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Chapter 059 The Emperor’s Disciple

 Facing the black muzzles at the front and back, Cheng Qianfan did not panic.

"Report to Deputy Director Yu." He stood at attention and saluted, "There is a subordinate's name on the enrollment roster of the 10th Infantry Section First Corps."

Yu Pingan glanced at Cheng Qianfan and rang the bell again.

"The admission list for the First Corps of the Infantry Division of the 10th phase of the Central Army Officers School needs to be announced soon."

Sure enough, the female secretary immediately brought the enrollment list.

Yu Ping'an glanced at ten lines and quickly found the following on the dense list:

The First Corps of the Tenth Phase of the Infantry Section of the Central Army Officers School——

The record of ‘Cheng Qianfan, seventeen years old, from Jiangshan, Quzhou Prefecture’.

Yu Ping'an waved his hand, and the soldier put away his gun, quickly exited, and closed the door.

The young man beside him also put away his gun, glanced at Cheng Qianfan, and continued to maintain a cold and serious expression.

"You are on the admission roster, but you are not on the current roster." Yu Ping'an stared at Cheng Qianfan with a scrutinizing gaze, "What's your explanation?"

"Report to Deputy Director Yu." Cheng Qianfan said, "In the 22nd year of the Republic of China, my subordinate applied for the Army Officer School, passed the tenth phase of the Infantry Division, and was assigned to the First Corps."

"To be honest, I applied for the military academy without telling my grandfather. My grandfather always thought that I was still studying at the National Tongji University in Shanghai at that time."

"Why doesn't your grandfather agree with you applying for the military academy?" Yu Ping'an asked, "Be aware that you are a good man who has made meritorious deeds on the battlefield. Your grandfather will be pleased that you can pass the best military academy in the party and state."

"My ancestors once said that the war was dangerous and he was worried about my safety." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Confused old man!" The young man who had been silent beside Yu Pingan suddenly said, "The country is in dire straits. If everyone is greedy for life and afraid of death, how can the country be revitalized?"

Cheng Qianfan glared angrily and was about to retaliate angrily.

"Yansheng." Yu Ping'an waved his hand, "There are some things you don't know. After Cheng Qianfan became a martyr, Mr. Cheng Wenzao and Ms. Su Zhifu were both members of our party. They sacrificed their lives for the country in the fifteenth year of the Republic of China. Cheng Qianfan was the only son in the family.


Hearing this, the young officer showed a look of shame on his face, stretched out his right hand and said, "Zhao said something rude, I feel ashamed and uneasy, and I hope Brother Cheng will forgive me."

Cheng Qianfan snorted coldly and ignored it.

Zhao Yansheng retracted his hand in embarrassment and continued to stand respectfully.

"You continue." Yu Ping'an said, seemingly unfazed by the young man's previous dispute.

"In the spring of the 23rd year of the Republic of China, my grandfather accidentally learned that I was a student at a military academy. The situation in Fujian was tense, and my grandfather heard rumors that the government wanted to send student soldiers to the front lines in Fujian." Cheng Qianfan showed a complicated expression, "I received a telegram from home.

, my grandfather was seriously ill and hurriedly asked for leave from school and returned to his home in Jiangshan."

"Did your ancestor pretend to be seriously ill to trick you into going back?" Yu Ping'an asked.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded, "My grandfather refused to allow me to return to the military academy. We had a fierce quarrel. Just when Qianfan wanted to return to Nanjing secretly, my grandfather was old and suddenly fell ill."

Cheng Qianfan showed sadness, shame, and a complicated expression of unwillingness.

Yu Ping'an understood, and naturally the result was that Cheng Qianfan chose to fulfill his filial piety at his grandfather's bedside and did not return to Nanjing.

"If you fail to return after the due date, you will be treated as a deserter." Yu Ping'an said slowly. Although Cheng Qianfan's move was reasonable, the Central Army Military Academy is a party-state military school, and military school cadets are equal to soldiers. Failure to return after the time limit is considered a deserter.

"My grandfather wrote a letter on his sick bed, imploring the Jiangshan County Party Committee to forward it to the principal." Cheng Qianfan said, "After the principal read the letter, he specially approved the students to drop out of school and return home."

"Huh?" Yu Ping'an looked extremely surprised, "You mean the chairman of the committee specially approved you to drop out of school?"

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

Even though Yu Ping'an was very deep in the city, he was also shocked at this time.

The Chairman of the Generalissimo attaches great importance to military appearance and discipline. When students from Huangpu came to visit him, he occasionally scolded them for their dishonorable appearance.

The Chairman of the Standing Committee attaches great importance to the Central Army Officers School, and has repeatedly issued orders to improve military discipline and train military students to strictly observe discipline from the beginning.

Therefore, when I first heard that Chang Kaishen not only did not deal with an overdue military student, but also specially criticized him for failing to return to school, you can imagine Yu Ping'an's inner shock.

Yu Ping'an really wanted to ask Cheng Qianfan, 'What is the relationship between your family and the committee?'

Naturally, this question cannot be asked, nor can it be asked.

"Therefore, there is you in the enrollment roster, but you are not in the current roster. This is the reason." Yu Ping'an nodded and did not mention this matter again.

Chang Kaishen personally gave Cheng Qianfan the green light. He didn't dare to ask, and he didn't want to ask again.

After taking a look at Cheng Qianfan, Yu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh:

It is said that students of the Central Army Military Academy are disciples of the emperor. In fact, except for Huangpu students who can call themselves students in front of the old man, graduates of the Central Army Military Academy no longer have this honor.

The matter of Cheng Qianfan, an undergraduate, actually went directly to Tian Ting, and he was able to take care of the old man. This honor is amazing.

"Qianfan, write a self-report and hand it over to me tomorrow."

"Yes, Deputy Director Yu."

"Is your luggage still at the hotel?"

"Yes, my subordinates were worried that Kawada Nagakichi would follow him, so for the sake of caution, he did not take his luggage out of the main entrance."

"Well, that's good. You're right to be cautious."

Yu Pingan thought for a moment.

"Qianfan, you are tired from the journey, and you have encountered the affairs of dealing with Japan and Japan." Yu Ping'an showed a gentle smile and pressed the bell.

A young man wearing a Chinese tunic suit came in.

"Yuanfang, take Cheng Wufang to the dormitory and make arrangements." Yu Ping'an ordered.

"Yes, Deputy Director Yu." The young man said, "Brother Cheng, please come with me."

"Deputy Director Yu, I am resigning." Cheng Qianfan saluted Yu Ping'an.

"Go." Yu Pingan nodded.

After Cheng Qianfan left, Yu Ping'an rubbed his temples. The special training class of the Lixing Society Secret Service Department had been established for many periods, and this was the first time he met a special student like Cheng Qianfan.

Both of his parents were members of the Kuomintang and were martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the party and the country during the Northern Expedition.

It can be said that he comes from a very upright family background.

Now he works as a patrol officer in the patrol house of the French Concession in Shanghai. He is Xiu Gongshen's favorite general in the Shanghai District of the Secret Service. Lu Jingqian (Song Fuguo) is also full of praise for him.

It turned out to be a graduate of the infantry department of the Central Army Military Academy... This was the first time he heard that there were graduates from the Army Military Academy, and they were specially approved by the old man.

Also, on the train when he came to Hangzhou to report, this young man was able to spot a group of Japanese special forces based only on the smell of wine. He even pretended to be Japanese and gained the initial trust of the leader of the group, Kawada Nagakichi.

This incident made Yu Ping'an a little surprised. This is something that many outstanding agents of the Secret Service cannot do.

This is not over yet, he is actually good at sketching and drew a portrait of Rite, which is no different from the photo.

Yu Pingan paced back and forth, picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff.

The more he thought about it, the more surprised he felt, and he couldn't help but shake his head subconsciously.

Is this kid really a student who came to the special training class for training?

This chapter has been completed!
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