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Chapter 192 Something happened

A diplomacy is very official, so there is nothing to express.

Diana was also eager to lead her mother to experience human society, so she quickly left the temple.

Farah has a new job. She needs to arrange the diplomatic personnel responsible for connecting with Paradise Island in the future.

And Kewen, who was abandoned by everyone, couldn't take any time off.

After breaking away from the divine barrier of Paradise Island, his mobile phone received signals again.

Suddenly, a series of "Didi" text messages sounded, almost causing the phone's program to crash.

There are a lot of missed call reminders, as well as a lot of text and voice messages.

Kewen spent a lot of time checking and found that they were all calls from female celebrities.

The earliest text message was after the punk queen and Silly Face Na appeared in the outside world, and the last text message came from half an hour ago.

Obviously, those female celebrities are starting to compete for favor again.

Who allowed him to favor three female stars in the metropolis before and let them immediately receive particularly high-quality resources?

Therefore, for the sake of a happy life in the future, Ke Wen needs to appease those vixens.

This comfort took him a whole day.

In the evening, after finishing dealing with the vixens' affairs, Coven was about to call Diana to ask about the itinerary, but Diana's phone call came first.

Pressing the answer button, Ke Wen asked with a smile: "You and Her Majesty the Queen will come back to stay tonight..."


Diana interrupted with a solemn voice.

Ke Wen was stunned. He frowned slightly and asked, "What happened?"

"It's Kal-El!"

Diana's tone was a little anxious: "Something happened to him! Watch the news! Any channel!"

Kewen immediately turned on the TV in the living room.

The female reporter's shouting voice came from the TV: "Friends in the audience! I am at the door of the Metropolitan Central Hospital now! Friends in the audience, please don't turn the channel! I will broadcast all the injuries of Superman to everyone in real time!!"

"You heard it!"

Diana's voice came from the mobile phone: "Kal Al was injured in an attack! Bruce and Victor are investigating, Barry has rushed over first, waiting for command and then chasing the murderer! I need you to come forward and help on my behalf.

Be busy!"


Ke Wen agreed. He stared at the live TV screen and said, "Leave it to me. You can continue to accompany your mother."

"Yes." Diana reminded: "If there is any news or results, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"Okay, hang up first."

Kewen informed him and immediately ended the call.

He let go of his perception and suddenly disappeared into the living room in the next moment.

In the blink of an eye, Kewen arrived at the Metropolitan Central Hospital and appeared in the emergency room.

With a gentle wave of his hand, Coven wiped away the recognition of him by the medical staff and police officers. Then he walked to the emergency bed and glanced at Clark, who was unconscious on it.

After discovering that the other person's life was not in danger, he reached out and pressed Clark's forehead, then he closed his fingers and grabbed outwards.

Clark's soul was instantly captured by him.

At this time, Clark was very confused, as if someone with hypoglycemia had just woken up from a dream.

After Coven let go, Clark in his soul body floated in the air for a moment to react, and then refocused his vision.

He immediately saw Coven.

Just as he was about to say hello, Clark was stunned again.

Following the movements of the first responders around him, he saw his own body.

Suddenly, the memory before coma resurfaced in my mind.


Clark looked at his body in astonishment, and then at Coven: "Am I... dead again?"

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Ke Wen smiled helplessly: "What's going on with you? Not long ago, you were knocked unconscious by the woman playing with electronics. Why are you being sent to the hospital again today?"

"It's a bullet." Clark said immediately: "I flew outside the rooftop to help the police save a man who was planning to jump off the building to commit suicide. But just as I stopped in mid-air to persuade him, gunshots appeared in the distance."

"What's the reason this time?" Ke Wen continued to ask helplessly: "What's the reason why you got distracted and didn't hide?"

"No sir." Clark shook his head: "The angle of that bullet is very dangerous. If I had dodged, it would have hit the gentleman who was about to jump off the building to commit suicide."

Kewen suddenly realized: "I understand, this is another conspiracy against you. That bullet is kryptonite, right?"

Clark nodded.

"Have you seen the murderer clearly?" Ke Wen asked.

"I saw it," Clark responded: "It's an older black male."

"Okay, I'll see for myself."

Corwin interrupted Clark's next description, and he directly used his psychic ability to explore Clark's memory.

Soon, he saw the appearance of the murderer from Clark's memory.


The other party's appearance made Ke Wen unable to help but utter a sound of surprise.

However, he reacted immediately and compared the information in his memory.

"I see."

After finding the corresponding memory data, Ke Wen nodded with understanding: "Okay, you can rest in peace and recover, and then leave it to me to deal with it."

"Sir." Clark hesitated: "Can you not hurt the other person?"

"What?" Ke Wen was slightly surprised: "What do you think?"

"Just...don't kill anyone, leave it to the law."

Clark's answer was extremely guilty. He respected Coven very much, so he felt that he was not qualified to make any demands.

But his holy heart did not allow him to ignore the killing.

In his opinion, unless the murderer is completely inhumane, he will not be worthy of death.

At this time, Ke Wen was a little bit dumbfounded.

He looked at Clark, who looked away and looked shy, and laughed for a while.

Shaking his head, Kewen agreed: "Well, can you leave it to Bruce to handle it?"

"No problem sir!" Clark nodded happily.

"Okay, just lie back and continue to pass out."

Coven waved his hand, and before Clark could say anything else, he caused the other person's soul to return to his body.

Shaking his head again, Kewen sighed slightly and turned around and walked outside the hospital.

As soon as I walked out of the emergency room, I saw a group of soldiers rushing over.

The leader was a soldier with a general's epaulettes, followed by a military doctor carrying a suitcase.

No one noticed that Ke Wen had disappeared, and they rushed past Ke Wen and rushed into the emergency room.

Ke Wen stopped and looked back, thought for a moment, and then entered the emergency room again.

"Everybody get out!"

The general was giving the order: "Our military has taken over this place!"

"Mr. General?!" an emergency doctor was indignant: "This is the emergency room! No matter what happens, we have to wait until we rescue Superman!"

"Soldiers! Get them out!" the general ordered with a cold face, and said to the emergency doctor: "You can sue me at will!"

After receiving the order, the soldiers stepped forward and took action, pushing the noisy and screaming doctors and nurses out of the emergency room.

When there were no more people outside the military in the room, the general gave the order to the military doctor: "Save him."

The military doctor immediately nodded and stepped forward, opened the suitcase and took out a set of surgical equipment glowing green.

Ke Wen, who was standing nearby, was slightly surprised. He looked into the suitcase and found that all the surgical tools were made of kryptonite.

He turned to look at the calm-looking general. It was obvious that the military had never given up on exploring Superman.

While Coven was thinking, the military doctor had already poured anesthetic into Clark's gunshot wound.

The military doctor then used a kryptonite scalpel to cut open Clark's wound skin, and soon removed a kryptonite warhead from Clark's body.


The military doctor pointed the kryptonite bullet at the general.

The general glanced casually, then looked at Clark and continued to order: "Hurry up."


The military doctor responded and picked up several other surgical tools to operate on Clark's wound.

He's extracting Clark's body tissue!

Muscle fibers, blood, fascia, and even some of Clark's hair were cut off with a kryptonite scalpel.

The military doctor skillfully collected enough tissue samples and put them into several low-temperature test tubes.

Then, the military doctor began to suture Clark's wound.

Ke Wen looked on and shook his head.

He gently waved his hand, annihilating the sealed tissue samples into nothingness.

Then, Coven stretched out his finger and dipped a drop of blood on Clark's wound.

Let go of perception and see.

He discovered that there were three other weak auras of Clark in other places.

A breath was in the hospital, probably a normal emergency blood test procedure.

The other two breaths are leaving the hospital.

Apparently, in addition to the military, there were two other groups of people who secretly obtained Clark's body samples and quickly retreated with the samples.

Discovering this, Ke Wen glanced at Clark speechlessly, and then started to cast a spell.

The next moment, the other three weak auras of Clark disappeared instantly.

Coven once again helped Clark deal with the trouble.

Not long after, the military personnel who thought they had obtained the sample hurriedly left the emergency room.

Before the doctors and nurses came in, Coven directly threw a holy light at Clark, completely healing the wounds on Clark's body.

After all the blood stains on Clark's body were eliminated, Coven teleported and disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had arrived in Bruce Wayne's Batcave, and he appeared next to Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne was so startled that he overreacted and punched immediately.

When he saw clearly that it was Ke Wen, he hurriedly stopped his movements and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Got it?" Bruce Wayne asked in a deep voice, and then continued: "Victor is investigating all surveillance to find the murderer."

"Can't you find it?" Ke Wen asked: "Can't he control all networks?"

"Obviously, this was a well-planned targeting operation." Bruce Wayne shook his head and looked at the screen: "The murderer seemed to have avoided all possible surveillance and left no clues."

"No need to bother, just find a black British mercenary named Robert Dubois."

Coven directly gave the correct answer and added: "By the way, his code name is Bloodsport."

Bruce Wayne was stunned.

He did not ask how Coven knew, he chose to trust and immediately contacted Cyborg Victor to start the investigation...

This chapter has been completed!
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