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Chapter 134 Backtracking

In the infirmary, Kewen used the 'Guardian Spell' to convey a message to the kitchen. Not long after, a house elf teleported and appeared in the infirmary, holding a tray in his hand.

Corwin gave two cups of hot cocoa to Hermione and Harry to calm their spirits, and then began to enjoy the snack as if no one else was around.

In the secret room on the other side.

Dumbledore recruited four sub-deans to briefly clean up the 'wreck' left by Professor Quirrell. Then Dumbledore cast a spell and began to recall the previous scene in the secret room.

The five people watched the phantom picture quietly, watched Quirrell take Coven into the secret room, and watched a series of situations that happened afterward.

In order to obtain detailed information this time, Dumbledore and the four branch deans kept moving and faced the figures in the illusion head-on.

Dumbledore controlled the playback speed of the illusion and asked everyone to read the lips of the phantom figure carefully.

Although the content of what Voldemort said cannot be obtained through lip reading, the professors are not stupid. Combining Quirrell's expression and the content of lip reading, they can also restore almost what Voldemort said.

It wasn't until Kewen started the raid that all the professors became nervous. Although they already knew the result, it was the famous Voldemort.

So all the professors couldn't help but sweat for Kewen.

As the 'Shadowless Blade' cut off Quirrell's arm, the professors couldn't help but look at Snape.

This time Snape didn't make any excuses, but showed a hint of pride. After all, he invented this curse.

Next, the professors saw Harry lose his arm, and then the arm was broken into pieces and weathered.

Dumbledore deliberately stopped the retrospective screen so that everyone could observe carefully.

At this time, Professor Flitwick suddenly pointed at Kewen and shouted: "Look! Little Kewen must have discovered something!"

Everyone then looked at Ke Wen. Sure enough, Ke Wen was looking at the weathered arm with some surprise.

Dumbledore waved his hand to turn the illusion screen on again.

Sure enough, with just a simple 'repelling spell' from Corwin, Quirrell threw himself into Harry's arms.

"Beautiful repel spell!" Flitwick jumped on his toes and praised: "The most suitable time! The most suitable spell! Little Covin's fighting consciousness is so perfect!"

"What a beauty!" Snape was a little angry and shouted angrily: "Why didn't he consider Harry! What if Harry didn't raise his hand in time..."

"No!" Dumbledore stopped the picture again, looked at Kewen's expression carefully and then said with a smile: "Little Kewen has already anticipated all the factors."

After hearing this, Professor McGonagall took a step forward, stood in front of Ke Wen's illusion, and carefully observed Ke Wen's expression. He quickly nodded and agreed: "Yes, I think so too! You see, Ke Wen's eyes are very confident, and


Professor McGonagall shifted her steps, walked behind Cowen's illusion, leaned down slightly, and looked at the angle of Cowen's wand.

The smile on his face widened, and Professor McGonagall said with admiration: "Corwin had already taken precautions at that time. His wand was pointing at Harry's arm. If Harry had not raised his hand, Corvin would have used a spell to control Harry."

Do it!”

Snape somewhat distrusted what Professor McGonagall said. He walked behind Corwin's illusion with a cold face, squatted down slightly, and checked for himself.

After receiving the result, Snape snorted and revealed the matter.

When Dumbledore saw this, he smiled and reopened the illusion at the right time.

Next, everyone watched Quirrell turn into ashes, watched Voldemort's remnant souls begin to gather and appear, and watched Coven think for a moment before using the 'Calling Guard' to start attacking Voldemort's remnant souls.

"Maybe..." Professor Sprout's eyes were filled with admiration, and he said softly with emotion: "Maybe this is fate."

"Oh?" Dumbledore turned around and asked, "Pomona, why do you say that?"

Professor Sprout looked at the phantom Kewen with kind eyes, and sighed: "Little Kewen discovered the secret of the Dementors, and now he has successfully restrained Voldemort with the 'Calling Guard'..."

There was no need to continue speaking, everyone understood what Professor Sprout meant.

Professor Flitwick also lamented: "Pomona is right! Perhaps it is fate that made young Covin study the dementors first, thus discovering the restraint of negative souls by the 'Guardian Curse'..."

All the professors began to sigh and praise one after another, and even Snape admitted that this coincidence was a bit unbelievable.

Dumbledore hesitated a little after hearing this, because he had always believed in the prophecies made by Professor Sybill Trelawney.

He had always believed that Voldemort would eventually be truly destroyed by Harry Potter, as the prophecy said.


Looking at Coven in the illusion, he used the "Guardian Spell" to contain Voldemort, while seizing the opportunity to switch various spells to attack.

Look at Harry Potter, who is always dumbfounded on the other side.

In the end, until the screen showed Covin about to use the killing curse, Dumbledore didn't think about any outcome in his mind.

"Oh My God!"


"Merlin's heart!"

Seeing the green light on the tip of Cowan's wand, all the professors exclaimed in surprise. Snape even took a step forward reflexively, and at the same time raised his hand to pull out the wand, but his arm stopped in mid-air.

The last scene is when Corwin breaks the spell and Dumbledore appears.

At this point, Dumbledore waved his hand to cancel the retrospective screen, looked around at everyone and said: "This is the situation."

"Although..." Professor Flitwick spoke first, hesitating for a moment and then his tone became firm: "Although Xiao Kewen's last behavior was unwise, I still want to say that Xiao Kewen did a good job!"

"Albus, thank you!" Professor McGonagall covered her chest and said happily: "Thank you for shouldering what Cowen shouldn't have to shoulder!"

Snape remained silent, admitting in his heart that Cowen did a great job and actually eliminated Voldemort.

On the other hand, he was a little angry at Coven for not caring about Harry's safety.

Although I knew in my heart that Coven's series of actions were completely correct, after all, Harry's eyes...

In short, Snape was very confused and simply refused to comment. Anyway, everyone knew how he and Cowen got along.

There are still many things to deal with next.

For example, everyone present knows that even though a remnant of Voldemort's soul has been eliminated, the other party will still come back. Now no one knows how many times Voldemort can be resurrected.

Therefore, after Dumbledore tidied up the secret room, he returned to the office with the four deans...

This chapter has been completed!
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