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Chapter 336 Transformation

Diana didn't know what Senna was thinking.

She acted resolutely and immediately called a cultist named "Aphelios" and handed over the work of handling the aftermath of the war to him.

Diana then boarded the ship with Senna and other heroes.

Following the buzzing sound from the energy core, the battleship quickly raised its bow and flew away along the mountain peak towards the top of the mountain.

And just as the battleships began to set off, the death cloud controlled by Karma finally reached the top of the mountain!

Standing alone on the top of the mountain, Pan Sen had already discovered the cloud of death.

He used his authority to turn off the sensing mechanism on the top of the mountain, and did not allow the 'interstellar teleportation portal' to be opened just because someone climbed to the top of the mountain.

Then, Pan Sen crossed his arms and stood on the small mountain top platform and started waiting.

Soon, the death cloud hovered outside the platform.

Pan Sen stared at the cloud of death in front of him, his eyes occasionally following the ghosts walking in the black mist.

Pan Sen didn't wait long. Soon, the clouds surged faster, and Foego's figure walked out of them.

She has a model-like figure and a model-like confident step.

Foego stepped onto the summit platform that was less than ten meters in diameter and set his sights on Pan Sen.

After looking at Panson's strong body, Foego looked at the spear standing beside the opponent and the round shield hanging on the spear.

Then he spoke quietly in a condescending tone: "Come out."

Foyego said: "For the sake of your protective affection for Isulde, I can forgive you for your death."


Pan Sen's arrogant attitude was even worse. He shouted: "Dirty ants! Your sin of tarnishing the sacred mountain is unforgivable!"

Same-sex repels!

Not only do people of the same gender repel each other, people of the same personality also dislike each other.

This is the case between Foego and Pantheon.

The two of them were so arrogant that after just one conversation, both parties immediately regarded each other as mortal enemies who must kill each other!

So Foego and Panson stopped talking nonsense and took action at the same time!

The former grabbed his right hand into the air beside him, and the ruined sword quickly condensed into shape out of thin air.

The latter Pan Sen also stretched out his right hand.

He pulled the spear out of the ground with a clang, then took off the buckler and held it in his left hand.

Then, the two of them waved their weapons at each other in the air at the same time!

A miserable green sword energy flew out from the ruined sword! And the sword energy was full of the power of death!


When Pan Sen waved his spear to bring out the air waves, he also integrated the divine power of the God of War into the air waves!

The next moment, the sword energy and the air waves suddenly collided!


The air made a loud thunder-like sound!

There was no snow but only wind on the top of the mountain. At this moment, the strong wind was instantly disrupted by the collision of two attacks!

The strong wind burst out even more violently! Many wind blades even appeared, cutting several shallow cracks on the ground on the summit platform!

At the same time, the power of death also exploded over a large area! And all the covered areas seemed to have faded away from their natural color!

This made Pan Sen extremely unhappy!

He immediately emitted more God of War power from his body to dispel the power of death, and quickly restored the color of the mountaintop platform.

Then Panson looked into Foego's eyes.

Foego did the same. He stared at Panson's eyes under his helmet.

At this moment, the two of them tested each other's general strength at the same time!


Foyego smiled disdainfully, he thought Panson was no match for him!

Pan Sen had the same idea.

He had a little surprise. It was unexpected that Foyego's power of death could rival his divine power of war.

But Pan Sen didn't take it seriously.

He is confident enough that even if he cannot crush the opponent in terms of divine power, he still has strong fighting skills!

So, after giving the same cold snort, Pan Sen immediately rushed towards Foego!

As for the results...

Two minutes later, Foego withdrew the Sword of Destruction from the wound on Pantheon's chest.

But Foego didn't stop completely.

He looked down at Pan Sen, who was half kneeling on the ground, and slightly raised the broken sword with a disdainful expression.

With a slight tilt of the sword tip, Foego lifted Panson's helmet and rolled it aside.

Then he released the power of death and injected it into Panson's eyebrows along the ruined sword.

The divine power in Pan Sen's body surged rapidly!

Although Pan Sen is in a state where the will of the God of War seizes his body, he is not a real god after all.

His essence is still a star spirit!

So Pantheon, like Leona and Diana, has a limited ability to control divine power!

Faced with the power of death poured in by Foego himself, Panson barely persisted in resisting for a moment.

But this resistance only lasted about a minute.

As the corners of Foego's mouth turned up to a satisfactory degree, the orange light flashing in Pan Sen's eyes completely disappeared!

After the darkness, cyan light appeared in Pan Sen's pupils instead!

At the same time, the oblique wound on Pan Sen's chest stopped bleeding instantly, and traces of the power of death overflowed from the wound.

This made Foego a little dissatisfied.

He moved the tip of the Broken Sword downwards and stopped it under Panson's collarbone.

The power of death continued to pour in, and soon after, an inverted triangle-shaped death core appeared on Panson's chest.

With the death energy core, the death power overflowing from Panson's wound immediately found its home.

It no longer spreads and disappears into the air, but after spilling out of the wound, it quickly burrows into the core of death.

In this way, the power of death formed a complete cycle in Pan Sen's body.


Foego chuckled with satisfaction.

He took back the Sword of Destruction and removed the realm of death that imprisoned Pantheon.

"My king!"

Pan Sen changed his posture from half kneeling to full kneeling.

He kowtowed to Foyego: "I will wipe out all the enemies for you!!"


Foego slightly raised the corners of his mouth again, and immediately stretched out his palm: "Give it to me."


Panson immediately reached out to his lower back and put the small sundial into Foego's hands.

"very good!"

Foego's tone was slightly excited.

He stared lovingly at the sundial in his hand, his face full of love and longing like a licking dog.

Ignoring Pan Sen, Foego turned directly and walked into the cloud of death.

After returning to the central area, he opened the teleportation portal and ordered: "Karma, there is the last one left, take the one outside and get it to me as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Karma immediately bowed.

Foyego said no more, he crossed the portal and returned to Shadow Island.

Karma didn't straighten up until the portal disappeared. She turned around and walked out of the clouds to meet Pan Sen...

This chapter has been completed!
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