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Chapter 456 Qingpu instructor monthly ticket)

 Xixi National Primary School is located in Qingpu City. The school was originally the Li family ancestral hall.

Two old pine trees that are hundreds of years old, like two ancient patron saints, stand on the campus.

Dai Chunfeng stared at one of the old pine trees.

Seeing Dai Chunfeng shaking his head, Yu Ping'an asked, "Virgo, what's wrong?"

"I don't know if hundreds of years old trees can be preserved." Dai Chunfeng sighed, "When the country is in trouble, even the vegetation will suffer."

Virgo suddenly felt sad, and Yu Ping'an didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

"Whose class?" Dai Chunfeng pointed to a classroom not far away and asked.

"It's Class 2." Yu Ping'an thought for a while, "Xiao Mian should be in class now."

Hearing the name 'Xiao Mian', Dai Chunfeng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and felt a little dumbfounded.

"Cheng Wufang", "Shui Di", "Blue Bird", "Mr. Xiao", Cheng Qianfan has so many aliases and code names in less than two years since he joined the Secret Service.

"Let's go and listen to instructor Xiao's class." Dai Chunfeng raised his hand and said.

"Virgo, Xiao Mian's current name is Yuan Guoan." Yu Ping'an reminded him quickly.

"I understand." Dai Chunfeng nodded.

Students in the Qingpu special training class will only know their instructor's name as Yuan Guoan.

Only a few other important instructors in the Qingpu Special Training Class knew that this instructor was ‘Xiao Mian’.

The Japanese side is already more or less aware of the existence of the Shanghai special situation group.

Cheng Qianfan discussed with Dai Chunfeng that Xiao Mian's identity should also be properly revealed to confirm the existence of this identity.

Sometimes, an identity is kept hidden and the enemy cannot get any relevant information, which makes them extremely suspicious and the search will expand. This is not a good thing.

Xiao Mian's identity is confirmed, and there is a certain chance that some information about Xiao Mian will be spread out. In fact, it is to protect Cheng Qianfan.

Of course, confidentiality must still be kept secret, so only a few important instructors will know about Xiao Mian.

This is a tile-roofed classroom.

The classroom was densely packed with students.

There are more than 400 students in the "Qingpu Special Training Class", all of whom Dai Chunfeng found from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Action Committee's special teams: young dropouts, intellectuals, and students.

There are more than 400 students divided into five classes, with each class having between 80 and 90 people.

Dai Chunfeng and Yu Pingan came outside the classroom, stood at the window and looked inside.

Then I saw a National Army lieutenant colonel in his thirties, with a beard and a scar about three to four centimeters long on his right cheek. He was standing in front of the podium in a straight military uniform and spoke generously.

"If an agent wants to successfully lurk and survive, what is the first creed?" Cheng Qianfan turned around and wrote three words on the blackboard: rationality!

"Where did his military uniform come from?" Dai Chunfeng asked.

"It was specifically requested by Instructor Yuan that he must wear a military uniform." Yu Ping'an said softly, "This is Sheng Shuyu's military uniform, and he took it away."

Dai Chunfeng glanced at Cheng Qianfan, but after all he did not criticize him. He knew Cheng Qianfan's resume. He was a graduate of the sixth phase of Infantry Studies at the Central Army University. This guy must be eager to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

In addition, only in such an environment could Cheng Qianfan have the opportunity to wear his favorite national army uniform openly.

This kid.

Fortunately, Cheng Qianfan's grandfather, Mr. Gu Zhi, lured him back to his hometown in Jiangshan from Huangpu Road, Nanjing.

Dai Chunfeng was also happy in his heart. The National Army lost a colonel, and the Secret Service gained a resourceful ace agent.

"Yes, it's reasonable." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "Being behind enemy lines surrounded by enemies, you must first have a hidden identity, and then everything you do must be consistent with this hidden identity.

It’s reasonable.”

As he said that, Cheng Qianfan glanced at the students, and he randomly selected a student, "Yu Ailin, you come to play the role of a hawker selling needles, thread, and brains."

As he spoke, Cheng Qianfan waved his hand, and a soldier came in carrying a pole, two baskets, and some other guys and placed them on the ground.

Yu Ailin came to the podium, but he didn't do anything immediately.

Instead, he carefully fiddled with the items on the ground, then used a pole to pick up two baskets, then picked up a black towel and put it around his neck. After thinking about it, he bent down and picked out a gourd from the other items.

, tied to the edge of the basket.

As I walked, the iron nails on the gourd heads collided with the baskets, making a clanking sound, along with the shouts from the 'hawker's mouth: needles, threads and brains, sold cheaply.

Watching Yu Ailin carrying a pole and basket, hawking in full swing.

"Stop!" Cheng Qianfan shouted.

"Instructor Yuan." Yu Ailin looked at the instructor's gloomy face and was a little at a loss. He felt that his performance was excellent.

Cheng Qianfan stared at Yu Ailin, who was confused, and then he took off the gray towel from Yu Ailin's neck.

"This towel." Cheng Qianfan picked up the towel and said to the students, "Please note that this towel has two uses. One is to put it on the neck to wipe sweat like Yu Ailin just did."

As he spoke, he nonchalantly wiped his sweat with a black towel.

Then, he put the towel on his shoulders, turned his head, glanced, and moved the position of the towel.

Then he bent down, picked up the pole and basket, and stood up.

The students immediately understood the second purpose of the towel mentioned by 'Instructor Yuan'. The towel is placed under the shoulder pole, which can reduce the friction between the shoulder pole and the shoulder.

"Of course, some street vendors will sew two more pieces of pudding on the clothes at the shoulders. This can also reduce the wear and tear of the clothes and protect the shoulders at the same time." Cheng Qianfan said.

As he spoke, he set up the pole and moved the towel on his shoulders again, making one end slightly longer and the other shorter.

"This is the most correct thing." Cheng Qianfan said, grabbing the slightly longer end of the towel, just enough to wipe the sweat from his cheeks.

In this way, you can not only protect the shoulder area, but also play the original role of the towel.

"Don't underestimate such small details." Cheng Qianfan looked at the students, "If any of you want to pretend to be a hawker who walks around the streets to find out information, and then pass by me, these small details are enough to expose you.

, I saw through it at a glance."

They were all educated young people, and in addition to high school students, there were also two college students. Some of them listened carefully to the details that instructor Yuan told, while others did not take them seriously.

Cheng Qianfan saw the careless expressions of some people in his eyes, and he knew what these people were thinking.

They are all educated young people with high academic qualifications. They join the Rangers and the Secret Service to fight the Japanese. Even if they lurk in enemy-occupied areas in the future, their lurking identities are mostly decent and they will not do this kind of walking around in the streets.

It's a hawker's job, so you don't have to worry about it at all.

Dai Chunfeng stood outside the window, looking at the behavior of some students who had suspended classes and not being serious, and snorted in his heart:

High-minded but low-handed.

"Another point is that the hawker selling needles, threads and brains is not shouting just a few words like Yu Ailin just said."

Cheng Qianfan said, walking around the edge of the podium carrying a pole and a basket, shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Thimble, awl, needle and thread, tobacco pouch, fire sickle, embroidered purse, mirror, oil box, comb and scissors, foreign socks and handkerchiefs..."

The students looked at their instructors in shock.

The National Army lieutenant colonel who just stood in front of the podium, majestic and calm, now lowered his shoulders, smiled on his face, and finally shouted in a long voice: "Buy cheap and sell cheap——".

Instructor Yuan casually pointed to a student in the front row, who stood up.

Instructor Yuan even went up to greet him enthusiastically: "You can pick it up as you like. If you don't want to buy it, you won't be upset! Just take a look and open your eyes. Just use it to make sure it's accurate!"

This hawking voice has ups and downs, and the louder it gets, the louder it gets.

If it weren't for instructor Yuan's uniform of the National Military Academy, his ridiculous beard and the scars on his face, he would look like a hawker walking around on the street.

"What a good boy." Dai Chunfeng looked out the window with great interest and praised him endlessly.

Yu Ping'an is also smiling, this is also his student.

"In addition to rationality, there is another extremely important point." Cheng Qianfan said, "Memory!"

He pointed to his head, "Remember the people and things around you as much as possible, remember the surrounding environment. When you find changes in the surrounding situation and in your cognition, even subtle and inconspicuous changes,

All should arouse high vigilance.”

Cheng Qianfan looked at the students, "The last thing I want to talk about today is, when you realize that something may be wrong, or you suspect that someone has a problem, what is the most correct response you should make."

With that said, Cheng Qianfan pointed at a student and said, "Lei Jialiang, come here."

"Yes!" A short student wearing glasses walked to the podium.

Cheng Qianfan took out two pages of paper from his body.

"The writing on these two pages is exactly the same. It is a plot set by me." Cheng Qianfan said, handing one page to the students under the podium and asking them to circulate it, and gave the other page to Lei Jialiang, "

Give it two minutes, after watching it, think about it, and let's act out a play."

"Yes!" Lei Jialiang said.

This is a short story. A is an agent of the Secret Service. He is ordered to contact B. However, B has already committed treason.

A realizes that B has a problem from clues.

"Time's up." Cheng Qianfan, who had been looking at his pocket watch, said, and he took the page from Lei Jialiang's hand.

A: Why are you late?

B: Forget it, I saw the Japanese arresting people on the street, so I had to take a detour to avoid it.

A: Japanese?

B: Japan's special higher education courses and military police jointly searched for anti-Japanese forces and arrested many people.

A: Are any of us in there?

B: I don’t know, I didn’t dare to look more.

A: Try to find out. I'm worried that if one of our people is inside, they won't be able to survive the torture.

B: Leave it to me.

Cheng Qianfan glanced at the students and said, "At this time, A saw B's sleeves stained with blood, and he asked calmly."

A:Are you injured?

B: No.

At this time, B also saw the blood stains on the corner of his clothes. He was panicking and pretended to be calm. He said: I passed a vegetable market when I was taking a detour. Maybe I touched the butcher shop.

The plot ends here on the piece of paper Cheng Qianfan distributed to all the students.

They were a little disappointed. Although the story could not be said to be boring, it was indeed not thrilling enough. They only found blood stains on the corners of their clothes, so they became suspicious. This was quite different from the scene they had imagined of a direct confrontation with the traitor.

However, there is one last question mark:

They all looked at the podium, and everyone wanted to know what instructor Yuan said about how to handle this situation correctly.

Some students whispered, and the general consensus was to try to control Person B and arrest him for interrogation.

"That butcher shop on West Jilaihuoxing Street?" Cheng Qianfan looked at Lei Jialiang. To be precise, he looked at the other person's eyes with a serious expression and asked coldly.

"Yes." Lei Jialiang was a little surprised. The plot was already over. Why did the instructor continue to ask? However, thinking that maybe the instructor wanted to see his free play, he nodded and said.

"The sign hanging on the left side of the butcher shop is stained with paint. What color is it?" Before Lei Jialiang finished speaking, Cheng Qianfan immediately asked.

"Yellow." Lei Jialiang said subconsciously, but his expression suddenly changed.

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Qianfan quickly pulled out the gun from his waist, turned off the safety, and fired, all in one go.

A loud shot hit the man's calf, causing him to kneel on the ground.

Then, raise your wrist.

Cheng Qianfan fired another shot, hitting Yu Ailin directly between the eyebrows. The latter's brains were knocked out and he fell to the ground.

The scene was filled with exclamations and screams.

Dai Chunfeng and Yu Ping'an at the window were also startled by this sudden scene.

Seeing a group of soldiers rushing over with guns raised, his bodyguards also hurriedly gathered around, and everyone surrounded the classroom. Dai Chunfeng snorted coldly, his face turned livid.

"Instructor Yuan, what's going on?" Dai Chunfeng came in escorted by soldiers and agents.

"Virgo." Cheng Qianfan saluted Dai Chunfeng, then walked to Dai Chunfeng's ear and whispered.

Dai Chunfeng's expression changed continuously.

Pointing to Yu Ailin's body, "Drag it out."

Then he pointed at Lei Jialiang, who was being held down by the soldiers, "Take him away and interrogate him strictly."

Patting Cheng Qianfan on the shoulder, Dai Chunfeng nodded and left with a gloomy face.

There were Japanese spies who infiltrated the Qingpu special training class, and the headquarters knew nothing about it, which made Dai Chunfeng extremely angry.

"After investigation, Lei Jialiang and Yu Ailin are Japanese spies. They pretended to be patriotic youths and broke into our special forces. Their identities have been identified and arrested." Cheng Qianfan glanced at the students with different expressions, his expression serious.


There was an uproar among the students.

No one expected that there would be Japanese spies infiltrating the team, let alone Lei Jialiang and Yu Ailin. These two people were usually very active. When the Japanese were mentioned, they were itching with hatred and wanted to bite the Japanese invaders to death.

With such a posture, such a person is actually a Japanese spy pretending to be?

Qingpu special training class, class teacher's office.

At this moment, the security is tight.

There were significantly more sentries at the door.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Dai Chunfeng asked in a deep voice.

This guy Cheng Qianfan just came to Qingpu today and was having a good class, but he suddenly pulled out a gun and shot a student. If he didn't have a high degree of trust in Cheng Qianfan and initially believed that Cheng Qianfan said that these two people were spies, he would have immediately

Ordered the guards to arrest Cheng Qianfan. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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