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Chapter 212 Alive!

 Cheng Qianfan did not squint and did not look at the documents on the ground. Therefore, he did not know whether the pages of the documents were turned.

After Xiaochi came in, he glanced at the folder on the ground and bent down to pick it up.

Cheng Qianfan still didn't look down, and then he saw Xiaochi pick up the file and even glance at the contents of the file, then turned the folder over and closed it, and handed it to Sanbonjiro.

Sanbonjiro frowned slightly, took the folder, and snorted coldly.

"Section Chief, although Miyazaki-kun has made mistakes, he has always been serious about his work and has worked hard even without credit." Koike thought that Mimotojiro was still angry with Kentaro Miyazaki, so he spoke kindly to Miyazaki.

Sanbonjiro glanced at Koike and snorted.

Koike smiled, and then winked at Kentaro Miyazaki, which meant that he had already asked for mercy, but was helpless.

"Has the matter been cleared up?" Sanbonjiro asked coldly.

"Report to the section chief that the other party cannot bear the punishment and has spoken." Koike said. He took out a few folded pages of paper from his pocket, unfolded them, and handed them to Sanbonjiro with both hands.

"The gunman who was shot and arrested is called Zhao Luoluo, nicknamed Luo Kung. He is Zhang Xiaolin's subordinate. His current position is the leader of the third team of the Sixth Anti-smuggling Brigade of the New Asia Peace Promotion Association." Xiaochi said.

The 'New Asia Peace Promotion Association' is a traitor organization led by Zhang Xiaolin. Its so-called 'anti-smuggling team' are bandits armed with open fire, rampaging through the countryside, forcibly purchasing goods at prices far below the market price, and even burning, killing and looting to prepare cotton for the Japanese army.

Coal, grain and other materials can be said to be used for all kinds of evil.

Cheng Qianfan's face immediately showed an expression of inquiry and extreme concern.

Koike understood the meaning expressed in Kentaro White Housezaki's eyes and nodded.

"Did you kill Zhang Xiaolin's people?" Sanbonjiro put down the confession paper in his hand, looked up at Kentaro Miyazaki, and asked.

"Yes." Cheng Qianfan said, and then he quickly explained, "I have reported to you the dispute between my subordinate and Zhang Xiaolin. It was Zhang Xiaolin's people who attacked my subordinate's men first."

"The matter has been found out. The person who followed you all the way and shot you at the door is a member of the New Asia Peace Promotion Association." Sanbonjiro frowned slightly and said.

Cheng Qianfan said nothing, but his fists were secretly clenched and his expression was extremely gloomy.

"You killed that Chinese named Shao Er in the street. Zhang Xiaolin lost face. He was very angry and ordered you to be killed." Sanbonjiro snorted coldly, "I warned you last time that Zhang Xiaolin is still useful to the empire.

You must not have any further conflict with him."

"Section Chief." Cheng Qianfan argued forcefully, "Zhang Xiaolin said that Shao Er would be left to prepare a birthday party for his concubine. His subordinates gave him face and did not touch Shao Er."

"So, you wait until Zhang Xiaolin's concubine's birthday has passed before taking action?" Sanbonjiro was furious, with a sullen face, and angrily shouted, "You are sophistry!"

"Search!" Cheng Qianfan's face flushed with emotion, "This subordinate has already given Zhang Xiaolin face, and then he took action."

His expression was filled with sadness and anger, mixed with a bit of arrogance and unwillingness, "Sergeant, there is absolutely no reason why dignified citizens of the empire should be bullied by humble Chinese people."

He looked at his immediate superior and said, "My subordinates came to China to work conscientiously and without fear of sacrifice for the empire. They did it to enhance His Majesty's supreme cause and for the long-term military destiny of the empire. They did not come to China to be bullied by a Chinese."


"Shut up!" Sanbonjiro's face changed, "I have said again and again that Zhang Xiaolin is different from other Chinese people. He is still useful to the empire. Maintaining a good relationship with Zhang Xiaolin is also the reason why the empire conquered China and stabilized Shanghai's work.

Part of it.”

"Section Chief." Cheng Qianfan said anxiously, "Zhang Xiaolin is an extremely greedy Chinese. He joined the empire essentially to make money and gain benefits for himself."

"There is an old saying in China, the bustling world is for profit, and the bustling world is for profit." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "People like Zhang Xiaolin naturally do things for personal gain. The empire can bring him

It is a good thing that he can serve the empire, which is a matter of mutual benefit."

"But the empire cannot sacrifice the interests of its subordinates to satisfy Zhang Xiaolin's appetite." Cheng Qianfan blushed and blurted out anxiously.

"Bag duck falls!" Sanbonjiro cursed with a gloomy face.


"What did you mean by what you just said?" Sanbonjiro came back to his senses and asked coldly.

"Section Chief, my subordinates have no choice but to respond with such drastic measures." Cheng Qianfan showed a stubborn, angry and aggrieved expression, "Zhang Xiaolin really bullied people too much. He was interested in his subordinate's small industry.

Want to take over..."

"Your Jiujiu Trading?" Sanbonjiro's heart moved and he asked immediately.

"Exactly." Cheng Qianfan nodded and sighed.

He was silent for a moment and glanced at Sanbonjiro. When he saw that Sanbonjiro had no intention of 'justice' for him, he showed a dejected expression:

"It's my subordinate who is superficial. He only thinks that he is a noble citizen of the empire and has no reason to be bullied by a Chinese. However, he failed to think deeply and almost ruined a big thing. Forget it, I just pretend that it is not the case.

The assassination happened. For the sake of the empire, my subordinates will give anything. Jiujiu Commerce..."

Cheng Qianfan gritted his teeth and said, "Just give it to him!"

‘Why do you give away my trading company’?

Sanbonjiro looked directly at Kentaro Miyazaki, and this sentence popped up in his mind almost subconsciously!

"Okay, Miyazaki-kun, don't be so angry." Sanbonjiro shook his head, "You are a warrior who has shed blood for the empire, suffered a lot, and made great contributions. There is absolutely no reason to be bullied by a Chinese.


With that said, Sanbonjiro came out from behind the desk and patted the shoulder of Kentaro Miyazaki, who had a sad, angry and aggrieved face, "I will make the decision for you in this matter."

"Section Chief!" Cheng Qianfan raised his head and looked at Sanbonjiro.

What kind of look is this? It’s the light of surviving a calamity, the excitement of tears of gratitude, and the surprise from the heart.

"You are my subordinate. If I don't make the decision for you, who will make the decision for you!" Sanbonjiro said with a smile.

"Section Chief!" Cheng Qianfan was full of excitement and bowed deeply, "My subordinates are extremely grateful for the Chief's protective feelings. I am extremely grateful and will not hesitate to do so!"

"Okay." Sanbonjiro was very satisfied with the attitude of this subordinate who always treated him with great sincerity. He patted Kentaro Miyazaki on the shoulder again, "I will warn Zhang Xiaolin, and you should not act rashly."

He said with a serious expression, "I know you are angry about being assassinated, but I still hope you can take the overall situation into consideration."

Seeing that Kentaro Miyazaki was hesitant to speak, he continued, "Of course, as for Zhang Xiaolin, I will give him a stern warning. He will not dare to attack you again, let alone seek to seize your property!"

"Hai!" Cheng Qianfan was grateful and bowed.

After such an incident was 'relaxed', Sanbonjiro's anger caused by the 'jewelry box' incident dissipated a lot.

"Tell me about the 'jewelry box'." Sanbonjiro said.

"My subordinate told Zhao Gangchen that what I wanted was the jewelry box that I had confiscated from Xia Houyuan's home. He also clearly explained that the jewelry box was not valuable and was only entrusted by others. It is an old object. When you see something, you will miss the person you were with. There is a thought.

Think about it," Cheng Qianfan said.

He spoke slowly, thinking as he spoke, "Zhao Gangchen called me and told me that he had found the jewelry box."

"My subordinate went to pick it up in person. When he saw that it was a mahogany jewelry box, he didn't suspect anything. Without any delay, I immediately came to the Extra High School Class and handed the jewelry box to Araki-kun."

Hearing this, Sanbonjiro nodded. Just as Araki Harima had previously defended Miyazaki Kentaro, Miyazaki Kentaro had never seen the real jewelry box. Naturally, the other party brought a mahogany jewelry box, and he

Believed it to be true.

"What do you think the problem is?" Sanbonjiro asked in a deep voice.

"The problem shouldn't be with Zhao Gangchen." Cheng Qianfan said, "Zhao Gangchen didn't dare to deceive me. Even if the jewelry box was not found, he just said so and would not offend me by making any lies."

He thought for a moment and continued, "The problem should lie in the warehouse of the patrol room, or other people handling it. I will definitely investigate and get to the bottom of it."

Sanbonjiro nodded slightly, Miyazaki's analysis was quite reasonable.

"My subordinate must find the jewelry box as soon as possible." Cheng Qianfan said again.

"Stupid guy!" Sanbonjiro's originally soothing mood became angry again, "You idiot, you don't think you can get the jewelry box back, do you?"

Cheng Qianfan thought for a moment, his face changed, he smiled, and did not dare to say anything.

"Idiot!" Sanbonjiro cursed again.

Sanbonjiro, who was getting angry again, scolded Kentaro Miyazaki again and ordered him to find out the truth about the 'fake jewelry box' as soon as possible. He waved his hand and told him to get out.

"If you can't find out about this matter, don't come to see me!" Sanbonjiro said coldly.


Cheng Qianfan shuffled to the door and glanced at the broken red wine bottle on the ground. He turned to look at Sanbonjiro and hesitated to speak.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Sanbonjiro said angrily.

"My subordinate accidentally broke your red wine, Section Chief. Next time I must bring two bottles of good wine to apologize!" Cheng Qianfan said cautiously.

"Get out!" Sanbonjiro's face turned livid, "I'm so angry with you that I'm not in the mood to drink for the past two days!"

Cheng Qianfan quickly stood up at attention, saluted with a military salute, and then quickly 'escaped'.

After leaving Sanbonjiro's office, a smile appeared on his lips, he looked around, quickly calmed down his emotions, and walked in the corridor with a calm expression.

As soon as he entered the door, he deliberately chose that place to stand. Behind him was Sanbonjiro's wine rack.

Maybe Sanbonjiro himself didn't realize that he had the habit of hitting people with things.

Cheng Qianfan speculated that Sanbonjiro would take something, and most likely hit him with the jewelry box, so he naturally had to hide.

Then the wine rack and red wine behind him will naturally suffer.

in this way.

From the moment he walked in, the red wine bottle was broken, and the section chief would think of red wine, and when he thought of red wine, he would think of his "Miyazaki Kentaro".

The section chief is a drinker, so he will naturally be treated lightly.

If the old doesn't go, the new won't come.

Cheng Qianfan took the opportunity to go to Araki Harima's office.

Knocked on the door, Araki Harima was not in the office.

Cheng Qianfan asked an agent, but the agent didn't know where Captain Araki had gone.

Cheng Qianfan decisively left the extra-high school course.

In fact, when he saw that the person who came to report the shooting incident was Koike, not Araki Harima, Cheng Qianfan speculated that Araki Harima might have left because of something, or was still treating his injuries, or had other things to deal with.

In the current extra-high-level class, he is unwilling and unable to stay for a second. Who knows whether he will make eye contact with Nagging in the next second, or be seen by Nagging in secret.

He deliberately came to Araki Harima's office to find him, just to show off.

We had agreed before that we would talk after meeting the head teacher, so naturally he couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

With Araki Harima away, he had a reason to leave the Special High School Course immediately.

Although I was extremely impatient and nervous inside, it could even be said that I was walking on the edge of life and death.

However, Cheng Qianfan's face was calm and there was nothing unusual. He finished all this unhurriedly and finally left the extra-high school course safely and alive.



If he had a little bit of bad luck today, he would most likely die in the extra-high school class.

Sitting on the rickshaw, Cheng Qianfan threw his body into the seat.

The awning of the rickshaw cannot completely block the rain, and there will be a little bit of rain coming in.

Comrade Huo Miao, a twenty-four-year-old old agent, leaned on the back of the chair. He stretched out his hand, and raindrops fell on his palm, moistening his hand and nourishing his heart. (PS1)

He is not afraid of death. He is ready to sacrifice at any time. If necessary, he can rush to death without hesitation!

At the same time, he didn't want to die, not so early. He longed to see the day when the revolution was victorious and to see the smiles on the faces of the people across the country.

When he saw the name 'Nagging' on the file list, he was even mentally prepared to sacrifice himself in the extra-high school class today. Although at that moment, he thought of Ruolan and Xiaobao.

, thinking of the child in Ruolan's belly, thinking of her sister, nephew and many other people far away in Yanzhou...

This is a concern. If he really sacrifices, he will be extremely determined. These concerns will only make the sacrificer who is willing to die for this troubled great country feel sorry, but it will not slow down the pace and determination to make a glorious sacrifice.


And now——

Cheng Qianfan had a cigarette in his mouth. The cigarette was slightly wet from the rain, but it was still burning stubbornly:

‘Alive’ is so good.

Extraordinary courses.

Office of the Director of Shanghai Special Higher Education Courses.

Sanbonjiro put down the documents in his hands, picked up the teacup on his desk and took a sip.

Xiaochi has cleaned up the wine bottle fragments on the ground.

"Koike-kun." Sanbonjiro said.


Sanbonjiro waved and motioned for Koike to come over.

"When you picked up the document from the floor just now, which page was it on?" Sanbonjiro asked Koike.

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PS1: Age in the book refers to fictitious years.

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