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Chapter 162 Invitation

Flying feels so good.

As long as the wings are lightly flapped, they can rush far away with the help of air resistance, the angle of the wings, the strength of the flapping, and the relaxation and tilt of the tail feathers.

Every micro-operation can make the body make different movements in the air.

After flying for a long time, Ke Wen couldn't help but feel satisfied. Instead, he yearned even more for the vast sky outside.

Fortunately, he still knows what he is doing.

Therefore, Kewen made a spin in mid-air and finally landed in front of Lili.

Even after falling to the ground, Kewen couldn't help but flap his wings again.

He simply calmed down and then began to seriously think about what his human form looked like.

Soon, Kewen felt his eyesight gradually rising, and he successfully transformed back into a human form while breathing.

"Congratulations, master! You succeeded!" Seeing this, Lili said loudly and excitedly.

"Yeah! It feels good!"

As Kewen responded, he moved his limbs and at the same time lowered his head to check himself carefully to see if there was anything about himself that had not changed.

After checking to confirm that it was correct, Ke Wen leaned over to pick up the wand and greeted Lili: "Come on, follow me to the outside of the castle."

"Yes! Master!" The elf Lili responded immediately, and then followed Kewen very briskly.

Leave the 'Room of Requirement' and walk out of the castle.

Since almost everyone was at the Quidditch pitch, Coven didn't look for any deserted place.

Standing at the gate of the castle, Ke Wen turned to Lili and ordered: "Put away my magic later... No need."

After saying that, Ke Wen put the wand into the "Seamless Stretching Pocket" and planned to use the "wandless casting" technique to transform.

The spell 'Animal Transfiguration' can be 'cast without a wand'.

Of course, beginners generally need to use a wand to coordinate, so after the transformation, the wand will not transform with it, and will eventually be dropped on the ground.

However, after mastering the transformation skills, you can use "wandless casting" to perform form transformation, so the wand no longer needs to be held in your hand, and will be integrated into the transformed form like other things on the body.

Coven is very confident in his 'wandless spellcasting' skills.

Therefore, even though he had only experienced one transformation, he was confident that he would not need to use a wand to assist in casting spells during his second transformation.

At this time, after Kewen put away his wand, he looked around, and then his eyes lit up.

The entrance to the auditorium is not parallel to the ground, but has a long step with a large height and stone railings on both sides.

After seeing those railings, Ke Wen suddenly accelerated and rushed towards them.

After leaving the shelter of the auditorium door, he was directly hit by the cold rain from the outside, but he ignored it.

After rushing to the railing in a few steps, Ke Wen jumped up and stepped on the railing with his feet. Then he used his legs hard and jumped up in two steps.

In mid-air, Ke Wen recited a spell silently, and in the next moment, his body shrank and became smaller. Before his body started to fall downward, he transformed into a magpie again.

Flapping his wings in the air, he felt greater air resistance than before. Therefore, Kewen's figure suddenly accelerated and flew diagonally into the air.


With a roar of joy, Kewen hovered near the castle for a while, then turned around and soared higher into the sky...

The weather today is very bad, cloudy, thunderous, windy and rainy.

Although this kind of weather did not allow Kewen to have a perfect experience, his interest did not diminish at all.

Normally, the flying height of magpies is considered to be very low among birds, but Coven found that there seemed to be no such limit after he transformed.

It seems that as long as the air density, air pressure and other conditions are suitable, and his flapping wings can use the force, he can fly higher.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Ke Wen flew higher into the sky until he was almost approaching the thick dark clouds. Then he calmed down and stopped the experiment obediently.

Circle around to find the right direction, and then dive back in the direction of the academy.

Another achievement was achieved, Kewen successfully mastered the 'animal transformation technique'.

However, he can only master it initially, and he will need to practice more frequently in the future to correct some of the sequelae of transformation.

For example, in the next period of time, Kewen would often suddenly slap his arms twice like a convulsion.

This not only often makes people around him feel stunned, but also makes him feel very embarrassed.

The Weasley twins even came to ask him specifically if this imitation of flapping wings symbolized some interesting ritual.

Of course, the twins were just a joke...

Therefore, Kewen will correct this sequelae in the following exercises.

In addition, Kewen also needs to learn another skill.

That's talking.

Try to master the ability to speak as much as possible after becoming a magpie.

Magpies can learn to speak, and their tongue structure can meet the conditions for learning to speak.

However, Kewen felt that his tongue seemed very stiff after turning into a magpie.

Those words with a "flat tongue" are relatively easy to master, but those words that require a "tilt tongue" are more difficult to master.

This is another difficult test, but Kewen has confidence in himself.

As a result, the days passed quickly and peacefully...

In this year's life, Kewen seemed to have returned to the days before Harry Potter entered school.

After he handed over the Marauder's Map to Harry at an opportunity, there was no messy plot to disturb him.

Of course, he could also learn about the progress of Harry's plan. During the weekly principal's guidance time, Dumbledore would mention it to him during small talk.

In the blink of an eye, the entire semester passed peacefully.

It wasn't until a month before the holiday that a headline from the Daily Prophet caused some ripples in the college.

The plan provided by Coven went smoothly.

Sirius and Lupine successfully exposed Peter Pettigrew's crime and the lie of the century in front of Harry.

Snape also passively participated in the plan without knowing anything about it. Therefore, he also understood who was the person who ultimately killed Harry's mother. It can be said that the injustice was over and the debt was paid.

Peter Pettigrew's fate was that Dumbledore handed him over to the Ministry of Magic and was eventually imprisoned in Azkaban prison.

Sirius Black finally proved his innocence and was able to regain his freedom after being compensated a large sum of gold Galleons by the Ministry of Magic.

Although the Ministry of Magic did not want to admit their negligence on Sirius, they had to publish a statement in the newspaper.

This newspaper caused a stir in the British wizarding world. Many wizards accused the Ministry of Magic of its stupid performance and expressed their disappointment and distrust in the Ministry of Magic.

The students in the college paid a little attention to it for a day or two because the newspaper headlines were related to Harry Potter...

The semester has come to an end again with the unimpeded flow of time.

On the day of the holiday, Sirius, who was innocent and innocent, came to school and personally picked up Harry Potter to return to London.

Of course, he also planned to say hello to Ke Wen, his benefactor.

So, at the school gate, Sirius took Harry and waited for Ke Wen who walked out of the school gate.

"Hi, Kevin."

Sirius pulled Harry and took a few steps forward, arriving in front of Corvin and the others.

Seeing this situation, Penello took the initiative and said to Coven: "Let's go to the front and wait for you."

Kewen nodded: "Okay."

Sirius took the initiative to show his goodwill and nodded to the Ravenclaw 'three rich women' who passed by him.

After watching the three rich women walk away, Ke Wen asked: "Is there something wrong? Mr. Black?"

"Please just call me Sirius!"

Sirius looked a little apologetic and reached out to pat Harry beside him: "Sorry, I didn't discuss it with you. I just explained the plan to Harry."

Harry on the side nodded repeatedly and said gratefully: "Yes, Professor Science! Thank you! Thank you for your help to Sirius! And thank you for discovering Peter Pettigrew's conspiracy!"

Ke Wen smiled slightly when he heard this: "As long as you don't mind that plan makes you suffer a lot."

"Of course not!" Harry shook his head vigorously, looked at Sirius next to him, and said with some happiness: "No matter how difficult and dangerous it was, I finally succeeded in seizing the happiness that belongs to me, and I have a

Relatives who truly care about me.”

When Sirius heard this, a warm smile appeared on his face, and he raised his hand and patted Harry on the shoulder.

Seeing this, Ke Wen smiled and said, "Well, congratulations."

"Thank you very much again!" Sirius nodded to Ke Wen: "Thank you for everything you have done for us!"

Waving his hand, Ke Wen interrupted: "That's not necessary. You have already thanked me enough. Is there anything else?"

After saying that, Ke Wen looked at Penello and the girls who were waiting for him in the distance, obviously intending to leave.

Seeing this, Sirius went straight to the point very discerningly: "That's right, I wonder if we have that honor. I want to invite you to my home."

"That's it..." Ke Wen was only halfway through his words of polite refusal. He suddenly thought of something, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'm honored and I'm looking forward to it."

"Great!" Sirius clapped his hands happily, and then agreed: "Can it be in a week? Harry can't go to my place in a week, and I also need to tidy up the house. I haven't been back for more than ten years.

It’s a mess there now.”

"Of course." Ke Wen readily agreed: "You can send the letter notifying me to the college mailbox."

Sirius did not ask why the invitation letter was sent to the academy. He learned some information from Dumbledore.

Therefore, Sirius no longer wasted Ke Wen's time, and turned aside to make way: "Okay, thank you again for accepting my invitation, then I won't waste your time."

Coven nodded goodbye to Sirius and Harry respectively, and then walked towards Penello and the girls...

This chapter has been completed!
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