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Chapter 091 Governor Zhao

 Chapter 091 Governor Zhao

"How is Ah Zhen feeling today? Are you feeling better?" Shuli Zhao followed Chang Shen into the inner room and asked with concern.

Lin Zhen was lying on the bed with a pale face. When he saw Cardinal Zhao coming in, he got up and said, "Brother Aihua."

"Lie down, lie down." Shuli Zhao took two steps forward and helped Lin Zhen lie down.

"Also, please don't call me Brother Aihua in the future, otherwise it will be bad if you say the wrong thing outside." Shu Li said with a serious expression.

He glanced at the two of them and said, "You can call me Brother Zhao in private, but in public you can call me Detective Zhao."

"I understand, Brother Zhao."

"I understand, Brother Zhao."

Lin Zhen and Chang Shu both nodded.

Cardinal Zhao checked Lin Zhen's injuries and took his temperature.

"The fever has completely subsided." He picked up the mercury thermometer and looked at the temperature scale carefully. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "Azhen, you are really lucky. You have escaped from the gate of hell. Next time you act, you must be careful."

Be more cautious."

"I was too careless." Lin Zhen said angrily, "I didn't expect it to be a Japanese trap."

Just half a month ago, Lin Zhen suddenly saw a missing person notice in Zi Lin Xi Bao.

This surprised him greatly.

The person who bought the notice used the secret language of the Chinese Guizong Society.

Lin Zhen immediately realized that a certain brother from Baodao had escaped from the clutches of the Japanese invaders and was now looking for him in Shanghai.

Lin Zhen, who was extremely excited, followed the address on the missing person notice and happily went to the appointment.

But I didn't expect that this was a trap arranged by the Japanese.

Before Lin Zhen stepped into the door, he heard the footsteps of several people in the room. He noticed something unusual and tried to turn around and leave. When the other party saw this, they could only rush out and arrest them.

Lin Zhen decisively broke out of the encirclement. If not for his accurate marksmanship and the nearby patrol officers who heard the gunshots and came to him, giving him a chance to escape, he would have been captured and thrown into the Japanese torture chamber.

However, despite this, Lin Zhen was shot twice during the breakout, and later the gunshot wound became infected.

If Zhao Shu had not obtained the sulfa powder in an ideal way, Lin Zhen would have been in dire straits now.

"Brother Zhao, thank you for saving me this time." Lin Zhen said gratefully, "Fortunately, I finally contacted you more than a month ago. Otherwise, I would have been a corpse in a mass grave by now."

"What kind of polite words can I say?" Shu Li said with a smile, "If I had contacted you as soon as possible, you wouldn't have to be blackmailed by that guy Cheng Qianfan."

Five years ago, after her sister Sheng Yu and her brother-in-law Feng Huiqi died on Baodao, Sheng Aihua and Zheng Qingshui planned the Keelung bombing and attacked the Japanese military police station.

Zheng Qingshui was arrested and was killed by the Japanese invaders after being brutally tortured. He escaped from the Japanese capture.

After Sheng Aihua returned to Shanghai, he resumed using his original name, Shuli Zhao.

Yes, Zhao Shuli is his real name, and the real name of the sacrificed sister Sheng Yu is Zhao Ruixue.

Zhao Shu found a way to enter the patrol room, and with his outstanding ability and skills, he gradually climbed from the third-class policeman to the position of detective undercover.

Chang Shu and Lin Zhen were patriotic young men who grew up in Baodao during their brother-in-law Feng Huiqi's lifetime.

Governor Zhao and the two of them have known each other for a long time.

The two attacked the Japanese police station on Baodao, and were hunted by the Japanese. They were wanted and had no choice but to escape from Baodao and came to the eldest brother Sheng Aihua, who was the Shanghai inspector at that time.

However, these two people did not know his real name and had been looking for Sheng Aihua.

How could the two of them have thought that Inspector Zhao Shuli, a plainclothes undercover agent from the Central Patrol Room, was the brother they were looking for?

Even if they met Shuli Zhao by chance, because of Shuli Zhao's status as the detective of the patrol room, the two of them were extremely jealous and naturally stayed away from him. Moreover, because Zhao Shuli's current appearance was much different than before, the two of them naturally did not recognize him.

If it hadn't been for a chance meeting a month ago, when Cardinal Zhao came to the Tianya Photo Studio to take photos, and it was Cardinal Zhao who recognized Chang Shen and Lin Zhen, they would still be looking for a needle in a vast haystack.

"Zheng Weilong should have spoken." Zhao Shuli looked at the two of them with a serious expression and said.

Chang Shu and Lin Zhen's expressions changed.

The Chinese Guizong Society is currently in contact with the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service, hoping to use the power of the Secret Service to develop and strengthen the anti-Japanese force on the island.

However, to their disappointment, the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service showed little interest in developing anti-Japanese armed forces on the island.

Zheng Weilong has been trying to lobby them to join the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service.

This made Chang Shu and Lin Zhen hesitate. They did not object to resisting the Japanese in Shanghai, but Zheng Weilong's appearance was a bit ugly. Rather than lobbying them to join, it was more likely that he wanted to annex them.

In addition, Zheng Weilong's words repeatedly hinted at asking about the source of funding for the Zhonghua Guizong Society, which also aroused the vigilance of Chang Shen and Lin Zhen.

The two informed Cardinal Zhao of their worries and suspicions.

Cardinal Zhao decisively ordered them to temporarily stop negotiations with the Secret Service.


"Zheng Weilong is barely capable of carrying out operational assassinations, but his leadership skills are not good, and he is confused in big things and shrewd in small things. In the long run, the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service may be in catastrophic trouble." Cardiff Zhao said to the two of them.

Chang Shu and Lin Zhen both respected 'Brother Shengda'. When Zhao Shu spoke, they thought about it and chose to obey.

Negotiations with the Shanghai Station Secret Service had just been suspended. Two days later and yesterday, Cardinal Zhao suddenly found them, informed them of the arrest of Zheng Weilong, and ordered the two to immediately close the Tianya Photo Studio and hide themselves.

"Zheng Weilong will probably not be able to survive the interrogation by the Political Department and the Japanese." Cardinal Zhao said, "Once Zheng Weilong opens his mouth, the first person he will confess to is you."

"Why are we the first to explain?" Chang Shen asked in surprise.

Lin Zhen's face changed slightly at that time, apparently he understood a little bit.

"Zheng Weilong's ability is average, but he still has some integrity. It's just that the punishment is too cruel. If he can't bear it, he will confess little by little." Zhao Li analyzed the situation for the two of them.

"Zheng Weilong can't explain why he is confessing important internal secrets of the Secret Service. He can only be regarded as a traitor if he is not a traitor. Zheng Weilong is a smart man and he will not do that. And if he confesses to you, it will not damage the strength of the Secret Service.

Given the choice, he will naturally choose to confess to you."

"In addition, you have never agreed to accept the leadership of Shanghai Station. Zheng Weilong may have resentment in his heart."

When the two heard this, their expressions changed continuously.

Then he followed Cardinal Zhao's arrangement and evacuated urgently.

"Brother Zhao, do you suspect that the first person Zheng Weilong confessed to was the two of us?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Whether I have sold you or not, we will know soon." Shuli Zhao said with a faint smile.

About half an hour later, Chang Shen, who had gone out to inquire for information, came back and brought back the news that the patrol room and the Japanese teamed up to break into the Tianya Photo Studio.

"The Political Department sealed the photo studio, and the people from the patrol room put a seal on it," Chang Shu said.

Although Cardinal Zhao had already analyzed and warned them that they might be betrayed by Zheng Weilong, the two of them still felt uncomfortable after their speculation was confirmed.

The two of them had gloomy expressions and were filled with grief and anger.

"Zheng Weilong is so stupid." Chang Shu cursed angrily.

Cardinal Zhao shook his head, "Zheng Weilong is a tough guy. He endured a day and a night of torture, and it is very rare for him to speak now."

As he said that, he looked at Chang Shen and said, "Of course, you can hate him if he confesses to you, but from his status as the head of the Shanghai Station, it is right for him to do so."

After a pause, Cardinal Zhao continued, "For Zheng Weilong, you are not one of his own. He will naturally have to choose between you and his Shanghai station."

The two of them were silent after hearing this, with a mixture of anger and helplessness on their faces.

"Brother Zhao, will this bring you any danger?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Zheng Weilong doesn't know about my existence, does he?" Zhao Shuli asked the two of them.

"You promised not to mention you to anyone," Lin Zhen said.

"Brother Zhao, you are not a member of the Zhonghua Guizong Society. Naturally, I will not mention you to Zheng Weilong." Chang Shen also said.

Yes, the Zhonghua Guizong Society was founded by Chang Shu and Lin Zhen. Zhao Shuli has nothing to do with the Zhonghua Guizong Society.

It's just that Chang Shu and Lin Zhen respected and trusted Shu Li Zhao very much.

"Brother Zhao, what should we do now?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Wait, hibernate." Zhao Li said, "Standing still is the best way to deal with it."

"Are we just going to keep waiting like this?" Chang Shu said emotionally. "The compatriots in Baodao are groaning under the iron heel of the Japanese invaders and living a life of dire straits. Even Shanghai has fallen now, and the compatriots in Shanghai are also suffering.

Struggle, we must resist and give the Japanese aggressors a powerful counterattack."

Looking at the emotional Chang Shen, Shuli Zhao frowned and said, "Who are you yelling at? Sit down."

Chang Shu was reluctant and could only sit down obediently.

"I have thought about it carefully. The national government is unreliable, so you still have to contact the Red Party." Cardiff Zhao said.

"Brother Zhao, aren't you a red party member?" Chang Shen asked.

"I am, I have always been, I was before, I am now, and I will be in the future, even when I am alive, and even more so when I am dead!" Shuli Zhao's voice was not high, but his words seemed to have great power, and his eyes seemed to be shining with light.


As he spoke, he sighed again, "During the big manhunt two and a half years ago, I lost contact with the organization."

"My superiors, inferiors, introducers for joining the party, and all the comrades who can prove my identity may have died." Zhao Li's voice was low, and his eyes were so sad.

"Tianya Photo Studio?" Cheng Qianfan looked surprised after hearing Datou Lu's report.

"Yes, Inspector, the people from the Political Department broke in. No one was inside. Now the photo studio has been sealed." Datou Lu said.

"Have the Japanese gone?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Gone." Da Toulu said.

"Tianya Photo Studio, tsk tsk." Inspector Xiao Cheng touched his chin, "I didn't expect that there is something fishy about this humble photo studio. If I had known about this situation earlier... tsk tsk."

"Yeah, what a pity." Datou Lu agreed. He understood what the inspector meant. This was a big fish that could make a lot of oil and water. It's a pity that they missed it and just regarded it as a small fish and shrimp that they could blackmail casually.


"What's the crime?" Cheng Qianfan shook his head regretfully again, lit a cigarette himself, threw the cigarette case to Datou Lu, and asked.

"It is said that the owner of Tianya Photo Studio is an anti-Japanese element from Baodao." Da Toulu said after taking the cigarette case.

"Anti-Japanese elements? Just like the coward named Chang." Cheng Qianfan sneered and shook his head.

As he spoke, he raised the corner of his mouth, flicked the ashes from his cigarette, looked serious, and said seriously, "The Political Department has dug up a big fish in our jurisdiction that is extremely hidden and has done many evil things. What does this mean? What does it mean for us?"

Dereliction of duty in daily tasks.”

Datou Lu looked at the inspector in confusion and muttered in his heart, Shangfeng didn't even come to blame the third inspector, so why did the inspector still take the blame on himself?

"A mixed bag of fish and dragons, a mixed bag of fish and dragons." Cheng Qianfan's expression was gloomy, he tapped his fingers on the table and glanced at Da Toulu with a meaningful look in his eyes.

‘A mixed bag’?

Da Toulu understood that this was the inspector hinting and 'teaching' him. He thought hard and finally his eyes lit up.

"What the inspector said is absolutely correct. The area under our jurisdiction is mixed with good and bad, and it is very likely that other dangerous elements are lurking in it. My subordinates suggested that it is necessary to conduct a security inspection in the area under our jurisdiction to screen out banditry."

"Well, your suggestion is very pertinent." Inspector Xiao Cheng nodded slightly, "As the saying goes, it's not too late to make up for the situation before it's too late."

As he spoke, he coughed lightly and said, "When taking action, pay attention to the impact. Most citizens are still very law-abiding."

"My subordinate understands."

Datou Lu understood it instantly.

What the inspector meant was to stop harassing the ordinary citizens, who were small fish and shrimps without a few ounces of meat, and to attack gambling stalls, opium dens, shops, grain stores and other places.

Yes, these gambling stalls, opium dens, and business houses all have backers, but in the central patrol room, Inspector Xiao Cheng is the biggest local snake.

Besides, there are some backers who are reliable and some who are not so reliable, and Datoulu naturally knows how to treat them accordingly.

He secretly felt that the inspector was unhappy because he failed to know in advance that there was a problem with Tianya Photo Studio and missed this big fish, so he went into action:

What is missed here will naturally be recovered from elsewhere.

‘Tianya Photo Studio’!

After Da Toulu left, Cheng Qianfan's expression darkened.

He had previously suspected that there was something fishy about this photo studio, so he arranged for Li Hao to check it secretly. However, the other party was very cautious and did not reveal too many flaws.

Of course, just because there are no clues doesn't mean there is no problem. In Cheng Qianfan's view, there must be something wrong with Tianya Photo Studio, but he doesn't know which force is behind it.

Unexpectedly, the owner of Tianya Photo Studio turned out to be an anti-Japanese element from the treasure island of our country.

Cheng Qianfan immediately remembered one thing, and that was the joint investigation report sent to Shanghai by the Nantou County Police Department in Baodao that Sanbonjiro had mentioned to him.

Chang Shen, the owner of Tianya Photo Studio, was most likely an anti-Japanese element wanted by the Japanese invaders in Nantou, Treasure Island.

According to Da Toulu, the photo studio was already empty, and the owner of the photo studio, Chang Shen, should have evacuated in advance, which also made Cheng Qianfan heave a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the phone in his office rang.

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