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Chapter 100 Magic


Smoke and dust rose, gravel flew, and a shock wave spread laterally.

Under the attack of the demon's giant axe, Doomsday's body was completely buried into the ground.

However, Doomsday did not temporarily stop his body functions again, but buried his head in the soil and roared in pain.

Obviously, it was not crushed or had its head chopped off by the demon's attack.

This surprised the huge demon.

It raised the giant ax and looked at the ax blade. After making sure that the ax blade was still sharp, it lowered its head and looked at the Doomsday Sun below.

I couldn't figure out why it couldn't kill the opponent with one axe, but the devil didn't care about that. It raised the giant ax again and held it with both hands.

The demon raised the giant ax to the back of his head, and after a short pause, he struck the giant ax down at the Doomsday Sun below with all his strength.


The sound of impact was deafening, and the giant ax bounced directly from the demon's hand.

The devil was stunned.

It kept its downward slashing motion and stared dumbfoundedly at the giant ax that flew away.

At this moment, the patch of ground where Doomsday was buried suddenly lit up with orange light.

The next moment, three heat rays converged into a thick beam and suddenly emerged from the ground.

The giant demon didn't react at all. He was directly hit in the chest by the heat ray.

A shrill howl sounded.

The giant demon's defense was unable to withstand the penetration of the heat ray, and a large hole was instantly penetrated in its chest by the ray.

Amid the screams, the giant demon's body quickly turned into magma and collapsed, and soon fell back into the hell passage.

In the distance, Farah suffered some magical backlash due to the death of the demon projection.

But she easily eliminated the backlash and suppression.

However, this also caused her spellcasting to be interrupted, and the gravity and restraints that trapped Doomsday disappeared, allowing Doomsday to be free again.

Looking at Doomsday who was getting up, Farah stamped his feet depressedly and complained bitterly: "Trash! There are still demons from hell! Isn't there anyone who can fight?!"

"What are you going to do next?"

Bruce Wayne next to him immediately asked: "Should we devise a new plan?"

"Need not!"

Farah shook his hand: "Where is this! I..."


Before Farah could finish his words, Doomsday stood up again and immediately launched an attack.

Still a heat ray, Doomsday emitted three rays from his eyes and mouth, and converged into a beam to shoot towards Farah and the other three.

Farah frowned, she instantly pinched her orchid fingers with both hands, and put the wrists of her hands together.

After making a flip-hand gesture, Farah lowered his voice and pushed his hands forward.


A circular array of several meters in diameter opened in front of him and immediately caught the heat ray of the Dooming Sun.

This was not over yet, the magic circle that caught the attack started working instantly, it directly decomposed the heat ray and turned it into a large area of ​​beautiful magic butterflies.

As the Doomsday Sun continued to emit heat rays, more and more magical butterflies were transformed, almost covering the entire sky.

Bruce Wayne was stunned.

Diana also showed a surprised look.

Seeing how easily Farah resisted the heat ray, Diana reached out and caught a butterfly leisurely.

Looking at the slowly dissipating magic butterfly on her fingertips, Diana couldn't help but sigh: "Can magic still be so gorgeous? If I had known, I would have studied more carefully."

These words made Farah and Bruce Wayne turn to look at Diana at the same time. They were both surprised. How could a warrior like Diana also have magic?

In response, Diana, who saw the expressions of the two of them, shrugged and said with a smile: "So I only know a few little magics that sometimes work but don't work, such as invisibility."

"Then do you want to join us Karma Taj?"

Farah turned back to look forward. While outputting magic power to decompose the continuous heat rays, she said: "Kama Taj welcomes all talented people of justice. Our magic is open."

"Kama Taj..." Diana was slightly moved for a moment, but she still shook her head and refused: "No, thank you for the invitation. I am used to today's fighting style."

"It's up to you." Farah responded and said no more.

At this time, Doomsday realized that his attack was not working, so he stopped firing the heat ray.

After letting out a low roar, Doomsday flew towards the three of them quickly.

Farah calmly raised her hand to draw circles.

A portal opened in Doomsday's flight path, causing him to dive straight in without stopping.

Immediately afterwards, another portal appeared in the sky.

The Doomsday rushed out of the portal, but in front of it was no longer Farah and the others, but the hard ground.

This made Destruction stunned for a moment, and he was unable to stabilize his body, and actually crashed directly into the ground.


The ground shook with the loud noise.

Farah waved his hand to cancel the portal, and then grabbed the magic cloak out of the air.

He casually threw the cloak behind him, and Farah jumped up with all his strength.

The magic cloak automatically stuck to Farah's shoulders, and carried Farah directly into the sky with a huff.

At the same time, Farah's voice also reached the ears of Bruce Wayne and Diana: "Get ready! I will control it again!"

After finishing speaking, Farah raised his right hand upwards slightly like a claw.

Blue plasma quickly gathered into a ball in the palm of his hand. After brewing for a while, the plasma was suddenly thrown down from the air by Farah.

On the ground, Doomsday was shaking his head and getting up from the pit again.

Before it could get rid of its stun, Farah's attack came immediately.

Boom! Zizzi——

The plasma ball fell directly on Doomsday's body, and instantly exploded into five thunderbolts that extended to the ground.

The ground was directly burned into magma by the heat contained in the thunder.

The five thunderbolts began to rotate slowly with Doomsday as the center.

An unprecedented roar of pain sounded.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Doomsday was struggling in agony. Its skin and bones were constantly turned into charcoal and healed quickly in the thunder, which made it unable to break away from the electric current.



Bruce Wayne used the "Foldo's Boots" to jump to Farah.

He shouted anxiously: "It will absorb energy! Your attack is equivalent to charging it!!"

"Peace of mind."

Farah said nonchalantly: "Aren't you nervous when you look at the beautiful woman? I use magic. Don't compare magic with ordinary energy."

Bruce Wayne was slightly stunned when he heard this.

He carefully observed Doomsday, who was roaring in pain, and indeed found no signs of energy being absorbed by the other party.

Bruce Wayne dropped the topic at this point, but continued: "Is this what you mean by imprisonment? But in this case, Superman and Diana will not be able to cooperate in the attack! Your thunder and lightning will also hurt them!"

"I'm just weakening this monster."

Farah explained: "The real means of confinement will be later. The thunder and lightning are to prevent the subsequent struggle from being too intense. After all, I am an ordinary human being."

"Ordinary..." Bruce Wayne was speechless.

If Farah is an ordinary person, then who is he?

"about there!"

At this time, Farah stared at the Doomsday below and said: "Don't run around, I'm going to take action!"

After the words fell, Farah suddenly stopped his hand and interrupted the magic.

Taking advantage of Doomsday's weak recovery, Farah quickly made a hand seal and stretched his arms to draw a circle.

As the arms moved, arms appeared behind her one after another.

While Bruce Wayne was stunned, Farah suddenly waved her arms to both sides.

Whoosh whoosh——

Farah's petite figure suddenly transformed into thousands of bodies.

Hundreds of magical clones of the 'Shape of Ikeen' quickly filled the surrounding space.


Bruce Wayne let out a shocked murmur.

The surrounding Farah did not pay attention, but followed all the Farahs and made the same action.

His right hand dropped, and the magic whip extended from the palm of his hand.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Farahs moved in unison and threw the magic whip towards the Doomsday.

After a short moment, Doomsday's whole body was covered with magic whips, and he seemed to have turned into a chrysalis, with only his head still exposed.


The Doomsday roars again.

Because those magic whips are not decorations, the magic energy on them has burning damage, and is currently eroding and burning Doomsday's flesh.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, one of them, Farah, immediately shouted: "It's your turn!"


Diana laughed with great satisfaction, and then suddenly exerted force on her feet.

Accompanied by thunderous rumbles high in the sky, Diana let out a war cry and leapt towards the Doomsday.

Rushing forward, Diana grasped the hilt of the 'Sword of Vulcan' with both hands and swept the blade across Doomsday's neck with all her strength.


The blade broke the skin on Doomsday's neck.

It broke through the muscles all the way, breaking through the magma-like energy in Doomsday's body, and finally came into contact with Doomsday's neck bone.

Huge resistance appeared, and Doomsday's neck bone blocked the cutting of the 'Vulcan Sword', causing the 'Vulcan Sword' to only cut in half.

At this moment, the roaring sound in the sky approached instantly.

Clark used the power of his dive to build up his right fist, and after reaching Doomsday's head in the blink of an eye, he swung his fist towards Doomsday's head.


The air waves exploded, even knocking dozens of Farahs off balance.


A brittle sound of bones appears.

Doomsday's neck, which had been cut in half, suddenly cracked into a larger gap.

The ugly-looking head instantly flipped over to its back, connected only by a layer of skin and flesh, and the back was hit with a muffled sound.


Before anyone else could check the results, all the Farahs almost exclaimed in unison.

All the magic whips were distracted by the Farahs' exclamations and dissipated.

The Farahs looked at Doomsday who was almost separated from his body, and they began to panic uncontrollably.

What Coven wants is a living Doomsday, and what he wants is for Superman to die in battle.

But what about now?

Doomsday's neck has been broken with only a layer of flesh attached, and his head has fallen off. Can he still survive?!

Therefore, Farah was very worried, worried that she might have ruined Kewen's plan...

This chapter has been completed!
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