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Chapter 269 Join


This is the largest primeval forest in the entire rune world, and there are countless rare species living in it that are rarely seen in the outside world.

Not only is there a human magical civilization hidden in the forest, but there is also a tribe of half-orcs of the vastaya race living in it.

But today, this natural land of lofty mountains has welcomed some uninvited guests!

Starting from the east coast of the entire area, dozens of ghosts formed a hunting team. After landing, they headed all the way to the west deep into the forest.

Along the way, ghosts hunted all visible life forms.

Countless animals were slaughtered, and even their souls were eaten by those ghosts.

It wasn't until those ghosts approached the center of the forest that they were intercepted by a vastaya half-orc master!

It may be inaccurate to say that it is an interception. It should be said that it is a delay.

The white lion who once slaughtered Severka's entire mercenary team, the jungle stalker named Rengar, although he used his body as a bait to make the ghosts stop going deep into the forest, he

The situation is somewhat precarious!

Rengar's movements are very agile and fast!

As the lion roared, its figure quickly jumped between the flat ground and the surrounding giant trees!

His charging speed was like a missile, and the sword on his right wrist and the claw on his left wrist made a "whooshing" sound as they swung through the air!

But it's all in vain!

Even though Rengar used his fangs to bite, he was unable to hurt those ghosts at all!

On the contrary, the attacks of those ghosts are very dangerous!

At the beginning of the war, Rengar was careless and a ghost clawed his body.

There were no scars on Rengar's body, but he felt as if his soul was almost ripped out of his body!

It's a kind of coldness that goes deep into the bone marrow, and a trance that makes the soul unstable!

There is even a kind of severe pain that does not affect the body!

Fortunately, Rengar quickly distanced himself from the ghost due to his hunting instinct, otherwise he might have fallen long ago!

In the subsequent battles, Rengar couldn't help but be more careful, trying his best to avoid being touched by creatures he didn't recognize!

He can only use his speed advantage, or use his body skills developed by living in the forest all year round, to continue hunting those unknown monsters!

Half an hour; one hour; two hours...

After a long battle, even Rengar's abilities were getting tired.

After a long period of high-speed charging and continuous jumping, Reilgar's legs covered with fluff were already congested!

His legs began to feel numb, and Rengar's control over his legs became worse and worse!

But Rengar is the hunter! He won't back down!

So, with another roar of the lion, Rengar rushed towards the dozens of ghosts again!

Before the ghosts could react, Rengar quickly passed between their figures!

The wrist knife and wrist claws cut through the throats of most of the ghosts, but the result was only making the bodies of those ghosts drift slightly!

No ghosts were hurt!

After those ghosts reacted, they turned around, raised their arms made of soul energy, and rushed towards Rengar screaming!

Rengar panted while staring at the ghosts!

Looking at the ghosts surrounding him from the air and the ground, he instantly calculated a safe and effective hunting route!

No fear! No fear!

Rengar, who did not flinch, charged again!

However, he was too focused on fighting! He ignored his own condition!

Just after charging two steps, Rengar felt a sudden stinging pain on his legs!

This caused his body to stumble a bit!

His steps were chaotic! Rengar lost control of his right foot and happened to trip over a vine that emerged from the ground!

The charging trend of his upper body could not be stopped, and Rengar could only let out an annoyed roar!

The next moment, his body was completely out of balance!


Rengar's body fell heavily to the ground!

He wanted to get up quickly, but his legs were overloaded and he couldn't relax instantly!

Unable to get up, Rengar could only turn his body over.

He half sat up and stared at the undead rushing towards him!

Bloodthirsty eyes rose from Rengar's remaining right eye!

Even though he knew he couldn't hurt those ghosts, he still roared and waved his arms!

The wrist sword and wrist claws were swung alternately, and in the blink of an eye, Rengar launched more than ten attacks!

The ghost closest to him was forced to stop as a result, and its body flickered on and off for a while.

But Rengar could only block the ghost in front of him, but there were more coming at him!

The next moment, a ghost jumped down from the air and reached out to grab Rengar's head!

Rengar tilted his head back to dodge, but at the same time he had to give up on the ghost in front of him, and instead used the weapons on both wrists to attack upwards!

But it's a bit late!

Although he successfully penetrated the body of the ghost above with his wrist knife and wrist claws, his arms were also caught by the opponent!

A cold feeling that penetrated into the bone marrow rose up in his arms, which made Rengar rapidly lose control of his arms!

At the same time, other ghosts had already rushed up and touched his body!

In the midst of an angry and unwilling lion's roar, Rengar couldn't help but lie down on the ground with a 'bang'!

As the ghost tore at his body, Rengar once again experienced the trance of his soul leaving his body!

And the severe pain that he didn't know where to come from kept maintaining his consciousness, making it impossible for him to fall into coma!

The feeling of severe pain kept appearing, and Rengar's consciousness became more and more trance-like!

He had completely lost control of his body and couldn't even make a sound.

At this moment, a shuttle-like stream of light suddenly flew from a distance and instantly shattered the bodies of those ghosts!

In a daze, Rengar seemed to see a dark shadow.

But the next moment, he couldn't even maintain the peripheral vision. A severe dizziness arose, making Rengar's vision dark!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At the same time, the feeling of being out of body disappeared in an instant.

A little warmth appeared within his body, and Rengar seemed to feel his own heartbeat again.

But he also felt his own weakness.

After an unknown amount of time, Rengar heard the sound again.

Although it was more tinnitus, he could barely pick up other sounds around him.


A vague voice entered Rengar's ears: "Are you okay?"


The extremely weak growl surged in Rengar's throat.

After an unknown amount of time, Rengar finally felt that his body had regained some strength.

Enduring the bone-deep chill in his body, Rengar rolled his right eye and saw the blurry figure beside him.

As his body continued to recover, Rengar's vision became clearer and clearer.

After a while, he finally saw his savior clearly!

It was a dark-skinned male human with dreadlocks, and everyone was squatting next to him with a concerned expression.

"You saved...me..."

Rengar said something unclearly.

Then he tried to get up, but the feeling of being out of control caused his muscles to tighten feebly.

"It would be better if you lie down for a while."

Lucian seemed to have discovered Rengar's plan.

He raised his hand and made a pressing motion in the air, and reminded: "Don't worry, there is no danger anymore. I have eliminated all those ghosts. You need to rest in this situation. You will recover after a while."

The grace of saving his life made Rengar show his obedience.

He no longer thought about getting up, but relaxed his whole body and waited for recovery.

At the same time, he asked in a low voice: "What...are they...?"

"Undead, or ghosts."

Lucian turned his head and looked around and replied: "I don't know if they are Foego's men, because their number is too small."

Rengar is very powerful, and in this short time, he has recovered a lot.

His speech became clearer, and he continued to ask: "How did you kill them? Why can't I?"

"It's because of this."

Lucian raised two sacred stone firearms and signaled.

"The undead are divided into two categories and four types."

He said: "One type is the physical undead, which are divided into living dead transformed from flesh and blood corpses, and energy bodies formed by the condensation of death energy."

"The other type is the soul body."

Lucian continued to explain: "They are divided into ghosts and resentful spirits. Ghosts can only affect people's souls through close combat, while resentful spirits are more dangerous and can affect people's consciousness from a distance."

"Those who besieged you just now are ghosts."

Lucian showed off the two guns in his hands again: "Ordinary weapons cannot touch them without entities. Only sacred stone weapons like mine can restrain them."


Although there was still a biting cold feeling in his body, Rengar had finally regained control of his body.

He put his hands on the ground and slowly sat up.

After looking at the two guns in Lucian's hands, Rengar raised his gaze and stared into the opponent's eyes.

"I am Rengar! You saved me!"

His tone was very firm: "I will repay you!"

"No need."

Lucian smiled slightly: "The undead are the mortal enemies of all living things, and it is our duty to save you."

"I don't owe you any favors!"

Rengar was very insistent, his tone sounding like a deadbeat.

But the next second, he became embarrassed and ashamed.

"Can I ask you to do me one more favor?"

Rengar's eyes wandered and he said, "I want to know where I can find a holy stone weapon like yours. I want revenge!"

As if he was afraid of Lucian's rejection, Rengar expressed his determination with additional explanations.

"I have only failed once in my life!"

He slowly raised his hand and touched his blind left eye: "A predator blinded my left eye and swallowed it in front of me! Although I also tore his wings to pieces,

But failure is failure!”

Rengar looked into Lucian's eyes again.

"I swore an oath!"

He was brewing a beastly roar of "snoring" in his throat, and continued: "I swear, I will never face failure again in this life! But today! I failed again!"

"I can't accept this result at all! So please help me!"

Rengar seemed like a little beast expressing his surrender. He opened his arms and exposed his chest to Lucian, "Please help me get the holy stone weapon! I must go find those undead to wash away my shame!"


Lucian hesitated for a moment.

He stared at Rengar's stubborn and faith-filled right eye.

Lucian felt that a person with such eyes was worthy of his help.

So he smiled and nodded: "Okay! Welcome to join the team to fight against the Curse of Destruction! My name is Lucian, and I am a Sentinel of Light. Our mission is to fight against the undead!"

"I will join you!"

Rengar slowly stood up and said seriously: "When I have my revenge, I will repay your life-saving grace!"

Lucian smiled and shook his head: "Since we have become companions, there is nothing we should not repay. We should help each other. Not to mention that..."

Lucian looked around.

Then he frowned and said, "Rengar, we have something important to do now!"

"What's the matter?" Rengar asked, moving his still somewhat stiff limbs.

"Those undead are very abnormal."

Lucian replied: "Their number is too small! The real disaster of destruction should not consist of just a few dozen undead."

"What do you mean?" Rengar didn't understand.

Since he left the group, he has always been a lone ranger, living alone in this forest and hunting for a living.

Therefore, Rengar rarely interacts with outsiders, and he lacks the ability to get along with others.

Lucian's tone was just a normal connection, but Rengar failed to pick up the topic properly.

Lucian didn't care either.

He continued: "I plan to investigate and see where those ghosts come from."

This time, Rengar finally understood.

He nodded directly: "Okay! I'll help you!"

Lucian heard this and looked at Rengar, mainly looking at Rengar's wrist sword and wrist claws.

After thinking for a while, Lucian put his hand into his pocket.

He took out a small holy stone from it.

That's a souvenir.

A few years ago, when he was planning to die with Thresh, a sacred stone pistol was broken into pieces by Thresh.

Lucian grabbed the fragment of the holy stone and broke Thresh's soul lamp, allowing Senna's soul to escape and be resurrected.

So Lucian left a small fragment of the holy stone and always carried it with him as a souvenir.

Now he wants to investigate the source of those ghosts, and Rengar has become a companion, so Lucian cannot leave his companions alone.

He was worried that Rengar would be in danger without the weapon of the Holy Stone.

Without being able to lend his guns to the other party, Lucian could only take out the small piece of souvenir.

"Here." He handed Rengar the fragment of the holy stone that was only the size of a finger: "This is the holy stone. Although its power is very weak, it is enough for you to hold for self-defense."

Rengar looked at the fragment of the Holy Stone that was only the size of his fingernail.

Although he felt inadequate, he could only accept Lucian's kindness. He spread his fleshy palms to catch the fragments...

This chapter has been completed!
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