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Chapter 340 Murder Case

After Olaf's question, Diana stopped answering anything about the mountain.

Even though Gwen still asked coquettishly, Diana simply dealt with it.

Seeing this, Senna immediately changed the subject.

She first organized a mutual introduction to familiarize Diana and the heroes.

Then, Senna began to describe in detail the causes and consequences of this 'disaster'.

And just as the heroes were returning home on the battleship, a very bad case happened in the Twin Cities!

The case took place in a small villa on the outskirts of Piltover, and two people were murdered!

The victims were a man and a woman. The woman was a married lady from a minor noble family, and the man was an opera singer.

When the bodies were discovered, both victims were naked.

Obviously, the two were having an affair before being victimized.

But the issue of this style of work is not important. What is important is that this is the only serious case in the two cities in more than ten years!

Since the Twin Cities were on the right track, they only attracted some spies and greedy people in the early days because of 'Hex Technology'.

During that time, the Twin Cities were in chaos, and there were many battles and deaths.

But those who died at that time were all outsiders, and the people in Shuangcheng were only a little frightened, but were not substantially affected.

Since then, the Twin Cities have been peaceful and stable.

In the past ten years, the biggest case in the Twin Cities was a large-scale brawl between duel match spectators because of idol affairs.

The daily work of law enforcement officers basically involves dealing with fights and petty thefts.

But today, the tranquility of the two cities was completely broken by a murder case!

The law enforcement officer who receives the report will report the situation immediately!

This alarmed almost all the senior officials!

Grayson, who is planning to retire, was present in person! Followed by the parliamentary lovers Myrdalda and Jess Tallis!

Vi and Caitlin took a step slower.

They abandoned their work of accepting refugees at Feimen, and Wei rushed to the scene with Caitlin in her arms using flashing magic!

Even Heimerdinger in the academy was alarmed!

He hurriedly abandoned the experiment and picked up the steam robot Blitz from Victor.

Heimerdinger used Blitzcrank as a means of transportation, and was held in Blitzcrank's hand all the way to the murder scene.

After Heimerdinger, Zaun also received the news.

Fandel came in person, and Silko, who no longer took on the role of ambassador, sent Lenata to pay attention.

Only Kewen didn't get the news.

When Fandel went to the repair shop to notify him, Coven happened to go to the black market to buy ingredients.

Therefore, Fandel could only leave a message to the neighbor of the repair shop first, and then rushed to the scene alone.

At this time, the murder scene had been completely cleared, and the onlookers were kept far away by law enforcement officers.

At the scene, some new law enforcement officers were vomiting.

They were sickened by the victim's plight.

Wei's temper was bad, and she immediately scolded the newcomers.

Then she looked at the bodies of the two victims and frowned deeply in disgust.

"how's it going?!"

Vi asked Jace Tallis and Heimerdinger: "Did you two find any traces of the murderer?"

Hearing this, Jess Tallis shook his head and looked at Heimerdinger.

Heimerdinger also shook his head.

He sighed, took off his single-lens lenses, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't find anything, no footprints, no fingerprints, no clothing fibers, no remnants of skin and hair tissue, nothing! It seems like the murderer didn't do it impromptuly.

, must have prepared a detailed murder plan!"

"Is that a provocation?!" Wei clenched her fists: "Is the murderer provoking our law enforcement officer?!"

"Obviously, yes."

Lenata, who was standing near the door with her arms folded, said quietly: "How long has it been since there was such a bad case in the Shuang Cities? People in the city don't have the courage, and the outside world also knows that our Shuang Cities are not easy to mess with, so it's very

Obviously, the murderer was provoking us."

"Where's Camille?!"

Wei looked at Myrdalda: "Are all her spies useless? Didn't they find any clues beforehand?!"

"I just contacted Camille."

Midarda looked solemn: "The spies didn't find any abnormalities, so Camille is currently sorting out all the monitoring reports in the recent period."

"Trash! Apart from the world map! What else have those trash spies done?!"

Wei couldn't help but cursed again.

Then she pointed to the flower pattern made of intestines on the victim: "The murderer had enough time to play tricks with the intestines! Plus the time required to kill and retreat! So long! The secret agent didn't find anything?!"

"calm down."

Fandel patted Wei on the shoulder: "The first thing now is to solve the case and the secret agent matter. Let Camille handle it later."

Fandel and Kewen have a very good relationship, and Wei can maintain an equal attitude towards other people, but towards Fandel, she treats him like a junior.

So Fandel's words were very effective, and Wei immediately took a deep breath to calm herself down.

After calming down, Wei nodded to Fander, and then he looked at the coroner next to the victim's body.

"How was the autopsy?"

She asked in a deep voice: "Have you found any traces left by the murderer?"

"Sir, nothing was found."

The coroner's voice came out dullly from the breathing filter: "Just like Dean Heimerdinger said, the murderer was very careful. He didn't leave any traces. I can't even see the victim's injuries.

How did it happen?"

"can not tell?!"

Wei was in disbelief. She pointed to the female victim's belly with a big hole: "Where is the murder weapon? Knife! Even scissors, hammer! Even tooth marks! You should be able to tell a trace, right!?"

"I'm sorry, sir." The coroner shook his head with confused eyes: "I really can't tell. There is no trace to compare with this kind of wound. I just have an unreasonable guess."



The coroner pointed to a strange little tree in the room.

The small tree grew completely from the body of the male victim, and eventually the victim's body and the growth of the small tree merged together, giving it a terrifying artistic look.

The coroner pointed to the branches growing out of the victim's body and said hesitantly: "I guess that the female victim's injuries started from the body like the male victim."

"So?!" Wei asked: "Since it erupted from the body, did you find any traces of the eruption in their bodies?!"

"I'm sorry." The coroner replied, "Nothing either..."

When Wei heard this, she was about to get angry again.


At this moment, Jess Tallis suddenly walked towards the body and took out a small energy detection device from his pocket.

Seeing this, Heimerdinger also showed a look of surprise, and also took out the detection device and walked towards the two corpses...

This chapter has been completed!
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