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Chapter 39 Gossip

Is Professor David moving his wand slightly to be ready to rescue Coven at any time? No.

So is it to secretly make Kewen more difficult? Nope.

In fact, it was just a slight itch on the outside of Professor David's thigh, and he rubbed it with his wand.

As for whether Kewen could successfully release the magic spell to block the big spider, Professor David had already known for a long time. After all, Kewen's spells were so standard and his wand movements were so standard.

What's more, Ke Wen successfully blocked the attack of two balls in the last class, so the big spider, which is much slower than the ball, naturally cannot add any difficulty to Ke Wen.

Professor David is very sure of this.

At the same time, as expected by Professor David, the magic spell released by Ke Wen easily hit the spider that was jumping from the air, without even giving the spider a chance to make a double jump after landing.

Therefore, I saw the big spider in mid-air, and suddenly its strong eight legs couldn't help but close up and curled up against the abdomen.

Then, the big spider's balled body let out a cry of pain after it landed on the ground, bounced on the ground twice before stopping, and began to shake and struggle.


After clapping his hands twice, Professor David gave Ke Wen a meaningful look, and then praised him calmly: "The very standard 'Leg-locking Curse', have you seen it clearly?"

"See clearly."

The students responded one after another.

Kewen quickly and covertly glanced at Slytherin, and couldn't help but feel relieved. Because at this time, most people looked a little eager to try, but there was very little envy, jealousy, or hatred like in the previous class.

"Mr. Quinn, you can go and rest in your seat. You can watch the performance of your classmates and do other things. I declare that you have passed my two classes." Professor David said calmly.

He said something, and then directed: "The next student comes forward!"

After saying this, Professor David used his wand to control the big spider to float back in front of him. With a flick of the wand, the leg-locking spell on the big spider was lifted.

Seeing this, Ke Wen took advantage of the situation and moved up, turned around and walked back to the seat to sit down...

In the following time, the situation of the students practicing the "Leg-locking Curse" was terrible.

After all, not many students have been exposed to the threat of magical creatures before entering school. Therefore, most people appear panicked when faced with attacks from giant spiders. Even though they know that the professor will rescue them, they still make frequent mistakes.

Either the spell was recited incorrectly, or the wand's movement was not up to standard. Even if someone successfully cast the spell, the accuracy was worrisome.

Therefore, as Ke Wen's expression became worse and worse, by the end of get out of class, no student except him had successfully blocked the big spider.

Looking towards Slytherin House, Ke Wen thought that it was true, because the naughty children looked at him even more unkindly, and they no longer had the eagerness to try "I can do it too" before...

lunch time.

Kewen ate his meal depressedly. Not only did he have to deal with the celebrations, praises and criticisms of the Gryffindor students around him, but he also had to endure the malicious looks from the Slytherin table.

Therefore, Kewen had no choice but to vent his unhappiness on the food, biting the steak and fruit viciously.

After the meal, Kewen did not go back to the dormitory for a lunch break. Instead, he stayed in the auditorium and continued to read the books borrowed from the library.

At this time, Penello came over, sat down next to Ke Wen, bumped Ke Wen with his elbow, and whispered: "You have provoked Slytherin."

"How could I mess with them?" Ke Wen was helpless, his eyes shifted from the book to Penello's face, and he said slightly depressedly: "It's because they are crazy."

"I heard." Penelope lowered her body, leaned close to Ke Wen's face and whispered: "It was spread during lunch before, saying that you performed too well in class and severely hit those Sis.

The self-confidence of Leitlin students.”

"Who did you listen to?" Ke Wen was unhappy, secretly wondering, are the naughty kids in Hogwarts so gossipy?

"I heard it from Alelia, your Gryffindor." Penello replied: "I mean, first we, the new students in Ravenclaw, heard it from Alelia, and then we heard it from Alelia.

I'm here."

"Alelia Lothar?" Ke Wen had the impression that she was a female freshman with black hair. Because she was accustomed to using her mouth when breathing, her teeth protruded and she looked like a sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked girl.

"Yes." Penello confirmed.

"You can tell by his face that he is a little bitch..." Ke Wen muttered and cursed.

"No swearing!" Penello nudged Covin again with his elbow, and then asked: "What are you going to do now?"

"What should I do?" Ke Wen was puzzled.

"I mean, I heard that the students in Slytherin House are very careless and vindictive." Penello said with some worry: "My senior sisters told us on the first day of school to try not to interact with Slater.

When dealing with Lin's students, try not to offend them."

"Oh, they're just a bunch of brats." Ke Wen curled his lips disdainfully: "What can they do to me? In the castle, you are not allowed to use magic spells indiscriminately except in the classroom."

"Anyway, be careful." Penello warned: "It's best to spend more time with your Gryffindor classmates, so as to avoid trouble as much as possible."

"Don't worry." Ke Wen smiled and reassured: "If they come to trouble me, they will be the ones in trouble in the end."

"I know you know a lot of curses, but you also have to be careful about Slytherin's senior students." Penello was still a little worried.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Ke Wen replied repeatedly, and then immediately changed the subject and said: "How was your class today?"

"It's okay." Penello was successfully diverted and said with some distress: "In the month before school started, you only taught me four household spells, so our dean's spell class was okay.

This morning's Transfiguration class was a bit difficult."

Having said this, Penello couldn't help but look at Coven's eyes with some resentment, and said unhappily: "Why did you go to Gryffindor? It would be great if you were also in Ravenclaw, then I can look for you every day

It’s time for pre-class tutoring.”

"Be more confident." Ke Wen raised his hand with a smile and patted Penello on the shoulder: "In my observation, you are more mature and smarter than the other students in this class. I believe that no course will

It’s hard for you.”

"Of course!" Penello stood up at the airport with a little pride.

"It will take a while." Ke Wen continued with a smile: "I plan to look for any convenient place to practice magic spells. Once we find it, we will practice together."

"Okay, it's settled!" Penello jumped for joy...

This chapter has been completed!
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