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Chapter 058 Deployment Action

 Looking at Cheng Qianfan who was a little at a loss, Yu Pingan smiled.

He was very interested in this young man.

In the incident of "encountering Kawada Nagakichi on the train", from suspecting the other party, to contacting the other party, to adapting to the situation, at the same time, he did not forget to restrain the actions of "Nagging".

Cheng Qianfan's performance was remarkable in Yu Pingan's opinion.

Consideration of issues is also quite comprehensive.

He even had a feeling that this young man was not a trainee in a special training class, but an experienced agent.

However, now it seemed that the young man was showing an awkward and uneasy expression, which he found interesting and felt that this was in line with how a young man should behave.

As for his amazing performance before, it should be due to his talent.

In the secret service industry, experience is very important, but it is undeniable that there are people with extraordinary talents.

Some people are born to eat this kind of rice.

In Yu Ping'an's view, Cheng Qianfan's talent is very gratifying.

Talented and young.

The most important thing is that according to the data, this person has just been discovered by Lu Jingqian (Song Fuguo), and there is no trace of other factions.

This is a piece of uncut jade.

"Say what you think, don't be nervous." Yu Ping'an said with a smile.

"Report to Deputy Director Yu that my subordinates can draw a portrait of Kawashima Yongji and his party." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Portrait?" Yu Pingan was surprised.

"Yes, my subordinate is quite good at sketching."

"Send in some sketch materials." Yu Ping'an glanced at Cheng Qianfan, a little doubtful, and pressed the bell on the table again.

A few minutes later, a young female secretary brought a stack of sketch paper and sketch pens.

Watching Cheng Qianfan's serious expression, he began to draw quickly on the paper. Soon, a portrait of a middle-aged man appeared on the paper, and Yu Ping'an was greatly surprised.

This portrait is very realistic, and at first glance, it is almost the same as the photo taken.

"I didn't expect you to have such skills." Yu Ping'an picked up the portrait and looked at it carefully, "How similar is it to me?"

"They should be 90% similar," Cheng Qianfan said.

"Ninety percent similar?" Yu Ping'an nodded, "Yes, yes."

Cheng Qianfan continued to work, and soon he sketched the portraits of the other two people.

"This man, I call him Mr. Little Round Glasses." Cheng Qianfan pointed to a portrait and said, "This man is probably a traitor who worked for the Japanese."

"How can I see it?"

"This person has extremely high cultural literacy and good conversational skills." Cheng Qianfan said, "The most important thing is that this person is extremely afraid of Kawada Nagakichi. According to my observation, this is not the awe of Shangfeng by his subordinates, but fear. It is the traitor's fear of Shangfeng.

The fear of a Japanese master."

Yu Pingan nodded slowly. He understood what Cheng Qianfan meant. Traitors are traitors. They have a natural fear of the Japanese.

"There is this person. I have seen this person twice. Once I couldn't see his face clearly, and the other time was in the stands and he sent Kawashima Nagakichi's business card." Cheng Qianfan said, pointing to the young man in Mao suit in the portrait.

"Deputy Director Yu, there are six people. I can only draw these three people. I am ashamed..."

"It's already very good." Yu Ping'an said with a smile. He was very satisfied with the drawing of only one person, not to mention only three people.

It was a pity that I didn't take pictures of these people just now, but now I can get portraits that are as good as the photos. This is an unexpected surprise.

With these three portraits, it is not too difficult to find the traces of these people based on the pictures.

This is Hangzhou, and it belongs to the government. The energy that the Secret Service can mobilize is huge.

"You are the only one who has had direct contact with them. Analyze these three people."

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan stepped forward and spread the three portraits on the table.

"Kawashima Nagakichi should be the leader of this group. He is cunning, extremely cautious and vigilant, has a suspicious temperament, and is an extremely experienced veteran agent."

"Little round glasses, this person ordered a big meal on the train to satisfy his appetite. Kawashima seemed not satisfied with this, but he did not stop him. However, this person was indeed extremely afraid of Kawashima. These two people

Real relationships are somewhat elusive.”

"A young man in Mao suit, Kawada's subordinate. Judging from his subordinates' contact with him, this person is quite immature and has many loopholes in his words and deeds. He should have just been engaged in espionage activities."

"Okay! The breakthrough point is this young man!" Yu Ping'an immediately made a judgment and issued the order.

"Notify them, take pictures of their portraits, and immediately trace the whereabouts of these three people."

"If you find traces of the enemy, don't act rashly."

"Focus on the young man, who is the most likely to be traced by us."

"Inform all surveillance points in the Japanese Concession and monitor the Japanese Concession Military Attaché Toshihiko Okada 24 hours a day!"

"Investigate trading companies in the Japanese Concession to see if there are any that have business dealings with the puppet Manchukuo, and focus on surveillance."

"Thoroughly investigate all suspicious elements coming to Hangzhou from Manchuria."

"Call to the Puppet Manchukuo latent team to investigate the Kyonomaru Chamber of Commerce."

When Yu Ping'an was giving orders, Cheng Qianfan stood respectfully aside and watched everything quietly.

Following Yu Ping'an's order, many personnel wearing national army uniforms or Chinese tunic suits came in and out in a hurry but in an orderly manner.

Someone took every order, saluted respectfully, and left.

Deputy Director Yu thinks clearly, makes arrangements in an orderly manner, and considers issues very comprehensively.

Cheng Qianfan secretly pondered and studied in his heart.

If you were to make the action plan yourself, would you be able to consider it so comprehensively?

The answer is most likely yes.

What Yu Ping'an thought about, Cheng Qianfan also thought about.

However, Cheng Qianfan knew very well that the same considerations were taken into consideration, but the details were different.

Of the seven orders issued by Yu Pingan, he had thought of five at this time, and there were two more that he could think of quickly if he was given some time to think about them slowly.

However, the difference lies in time.

Taking action a few minutes earlier can make a world of difference to the outcome.

He needed to think deeply and consider time, but Yu Ping'an immediately issued the order:

To make an immediate decision, to consider things so comprehensively, to have clear priorities, and to make arrangements in place, this is the embodiment of the ability of the superior.

In other words, this is equal emphasis on ability and experience.

This also made Cheng Qianfan even more curious about Deputy Director Yu's identity and status in the Secret Service.

"What are you thinking about?" Yu Ping'an suddenly asked.

"Report to Deputy Director Yu." Cheng Qianfan did not hide anything, "My subordinate was thinking about the order given by Deputy Director Yu. I thought of geometry."

"You really dare to say that." Yu Pingan tapped Cheng Qianfan's head with his empty hand and cursed with a smile.

Cheng Qianfan showed a slightly panicked expression, "My subordinate is frivolous."

"Tell me, how many have you thought of?" Yu Ping'an asked.

"Four." Cheng Qianfan looked ashamed, "Investigating suspicious persons from the Puppet Manchukuo in Hangzhou, monitoring the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Hangzhou, and calling comrades in the Puppet Manchukuo area for investigation. My subordinates did not expect these three points. The director is far-sighted,

My subordinates admire me."

"I can think of four, which is pretty good." Yu Ping'an gave Cheng Qianfan a deep look, "Also, please remember to call me Deputy Director Yu from now on."


Yu Ping'an walked back to the desk, sat down, picked up the roster, and looked at it carefully.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at Cheng Qianfan coldly, "You lied, your name is not on the roster of the infantry section of the tenth phase of the Army Officer School!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cold-faced man who had been standing beside him quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Cheng Qianfan without saying a word.

At the same time, the door of the room was pushed open, and several national army soldiers held medium-sized formal rifles and pointed their guns at Cheng Qianfan.

This chapter has been completed!
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