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Chapter 101 Timing

"It's okay, it's not dead yet."

Just when Farah had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, Ke Wen's voice suddenly came into her mind.

This made Farah slightly stunned. At the same time, she felt reassured and hurriedly looked at Doomsday carefully.

And as she looked over, the orange energy in Doomsday's body suddenly began to surge in intensity.


"It's alive!!"

Diana and Clark, who were closer to the Day of Destruction, discovered the energy earlier, so they both spoke out and acted at the same time.

Instead of retreating and defending, they rushed towards Doomsday one by one.

Diana raised her sword and stabbed Doomsday in the heart, while Clark flew to the back of Doomsday, intending to grab the ugly head and tear it off completely.

But Doomsday also made countermeasures at the same time.


Heat rays spurted out from the broken neck of Doomsday, knocking Clark away as he happened to fly above it.

Then Doomsday slapped his left hand forward. Although Diana cut a long scar on his arm, he also slapped Diana's body away.

Immediately afterwards, Doomsday stretched his left hand behind his back and straightened his head, which was only covered by a layer of flesh.

A layer of bone armor proliferated rapidly.

After Doomsday's neck re-healed, a bone neck ring was also formed, which greatly strengthened the defense on his neck.


Roaring in the sky, Doomsday turned to look at hundreds of Farahs, and then erupted another heat ray.

The thick heat ray rushed into the Farahs instantly. Although all the Farahs made moves to release their magic shields, this time the magic shield was very fragile due to the sharing of magic power, and was easily broken by the heat ray.


The body of the first Farah turned into a phantom and disappeared in the heat ray, and then more.

As Doomsday turned around quickly, all the Farahs cut by the heat ray disappeared in an illusory shape.

Seeing this, the main body Farah immediately withdrew the magic and canceled all the clones.

By chance, the heat ray had already arrived in front of her, so she immediately reached out and opened a 'Seraphim Shield' to cover herself.


A huge impact force appeared, and Farah was unable to take advantage of it because he was in mid-air, so he was instantly rushed out by the 'Seraphim Shield'.

High in the air, Clark stabilized his body and was about to dive again, but his movements suddenly stopped.

He quickly turned his head and looked at an abandoned building in the distance.

Through the ability of perspective, he saw Lois Lane under the collapsed building.

This caused Clark to hurriedly abandon Doomsday and rush to the rescue.

On the battlefield, Diana, who had been knocked out, had landed, stabilized her figure, and rushed back to Doomsday alone.

Roaring and waving her sword and shield, Diana once again started a close fight with Doomsday.

Bruce Wayne stepped on the air and jumped into the distance.

He landed in a ruins and asked hurriedly to Farah, who was dizzy in the shield: "Are you okay?!"

"No, it's okay..."

Farah stood up unsteadily, covering her head and shaking her head.

Then he waved his hand to cancel the surrounding 'Seraphim Shield', and then Farah looked at the battle in the distance and said: "What kind of monster is this guy?! Even if his head falls off, he will not die?!"

"Ask Superman."

Seeing that Farah was fine, Bruce Wayne breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This monster comes from his world."

Farah shook his head and said while flying again with the help of his magic cloak: "Then I have nothing to do with it. I can only help ensure everyone's safety. It's up to you to kill it."

"It doesn't matter, that's enough!"

Bruce Wayne nodded, and while using the 'Fodo's Boots' to jump up into the air, he said: "Superman is either going to save people or looking for that spear. As long as we get that spear, we can kill this monster."


After hearing this, Farah said no more.

With a thought, she controlled the magic cloak behind her and rushed towards the battlefield.

the other side.

Clark came to the ruins of the building.

He quickly moved away large and small gravels, and soon revealed a deep pool.

He plunged into the pool and hugged Lois Lane's slowly sinking body a few meters deep.

After bringing Lois Lane back to the water, Clark was about to say something when a 'boom' sound suddenly came from the distance.

The ground shook violently, or rather beat.

Countless waves appeared in the calm water of the pool.

At the same time, the abandoned building with only its skeleton suddenly collapsed completely, and a large number of boulders fell on Clark's head.

Seeing this, Clark immediately protected Lois Lane under his body.

He caught the falling gravel with his back, and when no more gravel fell, he arched his body and knocked all the gravel away.


Clark called to his girlfriend in his arms, and opened his hand to gently press Lois Lane's stomach.

"vomit cough cough cough cough..."

A mouthful of water was sprayed out by Lois Lane, and she regained her breath and woke up.


After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Lois Lane couldn't help but look towards the pool, his expression hesitant to speak.

Clark also turned to look at the pool.

With a trace of determination flashing in his eyes, he gently caressed his girlfriend's face, and then stood up directly.


Lois Lane was shocked, but didn't know how to stop it.

Clark gave his girlfriend a comforting look and then jumped into the pool again.

He didn't surface quickly.

It wasn't until more than a dozen battle roars rang out in the distance that Clark's figure slowly rose from under the pool.

The light of Kryptonite allowed Lois Lane to see Clark's situation clearly.

At this time, Clark seemed to be unconscious from drowning, his body was crawling and floating motionless in the water.


Lois Lane exclaimed nervously and quickly reached out to grab her boyfriend.

It took a lot of effort to fish Clark out of the water. Lois Lane hurriedly snatched the kryptonite spear from Clark's hand and threw the spear away.

Without the radiation of Kryptonite, Clark's strength finally began to return.

He turned over weakly, lying on all fours on the ground, panting continuously.

"Clark!" Lois Lane returned to her boyfriend and asked nervously and concernedly: "Are you okay?!"

Clark shook his head slightly.


There was another loud noise in the distance.

Clark looked up and saw that Diana's body had been shot away by Doomsday.

Immediately afterwards, Farah, who was flying above Doomsday, quickly cast several spells, including attack magic and confinement magic, which briefly imprisoned Doomsday in place.

With a war cry, Diana charged back from a distance, jumped up, and slashed the sword across Doomsday's neck.


The roaring sound spread far away.

Diana's attack was actually blocked this time!

The Vulcan Sword failed to break through the layer of bone on Doomsday's neck!


Doomsday fought back. It endured the severe pain caused by the magic and stabbed Diana hard with the bone spurs in its right arm.


Diana raised her shield in time to block the bone spur, but her body flew backwards again.

Taking the battle situation into his eyes, Clark withdrew his gaze and placed it on the kryptonite spear more than ten meters away.

Then he slowly turned to look at his girlfriend and declared in a low voice: "Louise...I love you..."

Lois Lane was slightly stunned, but she quickly realized why her boyfriend expressed his love on such an occasion.

In a panic, Lois Lane kept shaking her head and refusing: "No! No! Clark, you can't go!!"

Clark smiled weakly.

He looked back at the fierce battlefield and said in a calm voice: "This is my world..."

"No! Clark you can't go!"

Lois Lane was still persuading, but Clark was convinced.

He showed his girlfriend a loving smile again, and then said softly: "You are my world."

"No! No no!" Lois Lane was even more panicked.

But that didn't stop Clark from getting up.

Clark gently pushed away his girlfriend's arm that was holding him, gritted his teeth and stood up, then flew directly forward.

As Lois Lane screamed and begged, Clark flew over the Kryptonite spear, and Kabuto picked the spear up from the ground.

A huge feeling of weakness arose in his body, but Clark gritted his teeth and persisted, holding the kryptonite spear and heading straight for the battlefield.

Bang bang bang——

In the battlefield, Bruce Wayne kept jumping at high altitudes with the 'Fordo's Boots', while he successively pulled the trigger of the magic pistol and fired unlimited bullets towards Doomsday's head.

Hidden among the gunshots and roars, a golden rope suddenly flew from a distance and instantly wrapped around Doomsday's body to imprison him.

In the distance, Diana grabbed the 'Truth Lasso' hard, her feet got stuck on a bulge on the ground, she roared and started wrestling with the Doomsday!

Seeing this, Farah quickly raised his hand to draw a circle.

She placed a series of portals on Doomsday's body, and then squealed and closed her hands.

Under her control, several portals closed instantly, cutting through Doomsday's flesh and getting stuck on the bones.

The Doomsday roared in pain again and again.

It struggled hard, but it couldn't break away from the joint imprisonment of Diana and Farah.

At this moment, Bruce Wayne in the air spotted Clark approaching.

He stared at the kryptonite spear in Clark's hand with wide eyes.

No matter what, I never expected that Clark would personally deliver the spear.

However, the current situation did not allow him to think too much, and he found that the time had come.

As a result, Bruce Wayne immediately threw away the magic pistol and took off his rifle from behind.

The grenade was loaded with a 'click', and Bruce Wayne simply took aim and immediately pulled the trigger.


A kryptonite smoke bomb exploded on Doomsday's head.

The green kryptonite dust was quickly sucked into Doomsday's body, which instantly extinguished the energy in Doomsday's body, and his struggling power quickly weakened...

This chapter has been completed!
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