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Chapter 339 History

A cool light shines! Diana on the ship made a move immediately after saying something inappropriate!

She waved the moon blade and fired a ball of divine power towards Leona, and arrived in front of Leona in the blink of an eye!


Leona raised her shield to blast the ball of divine power, and subconsciously surged the divine power in her body.

But she suddenly stopped because she found that Diana did not make any subsequent fighting gestures.

Obviously, Diana had no real intention to start a war. The attack was just a warning, which also meant that the conversation was over.

In response, Leona sighed and slowly lowered her shield.

The next moment, Leona's eyes became extremely firm again.

She pointed the Zenith Blade at Diana.

"Listen! Diana!"

Leona said sternly: "Your going out will attract countless curious or greedy eyes to the sacred mountain!"

"The tranquility of the sacred mountain will be broken in the future!"

"And I will do my duty!"

"Think it through Diana!"

Leona shouted: "In the future, I will protect the Holy Mountain and eliminate countless outsiders! They will all die because of you!"

Diana was silent for a moment.

Then she said coldly: "I will be responsible for my own decision!"

"Remember what you say now!"

Leona gave a final warning, and after taking a deep look at Diana, she turned and left.

Diana didn't care.

She turned to Senna and said, "Are you ready to go? To the Twin Cities you mentioned."


Senna, who came back to her senses, nodded quickly: "Welcome to join our team to fight against the ruined disaster!"

"I will not join you."

Diana said quietly: "I came here just for revenge, and my future will only belong here in the Holy Mountain."

Senna immediately said that everyone was only a temporary alliance and cooperation, not a formal force.

After exchanging a few words, Senna walked to the bridge and started the battleship.

After setting up the auto-flight function, Senna returned to the deck.

At this time, Gwen was asking Diana endless questions like a curious baby, and others couldn't help but pricked up their ears.

"What are you talking about?"

Senna walked to stand next to Lucian and asked with a smile to join in the conversation.

Lucian reached out and gently hugged Senna's shoulders, and answered on his behalf: "Gwen is asking Ms. Diana about the protoss."

Hearing this, Saina smiled and said: "Then am I late?"

"No." Gwen smiled innocently: "Diana was just about to start talking."

"There's actually nothing to say."

Diana looked back at Mount Targon, which was getting farther and farther away, and there was some reminiscence in her eyes.

"Back then, I was just an ordinary Sun cultist."

She began to speak slowly: "As for the Diana just now, she is the destined saint in the church."

"Once, I accidentally discovered an ancient ruin on the mountain and found some ancient records inside."

"It records the incomplete history of the Moon Sect."

"Later, I collected history from more ancient records, and finally found evidence that the Moon Sect once existed in this area..."

Speaking of this, Diana couldn't help but fall into deep recollection.

After a while, Gwen couldn't help but break the silence: "What happened next?"

The sound brought Diana back to her senses.

Not caring that her memory was interrupted, she continued: "Later, I brought the evidence to meet with the elders within the sect and told them that the teachings of the Burning Sun Sect were incomplete."

"I told them that since the sect devoutly believes in gods, it should not only believe in the sun."

"Then I handed over the evidence that proved that the Burning Sun Sect was only an insignificant part of the ancient god-level civilization."

Diana sighed: "I advise the elders to face up to history and ask them to make the true history public."

"That's impossible."

Raven suddenly interrupted.

Having suffered betrayal, she has already seen clearly the ugly face of those in power.

Therefore, she said in a low voice with a hint of sarcasm: "The Sun Cult has ruled Mount Targon for thousands of years, and they will never allow their superior rights to be touched."

Diana immediately looked at Raven.

Her eyes are very complicated!

After a while, she sighed: "You are right, if only I had understood this at that time."

"What happened?" Gwen immediately asked.

"It's nothing, the elders just want to kill me immediately."

Diana said easily: "I am eager to tell the elders of the Burning Sun Sect about my discoveries. I hope that my discoveries can bring new understanding of the world to Mount Targon."

"But I became a heretic because of it."

Diana shrugged her shoulders: "I touched the interests of those in power, so naturally I became the target of their immediate purge."

"Did you kill those guys?" Olaf couldn't help but interject.


Diana admitted frankly: "Before that, I had been guided by someone from somewhere."

She said: "Even though I was adopted by a sect as a child and grew up under the influence of the teachings, I have always preferred the cold moonlight at night."

"When I first found the ancient records, everything went particularly smoothly."

"More ancient records came to me easily."

Diana looked at the moon blade in her hand.

She continued: "Until one day, a voice came up in my heart to go to the top of the mountain, and I did it."

"It took others months to climb the peak, but I only took a few hours to climb the entire mountain. There..."

Diana looked up at the sky: "There, I accepted the ancient inheritance of the Moon God. I knew the complete ancient history, and at the same time I became the Star Spirit Apostle of the Moon God."

Looking back, Diana raised the moon blade and shook it gently: "After becoming a protoss, I followed the guidance and found this equipment in a hidden ruins in the mountains."

"Wait a minute!" Gwen looked confused: "I'm a little confused. What happened before? I mean, how did you kill those hateful elders? Why did the story just jump to it?"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It is not skipped."

Diana smiled and then explained: "The process of me becoming a protoss happened before I went to meet those elders."

She added: "It is because I became a protoss that I obtained the complete ancient history, and because of this, I found complete evidence to prove those histories."


Diana smiled contemptuously: "When those elders wanted to put me to death as a heretic, they didn't know that I had become a star spirit and a saint they were pursuing. Although I, a saint, belong to the bright moon,

It does not belong to their blazing sun."

"I see."

Olaf was very satisfied after hearing this. He nodded and said: "With your strength, of course those so-called elders cannot harm you."

Diana nodded slightly: "I just resisted a little bit."

She raised her hand and pushed forward: "That was the first time I used power after becoming a star spirit, so I was very unskilled. I sent out a flame formed by Yuehua's divine power and blew up the entire room."

"Then what?" curious baby Gwen asked again.

"Then? Then I left."

Diana shook her head slightly: "At that time, I could actually easily eliminate the entire Burning Sun Sect. Moreover, Leona, who was still the Holy Maiden of the Burning Sun at the time, was about to enter the room when she was knocked out by the aftermath of the explosion."

She said: "If I had continued to take action at that time, even if I had just killed Leona, then the Sun Sect would have had no future at all."

"Did you let them go?"

Senna interjected: "That Leona just now, since she has also become a protoss, you didn't continue to take action at that time, right?"


Diana looked around at the crowd: "This involves real history."

Her expression became solemn: "In history, it's not that any sect is the most powerful alone! It's that all the gods share the glory!"

"Like the blazing sun and the bright moon."

"We believe in the alternation of day and night, and the harmony of yin and yang is the essence of the harmonious balance of the universe! Instead of being so self-centered as the blazing sun, which does not allow any other voice to appear!"

"So I let them go."

Diana concluded: "I did not harm the Sun cultists again. Later, I traveled to various Rakkor tribes to preach the doctrine of the Moon, and slowly formed my Lunar Cult."

"So, where is Leona?"

Vayne asked: "How did she become a protoss?"

"That stereotypical idiot?"

Diana snorted lightly: "She saw me killing those elders with her own eyes, and in order to seek revenge from me, she climbed to the top of the mountain under the guidance of a Blazing Sun Apostle from the universe."

"There she became a protoss."

Diana's expression was slightly contemptuous: "Leona also knew the truth of the ancient times, but in the end she was coerced by the will of the remaining Sun cultists. Not only did she not disclose the truth, but she chose to do so under the instigation of those Sun cultists.

Continue to be my enemy."

She said: "That's it, the two of us have been fighting for who knows how many years."

Hearing this, all the heroes breathed a sigh of relief.

This story is so enjoyable!

And the curious baby Gwen continued to ask: "What about Pantheon?"

"That trash?"

Leona showed even more disdain: "He only became a protoss a long time later, and unlike Leona and I, he did not accept the inheritance normally. Instead, he was not recognized by the power of the God of War, and was taken away by the power. There is nothing to say.


"Tell me~"

Gwen acted coquettishly, she loved hearing these new things so much.

Diana looked at the dissatisfied and dissatisfied expressions on everyone's faces, and she had no choice but to nod.

"Pan Sen... He and Leona are from the same tribe. Pan Sen is the inherited title of the protoss. His real name is Atreus."

After getting started, Diana continued: "When Leona was young, she met the lost Apostle of the Burning Sun in the wild."

"She did not abide by the tradition and eliminate all aliens who invaded the sacred mountain, but pointed out the way to the summit for the apostle."

"Ari found out about this and went back to the tribe to make it public, making Leona a sinner."

"After Leona returned to the tribe, she was sentenced to death, and the executioner was Aretes."

"Later, the duel between the two of them was interrupted."

Diana paused, and then said: "The lost apostle from the universe returned to the Kingdom of God through the top of the mountain, and gave an oracle to the Burning Sun Sect, so the elders of the Burning Sun Sect sent people to stop the wrestling, and brought Lei

Oona took her to the church and was canonized as a saint."

"Later, when that tribe was attacked by foreign enemies, the elders of the Burning Sun Sect did not send anyone to support them in order to please the future Burning Sun Star Spirits. As a result, the Rakkor tribe was almost completely destroyed.


"Pan Sen and dozens of remaining tribesmen began to climb the sacred mountain, and in the end he was the only one who successfully reached the top of the mountain."

Diana spoke faster: "But in the process of accepting the inheritance, Aretes' past achievements made the God of War hate him, so his personality was replaced by the star spirit personality, and he finally stayed on the top of the mountain and became a puppet there.


"That's all I know."

She spread her hands and concluded: "Except for the fact that I personally watched his mountain climbing process back then, the rest were all heard through hearsay when I was in the Burning Sun Sect."

"Okay, the story ends here."

Diana had no intention of telling more. She shook her head slightly: "There is nothing to say about the sacred mountain."

"I have one last question."

Vayne took a step forward: "Where is the patron saint? He is from Demacia. How did he become a protoss?"

"The process of him becoming a protoss is normal." Diana replied: "Because he successfully climbed to the top of the mountain and matched the power of the patron saint, he became a protoss."

"Wait! Adaptation?!"

Olaf discovered the key, and he immediately asked: "Not everyone who climbs to the top of the mountain can become a protoss?!"


Diana nodded slightly: "There are so many extraordinary beings in the world, such as the 'Shurima Ascended Ones' mentioned in some records of the Solar Sect."

"Many people have the ability to climb to the top of the mountain. If they could all become Star Spirits, then the Sacred Mountain would have been occupied by Star Spirits."

Everyone was stunned.

And Olaf immediately continued to ask: "What about the conditions?! I mean, how can we tell whether it is compatible with the power of the protoss?!"

Diana was silent for a moment.

She looked at everyone and finally chose not to hide it.

"I'll just say one thing."

Diana raised an index finger: "If you want to become a protoss, the most basic thing is that you cannot have any power or affiliation."

"This is wrong!" Olaf shook his head: "Where is that Demacian?!"

"He doesn't belong!"

Vayne took the words and reminded in a deep voice: "Think about it carefully. He said at the time that he was exiled here by Demacia because of his mistakes! So he no longer belonged to Demacia at that time!"

Everyone was stunned.

Olaf was stunned.

When he came to his senses, his face was full of disappointment.

He is the one who pursues power the most among all the heroes.

Olaf originally thought about climbing to the top of the mountain after the undead incident was over, but now he was completely disappointed.

Obviously, he cannot pass the test of 'having power and belonging'...

This chapter has been completed!
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