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Chapter 092 Miyazaki is a proud guy

 Yu Zheliu woke up from his coma.

He felt pain all over his body, as if his bones were being torn apart alive.

Every piece of skin and every pore is roaring and moaning in pain: It hurts!

His eyes were blindfolded, his limbs were tied, and he was thrown on the floor like an animal waiting to be slaughtered.

Yu Zheliu took a deep breath and felt that his throat hurt as if it was torn open. This was the aftereffect of the pepper water.

This is the second sentence he received after his arrest.

When the Japanese realized that whips dipped in salt water could not make him surrender, they began to use chili pepper water on him.

After pouring a large bowl of chili water into his mouth and nose, Yu Zheliu became breathless, failed to breathe, and lost consciousness.

Since that day, his throat has been hurting, as if it were tearing apart.

Tiger stool.



Yu Zheliu went through all the punishments that his enemies were "proud of". He was proud of himself and proud of himself:

I kept the party’s secrets and my faith!

I am worthy of the party and the people!

No confession was obtained, and the Japanese did not want to kill him. Every time he passed out, they would take him away and inject him with cardiotonic drugs, and the torture cycle continued.

Until he passed out again last time and woke up again now.

The huge pain, the heart-wrenching pain made him worse than death.

At this time, the blindfolded Yu Zheliu couldn't see the light and didn't know where he was now. Maybe he was on the way to the execution ground.

What he regrets most now is his voice.

Heartbreaking pain in throat.

My throat must have been damaged by the invaders' pepper spray.

Guan Ling likes to listen to herself sing the most, saying that his voice is the most beautiful in the world.

The two were classmates at Tongji University, comrades-in-arms, Bolshevik comrades, and revolutionary partners.

Guan Ling said that she would like to hear him sing the Internationale to her at their revolutionary wedding in the future.


My throat is broken.

Yu Zheliu sighed in his heart.

He did not know that his fiancée Guan Ling had died ten days ago. Surrounded by the Japanese military police in Tianjin, she doused her bedroom with gasoline, lit a match, sang the Internationale, and separated herself from the party members.

Confidential documents were burned and buried together!

When she was sacrificed, this 21-year-old girl apologized in her heart:

Zheliu, my love, I'm sorry, I can no longer accompany you on the road of revolution, cannot give birth to children for you, and cannot see the red flag flying over the land of China with my own eyes. This is my biggest regret.

Bang, bang, bang.

Yu Zheliu held his breath and tried his best to listen.

What is this sound?

He tried his best to discern and think.

At this time, I only felt pain and fatigue in my head, and my whole body fell into a deep coma again.

Cheng Qianfan turned up the collar of his windbreaker and held a cigarette in his mouth.

Put your hands in your pockets.

He looked around cautiously.

He approached the car parked on the roadside. He opened the door of the back seat and got in.

"Araki-kun." Cheng Qianfan said casually. When he saw clearly that the person in the car was Sanbonjiro, he was startled and said respectfully, "Section Chief."

"Drive." Sanbonjiro said to the driver.

Sanbonjiro then closed his eyes to rest his mind and did not speak. Cheng Qianfan looked nervous and sat down respectfully, not daring to speak rashly.

"Miyazaki-kun." Sanbonjiro said slowly.


“Have you heard about the ‘Tianya Photo Studio’?” Sanbonjiro asked.

"Yes, Section Chief, I heard about it." Cheng Qianfan nodded and said. He carefully looked at Sanbonjiro's face, "I didn't expect that there would be such a gangster hiding in the Central District. It is my subordinate's dereliction of duty."

"Miyazaki-kun, I have warned you a long time ago, don't always think about your business, focus on your work." Sanbonjiro snorted coldly and said, "I order you to explore the remnants of the Guizong Society on the Chinese Treasure Island

As for the situation in Shanghai, you have not made any progress, and now people are hiding under your nose!"

Saying that, Sanbonjiro turned his head and gave Cheng Qianfan a cold look, "Miyazaki-kun, I am very disappointed with your performance."

"Yes, my subordinate has disappointed the section chief." Cheng Qianfan lowered his head, showing an expression of shame and uneasiness, "This subordinate is unworthy of trusting the section chief. I am extremely ashamed."

Seeing Cheng Qianfan's attitude, Sanbonjiro was quite satisfied.

He also knew that Kentaro Miyazaki was punished for this incident, and Miyazaki was indeed a little unjust.

The remnants of the Guizong Society on the Chinese Treasure Island are extremely well hidden, and other members of the Special High School have been investigating for a long time, but there has been no progress.

They happened to be hiding in the Central District. If this guy Miyazaki could discover and catch them, it would be a great achievement. Unfortunately, Kentaro Miyazaki did not discover this group of people. In this case, it can only be said that Kentaro Miyazaki is an unlucky guy.


As for why Sanbonjiro took advantage of the topic?

Of course he has his own considerations.

"Section Chief, I really didn't expect these guys to be hiding under my nose. It was my fault for not discovering them." Cheng Qianfan was filled with hatred. "As for the situation at Tianya Photo Studio, I don't know what happened.

I just heard a brief mention from the men in the patrol room."

He put his hands on his knees, straightened his upper body, lowered his head, and said in a sincere and ashamed tone, "Sergeant, if possible, I would like to know more specific circumstances. I want to know where I have made any oversights."

Seeing this, Sanbonjiro nodded secretly with satisfaction.

This was one of the reasons why he chose to use this incident to beat Kentaro Miyazaki.

Although Sanbonjiro always scolded Kentaro Miyazaki for thinking about his business, Sanbonjiro knew that Kentaro Miyazaki actually did a good job at his job, at least he did not neglect his duties.

It is precisely because of this that Sanbonjiro feels a little regretful.

If Miyazaki could focus more on his job, his performance would be even better.

Therefore, he took this opportunity to give Kentaro Miyazaki a beating.

Seeing Kentaro Miyazaki's attitude and reaction, Mimotojiro was quite proud:

He sees people fairly accurately.

It is true that Miyazaki is greedy for money and lustful, but since he is a young man, he naturally still has the pride of a young man.

This is a very smart guy. He must have been quite proud of his ability to coordinate making money with his own work as an agent very well, so that he could make money and work at the same time.

Now, there are anti-Japanese 'thugs' hiding under the nose, but they have never been aware of it. This should be a big stimulus to a proud guy like Miyazaki Kentaro.

Yes, Sanbonjiro feels that he can see the essence through phenomena. Don't look at Kentaro Miyazaki who seems a bit casual and not professional enough in doing things. In fact, he is a very proud guy. It's just the comparison hidden by this pride.


The reason why Sanbonjiro came to this conclusion was due to the special training given to Miyazaki Kentaro by the special high school class.

The instructor in charge of the training reported to Sanbonjiro:

Although Miyazaki Kentaro's basic skills are average, he works very hard and works very hard.

Whether it is firearms shooting or personal fighting, although it cannot be said to be rapid progress, but due to his hard work, the step-by-step progress visible to the naked eye is amazing.

"Maybe he is not an inspiring agent genius, but he is the most suitable guy to be an agent because he has a heart that refuses to admit defeat."

This is the instructor's comment.

Sanbonjiro carefully studied Miyazaki Kentaro's special training report and concluded that:

Miyazaki is a very proud guy at heart, but he hides this pride very well.

For a long time, Miyazaki seemed not to care about the fact that he was not a professional agent and was despised by other colleagues in the THT, but in fact he had been secretly holding back in his heart.

In the special training class, Miyazaki trained hard to take this opportunity to prove that he was no worse than a professional agent, and even secretly vowed to do better.

Yes, Jiro Sanbon saw it very clearly. The original intention of Miyazaki's hard training was not even to improve his agent ability so that he could better complete the mission, but just to take a gamble.

Sanbonjiro felt that he had completely seen through Kentaro Miyazaki.

Therefore, he used the Tianya Photo Studio incident to provoke Kentaro Miyazaki because he felt that he had further seen through this subordinate:

Under normal circumstances, Miyazaki might behave like "muddling along," and as long as things don't break his bottom line, he won't care.

However, when he learned that his work was not done well, that it was below his psychological bottom line and that he had neglected his duty, the pride in Miyazaki's bones would emerge, and he would not allow himself to be so bad!

Sanbonjiro then explained to Cheng Qianfan what happened before and after the Tianya Photo Studio.

After Zheng Weilong was electrocuted, he finally couldn't stand it anymore and spoke.

This person explained the situation of the Zhonghua Island Guizong Society.

The confession stated that Tianya Photo Studio is the secret base of the Zhonghua Island Guizong Society and other specific details.

"Our people were in vain." Mibonjiro said with a gloomy face. "The on-site search showed that the people in the photo studio had evacuated in advance, and they did not evacuate in a hurry. They evacuated in an orderly manner."

"What I heard from the surrounding area was that the photo studio was closed at noon yesterday."

"Yesterday at noon?" Cheng Qianfan was slightly surprised, "According to what Mr. Araki told me, this should be after we captured Zheng Weilong."

"That's true." Sanbonjiro took a deep breath, seeming to suppress his anger, "This shows that Chang Shen and Lin Zhen are very vigilant, and they still maintain a high degree of vigilance even towards the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service, which is negotiating cooperation with them.


"Section Chief Gao Jian." Cheng Qianfan frowned at first, and then showed a sudden realization, "They learned through some channels, or even secretly sent someone to monitor No. 277, Mile West Air Road, and saw Zheng Weilong being arrested.

, evacuate decisively from Tianya Photo Studio immediately!"

As he spoke, Cheng Qianfan gritted his teeth and looked very unwilling.

"So that's it." Cheng Qianfan let out a long sigh, "The people of Zhonghua Island's Guizong Society are so cunning. They seem to have a lot of experience in hiding and evading arrest."

"Yes, these people have been hunted by the Imperial Treasure Island. They are like rats hiding everywhere, very alert." Sanbonjiro sighed in agreement, glanced at Kentaro Miyazaki, and said.

This is exactly why he likes his subordinate Kentaro Miyazaki.

If some stupid subordinates heard that the Special High School had failed this time, they might even have an expression like, "So, Section Chief, you also failed."

Kentaro Miyazaki analyzed the reason: the enemy is too cunning.

You can even resonate with the head teacher.

"Araki-kun, what do you think of Zheng Weilong's opening?" Sanbonjiro suddenly changed the topic and asked.

"As for Zheng Weilong's situation, I just heard it mentioned by you and Araki-kun, the principal, and I don't know the specific situation." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "So, it's not convenient for me to express my opinion."

"Say it, it doesn't matter if you are wrong." Sanbonjiro nodded and said, Miyazaki's caution still satisfied him.

"Yes!" Cheng Qianfan nodded and said. He did not express his opinion immediately, but paused for a moment, and then said after thinking, "Zheng Weilong is a very strong-willed guy. Although he finally succumbed to the empire, he is stronger than other Chinese agents.


As he said that, Cheng Qianfan fell into thinking again.

"Some people are determined before speaking, but after speaking, they will be completely different. They can confess anything. However, it is obvious that Zheng Weilong is not like this." After a moment, he continued.

"Zheng Weilong is very smart."

As he spoke, Cheng Qianfan raised the corner of his mouth, "My subordinates traveled in mainland China and pretended to be Cheng Qianfan this time. They acted as Chinese people and integrated into the Chinese society to a certain extent. I have

The feeling is very direct.”

"How do you feel?" Sanbonjiro asked with interest.

"Officials!" Cheng Qianfan said, "China's bureaucracy has been in existence for thousands of years, and their officials are the best at being officials."

"Zheng Weilong is an agent, but his other identity is the station chief of Shanghai Station and an official." Cheng Qianfan showed a contemptuous expression, "Zheng Weilong knows the ways of being an official."

"He spoke, but he did not choose to confess the secrets of the Shanghai Station of the Lixingshe Secret Service. Instead, he chose to confess the secrets of the Zhonghua Baodao Guizong Society, which was connected to the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service.

"This is because he is leaving a way out for himself. He believes that as long as he does not reveal the secrets within the Shanghai Station of the Secret Service, he will not betray the Secret Service, and there is a possibility of returning to the Secret Service in the future." Cheng Qianfan relaxed his brows and said

He said with high spirits.

He looked at Sanbonjiro and said, "Section Chief, all Chinese people are cunning and untrustworthy, and this Zheng Weilong is especially cunning."

"Such a person is a scourge if we keep him alive. Let's kill him." Cheng Qianfan's eyes flashed with cruelty and excitement, and he licked his lips and said.

Sanbonjiro took a deep look at Kentaro Miyazaki and seemed quite satisfied with his analysis and words and deeds.

"Miyazaki-kun, your analysis is very reasonable." Sanbonjiro nodded slightly, "Now, I have a task for you."

Wuhan, temporary headquarters of the Secret Service.

Qi Wu presented Dai Chunfeng the secret message sent by the Shanghai special situation team "Mr. Xiao".

"Virgo, 'Mr. Xiao' sent you the latest information about Zheng Weilong." Qi Wu said.

Dai Chunfeng immediately took the message and took a look.

"Okay, very good!" Dai Chunfeng said with an appreciative look on his face, but soon returned to a heavy look, "Zheng Weilong faced the severe torture of the Japanese invaders and remained unyielding. This is a model for our secret service. He is loyal to the leader and the party and the country."

a role model.”

"Virgin, 'Mr. Xiao' said that the Japanese are going to use electrocution on Zheng Weilong. Do you think Zheng Weilong can withstand this time?" Qi Wu asked softly.

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