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Chapter 191 Performance


Like a gift from heaven, a blue magic rune suddenly fell from the sky like a meteor.

Amid some exclamations from the surroundings, the rune sank silently into the stone floor, leaving a shining trace of the rune on the ground.

This is Ke Wen showing off his bells and whistles again.

Since all the Amazons were watching, he naturally wanted to make the scene more fancy.

Otherwise, if the teleportation platform is built casually with a wave of hands, wouldn't it make people think that it is such an insignificant thing?

Therefore, Kewen turned the teleportation platform that could be created with a single thought into an operation with extraordinary sound effects.

Magic runes condensed from high in the sky one by one, and fell down like meteors.

After the three layers of runes inside and outside the circle were laid out, Kewen raised his hands high into the sky again.


An even greater sound of magic power trembled.

A magic circle that almost covered the entire Paradise Island appeared high in the sky.

The blue magic array has clear lines, and the magical aura emanating from it makes people feel a little breathless.

The complicated patterns make people dizzy, but they also make people reluctant to interrupt their gaze.

Because that giant magic circle is like the truth, everyone who looks at it will mistakenly think that they have understood something from it.

But what is the actual truth?

Ke Wen just added some hints to the magic circle. All he did was make his method look more advanced and more bluffing.

So he maintained the magic circle in the sky for a moment, letting the complex patterns and lines in the magic circle continue to rotate.

It wasn't until he discovered that some of the Amazons around him were already feeling dizzy and nauseated that he took the next step.

With a pretentious shout, Kewen put his hands together with difficulty.

As he moved, the giant magic circle in the air began to gradually shrink, as if it had been compressed.

After a while, the magic circle finally shrank to a diameter of several meters while descending.

As Kewen pressed down his arms forcefully, the magic circle suddenly embedded itself into the three layers of runes on the ground.


A beam of blue light soared into the sky and hit the divine barrier covering the island, exploding into countless magical lights.

After a while, the light pillar and brilliance disappeared, and the teleportation platform on the ground converged on all the phenomena like a divine object that had eclipsed itself.

Coven didn't stop there.

He directed the onlookers to disperse.

After leaving enough distance, Ke Wen raised his sword and pointed at the edge of the open space.

Through transfiguration, he directly created an open building like an ancient Greek temple.

The building supported by many giant stone pillars is very majestic. When you take a first look, you will feel as if divinity is rushing towards your face. You can't help but feel awe of the building.

At this point, Kewen's performance finally came to an end.

He pretended to be tired and breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he happened to catch Diana's sight.

Angry, narrow-minded, helpless, funny.

Diana's eyes were extremely smart, and the multiple emotions contained in them were clearly layered. Even if they were combined together and became a little complicated, they could still make people understand her meaning at a glance.

Obviously, Diana saw through Covin's pretense.

Ke Wen's face is at the level of a cosmic crystal wall, so of course he won't feel embarrassed.

So he smiled at Diana, then looked sternly, and said to Queen Hippolyta: "The construction of the teleportation platform has been completed. Later, I will arrange another teleportation gate on the side of 'Kama Taj', and then transfer it to Queen Hippolyta."

The two platforms are interconnected."

Queen Hippolyta nodded slightly in understanding.


Ke Wen raised his hand and pointed to the temple: "I have a very superficial understanding of Amazon customs, so I can only leave the reliefs and decorations of the temple to you."

"It doesn't matter."

Queen Hippolyta responded with satisfaction: "It's very good, we will handle the rest."


Diana finally found the opportunity to step forward.

She quickly came to Kewen's side and urged her thoughtfully: "Can we connect to the teleportation station as soon as possible? I want to take my mother to see the human society as soon as possible, and then I can arrange for others to go out."

Ke Wen blinked and smiled secretly in his heart.

Diana was so understanding, or in other words, Diana didn't hide her true thoughts very well.

Why do you want to take people out to see you as soon as possible? Those are all excuses.

Diana's real purpose was not to let Cowen stay on the island for too long. She was worried that if Cowen couldn't be seen by a caregiver, he would hang out with other Amazons again.

But Diana's worries were completely unnecessary.

Women are just a pastime that Ke Wen uses to relieve boredom, and he is not really debauched.

It was still a bit novel before he tried it, but now that he has tasted the taste of an Amazon, how can he still be as curious and expectant as before?

Therefore, Coven, who guessed Diana's thoughts, just smiled without revealing it.

He nodded directly and agreed: "Okay, then I will go back and make arrangements now. You should pay attention to the teleportation array here at all times. After the other side is ready, I will use the teleportation array to contact here."

"How to contact me?" Diana asked curiously.

"It can transmit sound." Ke Wen pointed to the teleportation platform in the temple: "Similar to a mobile phone, there is a magic image that allows both parties to make video calls."

Diana got it, and so did everyone else.

Seeing that there were no other questions, Kewen informed: "Then I'll go back first."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and drew it in front of his face.

A portal quickly opened, revealing the interior of the temple opposite.

Corwin nodded slightly to Queen Hippolyta, and then stepped through the portal.

Ignoring the matter of the Paradise Island behind him, Kewen went directly to the pocket universe after closing the portal.

Before reaching the entrance, Farah stepped out to greet him.

"Have you had enough fun outside?"

Farah looked up and down Kewen's body: "Boss, tell me, you didn't cause me any more trouble this time, right?"

"Hehe..." Ke Wen smiled.

"Hehe?" Farah's eyes changed, and she narrowed her eyes dangerously: "Boss! What did you do for me again?!"

"rest assured."

Ke Wen stepped forward and grabbed Farah's neck, hugged her and walked toward the entrance while saying: "You don't have to worry about anything this time, it's just a verbal alliance."

"Alliance? With whom?"

Although Farah looked fierce, her tone was very helpless.

After all, she is her boss and teacher. No matter how much trouble Kewen causes, she will have to suffer.

After Kewen discovered his little girl's distress, he immediately explained the situation.

At the same time as they finished speaking, the two of them stood on the training ground of 'Kama Taj'.

After relaxing his perception, Coven did not sense Harley Quinn's breath in the 'pocket universe', so he asked: "Has Harley left? When?"


Farah rolled her eyes slightly and responded: "She said there are all women here, and she was afraid that she would turn into a lesbian if she stayed for a long time, so she ran out to look for male scents."

"Lala?" Ke Wen couldn't help but laugh: "She is meant for both men and women."

"I don't care if she has some double plug!"

Farah said with some depression: "I just hope she won't come again in the future!"

"What did she do?" Coven asked with a curious smile.

"As she said herself, it's so annoying!"

Farah shook his head and sighed: "In the past few days, she has almost brought the entire 'Kama Taj' into a frenzy. From the official mage to the magic apprentice, there is no one who has not been harassed by him.

His playful smile makes it hard to drive away."

"Natural nature." Ke Wenhun said nonchalantly: "If it weren't for that crazy energy, then she would be a top talent with a pure heart."

"I discovered this too."

Farah nodded in agreement: "Her unfettered and unrestrained ideas are perfect for learning magic. Fortunately, her physique is aversion to magic, otherwise she would be able to get started with magic instantly."

"I did it."

Ke Wen sighed and shook his head slightly: "I imprinted a ideological stamp on her cognitive outlook, making her subconsciously reject magic."

Farah was stunned.

"Because she is too dangerous." Ke Wen continued to explain: "Once she learns magic, I'm afraid she will blow up the earth absentmindedly."

Farah thought for a moment and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's not talk about her anymore, let's set up the portal first."

The two of them had arrived at another square. There was an independent stone gate frame on the edge of the square.

The shape of the stone door was imitated by Kewen into the Dark Door in World of Warcraft.

The function is for teleportation, just like the portal that Doctor Strange saw in the New York Temple in the Marvel Universe. By adjusting the coordinate hub on the door, the portal can be connected to various regions in the world.

Kewen left quite a few coordinates on this small 'Dark Door'.

Except for those countries whose territory is too small, Kewen has left at least one teleportation coordinate in every country and region.

Because this is the DC universe, not the Marvel universe.

The magicians here can only cultivate their own magic power, and cannot rely on borrowing or stealing like the magicians in Marvel.

Therefore, except for those with extraordinary talents, many mages do not have sufficient magic power and need a little bit of practice to increase it.

This also prevents their portal from opening too far.

Therefore, Kewen arranged such a replica of the 'Dark Door' so that mages could use it to teleport to various parts of the world to complete tasks.

Basically, missions outside the Americas rely on this 'Dark Door' to transport personnel.

Right now, Kewen needs to input the coordinates of Paradise Island into the 'Dark Portal' to connect it to the teleportation platform there.

Since there was no need to show off any operations, Ke Wen completed the arrangement with just a wave of his hand.

Then he reminded Farah next to him: "Go and gather people to create a scene and open the eyes of those indigenous women who have been secluded in the country for thousands of years."

Farah rolled her eyes tiredly and left immediately to make relevant arrangements...

This chapter has been completed!
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