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Chapter 337 Breaking the situation

Karma, who came to the top platform, first looked at Pan Sen.

She was very curious about the other person's condition.

During the previous battle, although Karma hid in the clouds and did not show up, she also sensed Panson.

She found that Pan Sen was even more special.

The two women I met before had two wills in their bodies.

One is human will, and the other is the will inherent in the power within them.

Those two powers are closely related, but appear to be distinct in Karma's perception.

But Pan Sen is different! He actually has three wills in his body!

Pantheon has human will, but he is extremely weak due to oppression.

He also has two other wills with similar auras!

A will is unique to that force.

The other will that dominates the physical body is similar to the will of power, but it appears incomplete.

Therefore, Karma was very curious about Pantheon's condition. The hodgepodge-like feeling in the other person's body made Karma very curious.

Unfortunately, the battle between Pan Sen and Foego was too short. Pan Sen knelt down before Karma could observe the results.

Now, the will that dominated Pantheon's body has been completely eliminated by Foego, and Pantheon's human will has finally taken control of this body.

Therefore, after looking at it, Karma asked directly: "What happened to the will in your body that was destroyed by my king before?"

Pan Sen glanced at Karma after hearing this.

He walked a short distance away with an indifferent expression, and leaned over to pick up the fallen helmet.

Then he went aside to pick up the spear and shield, and then Panson said softly: "That was an idea belonging to the God of War. He took away my body!"

Stepping in front of Karma, Pantheon said solemnly like a loyal soldier: "The king saved my soul! I will devote all my loyalty! And I will repay you with all my strength! So tell me! What mission do I have next?"


"very good."

Karma showed a very satisfied smile.

Finally, he had a reliable colleague! Karma suddenly felt that the pressure on him was greatly relieved.

"Come with me."

As she walked towards the clouds, she said: "There is still one last possessed spirit body left. Our mission is to find it and dedicate it to the king."

"Where?" Pan Sen asked as he stepped to follow.

"On our way back," Karma replied.

Pan Sen nodded and said nothing.

When the two of them were about to enter the dark clouds, a slight buzzing sound suddenly came from the direction of the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Karma stood still and spread his perception downwards.

She instantly sensed the flying battleship and the heroes on the battleship.

His eyebrows couldn't help but frown, and Karma said helplessly: "It's them again."

"Enemies?" Pan Sen, who also stopped, asked carefully, "Do we need to eliminate them?"

"Forget it." Karma shook his head slightly: "It doesn't matter to the others, but there is a powerful master among them."

Pan Sen heard this and looked down the mountain.

Although he was taken away directly after becoming a star spirit, his consciousness was trapped in the body for so many years, and he also learned how to control divine power.

At this time, he became Foyego's puppet, and the divine power in his body had been completely replaced by the power of death.

But Pan Sen still has experience in controlling energy.

Therefore, he easily mobilized the power of death in his body, thereby releasing a kind of perception ability.

He also sensed the battleship approaching from below.

"It's that woman from the Moon Sect."

Pan Sen said coldly: "I'm not a master. If you want to destroy them, you can leave that woman to me."

"Are you confident that you can defeat her?" Karma asked in surprise: "The power in her body is very special, it is really strong."

"That's it."

Pan Sen spoke confidently in a calm tone: "They and I are both the same star spirit, but before becoming a star spirit, I was a warrior, and they are just ordinary people hiding in the sect to study mythology."

"I see."

Karma nodded.

Pan Sen's master temperament is so strong that Kalma trusts Pan Sen very much.

Since Pan Sen didn't take Diana's strength seriously, then of course Karma was willing to take off the annoying little bug.

So she walked to the edge of the top platform and said at the same time: "Then I will leave that woman to you. I will deal with the others quickly and then help you."


Pantheon walked up to Karma carrying a spear and shield.

His tone was slightly contemptuous: "When my body was controlled by the puppet consciousness, their strength was similar to mine, but now that I am awake, I have more skilled fighting skills than that puppet consciousness."

"Okay." Karma didn't insist anymore: "Then she will be completely left to you."

While the two were talking, the flying battleship had already approached the mountaintop platform.

Both sides discovered each other's presence.

Without any nonsense, Diana was the first to jump out of the side of the ship!

Diana, whose body was protected by a shield of moonlight divine power, rushed directly towards Karma, and attached a layer of moonlight divine power to the Qimen Moon Blade!

Karma didn't hide.

She even just glanced at Diana and stopped paying attention, instead looking at the heroes on the ship.

Then she raised her hand, ready to attack!

At the same time, Pan Sen next to Karma also jumped out instantly!

He raised his spear and faced Diana!

The next moment, the spear and the moon blade collided together!

Listening to the sound of metal collision that seemed to shake the whole world, Karma felt at ease.

Then she pushed her hands towards the flying battleship, causing the two energy-gathering flames behind her head to instantly begin to rotate faster.

Just as the energy-gathering flames were about to burst out, unexpectedly, a figure flew out from Karma's side with a whoosh.

Karma's movements couldn't help but freeze!

She forgot to continue attacking, but turned her head to look behind her with wide eyes.


A dull crash sounded! Pan Sen smashed onto the platform on the top of the mountain in a very embarrassed manner, and the spear and shield in his hand rolled to the edge of the platform, and was about to fall down the mountain.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Looking at this picture, Karma was completely dumbfounded!

Where was Pan Sen's previous confidence? Where was his masterly temperament before?!

Is this the result?

Karma couldn't help but doubt life at this time.

But there was no time for her to be in a daze. From the corner of her eye, she had already caught the figure rushing over!

Then Karma immediately jumped back in panic.

She jumped backwards and flew into the air, thus evading Diana's sharp blow!

Diana did not pursue her.

She showed a puzzled look and looked at Pan Sen, who was half sitting up, and asked: "What do you mean? Why are you stopping me from destroying the intruders?! And..."

She looked at the wound on Pan Sen's chest and felt the power of death filling Pan Sen's body.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and Diana's voice suddenly turned cold: "Pan Sen! Where is your divine power?! It seems you have betrayed this place!"

"That's not betrayal!"

Pan Sen stood up and shouted: "It was the gods who took away my body first! It was they who betrayed my faith in them first! Now..."

He raised his hand and touched the core of death under the collarbone, and said in a deep voice: "My king has liberated my soul! I am finally free now! I have got rid of the shackles given to me by those false gods!!"

"I see."

Diana understood what Panson meant.

She was secretly surprised that Pan, the former god of war, was in a state of seizing his body.

But Diana doesn't care about that, she just wants to avenge the believers right now!

Therefore, Diana pointed the moon blade in her hand at Panson and said coldly: "No matter what you have become, in short, you have now become the enemy of the Holy Mountain! Then you also know the responsibilities of the protoss!



Panson raised his hand and made a move towards the edge of the platform, using the power of death to control the spear and shield to fly back to his hand.

He rapped his spear on his shield and shouted to Diana: "Come and fight!"

However, Diana simply refused to accept Panson's invitation to fight.

She said disdainfully: "You are too weak after losing your divine power. I don't have time to play games with you."

"Do me a favor!"

While looking at Karma floating in the air, Diana clicked the moon blade towards Panson: "He's left to you, don't let him disturb me from taking revenge on that woman!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Three figures quickly jumped off the side of the ship!

Olaf, Rengar, and Revan fell next to Diana.

"no problem!"

Olaf's fighting spirit was high. He stared at Panson and smiled ferociously: "I happen to have a grudge to settle with him!"

"Roar!" Rengar growled: "I will kill this prey first!"

Raven is more peaceful.

She said quietly: "Then I will raid the formation for you."

Hearing this, Olaf and Rengar seemed to be afraid that their prey would be snatched away by each other, and they charged at Pantheon at the same time!

Diana also took action!

She aimed the moon blade at Karma in the air and swung it hard, causing a ball of moonlight divine power to draw an arc in the air and go straight to Karma!

The battle suddenly became intense!

Rengar was the fastest, he rushed to Pantheon one step ahead of Olaf!

The blade of the holy stone and the spear collided instantly!

Although Pan Sen lost his divine power, he was strengthened by the power of death.

His weakening was for Diana.

But Pantheon's actual combat strength is higher than Rengar.

Therefore, with just one collision, Rengar's body suddenly staggered backwards!

Olaf took the opportunity to rush in front of Panson and chopped down two axes!

But Panson just quickly put the shield on his left arm in front of him.

After the collision with a 'clang' sound, the two holy stone hand axes were immediately bounced upwards.

Taking advantage of Olaf's distraction to stabilize the hand axe, Panson suddenly kicked Olaf in the stomach!

Olaf flew backwards with a muffled sound, and knocked Rengar away who had just stabilized his steps!

Seeing this, Raven immediately launched a charge!

He rushed forward and held down the bodies of his two companions, causing Olaf and Rengar to land smoothly.

Then Raven immediately said in a deep voice: "She is too strong! Let's go together! Avoid being targeted alone!"

Olaf and Rengar looked at each other.

This time they didn't fight over anything, but all agreed with Raven's command.

The next moment, the three of them rushed forward at the same time!

Another battlefield.

At this time, Diana was constantly waving her divine sword energy into the air!

But she has never been able to achieve success.

Because Karma discovered Diana's weakness of not being able to fly, she immediately took action against it!

At the same time, this time Karma also learned well.

Facing Diana, she didn't dare to let out her spiritual power at will!

Therefore, at this time, while Karma was constantly flying to avoid Diana's attacks, she turned her mental power into telekinesis, pulling rocks from all over the battlefield and throwing them at Diana!

Karma's actions don't stop there.

She also controls the realm of death at the same time, and continues to erode the power of the realm into Diana!

But Diana was no careless guardian spirit, Tariq.

Diana wanted to take revenge on Karma, so she just used all her strength!

The divine power of the moonlight has always enveloped Diana's body, making it impossible for the power of death to successfully exert its power on her!

Whenever the power of death spreads to Diana, the divine power in her body will remove the power of death on its own!

This makes it impossible for Karma to capture Diana into the realm and imprison Diana into the circulation space.

After all, Karma is not the real master of the realm of death.

Foego can use the Death Realm to affect Pantheon, but Karma cannot do this.

So at this time, she could only try to keep herself safe under Diana's constant attacks.

At the same time, the heroes on the ship were not idle either.

In order to avoid being disturbed, Karma had already released all the ghosts in the realm of death.

At this moment, the heroes are too tired to deal with the ghosts, and they have no energy left to support the two battlefields on the mountaintop platform.

The battle remained stalemate for several minutes.

A few minutes later, the stalemate was suddenly broken!

Raven summoned a rune energy shield around her. She tried her best to withstand Pan Sen's blow with the shield, and swung a rune sword energy at Pan Sen in a way that hurt both of them!

This move, Raven used all her strength!

Although Pan Sen raised his shield to block it, his body was also a little unbalanced under the impact of the sword energy.

Rengar immediately seized the opportunity!

He jumped up on all fours and swung out to Pan Sen's neck!

Pantheon tilted his head back to dodge, but his helmet was blown away by Rengar's wrist claws!

This caused Pan Sen's vision to be obscured for a moment!

And at this moment, Olaf successfully rushed in front of Panson!

With a roar, Olaf struck with all his strength!

However, Pan Sen's fighting consciousness made him raise the shield again in time!

The next moment!


The holy stone battle ax collided with the shield! The sound of the vibration even overwhelmed the screams of countless ghosts.

There was a slight cracking sound, and Olaf's two holy stone hand axes shattered at the same time!

But Olaf's blow made Panson feel uncomfortable!

Under that huge force, Pan Sen could no longer hold the shield steady!

The shield in his hand hit back and hit Panson's chest with his arm!

The previous successive attacks by Raven and Rengar also happened to leave Panson still in an unstable position.

As a result, Pantheon could no longer block Olaf's attack power! His body flew directly upside down and flew all the way out of the top platform!

Below the platform is an abyss with no bottom!

Pan Sen, who was in mid-air, grabbed the air feebly, and then fell down with an unwilling roar...

This chapter has been completed!
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