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Chapter 30 Classmates

The figure in the portrait looks very irresponsible. Half of his body is on the edge of the frame, and the other half is leaning out of the frame, and he doesn't know where he went.

The prefect was a little embarrassed when he saw this. He quickly glanced at the eighteen freshmen, coughed slightly, and called loudly: "Madam! Madam!"

"Coming, coming." In the portrait, the fat lady retracted her body, took a good posture, and said with a smile: "I am chatting with my neighbor, Mrs. Mary, okay, password."

"Phoenix." The prefect responded impatiently.

"The password is correct, please come in." The fat lady nodded slightly and raised her left hand in a gesture of invitation.

The next moment, the portrait frame slowly opened outwards, revealing a doorway less than two meters high.

"Come in." The prefect called behind him: "Inside is our Gryffindor common room."

With that said, the prefect walked into the doorway first, followed by Ke Wen and other freshmen.

Passing through the narrow corridor and walking down the steps, everyone soon arrived at a circular hall.

The entire hall is in red, with red tapestries, red curtains, red sofas, and red carpets.

The entire common room has no study atmosphere, but instead has the warmth of a home living room.

"Okay everyone." The prefect clapped his hands and said to everyone who was looking around the lounge: "The boys' dormitory is on the left, and the girls' dormitory is on the right. Your salutes have been placed in your respective dormitories. I hope you will

Have a great night.”

The freshmen were divided into two sides, and the boys and girls went upstairs separately.

Ke Wen quickly found his dormitory after going upstairs. After pushing the door open and entering, he found a circular room of about seventy square meters.

There are five solid wood single beds in the room, all with handmade bed curtains. The five bedheads divide the five-star orientation of the entire room, and the ends of the beds face the center of the room, forming a small circular open space.

Before Ke Wen could continue to observe, the sound of the door opening sounded behind him, and two little boys walked in together.

Seeing the two children looking timid, Ke Wen had no choice but to change the atmosphere and said first: "Are you from this dormitory too?"

"Yes, yes." The boy, who was slightly fat and had spots on his face, nodded repeatedly.

"I'm Kewen Quinn." Kewen stretched out his hand and said, "From now on, we will be classmates in the same dormitory."

"Hello!" The freckled boy quickly extended his hand: "Selt, Selt Rivion."

"My name is Dana Morales." Another boy who looked very thin introduced himself and shook hands with Coven nervously.

"It seems that there are only three of us in this dormitory." Ke Wen smiled and looked for a topic: "There are only eight of us boys among the freshmen. It seems that the other five have been assigned to the same dormitory."

"Oh, yes." The freckled boy Selt responded quickly and cautiously.

Next to him, Dana Morales also didn't know what to say and could only nod in agreement.

"Okay..." Seeing this, Ke Wen put away the idea of ​​continuing to chat, turned around, looked at the bed and said, "Then let's tidy up our own bed first, and then go to bed early."

"Okay!" the two boys responded in unison.

Next, the three of them arranged their own rituals and bed arrangements. Of course, Kewen would not keep the atmosphere silent forever. While tidying up, he looked for topics to ask a few questions.

In the end, it was learned that both Dana and Selt were pure ordinary people, that is, they came from Muggle families as the wizards said. This is no wonder that they had to be cautious when facing Corvin.

Coven also explained to them that he was also born as a Muggle. In this way, the other two relaxed their restraint and became enthusiastic.

However, Ke Wen immediately regretted it, because the topics they talked about were topics that he was not interested in, and neither Dana nor Selt had previewed the textbooks before the start of school. This made Ke Wen even want to change the topic without knowing what to do with them.

What to say.

Sighing silently, Kewen could only accept his fate...

The night passed uneventfully.

The next day is Friday, and there are two days of weekends, so the new students have three days to get familiar with the college.

In the past three days, Kewen visited every possible place in the entire castle. Finally, he sighed again, regretting that he had chosen Gryffindor College in the first place.

Because going up and down from the eighth floor is really inconvenient. The movable staircase looks magical and magical, but it is the biggest obstacle to going up and down the stairs.

During these three days, Coven could only see Penello in the auditorium during meals.

However, after all, they had just entered school, so it was not easy for Kewen and Penello to sit around and communicate. After the meal, Kewen and Penello had their own small circles to socialize with.

Therefore, the two of them didn't say a few words in total during these three days. They just briefly introduced to each other what the lounge of their college was like...

The weekend has passed in the blink of an eye, and the first magic class will officially begin tomorrow.

In the evening, while two roommates were chatting with classmates in the common room, Kewen went back to his dormitory alone, unfolded the curriculum scroll he got after being sorted, and started reading.

Hogwarts has classes five days a week, with two classes each in the morning and afternoon.

In five days a week, most courses take two periods, except for flying lessons on Thursdays and astrology on Wednesday evenings.

Among them, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and the Potions class are big classes and are held for two consecutive periods.

Herbal medicine is a special case, requiring three classes a week.

After briefly memorizing it, Ke Wen posted the course schedule on the bookshelf next to the bed, then lay back on the bed and sighed.

"It's boring..." Ke Wen whispered in Chinese: "Those little brats only know how to play chess, gossip, and play childish card games all day long..."

"The library is closed at this point..." Sighing again, Coven continued to mutter: "Why did you choose Gryffindor... Although it was a bit troublesome for Ravenclaw to enter the lounge, Penello said that they

The college's lounge is a small library..."

"It would have been great if I had chosen Ravenclaw. I wouldn't have been as bored as I am now. At least I would have had books to read..."

Having said this, Kewen turned his head and looked at the bookshelf next to him.

Among the first-grade textbooks on the bookshelf, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Elementary Charms, and Elementary Transfiguration that require the use of spells have all been read and mastered.

I didn’t memorize the history of magic; I only had a brief understanding of potions, but didn’t study them in detail.

There was no other choice. I couldn't go down to the common room and play house with those little brats.

In desperation, Kewen had no choice but to use the 'Flying Curse' to summon the Potions textbook, half-sit up, and started reading...

This chapter has been completed!
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