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Chapter 308 There is evidence (please vote for me)

 Back at Doug Clinic, Wang Kangnian still couldn't calm down.

He chose to use the method he was most familiar with to relieve his emotions.

Soon, a foreign lady's dog completed a huge change in its life.

Looking at the round objects in the tray, Wang Kangnian, who had completed a minor operation, felt much calmer.

Immediately, he called an acquaintance in the French Concession to inquire about the progress of Liu Bo's extradition.

The other party asked him to rest assured that the French Concession had agreed to extradite Liu Bo, and there would be no change in the matter itself.

"It's just that everything is done according to procedures." The person said, "Brother, the French procrastinate in doing things, which is just as procrastinating as the Chinese, you know."

"Chief Wei, please help me with this. What do the French know? You are not the one doing the work." Wang Kangnian complimented.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Section Chief Wei said with a haha.

Damn French bureaucracy!

And this greedy bastard!

After hanging up the phone, Wang Kangnian cursed angrily.

He stood on the windowsill and smoked a cigarette.

"Come here." Wang Kangnian shouted.

"Team leader." Bai Pang, who was guarding the door, immediately opened the door and came in.

"Prepare the car, I want to go out." Wang Kangnian said.


The car drives in the night.

Wang Kangnian glanced at Bai Pang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looking at the surroundings vigilantly, and nodded with satisfaction.

Wang Kangnian casually chatted with Bai Pang for a few words, asking how Bai Pang's family members were living, and whether they had any difficulties.

Bai Pang was so excited that he was incoherent when he saw that the team leader cared so much about him.

He quickly said that he had no difficulties at home and that thanks to the party and the state, everything was fine.

Wang Kangnian was very satisfied with Bai Pang's reaction and closed his eyes to rest.

Bai Pang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also breathed a sigh of relief. He was well aware of the team leader's "smiling tiger" nature.

His partner Xiao Ou is a lesson learned from the past:

A month ago, the team leader enthusiastically asked Xiao Ou how things were going at home and whether he had any difficulties.

Naturally, Xiao Ou expressed his bitterness and said that the family was almost in trouble.

When the team leader heard this, he smiled and said that there was a very important task with generous bonuses and high subsidies, which needed party-state elites like Xiao Ou to complete.

In this way, Xiao Ou was arranged to join the student ranks as a progressive young student and embarked on a journey to the northwest headquarters of the Red Party...

"Team leader, we're here, can you look at this place?" Bai Pang asked, pointing to a house.

Wang Kangnian rolled down the window and looked around, confirming that it was Cao Yu's residence.

"You get out of the car with me." Wang Kangnian pointed at Bai Pang and then at the driver, "You stay in the car and stay vigilant."

Araki Harima is Sanbonjiro’s absolute confidant brought over from Hangzhou.

Obeying Sanbonjiro's orders is a belief engraved in Araki Harima's bones.

As soon as Sanbonjiro finished speaking, Araki Harima grinned and took the soldering iron and burned it on Cao Yu's shoulder.

Cao Yu screamed in pain and passed out.

Then, Araki Harima poured a basin of cold water on Cao Yu's face, and the heat and burnt smell immediately filled the entire interrogation room.

Cao Yu woke up, panting heavily, and his whole body was extremely weak.

Araki Harima grabbed Cao Yu's hair and roared ferociously, "Now, answer honestly, if you lie again, I will kill you!"

Cao Yu's eyes were dull, and he nodded almost subconsciously, "Don't dare! Don't dare! Don't dare!!!"

"You just said that Liu Bo, the former patrolman in the patrol room, was an important agent of the Red Party, 'Yishang'?" Sanbonjiro asked slowly.

"Yes, Liu Bo's real name is Yu Chang, and he is the ace agent of the Special Branch of the Red Party, codenamed 'Yuchang'."

"Fish intestines? Fish intestines?" Sanbonjiro was a little dizzy.

"The name is Yu Chang, the extra Yu means the joyful Chang." Cao Yu breathed heavily, "The code name is Yuchang, the Fishchang of the Yuchang Sword."

Sanbonjiro frowned and glanced at Cao Yu, "I still have some doubts, what should I do?"

When Araki Harima heard this, he immediately picked up the whip and whipped it hard.


Cao Yu screamed repeatedly.

Sanbonjiro waved his hand, and Araki Harima stopped.

Sanbonjiro stared into Cao Yu's eyes and asked, "Liu Bo is the Red Party's ace agent Yu Chang? Are you sure?"

"No, I lied. No, Liu Bo is not a 'fish intestine'." Cao Yu shouted quickly.

"This man is very cunning, beat him." Sanbonjiro said coldly.

Araki Harima laughed evilly, picked up the red soldering iron from the charcoal stove, and looked at Cao Yu with evil intentions, as if he was looking for where to start this time.

Cao Yu struggled hard and started wailing, wailing, "I confessed everything, but you hit me without waiting for me to speak. I confessed. You hit me, and I said yes. You hit me, and I said yes."

If you say no, you will still beat me. Tell me, what exactly do you want me to say?"

As he spoke, he cried miserably.

He couldn't stand it anymore and almost collapsed emotionally.

Sanbonjiro had a verbal exchange with Araki Harima about the current situation.

The two communicated in Japanese.

"Araki, do you think this person is telling the truth?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"I don't believe him." Araki Harima said.

"What's the reason?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Based on my experience, those who easily confess, those whose confessions are inconsistent, and those who are suspected of changing their confessions are the most cunning opponents." Araki Harima expressed his judgment.

Hearing this, Sanbonjiro didn't say anything. His cold eyes stared at Cao Yu, who was already scarred not far away.

Seeing Sanbonjiro's sinister gaze, Cao Yu trembled with fright.

Sanbonjiro smiled contemptuously.

He was inclined to believe that the Chinese man was telling the truth.

Sanbonjiro had previously worked in the Manchuria Railway Investigation Department and had extensive experience in interrogating Chinese resistance elements.

It's not like Cao Yu is just pretending.

This is a real softie.

This kind of cowardice cannot be faked.

In addition, Mimoto Jiro has experience in dealing with agents from the Party Investigation Division. Compared with the people from the Secret Service, the people from the Party Investigation Division are indeed very weak.

Cao Yu's performance was in line with his impression of the agents of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Of course, this is only Sanbonjiro's judgment. He is willing to believe in his own judgment, but he will never be blinded by his own judgment.

Whether it is true or false depends on the investigation results.

However, now he plans to consider it based on the belief that what Cao Yu said is the truth.

Of course, he believes that what Cao Yu said is true, which does not mean that he believes that the information Cao Yu said is true, but that he believes in Cao Yu's attitude of telling the truth.

Regarding this matter specifically, Cao Yu said that Liu Bo was the ace agent of the Special Branch of the Red Party.

He temporarily believed that Cao Yu's words were true, which meant that Cao Yu did not lie. However, this was only the situation that Cao Yu had grasped, or that others were willing to let Cao Yu know.

However, this does not mean that the information is true.

Previously, Seto Uchigawa had analyzed Cao Yu’s visit to prison and contact with him:

Seto Uchigawa analyzed that it was most likely that Cao Yu was suspected by the Red Party and deliberately arranged for Cao Yu to visit him and tested him with false information.

"Did your superior, Zhou Hongsu, tell you that Liu Bo is the red party's ace agent 'Yuchang'?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"No." Cao Yu said, then he saw Sanbonjiro's unkind eyes and quickly explained, "Zhou Hongsu just told me that Liu Bo's real name is Yu Chang."

"Yu Chang is the Red Party agent codenamed 'Yuchang'. This is Wang Kangnian's analysis and judgment." Cao Yu said hurriedly.

Sanbonjiro fell into thinking, and he quickly figured out the clues:

The Red Party suspected Cao Yu and deliberately set a trap.

The Red Party deliberately said that Liu Bo's real name was Yu Chang.

They knew that this name would arouse the alert of the Party Affairs Investigation Office, and the national government would immediately link Yu Chang to "fish intestines."

In this way, Liu Bo was mistaken for an ace agent of the Red Party, and the Party Affairs Investigation Office would submit an extradition request to the French Concession.

Liu Bo is a prisoner serving his sentence. There has never been a precedent in the French Concession for a sentenced prisoner to be extradited to the government. Therefore, this abnormal behavior was reported to the Red Party, who immediately concluded that Cao Yu had leaked Liu Bo's true identity.


In this way, the fact that Liu Bo is a national agent is established.

Sanbonjiro was already seventy-eight percent sure that the facts were exactly as he had guessed.

At the same time, he also expressed his appreciation for Seto Uchigawa's ability. This subordinate, who was still imprisoned in the French Concession Target Range Prison, had already analyzed and judged this possibility.

Seeing that Jiro Sanbon was still deep in thought, Cao Yu was frightened. He was afraid that the Japanese officer would not believe him, so he said loudly, "I have evidence, I have evidence."

"What evidence?" Sanbonjiro asked.

"Liu Bo admitted that he is a 'fish intestine'!" Cao Yu shouted loudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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