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Chapter 8 Howling

Many phenomena in the two-dimensional world cannot be defined and understood with common sense, just like now.

Under the roar of President Makarov, the melee between the little kids was finally separated by the adult wizards laughing and joking.

The image of the little beans at this time broke Kewen's common sense.

The big bulging bump on the head, the black eye sockets like panda eyes, and the missing front teeth instantly transformed the scene into a funny cartoon style.

Ke Wen was cursing in his heart, while next to him, President Makarov had already lined up a group of little beans to stand in front of him, and reprimanded helplessly: "What on earth is going on! You guys are fighting this time

What’s the reason for getting up!?”

Ke Wen couldn't help but turn his head and glance at the other party. The word 'again' was very spiritual...

Faced with the question, several little Doudings avoided their eyes with guilty conscience, and no one wanted to answer.

President Makarov became angry. After scanning his eyes, he raised his hand and pointed at a little girl: "Lebby, answer me."

"Ah? This..."

Lebby has very thick long blue hair, and the hair on her forehead is combed back with a hairband, which makes the hair on the back of her head look very messy, like lion hair.

When she heard the president's roll call, she immediately showed a guilty look and turned to look at her friends in embarrassment. She neither wanted to betray her friends nor refuse to respond to President Makarov, which made her very embarrassed.

"Dad, let me tell you!"

At this time, another little girl stood up.

"Okay! Erza, tell me." President Makarov immediately smiled happily.

Erza has long red hair, wears a metal knight armor on her upper body, and a knee-length girl's pleated skirt on her lower body.

The little girl's appearance is very delicate and beautiful, but her expression always looks very determined and courageous.

However, what was revealed from her big eyes was a look of natural stupidity.

At this time, the little girl named Erza first showed a warning look to the 'prisoners' beside her, and then reported to Chairman Makarov: "It's Natsu and Gray.

One showed off his strength to Elfman, and in the end they got into a fight because they were arguing about who was stronger."

After saying that, Erza glanced at the friends beside her again, and said with a proud voice: "The others were accidentally injured by Natsu and Gray first, and then participated in the fight."

At this point, Erza sighed with a tired and helpless look, shook her head and said, "Really, you are so naive, don't you even know that I am the strongest?"

"Damn it! You red-haired devil!" The little boy named Natsu suddenly shouted angrily, rolling up his sleeves and baring his teeth as he yelled: "I don't admit that you are the strongest! Let's fight!


"That's right!" The little boy named Gray, who was wearing only a pair of big pants, was also very unhappy, with a look like a bad boy on his face, and he also shouted: "Let's see if I don't turn you, a red-haired devil, into ice.

Block demon!”

"Huh?" Erza suddenly turned to look at the two screamers with sharp eyes, her expression looking very scary.


At this time, President Makarov suddenly roared, raised his arms, raised his knife, and struck Natsu and Gray on the heads of the two children.

The next moment, President Makarov's two arms suddenly stretched out like rubber, spanning a distance of several meters, and accurately hit the heads of Natsu and Gray with his sword.

There were two crisp sounds of "Pap", and Natsu and Gray instantly squatted down with eyes bulging.

The two of them raised their hands to the top of their heads, but they did not dare to touch the big bulge on their heads, so they could only hold it on top of their heads.

At the same time, their mouths also protruded into the shape of chicken mouths, and two lines of tears couldn't stop pouring out of their eyes.

"Whoa whoa--"

The two little cubs kept screaming in pain, accompanied by the sound of "Siha" gasping.

Seeing this, President Makarov finally got angry, canceled the magic, and retracted his arm to its original state.

Then, he scolded him in a helpless and doting manner: "You troublesome brats! It's rare that a new partner joins us today. It's supposed to be a happy day!"

"Now look at you! What a mess you have made of the guild! Count how many guild facilities you have damaged in just this week!"

"More, too much can't afford to sneeze -" Gray apologized while enduring the severe pain of the big bump on his head.

"Me too -" Natsu's physique may be relatively strong. At this time, he dared to put his hands on top of his head and cover the big bag. While apologizing, he raised his face and apologized to the president: "Comparison.

Dad, I shouldn’t fight today.”

"Is it time tomorrow!?" President Makarov scolded him again with sharp teeth, and then waved his hand helplessly: "Okay, okay, go, get to know each other with your new partners, and, here you go.

I'll clean up the broken table."

"Hehe!" Natsu took back the hand covering his head, patted his chest, and smiled heartlessly: "Leave it to me!"

President Makarov shook his head fondly, and then looked at the three brothers Kewen and Mira beside him.

Showing a kind smile, President Makarov said softly: "Don't worry, their relationship is good, you will get used to it in the future, go and get to know your friends."

Ke Wen was a little resistant because he had already labeled these little beans in the guild - naughty kids.

But after all, I am new to the guild, so I should introduce myself.

Therefore, Ke Wen could only nodded silently.

The three Mira brothers and sisters also had different expressions on this.

Lisanna is relatively outgoing, and she has taken a great interest in this group of bean sprouts of the same age. She is already smiling eagerly.

Elfman is relatively unopinionated, but he doesn't show any objection to meeting new friends of the same age.

As for Mira, she seemed to be very resistant. She had already pulled the cloak to death with her left hand, completely covering her body, and lowered her head, hiding her face in the shadow of the hood.

At this time, a little girl came forward, with her hands behind her back, her upper body leaning forward slightly, and she showed a friendly smile to the four Kewen people: "Welcome to join the guild, do you want to come together? Let's clean up the table fragments with everyone.


"Okay!" Lisanna, who was already ready to make a move, immediately responded.

Jumping forward with brisk steps, Lisanna reached out and took the little girl's hand, smiling happily: "My name is Lisanna, what's yours?"

"Kana." The little girl responded with an intimate smile: "Kana Arupelona, ​​I am learning 'card magic'."

"That's great!" Lisanna said with envy: "I haven't learned it yet, no! Brother Kewen taught me a magic, so now I only know the magic of making a ball of light."

After saying that, Lisanna turned to greet Kewen and her brothers and sisters: "Sister Mira, Brother Aiman, and Brother Kewen, come together."

Ke Wen glanced at the little girl with wavy brown hair and wearing a checkered suspender skirt who was also looking over. Then he pursed his lips and smiled at Lisanna and followed her.

Seeing this, Elfman and Mira could only follow suit.

When he came to the broken long table by the wall, Ke Wen looked at the little beans who were diligently picking up the debris. After thinking for a while, he said loudly: "Let me do it. I just have a suitable magic."

Hearing this, all the little beans stopped what they were doing, turned their heads at the same time, and looked over in surprise.

"Put down all the pieces first." Ke Wen reminded everyone.

No one hesitated, all the beans showed trusting expressions, dropped the remains in their hands on the ground, and then all showed expectant looks, ready to watch Ke Wen's performance.

Seeing this, Ke Wen raised his hand and pointed at the pile of fragments of tables and chairs, and silently said in his heart: Repair it as before.

The next moment, all the fragments seemed to have become weightless, slowly floating into the air, then turning and adjusting their direction, and gradually gathered together.

After a few breaths, a complete long table appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the stools were completely repaired and placed symmetrically around the long table.


Including the three Mira brothers and sisters, all the beans in unison made the same sound of admiration.

At this moment, the sound of wind blowing from clothes suddenly sounded from the direction behind Ke Wen.

Before Ke Wen could turn around, President Makarov's thin body suddenly jumped past him and landed on the long repaired table.

Squatting on the table with his back to Ke Wen, President Makarov leaned over and reached out his hands to carefully check the status of the table. Not long after, he turned his head with a face full of surprise, and asked loudly to Ke Wen expectantly: "Temporarily!

?Or forever!?"

"Uh...permanently." Ke Wen quickly realized the purpose of the other person's question, so he immediately gave the answer.

"Teach me!" President Makarov suddenly showed a very moved expression, and tears instantly appeared in his eyes.

The tone was very pitiful, as if a person in desperate situation had grasped a life-saving straw. President Makarov didn't care about face, and almost sobbed, requesting: "This is my lifelong request! Teach me this magic!"

The corners of Kewen's eyes twitched, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth wanted to cramp. He nodded quickly: "Yes, it's okay, you..."

The next moment, when Ke Wen was completely caught off guard, President Makarov suddenly jumped forward, and his small body immediately hugged Ke Wen forcefully.

With his face buried in Ke Wen's chest, President Makarov cried loudly, crying and wailing happily: "Finally, we are saved! The guild's financial problem is finally saved...


Ke Wen's face was full of lawsuits. He lowered his head and looked at the little old man in his arms, resisting the urge to release the 'Arcane Shock' magic to push him away.

In desperation, Ke Wen could only comfort him: "Okay, old man, let me go, and I will teach you magic right now."

"Good boy! Thank you!"

President Makarov raised his face pitifully, with a pear-shaped expression that made Ke Wen restrain his arm that wanted to bulge again...


I wish all my book friends a happy New Year and a new year of happiness!


This chapter has been completed!
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