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Chapter 7 Magic Pattern

"Okay, okay! Stop for a moment..."

After the discussion, everyone returned to the guild, and President Makarov began to register the three brothers, Kewen and Mira.

The registration content of the three little ones was very simple, but when it was Kewen's turn, President Makarov started to have a headache.

Because when registering the magic mastered by Kewen, the registration form quickly ran out of space.

At this time, President Makarov stared at the magic names on the registration form in his hand, and couldn't help but rub his forehead in great distress.

After thinking for a moment, he put down the registration form, took another blank registration form, and then said slowly to Ke Wen: "I took a look, and the magic you registered should all belong to the same system."

Word spirit magic', right?"

Ke Wen couldn't help but be startled and opened his eyes slightly.

Looking back, it seems that President Makarov was right in summarizing that most of the magic learned in the world of 'Harry Potter' is really like 'doing what you say'.

Therefore, there seems to be nothing wrong with being called "Word Spirit Magic" by Chairman Makarov.

Seeing Ke Wen's expression, President Makarov then asked in his slow tone: "Have you mastered a lot of magic like this that 'directly expresses magical effects with words'?"

Ke Wen couldn't help but nodded.

"That's right." President Makarov showed a satisfied smile, picked up a pen to write on the new registration form, and said at the same time: "Then I will register you as 'Word Spirit Magic'."


Ke Wen was still slightly unresponsive. He was still shocked by the nature of the 'Harry Potter World Curse', so he responded subconsciously while being distracted.

President Makarov quickly completed the registration, raised his head again, and asked Ke Wen: "So, do you know other systems of magic? For example, the 'teleport' magic you used before."

"Well, I know some." Ke Wen nodded and said: "I also know some frost magic, fire magic, thunder magic, arcane magic, as well as transformation, alchemy, potion making, and..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Makarov was stunned, his body so stiff that he seemed to have turned into a stone statue.

After a while, he finally closed his open mouth, and then took a breath of cool air into his stomach.

Staring at Kewen in shock, President Makarov couldn't help but ask: "Are you...really only eleven years old?"

Kewen nodded: "Yeah, eleven years old."

"You..." President Makarov lowered his head and looked at the registration form in his hand, then raised his head again and exclaimed: "How on earth did you learn so many magic..."

Ke Wen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that his situation seemed too outrageous, but he immediately began to play it off and said calmly: "Maybe it's because my talent is better. I can master all magic quickly. I only learned alchemy in the beginning."

It took a little more time during the operation.”

"Really?" President Makarov still felt unbelievable, thought for a moment and said, "Can I try it?"

"How to try?" Coven asked.

"Hmm..." President Makarov pinched his chin and then said: "Let me teach you a 'light magic'. This series of magic should not be among the magic you master, right?"

"No." Ke Wen's eyes lit up as he answered, with a look of longing on his face.

"Okay, that's the magic."

While speaking, President Makarov stretched out his left index finger and pointed it at the stone floor. The next moment, a magic circle composed of golden lines and unknown words suddenly appeared in front of his fingertips and rapidly increased in size.


Then, a small golden light bullet was quickly launched from the center of the magic circle, instantly leaving a scorch mark on the stone floor.

"That's it."

Makarov put away his magic power and made the golden magic circle disappear. Then he looked at Kewen and said, "If your talent is so good, it should be easy to master this magic."

Ke Wen was very confused at this time, blinked, looked at President Makarov and asked: "Then what?"

"What then?" Makarov also looked confused.

"I mean..." Ke Wen immediately reminded: "What is the magic incantation?"

"Spell?" President Makarov's eyes showed suspicion, and he said in a surprised tone: "Didn't you see the magic circle clearly just now? Do you still need a spell?"

"What does it have to do with the magic circle?" Ke Wen continued to be confused.

Next, the two began to stare at each other, feeling as if they were not on the same channel.

After a while, Makarov sighed with disappointment and said the spell.

Ke Wen instantly remembered the pronunciation and intonation of the incantation, then pointed his finger at the stone floor and recited the incantation silently in his heart.

Soon, his fingertips turned golden, and a small light bullet quickly flew out, leaving a black mark on the stone floor.

"Is that so?" Coven confirmed to President Makarov.

"Well...that's right."

President Makarov put away his doubts, nodded and said: "However, you only showed the simplest magic effect. Can you show the full effect of magic again?"

"What is a complete effect?" Ke Wen asked puzzledly: "Does it mean firing a large number of magic light bombs at once?"

While speaking, he raised his palm and pointed it at the ground, preparing to cast a spell.

"Stop!" President Makarov immediately raised his hand to stop and explained: "What I mean is, let me see your understanding of this magic, let me see the magic patterns in the magic circle."

"Magic pattern?" Kewen tilted his head in an ignorant and "kawaii" manner.

Seeing this, President Makarov showed a blank expression like when he had just woken up and his mind seemed to be blank. It seemed that the two people's channels were not on the same line again.

After looking at each other and making statues for a while, President Makarov couldn't help but raise his voice and asked in disbelief: "You don't know about magic patterns?"

Ke Wen shook his head blankly.

"Then how did you learn your magic?"

"As long as you know the spell..." Ke Wen's answer still seemed very confused.


"Oh my God..." President Makarov slapped his forehead speechlessly.

Not long after, he put down his palm, raised his head and looked at Kewen again, and said helplessly: "I really don't know where you are or who you got the inheritance from..."

"Okay..." President Makarov took a deep breath: "Let's start from the beginning."

Seeing Ke Wen showing a serious expression, President Makarov began to say: "When we are born into the world, the magic power of heaven and earth will be filled in our bodies. After the 'magic source' is formed in the human body, the magic power will be in our bodies."

It keeps flowing.”

"And the traces formed by the flow of magic power are magic patterns."

Hearing this, Ke Wen showed a novice look, as he had no knowledge of these concepts at all.

Seeing this, President Makarov sighed softly again, then raised his palm, causing a magic circle to appear instantly and quickly expand to half a meter in diameter.

The other hand pointed at the unknown words in the magic circle. President Makarov explained: "Look, this is the magic pattern. This magic pattern represents the light element, this represents control, and this represents form change.

This is power control..."

Pointing out the words in the magic circle, President Makarov pointed to the lines and patterns forming the magic circle, and then said: "To release a magic, we must master the elements it represents and add and control its power.

and shape and other factors, and then use the magic circle graphics to bring all the magic patterns together. Only in this way can we master a perfect magic."

After saying that, Makarov took a breath and asked patiently: "Do you understand?"

Ke Wen nodded and responded with surprise in his eyes: "I understand now!"

With a helpless sigh, President Makarov put away the magic circle, and then said: "It seems that you can only simply release magic; for power, you can only use the intensity of magic output to control it. You seem to

I’ve never had an essential understanding of those magics, is that right?”

Ke Wen nodded silently and acknowledged this evaluation.

"That's no wonder." President Makarov nodded and said: "Otherwise, as long as you saw my magic circle clearly just now, you would be able to learn magic through those runes. After all, I have already mastered the magic circle's

Encryption has been removed."

After speaking, President Makarov showed a competent look and continued to say kindly: "If you want to continue on the journey of magic and eventually achieve something, then I suggest that you learn the basics of magic from scratch.


Ke Wen nodded heavily and responded seriously: "I can! Can the guild teach me?"

"Of course!" President Makarov looked pleased, and narrowed his eyes into a curved slit with a smile.

Raising his hand and patting Ke Wen's young shoulder, President Makarov said kindly: "The so-called guild is a place that brings partners together; it is an intermediary that introduces jobs; it is also a 'homeless kid' like you.


Retracting his palm, President Makarov showed a big smile: "As a parent, of course you must teach your children to grow up."

Looking at President Makarov's smiling face, at this moment, Ke Wen couldn't help but have an idea in his mind - it seemed that he had encountered a place as reassuring as 'Hogwarts'...

As a result, Ke Wen also grinned and responded with a big smile: "Thank you."

"Go." President Makarov raised his hand with a smile and pointed to a table against the wall, pointing to a bunch of little beans gathering there: "Go and get to know your companions.

From now on, you just..."

Bang! Bang! Bang...

The second half of President Makarov's words was stuck in his throat, because in the direction he pointed, several little boys were already fighting together like a street fight.

Ke Wen followed the sound and saw that the three Mira brothers were retreating away from the battlefield, while several little girls were helplessly shouting to stop the fight.

As for the few little boys who were fighting each other, they were already entangled with each other, and they no longer knew who was whose enemy. The battle completely escalated into a chaotic battle.

“My table ugh!”

President Makarov next to Ke Wen suddenly let out a sobbing scream...

This chapter has been completed!
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