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Chapter 387 Li Cuiqun invites you

 It's a sunny day.

The sun shines through the white clouds and onto the earth.

Cheng Qianfan was wearing the uniform of a senior police officer, with sunglasses on his nose, his hands in his trouser pockets, and his upright figure becoming more and more upright.

Lao Huang was beside him, holding the German black-backed wolfdog, and the two of them were walking the dog and chatting.

Some people were surprised at first that Mr. Xiao Cheng arranged for Lao Huang to help him raise dogs. Lao Huang is well-known for loving dogs. If Lao Huang helps raise dogs, isn't this the same as letting rats guard the granary?

However, there are some 'smart people' who have pointed out the connection. Not to mention that Lao Huang did not dare to offend 'Mr. Xiao Cheng', so he arranged for Lao Huang, who likes to steal dog meat the most, to raise this big wolf dog. Lao Huang will be greedy again.

, I can only endure it.

"Li Cuiqun is the host and asked me to meet tomorrow." Cheng Qianfan said in a low voice.

"How far has the spy organization of Li Cuiqun and Dingmu Tun developed?" Lao Huang asked, holding the dog's leash and staring at the dog's butt with a slightly unkind look.

"The development is relatively rapid." Cheng Qianfan smiled and threw a cigarette to Lao Huang. Lao Huang quickly caught it and tucked it behind his ear.

"At present, Ding Li's spy organization is more like a gang force. Li Cuiqun has some friendship with Ji Yunqing from the Youth Gang." Cheng Qianfan also lit a cigarette, took a puff, and continued holding the cigarette between his fingers.

"Li Cuiqun should be preparing to bribe gangsters and expand the power of traitors and spies." He took the dog leash from Lao Huang's hand, "This has particularly attracted the attention of comrades. These gangsters are local households in the market.

With their participation, the enemy's eyes and ears will be very alert."

"This is indeed a trouble." Lao Huang nodded. He took the cigarette from behind his ear, put it to his nose and sniffed, then lit the cigarette with a look of reluctance and a certain amount of satisfaction. He knew very well that those

The power of gangs can cause organizational problems.

"What does Li Cuiqun want from you?" he asked.

"I don't know." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "In view of the possible threats posed by Ding Li's secret service, I think it is necessary to further strengthen the 'friendship' between me and Li Cuiqun."

"Be careful." Lao Huang said after being silent for a moment.

Comrade "Huo Miao" is the leader of the special party branch in the French Concession. Comrade "Huo Miao" has the right to make relevant decisions on the basis that it does not involve issues of principle.

"I'll pay attention." Cheng Qianfan glanced at Lao Huang and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I have an intuition that Dingmutun, Li Cuiqun's spy organization, is most likely the most difficult opponent we have ever encountered." Lao Huang said in a deep voice.

He flicked the cigarette ashes and called the name of the big black-backed wolfdog. The dog immediately came up and licked Old Huang's arm affectionately.

"I also have a bad feeling." Behind the sunglasses, Cheng Qianfan's eyes were filled with solemnity, "Dingmu Tun and Li Cuiqun are both traitors to our party and the Kuomintang.

, the Central Unification Party is very familiar with and understands it. In addition, Dingmutun is quite influential within the Kuomintang. Once such people gain strong support from the Japanese, the harm they can cause is too great."

The two communicated in low voices, and the more they talked, the more they became increasingly afraid of Dingmu Tun and Li Cuiqun's spy organization.

Especially once such a spy organization merges with the Qing Gang, a gang organization rooted in Shanghai, its harm will be unprecedented.

"We must promptly remind the organization to be careful of Ding Li's spy organization." Cheng Qianfan said.

"It would be best to find a way to arrange for people to break into it," Lao Huang said.

Cheng Qianfan deeply agreed and nodded.

There was a smile on his face, but his words were solemn, "It is indeed necessary, but you must be fully prepared for this kind of thing in advance."

For lurkers, any tiny mistake or loophole means the end of the mission, the loss of life, which means sacrifice!

As he said that, he deliberately shook his head and smiled bitterly, pointing at Lao Huang, "You, you."

In an alley near Maoming Road.

A man wearing a peaked cap vigilantly observed the surrounding situation, and after confirming that no one was following him, he knocked on the door of a residential house.

"Who is it?" A voice asked impatiently from inside.

"Brother Pu, it's me," the man said quickly.

"Yan Laoqi? Your kid is still alive." He asked inside, "Why do you have time to come to my place?"

"Fourth brother is wrong, wrong, I am Yin Laowu."

"It's your boy, wait a minute."

The door opened, and 'Yin Laowu' met the people inside and stepped in.

He went up the stairs and went straight to the room on the left.

"What happened?" Luo Yannian shook hands with 'Yin Laowu' and asked hurriedly, while handing over the enamel jar.

"Wang Kangnian was arrested by the Japanese." 'Yin Laowu' took the enamel jar, drank two mouthfuls of water, and said immediately.

"Wang Kangnian was arrested?" Luo Yannian looked shocked, "Why did the Japanese arrest Wang Kangnian?"

No wonder he was shocked. When Wang Kangnian was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, he was the executioner who massacred the Red soldiers. After he defected to the Japanese and became a traitor, he intensified his efforts to brutalize the anti-Japanese elements. Such a hard-core traitor can be said to be cut into pieces with a thousand cuts. Now he is here.

People were actually arrested by the Japanese?

"The Japanese suspect that Wang Kangnian is the 'Chenzhou' comrade of our Special Branch Red Party." 'Yin Laowu' took a sip of water and said.

After saying that, he stared at Luo Yannian.

"Wang Kangnian is Comrade Chenzhou? Impossible!" Luo Yannian's expression changed, and then he shook his head and said in a deep voice, "This former reactionary is now a traitor! He killed so many of our comrades, how could he..."

Seeing the solemn expression of 'Yin Lao Wu', his face also became calm and solemn.

Luo Yannian realized that he could not give arbitrary definitions. Some seemed impossible, and the final answer was often unexpected.

"I will report this matter to the organization." Luo Yannian said.

"The Japanese are tracking down Wang Kangnian's subordinate Ou Yingchun." 'Yin Laowu' said, "They suspect that Ou Yingchun was sent by the Central Unification Committee to contact Wang Kangnian."

"Didn't you say that you suspected Wang Kangnian was 'Chen Zhou'?" Luo Yannian frowned and asked.

"In the eyes of the Japanese, Wang Kangnian is a red party member wearing the skin of the Central Government," said 'Yin Laowu'.

Luo Yannian fell into deep thought, "What do you think of this Ou Yingchun?"

"I'm not very familiar with Xiao Ou." 'Yin Lao Wu' shook his head and said, "Ou Yingchun is 'Xiao Ou'. He only recently came from Xi'an to join Wang Kangnian. He was Wang Kangnian's old subordinate when he was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department.


He looked at Luo Yannian, "Li Cuiqun's people should be looking for me. I'm still hesitating whether to show up and secretly inform them of the situation of the detective brigade."

"Wait a minute." Luo Yannian thought for a moment and said, "Then it will be said that you are being closely monitored by the Japanese and have been unable to escape."

He looked at 'Yin Lao Wu' and said solemnly, "Ding, Li's special agent organization is currently in its infancy stage. This is a good opportunity for you to break in and gain their trust and appreciation."

"Li Cuiqun has expressed his appreciation for me before, and I have agreed to join them secretly." 'Yin Lao Wu' said, "However, in order to show a cautious attitude, I did not show too much enthusiasm toward them.


"Now is a good opportunity." Luo Yannian said in a deep voice, "There is a problem within the detective brigade. Wang Kangnian was arrested by the Japanese. You are very worried about the future of the detective brigade. In this case, speed up the investigation of Ding and Li secret agents.

It makes sense to keep the pace closer."

"That's the truth." 'Yin Laowu' said.

"I emphasize organizational discipline again." Luo Yannian said, "Don't develop party members inside, don't try to promote and strengthen the organization, remember-"

He looked at 'Yin Laowu' with a serious expression, "Your main task is to obtain information, to obtain information that directly sabotages the underground party and the anti-Japanese movement."

‘Yin Lao Wu’ nodded.

"There is another situation."

"What's going on?" Luo Yannian asked immediately.

"Cheng Qianfan of the Central Patrol Room has secretly completely defected to the Japanese." 'Yin Laowu' said angrily.

"Cheng Qianfan defected to the Japanese, which we had expected for a long time." Luo Yannian said.

"This man is shameless. He deliberately clings to Araki Harima, who is a good friend of the special high school. He even gave himself a Japanese name, Miyazaki Kazuo, and said that he would apply to become a Japanese national." 'Yin Laowu' became angrier as he spoke.

"Cheng Qianfan's gesture is highly appreciated by the Japanese. Some Japanese even regard 'Kazuo Miyazaki' as half one of their own."

"Shameless! You have forgotten your ancestors! It's extremely shameful!" Luo Yannian was so angry at the shameful behavior of the infamous "Mr. Xiao Cheng" that he couldn't help but curse.

He looked at 'Yin Lao Wu' and said, "Cheng Qianfan is opposed to the revolution and hates red people. He once killed our comrades and even arrested many of our comrades. Some of them were arrested by Cheng Qianfan.

Then he disappeared, and the organization suspected that those comrades were secretly killed by Cheng Qianfan."

"This person is quite recognized and valued by the Japanese." 'Yin Laowu''s eyes flashed with anger, but he could only shake his head helplessly, "Otherwise, we can find a solution through the hands of the Japanese.

Get rid of Cheng Qianfan."

Lao Huang showed a slightly embarrassed expression.

Cheng Qianfan handed the dog leash to Lao Huang, took out his wallet, and handed a wad of money to Lao Huang, "Drink less. You will be carrying the bottle wherever you go like a drunk cat all day long. Be careful not to die in the wine vat."


"People live this life just to have two sips of food and two sips of drink." Lao Huang put the banknotes away in his pocket, pressed them again, and after confirming that they were correct, he said with a smile.

"Harmonica reported that the lady has not been to the store in the past two days." Old Huang said in a low voice.

"Tell Harmonica, don't be in a hurry." Cheng Qianfan stopped, teased the big black-backed wolfdog, and said.

At the party branch meeting that day, several people formulated a preliminary action plan on how to infiltrate the Yuyao Chamber of Commerce and inquire about the anti-Japanese donation from Nanyang to the New Fourth Army.

The most important thing is for Zhang Ping to find a way to become friends with Tan Pinggong's wife!

This was also the judgment and decision made by Cheng Qianfan based on the secret telegram from the Chongqing Military Command Headquarters received by the Shanghai Special Intelligence Team.

The military commander ordered "Xiao Mian" to find a way to arrange someone to get close to Mrs. Tan.

The military commanders were the 'first' to discover this anti-Japanese donation. Their every move must have profound meaning. Without being more thorough and in-depth for the time being, they 'followed the pattern' and arranged for Zhang Ping to approach Mrs. Tan. Naturally, it was

the best solution.

Zhang Ping's ready-to-wear shop is well-known even on Xiafei Road, and Zhang Ping himself takes the greatest credit.

Zhang Ping is good at custom-making clothes and has a unique vision. The clothes she tailors are unique and unique, and many ladies and ladies like them very much.

One of Zhang Ping’s regular customers said before, ‘Mrs. Tan from the Yuyao Chamber of Commerce also likes your clothes.’ Therefore, Zhang Ping had the opportunity to come into contact with Mrs. Tan.

However, after all, this is just a word of mouth from others, and it may be untrue and exaggerated. Even if Mrs. Tan really likes the clothes of Zhang Ping Clothing Store, it is unpredictable when she will visit and requires luck.

Wearing sunglasses and holding a big wolf dog, 'Mr. Xiao Cheng' looked majestic. He glanced at Lao Huang and said, "Tell Zhang Ping to find a way to turn passivity into initiative..."

Lao Huang took the dog and left.

Cheng Qianfan smoked another cigarette under a sycamore tree in the yard, and then went directly back to the deputy chief inspector's office.

Afterwards, he carried a briefcase and went to Jin Kemu's office.

He walked to the table, took out an envelope from his briefcase and handed it to Jin Kemu.

This is Jiujiu Trading’s dividend last month.

Jin Kemu took the envelope, squeezed it, with a smile on his face, opened the drawer, and put the envelope directly into the drawer.

Then he took out a few blank, stamped temporary passes from the drawer and handed them to Cheng Qianfan.

This is the customs clearance pass for Mailan Pier in the French Concession.

It needs to be stamped with the seal of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to be valid, and it can only be found in the hands of the General Inspector. This is a rule formulated by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau of the French Concession in the past half month. It is said that the purpose is to combat smuggling and smuggling.

As for the reason behind it, many people including Cheng Qianfan know it well:

The business of a certain director of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau was greatly affected by the black market business, and his income dropped sharply, so he came up with this method to combat smuggling and smuggling.

When Cheng Qianfan was about to pick him up, Jin Kemu withdrew again and said, "Don't poke fun at me."

Cheng Qianfan snatched it away unceremoniously, "Uncle Jin, you are more nagging than Aunt Jin now."

Jin Kemu glared at Cheng Qianfan, "Be careful, I tell your aunt, you say she is long-winded."

"Did I say that?" Cheng Qianfan looked innocent.

"You're a bastard." Jin Kemu scolded with a smile, pointed at Cheng Qianfan, but suddenly changed the subject, "How is the assassination investigation going?"

"Not very good." Cheng Qianfan showed an annoyed and dissatisfied look, "It's not like you don't know Jintou. The Japanese said that the gunman was suspected of anti-Japanese activities, and everyone was forcibly removed by the Japanese."

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