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Chapter 163 Japanese Secret Department

 Oku Hideo's expression was a little strange, with an unnatural smile on his lips, and he was talking about what he thought of.

He said his name was Hideo Oku, and he came from an ordinary family in Hokkaido. His father was a primary school mathematics teacher and his mother was a music teacher.

He said that he met, fell in love with, and got married to the beautiful girl Hideko Oda.

Hideko Oda's name also became Hideko Oku.

The two fell in love very much, and soon the child of love was born, Masako, a beautiful little girl.

Cheng Qianfan observed carefully that when he mentioned his wife and daughter, Oku Hideo's facial muscles relaxed, which was a sign of physical and mental relaxation, and his eyes were warm.

He said that he responded to the King's call, said goodbye to his family, joined the army and became a proud Imperial Army soldier.

He said that at the end of the recruit training, the squadron leader suddenly came to talk to him.

"He called me Ojiu-kun with a smile I had never seen before."

"The squadron leader politely asked me to sit down, and he even handed me a cigarette."

"This flatters me." Oku Hideo shook his head, nodded again, and suddenly cursed, "Nagano, this bastard!"

Hao Zai was about to speak, and he could see that something was not right about the Japanese agent's behavior, but he was stopped by the team leader's hidden and stern eyes.

"When something goes wrong, there must be something fishy." Cheng Qianfan sighed slightly and said.

Because according to Japanese language habits and Japanese military traditions, superiors generally rarely address subordinates as "jun" and are not so polite.

"Yes." Oku Hideo continued.

"After chatting for a while, the squadron leader asked me if I would like to be a spy."

"I don't want to." Oku Hideo shook his head, "My dream is to perform meritorious service on the battlefield, not to live like a mouse."

From Oku Hideo's mouth, Cheng Qianfan learned the basic information about this person.

Hideo Oku was selected by his superiors in the Japanese army recruit training camp, and then joined the Japanese special training camp, where he was selected and trained to become a Japanese agent.

Oku Hideo himself was unwilling to become a spy, but considering the situation of his family back home, he could only agree.

"I can't help it. The squadron leader said that if I refuse, Hideko and Masako will be affected." Oku Hideo gritted his teeth, "Asshole, my commander actually used my family to force me."

"This is indeed excessive." Cheng Qianfan's voice was hoarse, and he said slowly with a hint of sympathy, "However, there is no other way. For the sake of his family, sometimes a man must learn to be patient and bow his head."

"Yes, I am willing to endure any hardship for Xiuzi and my daughter." Oku Hideo nodded, "That's it..."

"Your instructor in the training camp is Dr. Mao?" Cheng Qianfan saw the "harmonious atmosphere" between the two parties, and he asked tentatively, "Or maybe his real name is Nagatomo Cunnan."

"It's him, Instructor Nagatomo." Oku Hideo said. He looked at Cheng Qianfan and frowned, "Can you not interrupt my conversation?"

Cheng Qianfan made a "please continue" gesture.

Now it can be confirmed that these people Nagatomo Atsuo secretly met were all his students in the training camp.

Hideo Oku continued.

After graduating from the training camp, he was assigned to Shanghai.

"Forget it, you better ask, this should be the question you are most concerned about." Oku Hideo suddenly said, "I don't know where to start."

Cheng Qianfan took a deep look at Oku Hideo, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

He noticed that Oku Hideo's expression was a little normal at this time.

"Which department do you belong to?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Nishimura Squadron of the Japanese Locust Army's Secret Service." Hideo Oku said.

Cheng Qianfan's face was calm, but he was quite surprised in his heart. As an agent of the Special High School Division, a secret agent of the Iwai Mansion, and the beloved disciple of Hyoutaro Imamura, he had never heard of this secret service department.

"What is your specific position?" Cheng Qianfan asked calmly.

"Member of the Imperial Locust Army's Secret Service, Nishimura Class City Office Section," Hideo Oku said.

"It seems that your commander still trusts you very much!" Cheng Qianfan's heart moved and he nodded, "So, your superior arranged for you to lurk next to Fu Xiaolu."

According to previous investigations, Oku Hideo's pseudonym is "Chang Shenyi". This person has good piano skills and is the private piano teacher of a child in Fu Xiaowan's family.

The Secret Service had previously received rumors that Fu Xiaoquan seemed to be interested in defecting to the Japanese and that his target was the position of mayor of Shanghai. However, this information was not confirmed.

From the name "City Government Section" and Oku Hideo's current work situation, Cheng Qianfan immediately concluded that the information about Fu Xiaoyu's intention to defect to the Japanese was true!

"It seems that you have noticed Fu Xiaolu for a long time." Hideo Ojiu smiled bitterly and said, he looked at Cheng Qianfan and nodded, "Yes, Fu Xiaolu intends to join the empire, but this person has a great desire for power, and the empire has no desire for him.

I wasn’t particularly reassured, so I arranged for me to monitor her secretly.”

As he said that, he glanced at Cheng Qianfan and said, "There is something that you should be very interested in."

"Tell me." Cheng Qianfan said.

"You return Masako to me, I'll tell you." Oku Hideo's eyes stayed on the rag doll in Cheng Qianfan's hand.

"You have no bargaining capital." Cheng Qianfan shook his head.

Oku Hideo's expression immediately changed, his eyes were fierce.

"But first, if the information you provided is indeed of interest to me, I will return Masako to you." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Okay, I'll say it." Oku Hideo said immediately and neatly. The fierce look in his eyes disappeared and turned into a look full of expectation.

Haozi on the side took a look at the wounds on Oku Hideo's body. Even though he was as brave as him, his scalp was numb at the sight. However, Oku Hideo talked to the team leader as if nothing was wrong.

The team leader was able to calmly deal with Oku Hideo in such a state, and also firmly grasped the rhythm of the conversation, which impressed Haozi and others even more.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't be trustworthy?" Cheng Qianfan asked with a smile on his lips.

"You will be interested in this information." Oku Hideo said, "If you don't keep your promise, I will never say another word."

"I hope you won't disappoint me, so I won't disappoint you." Cheng Qianfan nodded, raised his hand slightly, "Please tell me."

"One of my comrades in the boot camp also joined the training class." Oku Hideo said.

"I'm not very interested in ordinary spies." Cheng Qianfan shook his head slightly.

"You are too anxious." Oku Hideo said.

Seeing Cheng Qianfan making an apologetic gesture, he continued.

His "comrade" in the boot camp had served in a "juvenile prison" for stealing before joining the army. Therefore, the squadron leader forced this person to become a conspirator on the condition of "restoring his reputation."

"What is so special about this person that makes you sure that I will be interested in this information?" Cheng Qianfan said calmly.

Oku Hideo took a deep look at the rag doll in Cheng Qianfan's hand and said a name.

Then, Oku Hideo showed a satisfied smile, because he saw the face of the guy opposite who thought he had control of everything changed.

PS: Just one update today. I'm really sorry. The community was suddenly closed and it happened suddenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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