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Chapter 164 News

During this entire holiday, Kewen became a little busy.

He will be leaving next year, so he plans to take some of this world's 'specialties' with him.

Therefore, Coven specially sent a letter to his alchemy teacher Nico Flamel and successfully obtained a suitcase with a very spacious space.

According to Nico Flamel, the material of the suitcase came from a giant dragon king hundreds of years ago. At that time, Nico Flamel, who was just over a hundred years old, was lucky enough to get half of the dragon skin.

Over the centuries, he had used up very little of the dragon skin, just enough to make a suitcase.

The Dragon King's skin has very good "enchantment resistance", so the "traceless expansion space" that can be fixed is very huge.

After receiving the box, Ke Wen went in and took a look. It was about 1,500 meters long and wide, and about 3,000 meters high.

The inside of the box is empty, just a pure white space. Kewen needs to design the partitions himself and use magic spells to add a natural environment to the place.

As a result, Kewen spent almost all of his vacation time on space design.

Finally, Kewen divided the space in the box into three levels.

The bottom layer is the freshwater and seawater areas, separated by a wetland, and the middle is the land area with mountains and forests above.

At the top, magic spells are used to add seasonal changes, sunlight, moonlight, starry sky, and various weather types.

Fortunately, Ke Wen's alchemy was pretty good. Even if there was something he couldn't figure out, he turned to Dumbledore and the professors for help.

Next comes the big purchase.

He spent huge sums of money to add animals and plants to the space. He also spent huge sums of money to find ways to buy many magic potion seeds and many docile magical creatures.

It was not until the beginning of the school year that the entire box space was completely decorated with the joint participation of Kewen and professors.

Dumbledore commented on it: This is the most perfect "seamless stretch" suitcase in the entire Western wizarding world. Except for the shortcomings in the magical creatures living inside, it is almost perfect in every other aspect.

This result is reasonable. After all, Kewen spent a total of 700,000 gold galleons for this box.

After finishing handling the boxes, Kewen continued to arrange some things for himself while there were still two weeks before school.

Such as clothing.

Since he couldn't spend all the money, Ke Wen simply ordered some clothes made of the highest quality materials, including clothes for daily wear, robes, cloaks, etc.

After getting the clothes, Kewen started the enchanting work again.

This includes enchanting some automatic defense spells on clothes, as well as some spells triggered by passwords.

What other magical spells are there to automatically clean it up, automatically restore it from damage, be waterproof and fireproof, etc.

Of course, it is indispensable to enchant "permanent traceless stretch space" inside the pocket.

The day before school started, Coven went to the Goblin Bank and took out all the gold galleons in the vault.

He put the gold coins into the "seamless stretchable suitcase", and then put the suitcase into his pocket like a matryoshka doll. In the end, he became a "squirrel spirit" who carries "pocket space" with him.

The next day, Coven teleported to Diagon Alley through the fireplace early in the morning, picked up Spilett, and then met Penello at King's Cross Station.

After all, it is the last year, so Kewen plans to relive the process of taking the train to school.

There were still about twenty minutes before the train started, and Penello finally arrived to join them. Then the three of them passed through the 'phantom passage', got on the bus and occupied an empty compartment.

The scene six years ago seemed like yesterday. Ke Wen looked at the entire compartment with a nostalgic look, as if he was riding a train for the first time.

Penelo, who was chatting with Spilett, noticed this and asked Coven curiously: "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Ke Wen shook his head slightly, and then smiled: "I just remembered the way we were riding the train in the first grade."

"Are you feeling nostalgic?" Penello crossed his legs lazily, leaned back on the seat, and said with a smile: "That's why you didn't go directly to the academy this year, but came here to take a train.


Looking at Penello's posture and admiring the other person's already slim and graceful figure, Ke Wen smiled and said: "I still remember how nervous and expectant the little guy named Penello was after getting in the car.


"Boring." Penello couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Speaking of which..." Ke Wen asked: "What are you going to do after graduation this year?"

"Traveling around the world, of course."

Penello raised his arms, his left arm crossed his chest, his right arm stood upright, he supported his face with his hands, and said longingly: "You have brought me money that I can't spend all my money. Of course I won't find any job, so

I plan to travel around the world to personally witness the knowledge in books."

After saying that, Penello asked back: "What about you? What do you plan to do after graduation?"


Ke Wen was silent for a moment, then he held his seat with both hands, leaned back, looked up at the ceiling, and said softly without focus: "I might go back to the East... to find the way home."

"I guess that's what you planned too."

Penello slightly shrugged his shoulders, obviously expecting it and not being surprised at all.

Spirit was a little anxious at the side, and quickly asked Ke Wen: "Then, will you come back? What should I do? You can't abandon me."

Ke Wen lowered his head and looked directly at Spilett. After a while, he smiled and said: "I will come back, I will, I will definitely come back!"

"Promise?" Spilett was still a little worried.

"Of course." Ke Wen leaned forward and reached out to rub Spilett's hair: "Maybe I will come back when you graduate."

While Spirit actively shook his head and enjoyed Ke Wen's caress, he pouted slightly and said, "Why does it take so long?"

"After all, it's not easy for me to find my family." Ke Wen said vaguely: "You know, no one has come to look for me in so many years, so I am not interested in the 'search for my roots' after graduation.

, there is no clue at all.”

"Okay..." Spilett was still a little disappointed, but still said obediently: "Then you must write to me often."

"Try your best." Ke Wen shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "I don't know how to send the letter back in the East."

"Okay, let's talk about something else." Coven planned to end the topic, so he turned to Penello and asked: "By the way, during the holiday, did you go to see the European Cup final of Quidditch?


"I didn't go. I have no interest in Quidditch." Penello shrugged again and shook his head: "And it's a good thing I didn't go. Didn't the newspaper say that those Death Eaters made a big fuss at the final venue?"

Ke Wen nodded. Although he was busy during the holidays, he also read the reports.

At the beginning, he was still wondering why those Death Eaters dared to show up when Voldemort's remnant soul had already been "gnawed away".

Later, because he was busy with the box, he forgot to ask Dumbledore and the professors, and none of the professors mentioned it.

At this time, the door of the compartment was opened, and Zhang Qiu appeared at the door, happily greeting: "Hey, I finally found you."

"Hi, Autumn."

Penello waved and said hello.

Kewen and Spilit also greeted Zhang Qiu who came into the cubicle.

"what are you guys saying?"

After Zhang Qiu sat down, he asked curiously.

"We are talking about the Death Eaters causing trouble in the European Cup." Penello responded, and then thought of something: "By the way, Qiu, doesn't your mother work in the Ministry of Magic? Have you heard anything?"

Shaking his head, Zhang Qiu said: "No, but my mother did say that since that incident, the entire Ministry of Magic has been in panic."

At this time, the train suddenly whistled, then the carriage shook violently and started to move.

"Oh, right!"

Zhang Qiu thought of something and said somewhat mysteriously: "I also heard news from my mother that the college may hold some large-scale activities this year."

Spilit asked curiously: "What activity is it?"

"I don't know." Zhang Qiu said helplessly: "My mother also heard about it, so she doesn't know what the specific activity is."

After hearing this, Penello was a little disappointed and sighed slightly: "It made me curious for nothing."

Zhang Qiu was a little indifferent and suggested with a smile: "Then continue to be curious. Anyway, you will probably know it when you get to the college. Principal Dumbledore will probably announce it at the dinner."

"Speaking of which..." Zhang Qiu turned to Kewen: "Didn't the senior get news from the professors?"


Ke Wen shook his head. Although he already knew what was going on, he didn't plan to say it out loud, so he let them continue to look forward to it...

This year's train departure time is earlier, so the time to arrive at the college is not at night like in previous years.

When the sky was still a little bright, all the students had already arrived at the college.

And this situation also made all the students see the visitors in the college.

A group of girls came from the sky on a carriage pulled by many flying horses.

A group of young people suddenly appeared from the black lake on a large magical sailboat.

This caused a lot of discussion among all the students.

However, everyone only glanced at them briefly, and the group of boys and girls were quickly taken away by the college staff to an unknown location.

Until the opening dinner, no one saw the group of boys and girls again.

At the end of the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore made his customary speech about the new school year.

Standing in the center of the podium, Dumbledore said loudly: "First of all, I want to announce something. This school year, this castle will not only be your home, but also the home of some special guests."

"This year, Hogwarts is fortunate enough to be selected to host a very prestigious event - the Triwizard Tournament!"

After the words fell, Dumbledore did not continue, but left enough room for discussion.

Sure enough, many students who knew about the 'Triwizard Tournament' suddenly became excited, either communicating with each other, or popularizing science for other students who didn't know...

This chapter has been completed!
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