000 on the shelves, the first order of 1,200, to the collection of nearly 30,000 now, excellent quality.

It is because of everyone’s support and companionship that we are where we are today.

Thanks to all my friends who have supported me all the way, and to editor LaTiao for his great help.

A high-quality product is not the end point. I will continue to work hard and conceive the plot carefully. I am grateful to all my friends for their support.

Spy plots are a bit laborious to conceive, lest logical errors occur, and the coding speed has always been a shortcoming. I hope everyone understands that I will try my best to update as much as possible while ensuring quality.

Thanks to boss [Yue Lishao] for the generous reward from the leader this morning.

Thanks to [777 Mist Wind 777] for the 100 starting coins, and [Muzi Knife] for the 100 starting coins.

Thank you so much to all readers who subscribed, voted, and tipped.

Now I will report more debts. I still owe:

[Uncle Loves Traveling] The leader adds 2 chapters;

[I can’t blow the evening breeze you blow] The leader adds chapter 6;

[[Yue Lishao]] Alliance leader adds 6 more chapters;

[Samui Wind] The leader adds 2 more chapters;

【777 Mist Wind 777】Dharma Protector adds 1 more chapter;

【Who is Wang Xiaoer】1 additional chapter of the Dharma Protector;

I still owe 2 chapters under the guarantee.

The total is 20 chapters of debt.

If there are any statistical omissions, I hope you will correct them in time and I will add them to the notebook.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your subscriptions, votes, rewards, and friends who have supported me along the way.

Please subscribe again. Authors need to eat and support their families. Subscriptions are the author’s source of income.

I will update more while ensuring the quality, and I am grateful for all the great support.

I'm touched by everyone's support, author, and I hope this book can achieve further success.

This also means that the quality of the work is guaranteed and worthy of everyone's support.

Thank you.

This chapter has been completed!
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