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Chapter 8 Asking for help

Ke Wen didn't know what tricks Lucifer had done, he was busy looking at the house.

The personal butler worked very efficiently. He had just arranged work in the morning, and in the evening of the same day, he sent a stack of detailed information to Ke Wen.

The next day, Kewen, led by the housekeeper, began to take the hotel car around the city to look at rooms.

After excluding apartment-style buildings and single-story storefronts, and looking at more than a dozen houses, Coven finally found a suitable target on Wilshere Avenue.

That's right, it's the shopping paradise street under Beverly Hills.

It was a three-story building, not located on the edge of the street, but in the rear area of ​​the specialty stores.

In the eyes of others, the location of this small building is not ideal, and it does not enjoy the flow of people at all.

But it was just right for Kewen.

Not being on the street allows him to enjoy the smoke and smoke of the world while still being clean.

This allows him to move forward and retreat freely.

If you want to be lively, just walk a few steps to the busiest street; if you want to be quiet, just go back to the building and close the door.

Therefore, Kewen doesn't care about the millions of rents every year.

He signed a contract with the landlord, signed a three-year lease directly, and paid the rent in full in one lump sum.

This prevented the landlord from randomly raising the rent, and during the economic turmoil three years later, Kewen could also buy the house directly from the landlord who played stocks at a low price.

The housekeeper and lawyer will handle all the contracts and other matters, and Ke Wen only needs to sign.

After finishing the house work, it was already night when Ke Wen returned to the hotel.

After happily paying the bill to the housekeeper and giving her a good review, Kewen ordered a table of dishes in a good mood and sat on the balcony to enjoy the night view while tasting it.

However, the ringing of the phone interrupted his enjoyment.

Ke Wen was surprised.

There is no need to look at the caller ID after picking up the phone, because there is only one number stored in it after buying the phone.

After connecting the phone with a color screen, Ke Wen asked doubtfully: "Angela? It's so late, is there something urgent?"

"Sorry Mr. Quinn!"

Angela's tone was a little urgent: "When we were in the bar that day, you talked about some theology with me. Not only the Egyptian and Nordic pantheons, you also talked about some things about the Greek pantheon and heaven."

"That's right." Ke Wen responded: "Do you need any help?"


Angela asked expectantly: "How much do you know about the New Testament? Do you know the 'Book of Corinthians' in it?"


Covin didn't know what was written in the Bible, he had never been exposed to it.

But since he and Angela are destined to be together, they might as well help each other.

So Ke Wen said to the phone: "Wait for two minutes, I will check the information."

"Okay, sorry to bother you." Angela responded apologetically.

Ke Wen temporarily put the phone on the table, then straightened his posture, raised his hands and made a seal.


Coven recited the term softly.

His voice did not reach the outside world, but seemed to disappear directly into another space.

The next moment, a breeze suddenly blew.

The dust in the air began to gather automatically, and before long, a book with a black cover gathered in front of Ke Wen.

This is what Kewen fished out from the long river of time in this world.

Raising his hand to take the book, Ke Wen picked up the phone again and said, "Angela, please continue talking. I have found the Book of Corinthians."

"Thank you Quinn, but what I'm about to say may be a little hard to understand."

Angela took a deep breath and then said: "Quinn, do you know what Chapter 17 of Corinthians is about?"

"It's in vain for you to ask him."

At this time, a man's voice sounded on the other side of the phone: "There are only thirteen chapters of '2 Corinthians' in the world, so I'd better ask some professionals."

"Sorry Quinn, there's a friend of mine next to me, please don't mind."

Angela apologized to Ke Wen, and then she said with a somewhat regretful tone: "I'm sorry to bother you, please look at how many chapters there are in the 'Estle to the Corinthians' in your hand."


Ke Wen responded and opened the book, glanced at the catalog, he raised the corner of his mouth and said: "It seems that I can still help you, Angela, let me tell you good news, I have the Corinthians in my hand.

The book is complete, with a total of twenty-one chapters in the second volume."

"Really?!" Angela was surprised and surprised.

"That's right." Ke Wen asked: "So, you want to know the content of Chapter 17, right?"

"Yes Quinn!" Angela said immediately: "Can you please read the content?"


Ke Wen looked at the page: "The title is that the sins of the son will definitely exceed the sins of the father. Mammon is never tired of his father's rules. He longs to build a kingdom of his own, a kingdom full of blood and fire."

"How to do it?!"

The man's voice suddenly sounded slightly urgent and loud, obviously he had grabbed the phone.

Kewen paused because of this. He knew that the man opposite was Constantine, who was helping to investigate the cause of Angela's sister's death.

"Hey Quinn, right? Are you still there?"

Not hearing Ke Wen continue to recite, Constantine couldn't help but call out, looking very anxious.

"Yes, I am." Kewen responded.

"Listen, Mr. Quinn." Constantine said seriously: "Help get past the useless information and search it immediately to see if it tells you what methods Mammon will use to establish its kingdom!"


Kewen responded and searched in the books. He quickly found the relevant description.

So Ke Wen said directly: "It says that Mammon will come to the world and create his own hell. He first needs to possess a very powerful psychic, but this is not enough. He also needs the help of a god.


"God?!" Constantine immediately asked: "Which god?! God?! How to help it?!"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "It's not written above."

Corwin replied: "There is just an illustration of an angel using a sharp tool to cut open the medium's belly."

"Oh, I found it."

Ke Wen discovered the following description and went on to say: "It is God, but not God himself. He only needs to use the divine... weapon with the breath of God..."

The voice became intermittent, and Ke Wen frowned because a fly suddenly emerged from the dishes in front of him.

The flies are huge, almost the size of a fingernail, and there are more than one.

After the first one emerged from under the food, more flies emerged.

Soon, the dining table in front of Ke Wen was completely covered with a layer of flies.

The flies that made the intensive patients scream were buzzing and vibrating their wings. If Ke Wen hadn't suppressed them with magic power, they would have flown everywhere by now.

At this time, Constantine on the other side of the phone also heard the sound of flies.

He was silent for a moment, then immediately raised his voice and asked: "Quinn?! What happened to you?!"

"very funny……"

Ke Wen's eyes became a little dangerous. He raised his eyebrows jokingly and said, "Do you believe it? From a dish, flies covering the entire dining table can actually emerge."


Constantine suddenly thought of something, and he immediately reminded loudly: "Run away!

Escape to a populated place! Quick!


Ke Wen didn't respond this time. He hung up the phone with his lips curled up, and turned to look into the bedroom.

Through the floor-to-ceiling window, Ke Wen saw a man with oily hair and pink face appearing in the bedroom. He was sitting on the bed without ceremony, turning over a coin with his hand and looking at the balcony with a smile.

Ke Wen met the other person's gaze, and he did not move. He continued to sit on the chair and thought about what shape he should put the devil into.

Kewen's unmoved attitude finally made the devil in the bedroom realize that something was wrong.

He looked at the flies that couldn't take off on the dining table, and the amusement on his face finally disappeared.

He stood up with his eyes squinted, and the devil stepped over to the balcony.

He looked at Ke Wen and asked in a deep voice: "Exorcists? A face I have never seen before. Which branch do you belong to?"

"Who are you?"

Ke Wen asked back and waved his hand gently, causing all the flies on the table to turn into ash and disappear.

However, looking at the food that was re-revealed, Ke Wen felt a little uncomfortable. He waved his hand again, causing the food to disappear along with the entire table.

This makes the devil's childish hole shrink.

Glancing at the 'Corinthians' floating in front of Ke Wen because the table disappeared, the devil said with a stern look: "Listen! No matter who you are! But I advise you to mind your own business! Things here are very complicated! The consequences are

You can’t afford it!”

"And you'd better give me that book! Your reading has attracted the attention of many beings!"


Ke Wen looked at the Book of Corinthians floating in front of him and smiled.

Looking at the devil again, Ke Wen asked with great interest: "Is there anything special about this book?"

Of course the devil won't answer.

However, his mouth opened involuntarily: "This seems to be the original that has disappeared. There are many ways for us to break the agreement. What did you do to me!


"I see."

Ke Wen suddenly understood, then he crossed his legs and showed an extremely dangerous smile to the devil.


A black van suddenly stopped at the entrance of the InterContinental Hotel.

Constantine and Angela rushed out of the car and ran quickly into the hotel lobby.

"Pearlard! Are you sure that Kevin Quinn is in this hotel?"

While walking quickly, Angela said solemnly to the other side of the phone: "You have to know that once the information is wrong! We may miss the opportunity to save an innocent person!"

"Believe me, Detective." The police officer on the other side of the phone said, "I searched the entire city's information, and there is only one person named Covin Quinn in the entire Los Angeles. His most recent registration information is in the InterContinental Hotel.


"Okay! Wait for me to contact you anytime!" Angela responded and hung up the phone.

She showed her detective ID to the front desk and quickly got Coven's room number.

There was no time to let the front desk lead the way. After Angela asked for the room card, she and Constantine immediately rushed to the elevator.

The elevator's ascent seemed to become a torment. After a while, the elevator finally stopped on the 30th floor.

The two immediately rushed out of the elevator and quickly found Kewen's room.


After swiping the card to open the door, Angela was the first to rush into the room holding a pistol, while Constantine followed closely behind holding a bottle of holy water.

However, after rushing into the room, Angela and Constantine were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Hi Angela."

On the balcony, Ke Wen sat on a chair with his legs crossed. He held the cup holder in his left hand, held the handle of the cup in his right hand, and took a "soothing" sip of coffee.

After saying hello, Ke Wen yelled at the devil in front of him with a dissatisfied tone: "Don't be distracted! Continue!"

"Yes Yes!"

The devil quickly trembled in response.

He knelt in front of Ke Wen, raised the Book of Corinthians above his head with both hands, and carefully turned a page as instructed so that Ke Wen could continue reading.

At this time, Angela and Constantine finally came to their senses.

They looked at the devil with strange eyes.

Look at the devil's face that is half human and half ghost, look at the devil's face with a bruised nose and swollen face, and even pus oozing from the wounds.

For a moment, Angela and Constantine didn't know how to speak.

It was Constantine who spoke out first, because he recognized the devil.


Constantine moved his steps, leaned forward and looked at the devil's face, and finally recognized him from the only half of his face.

Hearing this, the devil named Balthazar did not dare to answer.

He didn't even dare to move, but secretly glanced at Ke Wen, who was continuing to read.

When he realized that Ke Wen's eyes had moved to the end of the page, Balthazar quickly reached out and turned the book to the next page.

"Tsk, heh, heh heh..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Constantine couldn't hold it back, he laughed.

He looked at Coven strangely, and then Constantine said sarcastically to Balthazar: "You bastard, you seem to have been dealt with miserably."

Balthazar rolled his eyes and glared at Constantine fiercely.

However, he instantly withdrew his gaze and carefully peeked at Ke Wen again. Seeing that Ke Wen's attention was still on the book, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, Angela finally woke up from her trance.

Smelling the pungent smell of sulfur that filled the room, she pointed her pistol at Balthazar and walked towards Coven.

"Are you also an exorcist?" Angela asked in a complicated tone: "Is he the demon that attacked you?"

"It's the devil!" Constantine corrected from the side.

Ke Wen finally took his eyes away from the book.

He looked at Angela and said with a smile: "Yes, I can be considered an exorcist. I will start my business after a while, specializing in providing some extraordinary consulting."

"Why didn't you just kill it?"

Constantine interjected from the side. He frowned and said to Coven: "Also, which branch are you from? Why do you act in a devilish style?"

"It's just waste recycling."

Koven pointed to Corinthians: "This guy took me off my desk, so I made it my bookshelf."

Hearing this, Constantine looked at Kewen again, and then said: "Can you lend it to me for a while?"

"Yes, Quinn, we need to ask something!"

Angela continued to point the gun at the devil and echoed: "I told you that day that I suspected that my sister died of a murder! Now I have found the evidence! Although..."

Thinking that Ke Wen was also an extraordinary person, Angela skipped the explanation and said directly: "According to the investigation by Constantine and I, my sister's death should be related to Mammon!"

"This bastard 'insect demon' once attacked and warned me!"

Constantine added: "He must know something! But..."

With a suspicious look on his face, Constantine looked at Covin and asked, "Why did he come to attack you?"

"It's because of this book."

Ke Wen pointed at the 'Book of Corinthians' again and said: "He said that this book of mine might be the original one. There are many rituals in it that allow them to come to the world. I took a look and it is indeed quite interesting."

"You said the book is the original?!" Constantine was shocked.

He immediately asked the devil: "Balthazar? Are you sure?!"

Balthazar cast a look at Kewen asking for instructions. Seeing that Kewen did not refuse, he answered honestly: "Even if it is not the original, it is the first batch of copies. Because of him, your Excellency recited the contents of the book.

, thus triggering the power of books and attracting me."

"So what happened with Mammon is true?!"

Constantine stepped forward, leaned over and stared at Balthazar and asked: "Tell me! What do you know!"

Balthazar looked at Ke Wen, and after seeing Ke Wen's expression that also wanted to understand, he immediately shook his head in embarrassment and fear: "No! I can't say! I will die!"

"Ha!" Constantine sneered: "Are you afraid of death? What? Are you afraid that you will never be able to come out after returning to hell?"

"No! Boy! You don't understand anything!"

Balthazar said impatiently: "That is a more terrifying consequence than dying and returning to hell!"

"I thought you would tell me!"

Constantine straightened up and said to Coven: "How about twenty dollars? Buy your 'table', because after my interrogation, it may not be able to be used by you anymore."


Ke Wen joined in the insult: "I just dislike him for being an eyesore."

"You!" Balthazar said angrily.

"Huh?" Ke Wen glanced at him.

"No! Sir!" Balthazar's courage disappeared instantly when Coven spoke.

He said anxiously: "Sir! You can't do this! I swear! I really can't say it! It will make me die completely!"

"Listen to me!"

Constantine took out a small Bible from his arms and put a bracelet with a cross on his hand.

He stepped forward to Balthazar, opened the Bible and threatened: "If you confess, you may die! But if you choose not to tell, then I will make you die immediately!"

"Are you afraid of total death?"

Constantine put on a cruel look: "I don't have the ability to chase you to hell and kill you completely, but I will save you! I will save you and go to heaven!"

Leaning down again, Constantine stared into Balthazar's eyes and said hatefully: "You can imagine that a devil appears in heaven. You can imagine how popular you are!"

As he spoke, Constantine wet his fingers on the tip of his tongue, and then turned a few pages of the Bible.

Without giving Balthazar a chance to speak, Constantine drew a cross on his chest, then opened his right hand wrapped with a bracelet and pointed it at the devil's face.

"The original owner has mercy on you and forgives all your sins..."

Constantine began to recite the prayer with exaggerated movements.

In Coven's perception, Constantine had no magic power on his body, and there were no fluctuations in his surroundings.

But Balthazar showed great fear.

The other party seemed to have hypnotized himself, making him look like he was being tortured.

As Constantine prayed, Balthazar was distressed and nervous.

This made Ke Wen shake his head in his heart.

Therefore, the extraordinary beings in this world are simply too low-level, and their weaknesses are too severely restrained.

Balthazar, the insect demon, could almost cause a disaster that destroyed a city, but he behaved so badly in the face of prayers that had no extraordinary power.

At this time, Constantine's prayer had come to an end.

He raised his right arm high, looked up into the sky, and shouted loudly in a prolonged tone: "A-men!"


Balthazar completely collapsed in fear.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He hurriedly shouted: "It's blood!


"What is it?!" Constantine immediately leaned over and asked.

"Blood! The blood of God!" Balthazar collapsed and shouted: "The content in Corinthians is true! Mammon wants to come to the world! He has found an artifact that can help him come! It is stained with God's blood

Bloody blasphemy!"

"What about gods?"

Ke Wenming knew the past and wanted to reveal the identity of 'Gabriel' in advance.

He interrupted and asked Balthazar: "The book says that a god must personally help, so who is the god who conspired with Mammon?"

"No!" Balthazar shook his head in fear: "I can't say! Sir, please let me go! Sir! Sir!"

The last two calls were not for Coven. Balthazar turned to the balcony and shouted in panic: "Sir, help me! I have completed the task you gave me! This woman has been led out by me! She has recovered.

Discover the power of psychics!


"Me?" Angela was surprised.

"not good!


Constantine reacted, and he immediately rushed towards Angela, and at the same time reached his hand into his arms, preparing to take out something that could protect Angela.

But his movements were a step slower.

Angela, who was in shock, suddenly staggered back. She lowered her head blankly and looked at her belly.

The next moment, it seemed as if an invisible rope was wrapped around Angela's body, causing her body to bend suddenly, and she quickly flew out of the balcony and flew away into the distance in the night sky.


Constantine was shocked. He chased her two steps, but could only stop on the balcony, watching helplessly as Angela's figure disappeared into the dark night.

Ke Wen's face looked very bad.

He was attacked by surprise.

A force that could crush the physique of an 'Asgardian' into minced flesh fell on him.

Although he expelled that power in an instant, Angela had already been taken away.

"grown ups!"

At this time, Balthazar reacted and hurriedly shouted outside the building: "My lord, there is me! Help me!"


Coven stood up from his chair with a sullen face.

He waved his hand in disgust, and an invisible force fell on Balthazar.

This caused Balthazar's cry for help to be suddenly interrupted, and his entire body instantly flickered and turned into ashes...

This chapter has been completed!
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