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Chapter 031 Student Huang’s monthly ticket)

"What is this place?" Zheng Weilong asked.

"Qingmei Tea House." Lu Xingge said, "There is a room on the second floor of the tea house. You can observe the door of Yang Fuyuan's private house. Shoot from here. The tea house is more than a hundred steps away from Yang Fuyuan's private house. I am still confident."

"What I want is not to be sure." Zheng Weilong said sternly, "I want to hit with one hit! This is also Virgo's order!"

"Yes, I promise to blow the traitor Yang Fuyuan's head off with one shot!" Lu Xingge saluted and said with a serious expression.

"Very good!" Zheng Weilong showed a smile on his face and nodded slightly, "This is the momentum you want!"

Cheng Qianfan and Qiao Chuntao walked side by side on the road, and the snowflakes seemed smaller.

Cheng Qianfan turned to look at the private room of the coffee shop where they had just stayed.

He observed the surrounding situation again and whispered to Qiao Chuntao: "Taozi, tell me, if our target is at the window and we want to shoot this person, where should the gun be placed?"

Although he didn't understand why the team leader suddenly asked this, Qiao Chuntao quickly glanced around him and looked to the right amid the flying snow.

He said softly, "Over there, there is a church there. I have observed that there is a utility room on the second floor of the church. No one usually goes there. There is a shooting angle there. The only problem is that it is a little far away and people need to perform tasks.

The gunman has excellent marksmanship."

Cheng Qianfan glanced casually and saw a Jewish church over there.

Qiao Chuntao's view was similar to his. Cheng Qianfan had two alternative shooting spots in mind, and he was more inclined to choose the church.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What about the evacuation plan? There are a lot of people near the church. How do you escape without attracting the attention of the people around you? It's not easy."

Qiao Chuntao was silent for a moment, then bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, holding it in her palm. The snow gradually melted under the heat of her palm, and water dripped down.

Then, he replied, "Team leader, others can't do it, but I can."

Cheng Qianfan was slightly startled, looked at Qiao Chuntao for a while, laughed, but did not comment on Qiao Chuntao's reply.

"We can't get any closer," Qiao Chuntao whispered. "The Japanese soldiers put up a wooden sign there. If the Chinese cross that line, they will shoot to drive them away."

Cheng Qianfan looked over and saw that about thirty steps away, a sign was erected on the ground. Under the cover of snowflakes, he could only vaguely make out the word "branch".

"It's 'Chinese people cross the line and die'!" Qiao Chuntao said coldly.

Cheng Qianfan didn't speak. He bit his cigarette holder with his teeth. He glanced at the wooden sign with a cold expression, and made a whooshing sound from his mouth: "Bitch!"

Cheng Qianfan spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, stomped on it, and bent down to pick it up again.

The cigarette just now was not an ordinary one on the market. It was a French cigarette that he picked up from Pete today. This rare cigarette has a certain directionality, so he must be careful.

Qiao Chuntao has already found a temporary place to stay near Huade Road in advance.

"The owner of this house went to visit relatives," Qiao Chuntao said.

"Have you inquired clearly?" Cheng Qianfan asked with a glance. It would be bad if the owner suddenly came back and blocked them in the house.

"I found out clearly that the owner of the house can't come back," Qiao Chuntao said, "They went to Nanjing to visit relatives."

Cheng Qianfan's face darkened and he stopped asking questions.

Under the leadership of Qiao Chuntao, we visited the courtyard.

This is a large courtyard with two entrances. In addition to the main room, wing rooms, guest room, kitchen and utility room, there is also an ancestral hall in the backyard.

This should be the ancestral hall of this family. The ancestral hall is lined with memorial tablets of ancestors. Because no one has cleaned them for some time, there is already a layer of floating dust on the tablets.

Cheng Qianfan stepped back respectfully and bowed to the tablet.

Don't be surprised if you disturb me today.

Wait until the Japanese pirates are wiped out one day, and then come and worship.

Qiao Chuntao stood there and did not come to worship. When leaving, he took two steps back, turned around and glanced at the ancestral hall, looked at the neat tablets, bowed deeply, and then turned around and left.

Cheng Qianfan and Qiao Chuntao placed maps on the Eight Immortals table in the main room, and they were studying an action plan to attack the Japanese military horse farm.

Mainly Qiao Chuntao was talking, Cheng Qianfan was listening, and from time to time he pointed out the shortcomings of a certain idea.

Qiao Chuntao knew that the team leader was asking questions and taught him.

His expression was very serious. Even when Cheng Qianfan repeatedly pointed out flaws in his proposed ideas and rejected them, he showed no sign of impatience, but he looked even colder.

"Why don't you retreat here?" Cheng Qianfan pointed at the map.

"Tilanqiao Prison is a heavily fortified part of the public concession. If we evacuate here, we are likely to encounter a double attack from the British and Japanese," Qiao Chuntao said.

"That's right." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "I'm very happy that you can think of this."

"However, you have overlooked one point. The British and Americans are also extremely wary of the Japanese." Cheng Qianfan continued.

"Team leader, what do you mean is that Tilanqiao Prison will not stop us from evacuating?" Qiao Chuntao glanced at Cheng Qianfan, "I'm sorry to say this bluntly, but the leader's idea is very childish. Foreign devils are all bad and unreliable.


"Taozi." Cheng Qianfan looked at Qiao Chuntao and sighed, "You have great virtues from your ancestors, and when you work under me, your temper and mouth..."

Qiao Chuntao's cold face seemed to 'squeeze' a hard-to-please smile, "There are so many team leaders that they can accommodate me."

Cheng Qianfan picked up the pencil and drew a Z-shaped route on the map.

"Do you understand?" he asked.

Qiao Chuntao stared at the map and frowned, thinking.

Cheng Qianfan drew this route very skillfully.

The team evacuated in the direction of Tilanqiao, but did not get too close to Tilanqiao Prison.


Qiao Chuntao thought of this word.

This distance is enough to cause Tilanqiao Prison to feel threatened by a formidable enemy, but it is not enough to provoke them into launching an attack.

Then a diagonal shift was made, bypassing Tilanqiao Prison.

This is tantamount to teasing Tilanqiao Prison for a while, but without actually taking action.

Then proceeding in the opposite direction, we passed safely through the defense area of ​​Tilanqiao Prison, then crossed a bridge and arrived at the designated evacuation point.

"Are the batches of Japanese military equipment obtained last year still there?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Yes." Qiao Chuntao nodded. This was some of the Japanese equipment secretly intercepted by Haozi during the Secret Service's supply operation at the Shanghai Station.

At the same time, his eyes lit up and he caught Cheng Qianfan's thoughts.

"Inform the brothers that in this operation, everyone is wearing Japanese military uniforms." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice, "We will launch a thunderous strike on the Japanese military horse farm from the very beginning."

"Don't skimp on ammunition."

"Use maximum firepower with the sole purpose of causing Japanese casualties."

"Evacuate after the fight, follow this route." Cheng Qianfan said coldly, with a smile on his lips, "Evacuate from here, and when you are about to leave the confines of Tilanqiao Prison, send two shells to the prison."

Qiao Chuntao picked up a pencil and drew on the map.

According to the speed of both sides, the Japanese army should have almost chased them to the vicinity of Tilanqiao Prison at this time. The special situation team suddenly launched a feint attack on Tilanqiao Prison.

They were wearing Japanese military uniforms again.

If the view is blocked at night, it may lead to misjudgment by the British in Tilanqiao Prison. It would be great if the British and the Japanese start a fight.

"What a plan." Qiao Chuntao licked her lips, her eyes glowing with excitement, yet so cold.

At this moment.

"Bang Bang Bang." There was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Qiao Chuntao came to the door and asked, holding a dagger in her hand.

"I am Li Maolin from the old Li family next door."

Jiang Mulezi outside the door gave the secret signal, Qiao Chuntao opened the door, and Jiang Mulezi stepped in.

"Team leader." Jiang Mulezi saluted Cheng Qianfan.

"How are the brothers now? Can their morale be used?" Cheng Qianfan returned the salute and asked.

"Having been hidden in the suburbs and countryside for a long time, the brothers can't go out casually, so they are all depressed." Jiang Mulezi said, "Shanghai is lost, Nanjing is lost, everyone knows it, and morale will inevitably be affected. However, they are all willing to cooperate with

The good, hard-working Japanese men only need to fight one battle and smell the blood of the Japanese to keep their spirits up."

"Okay!" Cheng Qianfan nodded happily.

"Qiao Chuntao, Jiang Dashan, listen to the order." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

"My subordinate is here!"

"My subordinate is here."

The two said in unison.

French Concession, East District.

He Guan was holding a briefcase in his hand and walking quickly in the wind and snow.

Near the entrance of the alley, he took a look at Amai's tiger stove.

Laohuzao is a small shop that sells hot water. Because the stove that boils water looks like a tiger, it is named "Laohuzao".

"Mr. Guan, are you off work?" Amai greeted enthusiastically, "Would you like some more hot water? It's cold to soak your feet."

"My wallet is so thin that I can't afford to spend money." He Guan said with a smile.

In his mind, he remembered the scene where he was scolded by his fiancée Huang Xiaolan.

One time, he bought sauced pig's feet and a bag of brown sugar.

Huang Xiaolan happily accepted the candy and then ‘taught’ him.

Classmate Huang believes that the two of them are now a poor couple pretending to come to Shanghai to seek refuge. In this war-torn world, which poor couple can be so "lavish"?

He Guan was surprised.

He even thought of Liu Bo and Fang Muheng, who had taught him a lot before. Of course, forgetting Brother Mu Heng, He Guan felt that Fang Muheng was not as good as him in such details. After all, he was also from a patrol family.

In Huang Xiaolan, He Guan regained the long-lost feeling of being taught.

He Guan is a person with a stubborn temper, but he is not unreasonable. Student Huang is right, he is willing to accept criticism.

In the days that followed, if He Guan was unsure, he would discuss it with his fiancée, Huang.

He always gets something.

In this way, He Guan feels that he has made great progress.

For example, if it were his previous habit, he would definitely agree and buy two more bottles of hot water.

However, He Guan declined directly and complained about the high price of water. In order to avoid detection by the patrol room, he and Huang Xiaolan's living standards had dropped again. It was obviously unreasonable to buy two more pots of hot water.

As he spoke, he took out his cigarette case, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Pretending not to see Amai's eager eyes staring at his cigarette case, he put the cigarette case back into his pocket.

I touched my pocket again and found no match box.

When he looked up, he saw Amai holding the matchbox in his hand, smiling happily.

"You've earned it again." He Guan took out the cigarette case, handed Amai a cigarette, and wanted to take the match box.

Amai refused, and struck a match himself. He first lit it for himself, and then when he was about to light a cigarette for He Guan, the match stem went out.

"Look at you, you should give it to me first..."

He closed his mouth and Amai handed over his cigarette.

He took it, held it against the fire, and handed Ah Mai's cigarette back to him.

"I'll light a fire for myself first. I'm sure I can light it myself. If mine catches fire, yours will naturally catch fire." Amai showed off triumphantly, "I'll light it for you first, Mr. Guan. If you don't cooperate well, you won't light it."

Come on, wouldn’t it be a waste of a match?”

Seeing Amai's happy and proud expression, He Guan felt that he was speechless.

Two people were smoking cigarettes and chatting.

He Guan would chat with Amai for a while every time he came back from get off work.

Laohuzao is usually located at the entrance of an alley or on the side of the road.

Amai is here every day, staring at several roads, and he can't hide the slightest disturbance from the store selling tiger stoves.

Not hearing anything unusual from Amai's words, He Guan took out money again, bought a pack of tobacco leaves from Amai's cupboard, and carefully carried the tobacco leaves back.

"Back?" Huang Xiaolan popped up from the kitchen.

Her eyes rested on the tobacco leaves held in He Guan's hand.

"Just bought it?" Huang Xiaolan asked.

"Yeah." He Guan looked at Mr. Huang and said with a hint of showoff, "Our family is very tight now, and I can only smoke leaves now."

"Have you bought any old newspapers?" Huang Xiaolan asked.

The smile on He Guan's face faded and he looked at Student Huang.

Huang Xiaolan brought a plate of green vegetables and two bowls of rice to the table, ignoring He Guan's confused expression.

He Guan figured it out and smiled bitterly, "I thought I was very smart, but now it seems that this kind of sudden good idea may not be well thought out."

He understood what Huang Xiaolan meant. When he bought tobacco leaves, he should also buy old newspapers from Amai. The old newspapers could be cut into tobacco leaves.

It cannot be said that there are obvious loopholes in He Guan's approach, and outsiders do not know whether there are old newspapers or other papers in He Guan's residence.

However, strictly speaking, this is not very consistent with the practice of a long-time smoker who rolls his own cigarette leaves:

Old smokers who roll their own cigarettes often choose to buy old newspapers from the store. Some of the old newspapers in the store are picked up, and some say they are recycled at a low price. Buying old newspapers from them is the most cost-effective.

Cash-strapped old smokers will try to save every penny.

This is a habit.

If your habits are not right, it often means that it is easy to arouse suspicion.

Huang Xiaolan looked at He Guan and smiled, "I'm too smart. Others are not as smart as me."

"How can any grandma sell melons and boast about herself?" He Guan said with a smile.

"I'm not bragging, you took the initiative to fall in love with me." Huang said.

He Guan looked at Classmate Huang and nodded vigorously, "Yes, I'm attracted to you, and we want to grow old together."

"It's too expensive. Why has the price increased again?" An old aunt accused Amai of selling cooked water that was too expensive.

"Old man, it's not that my Amai's products are expensive, the prices have increased. No wonder my Amai's products are expensive."

This chapter has been completed!
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