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Chapter 455 Liu Bo’s work arrangements

 "Liu Bo cannot stay in Shanghai." Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

The Eighth Office in Shanghai has two considerations for Liu Bo's follow-up arrangements. One is to stay in Shanghai secretly, join the Eighth Office as an international revolutionary comrade, and be responsible for anti-war propaganda work for Japanese soldiers.

One is to leave Shanghai. The specific transfer destination has not yet been determined, but we must leave Shanghai——

In view of the possibility of Shanghai falling, it is extremely dangerous for Liu Bo and his family to stay in Shanghai and must be relocated.

Some comrades support the first option, believing that it can maximize Liu Bo's anti-Japanese and anti-war propaganda role.

Some comrades expressed opposition and believed that the safety of Liu Bo and his family should be given priority.

Peng and Ou met in secret with Cheng Qianfan to discuss Liu Bo's arrangements.

Cheng Qianfan clearly supports the second option.

"The Japanese hate betrayers extremely, especially those like Liu Bo who are Japanese themselves." Cheng Qianfan said, "In our view, Liu Bo is a Japanese comrade with a conscience who has returned from his lost ways. However, in the eyes of the Japanese

, he is the betrayer."

"It can be said that Japan, especially the Shanghai Special Higher Education School, is determined to kill Liu Bo. Liu Bo and his family will definitely not be spared if they stay in Shanghai." Cheng Qianfan said with a serious expression.

He looked at Peng Yuou and continued, "Since I am relatively familiar with Liu Bo, the Special High School may even arrange for me to be responsible for getting rid of Liu Bo, which will cause me great trouble."

Peng Yuou took a puff of cigarette and nodded. He understood what Cheng Qianfan meant.

The Japanese hate Liu Bo extremely and must get rid of him.

And once Cheng Qianfan's guess comes true, Sanbonjiro indeed arranges for him to get rid of Liu Bo, which will put Cheng Qianfan into a dilemma.

It is naturally impossible to remove Liu Bo according to the order of the Special High School.

Cheng Qianfan not only cannot kill Liu Bo, but also needs to find a way to secretly help Liu Bo and his family escape Shanghai.

However, if Liu Bo escapes under Cheng Qianfan's nose, this will inevitably cause Cheng Qianfan to lose points with Sanbonjiro and be marginalized.

Therefore, the best plan is for Liu Bo and his family to leave Shanghai as soon as possible.

"What's Liu Bo's personal opinion?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Liu Bo said that if conditions permit, he would like to go to Yanzhou in the northwest." Peng Yuou said.

Cheng Qianfan was slightly shocked, but he didn't expect Liu Bo to propose going to Yanzhou.

However, after thinking about it, he was not so surprised. After understanding Liu Bo's thoughts and the process of political changes, Rao Shi still found it amazing. However, Cheng Qianfan had to admit that Liu Bo could already be regarded as a red man.

A soldier, at least in terms of theoretical knowledge, Liu Bo studied it more thoroughly and understood it more deeply than some of our party members.

Of course, this does not mean that the red literacy of these party members is not as good as that of Liu Bo. This is because many members of our party have poor backgrounds, and many are even illiterate. They do not understand many theories. They only know that redism is for the common people.

Yes, the Red Revolution is to build a new China without exploitation and oppression, so that future generations will not be enslaved, and for the Chinese people to stand up and live happily, they are willing to sacrifice their lives and shed blood for this!

It is understandable that Liu Bo, who is highly educated in red theory, is eager to visit the red capital.

"What is the organizational decision?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"I personally tend to agree with Liu Bo's temporary departure from Shanghai." Peng Yuou said, "Comrade 'Farmer' called and suggested that we arrange for Liu Bo and his family to go to Wuhan first."

"Wuhan?" Cheng Qianfan thought for a moment and nodded, "Wuhan is also a good choice."

At this stage, it is not easy to go from Shanghai to Yanzhou in the northwest. Although the National Red Party has cooperated for the second time, the national government has set up checkpoints near the northwest headquarters of the Red Party to prevent patriotic young people from entering Yanzhou.

Going to Wuhan first, and then finding a way to go to Yanzhou from Wuhan is the most realistic route and plan.

However, Peng and Ou actually did not mention to Cheng Qianfan the real reason for arranging for Liu Bo's family to go to Wuhan.

The headquarters has reached a preliminary consensus with the Kuomintang Party on the reorganization of the red armed forces in the eight southern provinces into the new Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

'Mr. Miao', who was recovering from his injuries in Shanghai, couldn't stay any longer and insisted on returning to the army.

Peng and Ou wanted to persuade "Mr. Miao" to take good care of himself before returning to the army.

However, one sentence from "Mr. Miao" left Peng Yuou speechless. What "Mr. Miao" said was: He couldn't trust Chang Kaishen! At this time, he must be with his troops.

For this reason, Peng and Ou had no reason to persuade them anymore.

In fact, although he supported and approved the second cooperation between the National Red Army and the Red Army to fight the war together, he was still wary of Chang Kaishen.

For the comrades in the southern red guerrilla zones, the process of negotiating and reorganizing with the Kuomintang local authorities can be described as an extremely painful and fierce ideological struggle process for the red guerrilla armed forces.

The red guerrillas fought bloody battles with the Kuomintang reactionaries for ten years, going through many hardships and dangers, and it can be said that they forged a bloody feud.

Therefore, for the change from anomaly to joint normality.

Stop attacking the local tyrants and start uniting with the local tyrants to fight the war together.

The soldiers of the red guerrilla armed forces were extremely resistant.

Especially when the red armed forces were organized into the National Revolutionary Army, the red five stars on their hats had to be replaced by the blue sky and white sun. Many red generals found it difficult to accept this emotionally and mentally.

In addition, some local authorities of the Kuomintang deliberately used conspiracies and extremely despicable means to carry out propaganda, describing the descent of red guerrilla representatives from the mountains for negotiations as surrender, and the red guerrillas' descent from the mountains for reorganization as successful incorporation by the Kuomintang.

They even exaggerated and deliberately spread rumors such as "the Red Party surrendered" and "the Red Party was recruited by the court" to disrupt the morale of the military.

This is extremely misleading to the red guerrilla armed forces who have been persisting in the red guerrilla war in the mountains and have little information.

This has led some red guerrilla armed forces to be deceived by these propagandas and believe that to form a united front with the Kuomintang is to surrender to the Kuomintang; to cooperate with the Chang Kaishen government is to betray the revolution.

The Kuomintang is playing a conspiracy to trick the red team into going down the mountain, so that they can kill them painfully.

Therefore, they refused to go down and adapt it.

It even happened that the organization sent people to mobilize them down the mountain. As a result, some comrades were mistakenly killed by the travel team as traitors. Even Comrade Chen Shijun, who went up the mountain to contact the team, was suspected as a traitor by the Red Party Hunan-Jiangxi Provisional Provincial Committee.

Of course, the caution of the red guerrilla armed forces is justified. Previously, a guerrilla group was deceived by the Kuomintang's propaganda of "the red party was recruited" and "the national red party is one family" and mistakenly accepted the deputy commander sent by the Kuomintang.

The chief of staff and others almost handed over the command of the troops and made a very serious mistake.

Therefore, in this case, Peng and Ou understand the mood of 'Mr. Miao' who is worried about the team and insists on returning to the army urgently.

Moreover, he also believed that it was indeed necessary for 'Mr. Miao' to return to the army.

'Mr. Miao' contacted the northwest headquarters through the Shanghai radio station.

The headquarters approved 'Mr. Miao's' request to return to the army.

However, the suggestion given by the headquarters is that "Mr. Miao" first go to Wuhan, meet up with the organization, and then join up with the troops.

Because of this inside information, Shanghai Office No. 8 finally decided to arrange for Liu Bo’s family, who wanted to go to Yanzhou, to go to Wuhan first with ‘Mr. Miao’ and his entourage.

"We need to create a false identity for Liu Bo, and then he uses this identity to leave Shanghai." Peng Yuou said.

"It's not convenient for me to come forward." Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

This matter is not difficult for him, but he knows very clearly that he must not have anything to do with Liu Bo's "escape" from Shanghai, even if he can later explain that he was paid to do things and did not know clearly

It doesn't matter who the other party is.

For some things, the other party does not need evidence. Once there is a trace of suspicion, it means that you may be targeted.

Of course, the most important reason is that in the eyes of the Japanese, Liu Bo is a person who betrayed the "Great Japanese Empire".

Japan will be highly sensitive to matters involving Liu Bo.

Let's put it this way, Kentaro Miyazaki is Japanese, and Miyazaki's identity has always been very reliable and will not arouse any suspicion among the Japanese.

However, once the matter with Liu Bo is involved, it will inevitably sting the nerves of Japan and lead to widespread suspicion:

Since Seto Uchigawa can betray the empire, does Miyazaki Kentaro think it is also possible?!

Peng Yuou Cheng Qianfan was a little surprised when he said this, but he was an extremely smart person and he understood it immediately.

"It is indeed inconvenient for you to get involved in this matter." Peng Yuou nodded and asked worriedly, "Will Liu Bo's incident increase the Japanese's suspicion of their own people? Will it affect

your turn?"

"Not for the time being." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "Whether it is Imamura Hyoutaro or Sanmotojiro, in their eyes, I am a Japanese agent who is loyal to Japan."

He thought for a while and continued, "Send someone to contact Lao Sheng from the ID Section of the Central Patrol Room in the French Concession. He has a way to apply for a new ID."

"Does this person know Liu Bo? Will there be any problems?" Peng Yuou asked.

"No, Lao Sheng is quite particular about repaying kindness." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, looking at Peng Yuou's puzzled expressions, and explained, "Old Sheng's son was kidnapped by Taihu water bandits.

Liu Bo was the one who rescued the man. He is the only one of the three generations of the Laosheng family. Liu Bo was the savior of their family."

"That's no problem." Peng and Ou nodded.

"When do you plan to set off?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Liu Bo's injuries are quite serious." Peng Yuou said, "Some of the comrades who were released from prison with him also went to Wuhan. Some of them were seriously injured. They had to wait for the comrades to recover before they could leave."

Cheng Qianfan nodded. It was a long journey from Shanghai to Wuhan, and he had to take good care of himself. Otherwise, he would be in trouble if he got sick on the road.

When leaving, Cheng Qianfan took out five small yellow croakers and three hundred French coins from his briefcase and handed them to Peng and Ou.

"Two small yellow croakers are for Lao Sheng from the ID Department." Cheng Qianfan said.

Although Liu Bo was the benefactor of the Lao Sheng family, some money still could not be saved.

There is a difference between giving money and not giving money. Lao Sheng may accept the two small yellow croakers, or he may decline them. Regardless of whether Lao Sheng accepts the two small yellow croakers or not, he will feel very happy when he sees the small yellow croakers.

"The other three small yellow croakers are prepared for the comrades who are going to Wuhan. These legal coins will supplement the nutrition of the comrades in case of emergencies." Cheng Qianfan said.

"I'm not welcome. I want to thank you on behalf of the organization and comrades." Peng Yuou said happily.

This money can be regarded as relieving the organization's embarrassment.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel gratified by Cheng Qianfan's carefulness and sense of proportion.

Comrade "Xiang Wu" has given special instructions and there are organizational regulations that, except under special circumstances, comrades on the hidden front will not be allowed to support large sums of money.

The organization has its own comrades who specialize in business and finance.

Five small yellow croakers, two of which are used for doing things, three small yellow croakers are prepared for comrades who are going to Wuhan, and three hundred French currency are used to supplement nutrition for comrades. Whether it is the number or the reason, it is worthy of Peng and Ou.

acceptable range.

Cheng Qianfan was very happy to see Peng Yuou accept it. He was really worried that Peng Yuou would refuse.

However, seeing Peng Yuou accept it, he also guessed that the organization must be very difficult at the moment.

Regarding this, he could only do nothing to help.

This is strict organizational discipline.

"Three hundred French coins are considered a tycoon by the comrades." Peng Yupei said with a smile, "Five small yellow croakers are lent to you by the organization."

Cheng Qianfan laughed loudly.


"Have Comrade Fang Muheng and Comrade Xie Ruonan set off?"

"We set off yesterday morning. There happened to be a car going to Xi'an, and they followed the car." Zheng Zhifan replied, "According to the arrangement, they should have left Xi'an and are on the road now."

The director patted his forehead.

It's a step too late.

The headquarters contacted Shanghai and made adjustments to the route of Comrade Luo Tao, who was recovering from his injuries in Shanghai. It was decided that Comrade Luo Tao would not return to the army directly but go to Wuhan first.

However, due to special circumstances in Shanghai, Comrade Luo Tao cannot leave immediately, and it will take some time before departure.

In this way, there are two choices for the arrangement of Fang Muheng and Xie Ruonan:

One is to go to Shanghai to meet Comrade Luo Tao according to the original plan, and then go to Wuhan together.

One is to go directly to Wuhan and meet Comrade Luo Tao there.

The director prefers the latter because the distance is closer and the road safety is higher.

However, they did not expect that Comrade Fang Muheng and Comrade Xie Ruonan had already set off, so they could only follow the original plan. They would first go to Shanghai to meet Comrade Luo Tao, and then go to Wuhan together.


“Do you want to inform ‘Huo Miao’?” Comrade ‘Farmer’ asked Comrade ‘Xiangwu’.

Comrade 'Xiangwu' thought for a moment and shook his head, "No need, knowing it in advance will make it easier for problems to arise."

Comrade ‘Farmer’ nodded with deep approval. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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