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Chapter 40 Don't leave after school

During the first class in the afternoon, as soon as Kewen walked into the classroom door, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, because he was in class with Slytherin House again.

Facing the cold stares, Ke Wen felt unhappy and went to the side of the Gryffindor students with a calm expression, looking for a seat and sitting down.

As all the students arrived and the bell rang, a tabby cat squatting above the professor's desk suddenly jumped up from the table.

While leaping into the air, the tabby cat instantly transformed into a stern-looking Professor McGonagall.


When the students saw this, they all exclaimed.

When Kewen saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly awakened some movie scenes in his memory, and had a strong sense of déjà vu.

After sorting out the memories that emerged, Covin suddenly understood and understood Professor McGonagall better.

At the same time, Corwin also remembered a portrait in the Gryffindor common room.

It was a red-toned portrait, and the young woman in the portrait was very similar to Professor McGonagall in front of her.

In the portrait, a young woman is wearing a long scarlet robe with her back on her back, holding a wizard's hat behind her back with both hands, looking down at a black cat sitting at her feet.

The portrait is unsigned, but compared with the portrait of Professor McGonagall in front of him, the combined portrait is hung in the Gryffindor common room.

It goes without saying that the young woman in that portrait must be Professor McGonagall in front of her...

"Class begins now." Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, attracting the attention of all students, scanning all the students and said: "In the next few years, I will teach you the principles and applications of Transfiguration."

"Transfiguration is the study of magic that changes the appearance and form of an object by changing its structure."

"Transfiguration spells are an important way to achieve transformation, and they are also the 'only seven' spells in my course." Professor McGonagall said with a somewhat proud tone: "This course does not require a large number of spells like other courses.

You should keep it in mind. But!"

The tone became solemn and the volume increased: "Although the Transformation Curse only has seven spells, it will take you a lifetime to study, practice, and improve!"

"Now I will ask a question." Professor McGonagall scanned all the students again, and stopped when he saw Ke Wen, who was silently repeating "You can't see me" in his mind.

"Please... don't do this..." Kewen's eyes twitched when he saw this, and he said silently: "I have attracted enough firepower..."

Unfortunately, it backfired. Professor McGonagall's eyes softened when she looked at Covin, and she named him expectantly: "Kevin Quinn. Please answer me, what is the basic spell of the Transfiguration Curse."

"Yes, Professor..." Kewen could only sigh secretly when he saw this, and was forced to answer: "The spell is transfiguration."

"Very good." Professor McGonagall nodded happily, but did not let Ke Wen go, and then asked, "What are the classifications of transformation spells?"

"Ordinary transfiguration, human transfiguration, reverse transfiguration..." Ke Wen continued to answer helplessly: "Transformation spell, cross-species transformation spell, disappearance spell, summoning spell, I have finished answering, professor."

"The answer is absolutely correct, five points for Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall was very pleased, then turned to scan the students and reminded: "Hurry up and pick up your quills and write them down."

There was the sound of turning over homework books and the sound of quills swishing and writing...

After all the students finished writing, Professor McGonagall continued: "Recite the correct pronunciation of the curse with me: transfiguration."

The students chanted along one after another.

Professor McGonagall led everyone to recite it a few more times, and reminded everyone about the easy pronunciation errors, and then continued to teach: "This spell does not have specific wand swing specifications. You can point the wand at the object being cast."

, you can also swing the wand to click on the spelled object."

"Now let's start practicing. Let's start with the simplest one." Professor McGonagall said: "There are a few matches on the desk in front of you. Next, you need to use the transformation spell to turn the matches in front of you into needles.

, in addition to the wooden structure, any needle material can be turned into it.”

"Let's get started." Professor McGonagall said.

Hearing this, most of the students took out their wands and pointed at the matches on the desk in front of them.

Of course, there were a small number of students who did not intend to start practicing spells, but turned to look at Coven. Almost all of them were Slytherin students.

Feeling those unpleasant eyes, Ke Wen looked up again and looked at Professor McGonagall who was staring at him.

After pondering for a moment, Kewen completely gave up resistance.

Anyway, it is estimated that this 'feud' has been settled, and Kewen will simply break the pot, and after all, it is the class of the dean of his own college.

Therefore, Ke Wen was full of resentment, did not recite the incantation, and flicked his wand towards the match in front of him.

The next moment, the match on the table immediately changed. The wooden match quickly turned into a pen engraved with complicated patterns.

After the transformation was completed, Kewen raised his head and glanced at Professor McGonagall, who was full of surprise. Then he turned his head and looked at the Slytherin students according to his sixth sense, his eyes full of provocation.

Anyway, there was a hatred, and Kewen planned to simply explode this hatred as soon as possible, and let those group of Slytherin kids come to seek death as soon as possible.

Without a beating, those naughty Slytherin kids might not know what social evil is...

"Five points for Gryffindor!" Professor McGonagall suddenly announced loudly, staring at Kowen and loudly saying with great joy: "But Kowen, you'd better complete my classroom tasks first, and then go to improve the Transfiguration in private.


"Yes, sorry Professor." Ke Wen said, but the wand in his hand pointed at the pen on the desk in front of him. The next moment, the pen turned into a golden needle.

"Beautiful silent spellcasting, beautiful dual-purpose!" Professor McGonagall watched the whole process, and his face became even more happy and proud. He couldn't help but add another point: "Ten more points for Ke Wen!"


The class was in chaos. After all, in such a short time, Coven had added twenty points to Gryffindor. Therefore, the Gryffindor students cheered, but the Slytherin side complained, and their cold eyes seemed to

Like a blade, it slashed towards Ke Wen's body.

Only then did Professor McGonagall realize that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the classroom. After looking towards Slytherin House, Professor McGonagall's expression became grim and she said to Kowen in a calm tone: "Kewen, don't leave after class.

, come with me to the office."

At this time, the Slytherin students wanted to say this to Kewen: Don't leave after class...

This chapter has been completed!
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