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Chapter 135 Field Working Group

The more Cheng Qianfan thought about it, the more likely he felt that this was possible.

This is also the best explanation for all these possibilities.

This guess made him smart. He was like a poisonous snake encountering an enemy. He was on the highest alert for a moment and kept spitting out information.

If his guess is accurate, the existence and appearance of this person will be a great threat to Kentaro Miyazaki's identity.

It can even be said that this will be the greatest danger he has encountered in his career as a latent agent!

This guy knows Kentaro Miyazaki!

However, he didn't know who this person was!

Once the two meet, it is very likely that his identity will be exposed by the other party.

Cheng Qianfan's expression was extremely solemn. Facing this danger, he must go all out to deal with it and survive in the huge danger.

Of course, the first thing he needs to do now is to report to the organization as soon as possible.

However, this mysterious doctor has no intention of meeting him yet, and everything is normal at the Special High School, which shows that this person has not doubted him even though the two have not met.

Therefore, for now, he is still safe.

Now, we must not mess up our position.

The more chaotic it is, the easier it is to reveal your flaws.

He decided to meet up with Comrade Dandelion again in the evening.

Cheng Qianfan crossed his legs, picked up a newspaper, covered his cheeks, and fell into thinking.

Crisis, there are dangers but also opportunities!

Surviving danger is a greater opportunity.

To survive and resolve this crisis, we must first know the true identity of this mysterious doctor:

Who could this person be?

Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

Kentaro Miyazaki's diary is the best way, or even the only way, for him to understand Kentaro Miyazaki's previous situation.

In Kentaro Miyazaki's diary, five people were mentioned in particular.

Among them, the most mentioned are his two previous assistants. These two people accompanied him on his "travel" and they can be said to know Miyazaki Kentaro the best.

However, of these two people, one fell ill and died while in Chengdu, and the other also had an accident while in Chengdu, was bitten by a poisonous snake, and eventually had his thigh amputated, and had already returned to the main island of Japan.

Cheng Qianfan shook his head. The mysterious doctor could not be the former assistant who was missing a leg.

There are three other acquaintances of Kentaro Miyazaki.

One is Kentaro Miyazaki’s mother. However, Kentaro Miyazaki’s mother passed away six years ago.

The other two people, one is Imai Tai, this person has been killed by Dai Chunfeng's order.

There is another one, this is Kentaro Miyazaki’s teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi.

This person is a professor at Kobe University and the mentor of Kentaro Miyazaki. He has been staying in Peiping for a long time.

Cheng Qianfan shook his head, it was unlikely that it was Hiranyuki Taniguchi.

If Hiroyuki Taniguchi wants to come to Shanghai, there is no need to hide it from him.

In other words, even if Hiroyuki Taniguchi came to Shanghai on a secret mission and it was inconvenient to meet him, there was no need to secretly inquire about him.

The two maintained infrequent telegrams and letters, and the teachers and students still had a certain understanding of each other's situations.

Cheng Qianfan flicked the ashes of his cigarette. He pulled up the blinds and looked into the yard, where he saw Old Huang leading the German black-backed wolfhound.

Something moved in his heart...

The most distinctive feature of this person is that he is skilled in eye surgery.

Although the identity of doctor may be just a cover.

This shows that this person has a certain level of medical skills.

Cheng Qianfan shook his head. He knew that he was so anxious that he could not figure out such a simple truth.

In other words, this is a subconscious behavior of people:

He is not Kentaro Miyazaki. If he assumes the identity of Kentaro Miyazaki and thinks about this matter, he will only use the diary as a reference, and initially target those people who appear more frequently in the diary.

Cheng Qianfan had never even heard of the names of the other people outside the diary, not to mention "knowing" them.

Cheng Qianfan was playing with the lighter in his hand. He was labeling this person in his mind. This was the judgment he derived from his thinking:

This person knows Kentaro Miyazaki, this is certain.

However, the relationship should be relatively normal, or even indifferent, just acquaintance.

The reason for this judgment is still the diary. Kentaro Miyazaki's social circle is not wide. Judging from the contents of the diary, Kentaro Miyazaki did not mention that he had such a friend and teacher who had excellent medical skills.

Coming to this conclusion made Cheng Qianfan feel mixed with joy and sorrow.

Fortunately, this person may not be particularly familiar with Kentaro Miyazaki, which works to his advantage.

The worry is that the two of them are not familiar with each other, because Kentaro Miyazaki's diary does not seem to mention this person. Once the two meet, this will most likely be the time when Kentaro Miyazaki's identity is exposed——

No matter how unfamiliar you are, it’s impossible not to know who the other person is, not to know the other person’s name and previous identity!

"This is a huge hidden danger!" After listening to Cheng Qianfan's report, Wang Jun said in a deep voice with an unprecedented serious expression.

"The problem now is that I don't know who this person is at all. Once we meet, he will be exposed." Cheng Qianfan frowned and said.

He handed Wang Jun a cigarette, "This person should not be familiar with Kentaro Miyazaki. Moreover, the two have not seen each other for many years. Kentaro Miyazaki is now pretending to be Cheng Qianfan, so it is normal for his habits and personality to change."

"So, even if this person feels that Kentaro Miyazaki is different from the past, he still has a reason to explain."

After a pause, he continued, "My view on this matter is that as long as I can figure out who this person is, I have a certain degree of confidence in getting through this difficulty, so..."

"No!" Wang Jun's expression was serious. He interrupted Cheng Qianfan, "Comrade Huo Miao, I know you cherish this hidden identity very much, but nothing is more important than your safety."

"Comrade Dandelion, please listen to what I have to say. As long as I can confirm the identity of this person, I have a certain degree of confidence..."

"No, you didn't!" Wang Jun shook his head firmly, "We have no way of knowing what the relationship is between Kentaro Miyazaki and this mysterious man, how familiar they are with each other, especially whether there is only one of them between them.

There are some things that only two people know, which will be a huge hidden danger."

He looked at Cheng Qianfan with a solemn expression, "Comrade Huo Miao, with so many uncertainties, I will never allow you to take risks."

"The worst case scenario is that as soon as you two meet, you will be found out." Wang Jun looked serious, "Comrade Huo Miao, this is too dangerous!"

Cheng Qianfan was silent.

He smoked in silence.

How could he not know the danger involved? However, the identity of Miyazaki Kentaro is too important. He has now become a quasi-confidant that Sanbonjiro admires. He is a friend of Araki Harima, and Sanbonjiro's driver Koike.

My friend, there are almost no secrets to him within the Special High School.

There is also Iwai Mankan, who is now a student of Hyōtaro Imamura.

In addition, he gained the friendship of Sakamoto Yoshino, and the two were good friends. Sakamoto Yoshino's father had considerable power in the Japanese cultural world.

Kentaro Miyazaki's teacher Hiroyuki Taniguchi also had considerable influence on the Japanese and puppet regime in Peiping.

He also made some friends within the Japanese Marine Corps and Japanese Military Police.

Of course, in the final analysis, his persistence is only because:

He has been ready to sacrifice at any time!

He is always so cautious and rarely takes risks. This is not because he is afraid of death, but because it is not the time to sacrifice yet.

When sacrifices and risks were needed, he was willing to die happily.

This is a small train station in southern Anhui.

At this moment, a team is marching in the rain.

"The railway ahead has been destroyed, company commander, my suggestion is to get off the train and march on foot." An officer wiped the rain off his face and said to his comrades beside him.

It rained heavily.

"Get off the train." The company commander raised his head and glanced at the pouring rain. "The train is fine, but I always feel unsteady when my feet are off the ground."

Soon, the small force got off the train and marched on foot in the pouring rain.

"Comrades, run to warm up your body." The instructor shouted at the top of his lungs, but his voice was quickly drowned by the pouring rain.


The sharp knife squad saw a figure flashing in front of them and immediately shouted.

"Alert!" the company commander shouted quickly.

"Don't shoot, they are all Chinese!"

This is a group of wounded soldiers from the Chinese army who have just retreated from the front line. The train they were traveling on to transport the wounded soldiers was bombed by the Japanese army. Most of the wounded soldiers died for their country. The wounded soldiers who survived by chance supported each other and marched in the rain.

The company commander, instructors and soldiers looked at this group of wounded Chinese soldiers.

These soldiers were missing limbs and legs, their skin was torn and their flesh was torn, and there were even wounded soldiers who only used towels to temporarily block their exposed intestines.

These wounded soldiers were struggling to move forward despite the pain and torture of hunger and thirst.

Without timely treatment, the wounds of the wounded began to fester and deteriorate, and bursts of blood and stench erupted from the ranks.

The ranks of the wounded soldiers were in chaos, with desperate curses, lamentations, and screams of pain due to their injuries.

There were also injured soldiers with limited mobility who were crawling arduously in the muddy water under the heavy rain.

"White dog!" a soldier gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Shut up, I." The company commander cursed in a low voice, and then fell silent again.

The instructor nudged the company commander with his elbow.

The company commander gritted his teeth and muttered, "Go and help."

"Mu Heng, Fang Mu Heng!" the instructor shouted.

"Here we come." Fang Muheng ran out of the wind and rain. He waved his hand, and several comrades from the field working group rushed up.

They stood on both sides of the road in the storm.

The soldiers supported the wounded soldiers and helped them find a place that could barely shelter them from the wind and rain.

Fang Muheng sang as the lead, and a field team of only four people performed to express sympathy for these wounded soldiers.

Heavy rain poured down and strong winds rose.

The song is tragic!

"Everyone is forced to give one last roar!"

"The Chinese nation has reached its most dangerous moment!"

"We braved enemy fire!

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"

"go ahead!"


The wounded soldiers who were in despair just now were infected by the singing and the enthusiasm of this friendly force that suddenly appeared. They roared and roared together!

Wounded soldiers who can applaud should applaud vigorously.

The man without a right arm, with the support of his comrades, raised his left hand to salute the singer in the rain.

After drinking a few sips of hot water, the injured and injured looked better.

"Brothers, which part do you belong to?"

"Brothers, which department do you belong to?" Fang Muheng did not answer, but asked and shouted.

"I am from the 41st Army of the Sichuan Army!" a voice shouted proudly.

"Sichuan Army! I know that your 41st Army are all good! Especially the 122nd Division. You fought well in Teng County. Commander Wang died for his country. Well done!" Fang Muheng said loudly.

"I belong to the 122nd Division!" the voice shouted proudly in a louder voice.

Fang Muheng looked over and saw that this was a wounded soldier who had lost his right arm and left leg, and was leaning on a simple crutch he got from someone who didn't know where.

"Well done! Well done to the 122nd Division! They are all heroes!" Fang Muheng wiped the rain off his face and solemnly saluted with a solemn military salute.

The wounded soldier who stood up under Fang Muheng's gaze cried loudly after hearing these words, "Commander, Commander, Commander!"

At this time, a voice shouted, "You haven't said which part you belong to yet."

"We are the New Fourth Army." The company commander and instructor came over and shouted loudly in the wind and rain.

"New Fourth Army? Never heard of it."

"What kind of team are you?"

"We are the New Fourth Army led by the Red Party and the anti-Japanese team!" Fang Muheng shouted.

"Red fei?!" the wounded soldiers exclaimed.

Some people began to look at these "friendly troops" who had just helped them with wary eyes.

"Afraid of Mozi," someone shouted, "They are all Chinese!"

Perhaps because of these words, or perhaps because of the enthusiastic help shown by the New Fourth Army soldiers just now, there was a burst of laughter among the wounded soldiers, "I'm not afraid of them."

Some wounded soldiers looked curiously at the Red Army. They were wearing gray military uniforms and had the national emblem on their military caps. However, the armbands were very special and they had never seen them before.

"The company commander and instructor have contacted the people near the station. They will come to help collect these wounded soldiers." A soldier ran over to report.

"Go and inform Captain Fang of the situation." the instructor said.

"Why don't you go up and say a few words?" the company commander nudged his new partner with his elbow.

"Comrade Fang Muheng's speech is very good. He is the most suitable to speak now." The instructor said that Fang Muheng's field team's performance just now was very successful. Fang Muheng has left an excellent impression on the wounded soldiers. It is most suitable for him to speak now.

"Brothers from the Sichuan Army, we have to continue marching, but don't worry, everyone, we have contacted the station for you, and someone will come to help you soon." Fang Muheng stood on a big rock and shouted.

"Where are you going?"

"Go eastward!" Fang Muheng raised his right arm and pointed eastward, "Go to the Japanese-occupied areas! Go to the enemy's rear!"

"That side has been occupied by the Japanese."

"That's why we have to go there! Use our guns, our blood and lives to tell the people in the occupied areas that we are here!"

The wounded soldiers were shocked.

Fang Muheng looked at the wounded soldier and waved his right fist fiercely, "We will win the war!"

"The war will be won!"

"The war will be won!"

The roars of the two teams soon merged into one.

This roar tore through the violent storm, broke through the wind and rain, and stirred in everyone's chest!

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This chapter has been completed!
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