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Chapter 388 Mr. Jin’s distinguished guest

"The Japanese didn't say they would continue to investigate the assassination?" Jin Kemu glanced at Cheng Qianfan and said, "There needs to be an explanation."

"I told you I would check." Cheng Qianfan's eyes showed a dark and unclear color. He took out his cigarette holder and gestured towards Jin Kemu. Seeing Jin Kemu shaking his head, he lit a cigarette and took a puff of the cigarette.


"What was found?" Jin Kemu immediately asked.

Cheng Qianfan blew out two puffs of smoke from his nose. He glanced at Jin Kemu, and the worry in his heart became even higher.

"A Japanese friend told me that Zhang Xiaolin was behind the scenes," Cheng Qianfan said.

With that said, Cheng Qianfan rolled his cigarette in the ashtray on Jin Kemu's desk and put it out. He picked up his police hat and put it on, "Uncle Jin, I have something else to do over there, so I won't disturb you from your official duties."

"Go, go." Jin Kemu waved his hand with a smile.

Returning to the deputy chief inspector's office, Cheng Qianfan poured himself a cup of tea, sipped it carefully, and thought about it carefully.

Jin Kemu suddenly asked about the situation of ‘Assassination Eucalyptus’.

Maybe there is a little bit of concern.

However, most of them are probably seeking information.

Inquire about the 'first mate' and 'Qiao Zui'?

Or was it the situation of the four people who were later confessed by the ‘chief officer’ and captured by the Japanese?

Is it simply out of sympathy and concern for the anti-Japanese elements?

Or is it that Jin Kemu has secretly been in contact with Chongqing?

The more he thought deeply and thought about some of the details and performances of Jin Kemu these days, the more he felt that Jin Kemu might have been connected with Chongqing.

It is not yet known whether he has agreed to play for Chongqing, but there is a high probability that the two parties have had contact, and it is a relatively optimistic contact.

Cheng Qianfan took a sip of tea and put down the cup.

He leaned back on the chair, crossed his legs, held his head with his right hand, and fell into deep thought.


Or military rule?

After some thought, he ruled out Zhongtong.

This is because Jin Kemu's words just now may have the meaning of "secretly rubbing" and "provoking" "friendly relations" between him and the Japanese.

Is this Jin Kemu testing the forces behind him, or is he considering recruiting him?

Jin Kemu knew about the interrogation report of "Qiao Zui", which actually involved the Central President. In this case, it was too late for the Central President to hide from him, so how dare he come to his door automatically.

In this case, Cheng Qianfan guessed that the person in contact with Jin Kemu should be the military commander.

Furthermore, it is the Military Command Shanghai Station.

Zheng Weilong?!

An idea flashed in Cheng Qianfan's mind.

In order to rescue Zheng Weilong, Cheng Qianfan deliberately induced Sanbonjiro to formulate the so-called "Sickle Plan", which meant secretly expressing goodwill to Zheng Weilong in order to attract Zheng Weilong's recruitment.

Later, Zheng Weilong successfully escaped from danger and left Shanghai. However, the Military Command Shanghai Station made no further moves to recruit Cheng Qianfan.

At the beginning, Sanbonjiro would ask "Miyazaki Kentaro" about the progress of the "Sickle Project". Cheng Qianfan naturally had a puzzled expression, and at the same time showed a slightly happy look:

This is because the plan was drawn up by Sanbonjiro. In fact, Kentaro Miyazaki reluctantly accepted the task because he was afraid of death. Miyazaki himself did not want to break into the military system because it was too dangerous.

The military commander never took the initiative to contact Cheng Qianfan again. Mimotojiro was disappointed and had no choice but to admit that the "Sickle Plan" failed.

In fact, this was a plan destined to fail. Cheng Qianfan reported the matter to Dai Chunfeng and expressed his concerns about this plan.

After careful consideration, Dai Chunfeng also believed that the feasibility of arranging for Kentaro Miyazaki to infiltrate the military in reverse was too low. This operation seemed to be a stroke of genius, but in fact it was too dangerous and had endless consequences.

Cheng Qianfan rubbed his temples and frowned slightly, with doubts and confusion in his eyes.

If, as he speculated, Jin Kemu was behind the military command Shanghai Station, then the Shanghai Station's operations were beyond his understanding.

This was Shanghai Station's own decision, believing that the Japanese were forcibly removing the two murderers of the "Assassination of Eucalyptus". Will this incident cause a rift between him and the Japanese and make him feel chilled?

Therefore, you want to take the opportunity to recruit ‘Mr. Xiao Cheng’?

Here, Jin Kemu didn't know that Cheng Qianfan was 'so cunning' and could actually discern his intentions from his few words.

At noon, the Citroen sedan of Jin Kemu, Chief Inspector of the Central Patrol Room, drove out of the courtyard of the Central Patrol Room.

Cheng Qianfan stood at the window, holding a kettle for watering the flowers in his hand. He glanced at the car that turned right out of the courtyard gate, his eyes twinkling.

The entrance on the first floor of Chunfengdeyi Building.

Su Zhe, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly stepped forward and helped Mr. Jin open the car door.

"Jin Tou, the distinguished guest is already waiting in the private room." Su Zhe said.

"Are your guests anxious?" Jin Kemu asked.

"The distinguished guest has been staying in the private room." Su Zhe understood what Jin Kemu wanted to ask and whispered.

Jin Kemu nodded and motioned for Su Zhe to lead the way.

Soon, I went up to the second floor, Mr. Jin’s exclusive private room.

Su Zhe knocked on the door, ventilated with the guests inside, then opened the door and watched Jin Kemu go in, while he stayed outside to look out.

Who is this distinguished guest?

He couldn't help but feel a little gurgling in his heart.

When Jin Kemu's Citroen sedan returned to Xue Huali Road, it was already a quarter past three in the afternoon.

At this time, Cheng Qianfan was standing at the office window, watching Su Zhe get out of the passenger car, go around and open the door for Jin Kemu.

Mr. Jin got out of the car and seemed to be in good spirits. He strode toward the police station building. Along the way, he encountered patrol officers who stood at attention and saluted. He also smiled and nodded in response.

Cheng Qianfan was thoughtful.

At this time, Da Toulu knocked on the door and came in to report to Cheng Qianfan that Mr. Jin entertained a distinguished guest at Chunfeng Deyi Building.

Cheng Qianfan took a puff of his cigarette and remained silent while thinking about the news Datou Lu said.

After a while, he asked, "Do you know the origin of the distinguished guest that Mr. Jin entertained?"

"I don't know." Datou Lu shook his head, "It's very mysterious. Su Zhe arranged the reception himself, and it didn't go through the hands of anyone else."

"What are you suspecting?" Cheng Qianfan turned his head and looked at Da Toulu with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Subordinate, I heard..." Big Tou Luyi gritted his teeth, "Aguan has now joined the Red Party."

As he spoke, Da Toulu raised four fingers.

Cheng Qianfan's expression changed. He closed the window, gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice, "Who told you this? Is the news reliable?"

"Someone met the New Fourth Army in Jurong and said that an officer looked like Aguan." Datou Lu said.

As Da Toulu spoke, he secretly looked at Cheng Qianfan's expression.

"How accurate is it?" Cheng Qianfan asked immediately.

"Because it was evening and it was getting late, the man couldn't see clearly. I just said he looked a bit like Mr. Guan from the patrol room." Datou Lu said.

Cheng Qianfan remained silent.

He flicked the ashes of his cigarette and put it out directly in the ashtray. He looked at Datou Lu with a serious expression and said, "Call the little monkey."

"Yes!" Da Toulu agreed, turned around and left to call someone.

Cheng Qianfan looked serious.

He Guan has already become a glorious Bolshevik comrade and is currently serving in the New Fourth Army. He is aware of this situation.

In order to prevent the enemy from retaliating and killing the families of the New Fourth Army, the true identities of comrades in the ranks, especially the officers, are kept secret.

But I didn't expect that someone would recognize He Guan. This was mainly because He Guan was a patrol officer in the French Concession and was Jin Kemu's nephew. Master Guan was also a celebrity in the central police station, and many people knew him.

Cheng Qianfan secretly thought about the impact and dangers that He Guan's identity might have brought to He Guan's family and Jin Kemu if his identity was leaked.

Unless the Japanese catch He Guan, or there is conclusive evidence that He Guan joined the New Fourth Army, otherwise the Japanese will have no way to deal with Jin Kemu, He Mu and others. After all, Jin Kemu is the chief inspector of the Central Patrol Room, unless the Japanese

They declared war on France and sent troops to occupy the French Concession. Otherwise, they would not be able to threaten the safety of a chief inspector and his family for the time being.

Even if the Japanese had evidence to prove that He Guan had joined the New Fourth Army, they could not do anything to Jin Kemu for the time being.

Cheng Qianfan felt a little relieved.

Then his heart began to twitch again. Is there anything related to the distinguished guest Jin Kemu secretly met?

If it really is He Guan, then Aguan will be in danger.

Da Toulu brought Hou Pingliang in.

"Brother Fan." Hou Pingliang said.

"Deputy Inspector Lu, have you told me?" Cheng Qianfan asked.

"Yes, Brother Lu has already told me." Hou Pingliang said.

"Be smart and keep an eye on it yourself." Cheng Qianfan said.

"Would you like to call some brothers..." Da Toulu asked from the side.

"No." Cheng Qianfan shook his head, "If you keep an eye on me, it will be easier to do bad things if there are too many people."

He looked at Hou Pingliang and said, "If you are discovered, do you know what to say?"

"There is intelligence that the Jiang Mulezi gang secretly sneaked into the Central District with the intention of doing evil to the chief. In order to protect the chief's safety..." Hou Pingliang said.

"Jiang Mulezi, there is a big problem in Shanghai, and we will kill him sooner or later." Cheng Qianfan waved his hand, signaling Hou Pingliang and Datou Lu to retreat.

He arranged for Hou Pingliang to monitor Jin Kemu alone. Without him, the little monkey was his confidant. To be precise, the little monkey was only loyal to him. If there was any discovery, Hou Pingliang would only tell him secretly and ask him for instructions.

Cheng Qianfan thought about it for a moment, and his judgment was that the distinguished guest Jin Kemu secretly met was most likely not related to him.

Everyone does not know that He Guan joined the New Fourth Army, but it is not a secret that He Guan joined the National Army to fight against Japan. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for He Guan to appear in public. At least the young man from Chunfeng Deyilou and the regular customers must recognize Master Guan.


In this case, even if He Guan secretly returns to Shanghai, the safest way is to meet Jin Kemu secretly. Even if it is a secret meeting with Jin Kemu in He Mansion, it is much safer than meeting at Chunfeng Deyilou.

Therefore, after a calm analysis at this time, Cheng Qianfan believed that it was unlikely that the mysterious guest Jin Kemu met was related to him. Instead, he might be——

Someone from the Juntong Shanghai Station?

Since this 'information' was reported by Datou Lu, neither Li Hao nor Hao Zai were suitable to touch this matter. In this case, it would be most appropriate for him to arrange for Hou Pingliang to investigate the matter.

get off work.

'Mr. Xiao Cheng' returned home, had dinner with his family, and teased Sesame again. He tried to make the little guy cry, but was kicked out by an angry Xiaobao.

Cheng Qianfan then went straight to the study.

He opened the safe in the study.

The safe has three floors, and the first floor is covered with banknotes, including British pounds, US dollars, Japanese yen, francs, and French currency.

The first floor is filled with glittering yellow croaker and gold, silver and jade jewelry.

There is also a layer where various certificates and passes are stored.

He carefully compared the blank special pass given to him by Jin Kemu with the pile of special passes in the safe.

Finally, I simply took it out, placed it under the desk lamp, inspected it carefully, and nodded with satisfaction.

I worked hard at my desk for a long time.

I took out four passes, one true, three false, and put them into my briefcase.

About half an hour later, Mr. Cheng's car slowly left Cheng's house.

Tan Mansion.

There are two sweet-scented osmanthus trees planted in the inner courtyard, one symmetrical to the left and the other to the right.

These two trees are quite old and are regarded by Tan Pinggong as the auspicious trees of Tan Mansion.

It is particularly beautiful when it blooms every year, and the yard is filled with the fragrance of osmanthus.

Osmanthus can also be used to make osmanthus cake.

It's still early for the sweet-scented osmanthus to bloom, and Tan Pinggong's youngest son is already talking about sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

At this moment, under the moonlight, Tan Pinggong was sitting on a stone bench under the osmanthus tree, with a solemn expression, staring at an osmanthus tree and meditating. A gust of wind blew by, and Tan Pinggong felt a little cold. He took a sip of the cold tea, but

I made a sound, turned on the flashlight to look, and saw that there were insects in the osmanthus tree.

This discovery made Tan Pinggong, who was already a little uneasy, even more uneasy.

There were footsteps.

Tan Pinggong looked up and saw his wife coming with a coat.

"Be careful of catching cold." Mrs. Tan put a coat on her husband.

"The wind blew my body cold." Tan Pinggong sighed, "I am so worried now, but my heart feels like ice on my back."

"Master, there is no need to say more about the dangers here." Mrs. Tan said with a sad face, "We must make a decision early."

"No, this money is a donation raised by the Nanyang princes for the anti-Japanese war. You must not..." Tan Pinggong's expression changed and he said.

"Where are you thinking, sir?" Mrs. Tan said seriously, "Although I am a woman, I also know the justice of my family and my country."

She looked at her husband, "What I mean is, every day this money is in our hands, there will be one more day of danger. If we don't find a way to contact Chongqing, the government is..."

Tan Pinggong glanced at his young wife and remained silent.

This money was a donation raised by Nanyang businessmen for the Anti-Japanese War. To be precise, it was a donation specially raised for the New Fourth Army.

It was only because of the sacrifice of his liaison that he lost contact with the Red Party.

Tan Pinggong originally wanted to inquire secretly and try to get in touch with the New Fourth Army, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that this was too dangerous. Maybe the New Fourth Army didn't get in touch and the Japanese came first.

In this way, Tan Pinggong could only wait passively.

However, as time passed, he began to worry more and more. He always felt that the money was like a time bomb that could blow up the entire Tan Mansion to ashes at any time.

This is the reason for worry.

Now, my wife has pointed out that donations to the Red Party are for the anti-Japanese cause anyway, and donations to Chongqing are legitimate anti-Japanese purposes.

"Master, in comparison, as long as we find a way, we can contact Chongqing. This is much easier and safer than finding the New Fourth Army." Mrs. Tan said.

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