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Chapter 163 Fight

This year is the sixth year since I came to this world, and next year will be the seventh year.

When next year's semester ends, that deceptive Rubik's Cube will be activated again soon.

Kewen detailed what he had gained from coming to this world, and even relied on his self-created 'golden finger' to recall everything that had happened since he came to this world.

Gained a lot.

Not only that knowledge, Kewen also gained friendship in this world, the love of professors for him, and of course, the family love of Ollivander and his grandson.

No matter what, Ke Wen will feel a little reluctant to let go of this world and those people.

But no matter how reluctant he is, he must continue walking. He must follow the mechanism of the Rubik's Cube and continue to travel through three different magical worlds.

I can only pray that after returning to reality, Dad and his research institute can thoroughly study the Rubik's Cube, so that he can come back here again to have a look...

A week later, the house elf Lili brought back an invitation letter from the academy.

The invitation is very beautifully made, and the letter is sealed with a lacquer seal bearing the family emblem.

Kewen opened the envelope, and while reading the letter, he also noticed something. This invitation was actually a temporary 'door key'.

It can be activated at a specific time to transport people to a fixed location.

I have to sigh that each of the ancient families in the wizarding world has some unique magic.

I simply tidied up and prepared some gifts according to the rules of the wizarding world.

When the time came, Kewen held the hand of the house elf Lili and was instantly teleported away by the 'portkey'.

When he reappeared, he was already on a street.

Kewen looked around and found many familiar high-rise buildings. It was actually not very far from King's Cross Station.

"Welcome! Welcome you all!"

Before Covindo could check, Sirius had appeared from behind a black wooden door and greeted him with a smile on his face.

Then, Sirius Black explained: "I'm sorry that I can only invite you over with an 'invitation letter', because my family has been cursed, and except for a few people, others need to get an invitation letter to see it.


"Good afternoon, Mr. Black, I can understand. After all, the 'secrecy spell' imposed on my family is more troublesome than yours."

Ke Wen stepped forward, responded with a smile, and then pointed at the gift box in Lili's hand: "I brought two bottles of wine, you might as well try it together."

"Of course!" Sirius subconsciously looked at the gift box in Lili's hand, and then said with a smile: "You are so thoughtful. I did forget to prepare wine. Come in quickly."

Following Sirius into the house, he saw a somewhat dark and narrow corridor.

The walls on both sides of the corridor are covered with wallpaper, and the mottled wallpaper has peeled off a lot.

There are also some picture frames that have become dark with age, but many of the picture frames are covered by black cloth.

Stepping on the worn carpet under his feet, he walked through the corridor and when he reached the stairs at the end of the corridor, Sirius turned around and led Coven down to the basement.

The basement is a long and narrow room with only a long wooden dining table and no other furniture.

"Please take a seat."

Sirius pulled out a chair under the long table for Covin and greeted him warmly.

Ke Wen sat down politely, while Lili wore a beautifully made maid dress and waited quietly beside him.

Sirius couldn't help but glance at Lily. He had never seen a house elf dressed so exquisitely.

In his opinion, elves should just wear a thin rag-like shirt on their bodies.

Ke Wen noticed the other party's gaze, so he explained with a smile: "There are many people in the outside world who have ill intentions towards my property, so Lili will provide protection when I go out."

Sirius expressed his understanding and was about to continue saying something when a sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from upstairs, and soon, Harry's figure appeared.

"Hello, Professor Kewen."

Harry obviously didn't know that Covin had arrived, so he was stunned for a moment before quickly saying hello.

"Hello, Mr. Potter."

Coven responded to the other party, but seeing that Harry also turned his attention to Lili, he had to introduce again: "This is my house elf, her name is Lili."

"Hello Lili."

Harry's greeting to the elf was obviously more natural than his greeting to Covin.

"Hello, Mr. Potter." Lily responded lukewarmly, and then continued to put on her reserved look.

"It just so happens Harry." Sirius greeted Harry: "You stay with Covin first, and I'll go to the kitchen to urge him."

"No problem." Harry nodded in agreement, stepped forward and pulled out a chair to sit opposite Coven.

Sirius informed Coven, then turned and entered the room at the end, which was obviously the kitchen.

Without Sirius present, although Harry had happily agreed just now, now he didn't know what to say.

Kewen saw the other party's embarrassment, so he smiled and spoke, taking the initiative to find some topics about college life, and chatted with Harry.

After about ten minutes, Sirius appeared again, holding a huge silver tray in his hand, and quickly came to the dining table.

"Sorry." Sirius said apologetically while placing the trays, "I kept you waiting for so long."

After saying that, he turned to the kitchen and shouted loudly: "Hurry up, Kreacher! Don't keep the guests waiting!"

Soon, a house elf dressed in 'normal' clothing appeared and used a magic spell to direct two large trays to float in the air and bring them all the way to the dining table.

Arriving nearby, the elf named Kreacher glanced at Coven and Lili, and then muttered in a low voice: "Unfilial master, why do you bring everyone into your home..."

Ke Wen heard it clearly and couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Lili, who was waiting next to her, also heard the other party's mumbling. Her ears suddenly became hard and erect, and she quickly turned her head to stare at Kreacher with a very unkind look in her eyes.

"Kreacher!" Of course Sirius also heard it. Feeling that he had lost face, he immediately reprimanded sternly: "Kevin is my distinguished guest! How dare you be so rude!"

Kreacher shrank back after being scolded, but remained unrepentant. He lowered his head and muttered softly: "What good things can come from walking with the master..."

"You dirty old goblin!"

This time, before Sirius could speak, Lili beside Ke Wen suddenly became furious.

After cursing in a sharp voice, Lili suddenly bypassed Covin and rushed towards Kreacher.

He raised his thin arm and punched Kreacher in the face, knocking him down.

Before it was over, Lili stepped forward and sat on Kreacher's body, her two small fists kept falling, hitting the opponent's arms that were raised to defend.

While smashing, Lili screamed and cursed: "You damn old goblin! How dare you speak ill of Lili's master! Lili, I'll beat you to death! Beat you to death!"

The sudden change made Kewen and the three of them stunned.

Ke Wen was the first to come to his senses and quickly stopped him: "Lili, stop it, don't bully him."

"But how dare he say that to you, Master!"

Although Lili stopped her hand obediently, she did not stand up from Kreacher's body, looking as if she was not angry.

"Okay, okay, be good." Ke Wen shook his head slightly and said again.

"Yes." Lili finally obeyed the order, turned her head and glared at Kreacher on the ground, stood up, and returned to Coven's side.

"This... I'm sorry!" Sirius finally came to his senses at this time. After apologizing to Kewen, he turned around and yelled at Kreacher fiercely: "Shut your mouth from now on! Go back to the kitchen! No.

You are allowed to appear in front of distinguished guests again!"

"Yes." Kreacher's voice was cold and he slowly got up, then walked towards the kitchen with his head lowered.

However, on the way to the kitchen, Kreacher's mouth was still opening and closing silently, and he didn't know what he was mumbling.

It wasn't until Kreacher's figure disappeared that Sirius covered his forehead with some high blood pressure, and then apologized to Cowen again: "I'm sorry Cowen, this house elf is a complete lunatic. I've embarrassed you. I'm really sorry.

Feel sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care." Ke Wen smiled and shook his head indifferently. After all, when it comes to embarrassment, Sirius is the most embarrassed and loses face.

Being disturbed by Kreacher, the originally good atmosphere could no longer be maintained, and the subsequent chat was not very lively.

Sirius finished the meal with some reluctance, and then went upstairs to get two books.

Handing the books to Kewen, Sirius forced a smile and said: "Here, these two books contain the two aspects of the magic spell for making the 'Marauder's Map'."

"Thank you, I will return it to you as soon as possible." Ke Wen reached out and took the book and said happily.

"No, no need." Sirius waved his hand: "I will give them to you, since I don't need them anymore anyway."

"Is this appropriate?" Coven glanced at Harry aside, and then asked: "I mean, this should be a family curse."

"Don't worry about it." Sirius understood what Ke Wen meant, and then explained with a smile: "There are some copies in the study."

"That's good." Ke Wen nodded, and while stuffing the books into the 'Seamless Stretch Pocket', he said, "Then I feel ashamed."

Seeing Kewen accept the books, the look of guilt on Sirius's face finally lightened a little.

We chatted for a while longer, but because the atmosphere was limited, Kewen didn't intend to stay longer and said goodbye.

Sirius did not try to stay, but sincerely apologized to Coven again, and then he and Harry sent Coven out of the door.

After saying goodbye, Kewen held Lili's little hand, and the next moment, Lili teleported away with Kewen.

Seeing this, the smile on Sirius's face suddenly dropped.

Let Harry go upstairs first, and then Sirius rushed into the kitchen with an angry face...

the other side.

Lili took Kewen back to the door of the "Wonderful House" using long-distance 'disapparation'.

After entering the house, Ke Wen immediately took out the two newly acquired books and started reading them eagerly...

This chapter has been completed!
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