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Chapter 197 Telephone

After watching a good show, Kewen returned to the temple.

He first waved off the mission quietly assigned to him by God and summoned several half-angel mages to explain the situation. Finally, the mission was taken over by Rita, who no longer slept with her after her wings turned completely white.

Ke Wen no longer pays attention to matters related to the plot of "Assassin's Creed", and just lets Rita and the story characters do whatever they want.

Corwin then called Diana and conveyed the investigation results to Bruce Wayne and others.

After that, he finally had some free time, finally had nothing to do, and could continue his carefree little life.

However, some people didn't want to let him go.

In the middle of the night, Bruce Wayne called and said that they had collected a lot of intelligence for speculation, and all the clues pointed to Lex Luthor, who had escaped from prison.

It's a pity that we encountered a problem, because Lex Luthor did it so cleanly that no one could find a breakthrough point or evidence that he assassinated Superman.

Even talking about the other party's escape from prison is very difficult.

Because after Lex Luthor escaped from prison, he used his "money power" to convince many politicians, which made him currently expelled.

As long as Lex Luthor does not return to the United States, he can be at large outside.

With the help of those politicians, Lex Luthor wasn't even wanted internationally.

Therefore, Bruce Wayne and others have no reason to arrest each other.

This is the limitation of superheroes like them. For the so-called bottom line, they can't even take personal revenge and can only wait for Lex Luthor to break the law again.

Coven disagreed with this, but he did not say it out loud.

Anyway, he and Bruce Wayne and others are not in the same group. He just needs to watch the show and briefly participate in it from time to time to have fun.

So Kewen ended the call with a few perfunctory words.

But what I didn't expect was that Diana called again as if to connect.

Kewen was a little surprised.

He specifically checked the time, and it was three o'clock in the morning.

Why did Diana call me in the middle of the night? Wasn't she traveling around the world with Queen Hippolyta?

Kewen answered the phone out of curiosity and asked first: "What happened?"

"Sorry, Kewen, did I disturb you?" Diana apologized first without saying anything, and then asked: "Are there any outsiders around you?"

"No." Ke Wen joked: "My mattress has been waiting for the goddess to come."

Diana on the other side of the phone chuckled.

"Don't pay attention to me. I allow you to find other women to express your desire, provided that I am not by your side. Okay, let's get down to business."

Diana changed the subject: "Kewen, mom already knows a lot about human war weapons, so she wants some equipment that can defend against those weapons, but I took it upon myself to recommend your magic to her. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

Ke Wen responded indifferently, and asked in confirmation: "You mean, Her Majesty the Queen finally realized the power of human weapons, so she wants to arm the Amazons, right?"

"Yes." Diana's tone was very gratifying: "Mom is still very confident in Amazon's offensive strength, but she thinks Amazon is too weak in defense and needs to make up for this weakness."

"Originally, my mother wanted to buy a batch of body armor and transform it into armor suitable for Amazons to wear, but I thought it was still not enough, so I rashly recommended you to her."

Hearing this, Ke Wen sighed slightly: "Diana, you have posed a problem for me."

"Sorry Coven." Diana sounded apologetically, obviously she knew this.

"Diana, what you're talking about sounds simple to me, but it's against the rules."

Ke Wen reminded: "The alliance between Paradise Island and our 'Kama Taj' is only a verbal alliance, so I cannot unilaterally provide unequal contributions. Even if we follow the normal alliance transaction process, Paradise Island cannot produce a 'card'

Ma Taj's stuff."

"Diana, let me talk to him."

Queen Hippolyta's voice rang on the other side of the phone, and then her voice became clear: "Kevin Quinn, what do you want?"

"It's not about what I want." Ke Wen rolled his eyes slightly: "It's about what price Her Majesty the Queen can pay to make 'Kama Taj' interested."

For the sake of sleeping with the other party's daughter, Ke Wen didn't mind the other party's self-righteous tone.

He simply said: "The transaction requires money and goods. We can provide goods at any time, but what about the money Amazon needs to pay?"

"Excuse me for being rude, Your Majesty the Queen." Coven said: "There seems to be nothing on Paradise Island that can interest us, 'Kama Taj'."

"We have priceless knowledge!" Queen Hippolyta immediately bid: "We have recorded a lot of history buried in the fog! It contains a lot of lost ancient technologies!"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Knowing that the other party couldn't see it, Ke Wen still shook his head: "Those things are completely useless to 'Kama Taj'."

Queen Hippolyta immediately continued: "You can take that knowledge to human society in exchange for what you want."

"I don't want anything." Ke Wen refused: "Kama Taj is self-sufficient and does not need anything from the human world."

This time, Queen Hippolyta was silent for a moment, and then reluctantly bid again: "Artifacts! There are also some artifacts given by the gods on the island!"

"You should have seen it in our 'Kama Taj'."

Ke Wen continued to shake his head: "We have enough magic equipment, which is no worse than the artifacts collected on Paradise Island."

"Shameless talk!"

Queen Hippolyta is angry, angry because of her still narrow cognitive concepts.

She raised her voice and yelled: "What do you think is an artifact?! And what do you think of a god?!"

After hearing this, Ke Wen was not indifferent to the other party, and immediately responded: "The former is a waste whose technology and functions have long been outdated. As for the gods? You name a few, and I will chop off a few heads and give them back to you."

How about you making wine glasses?”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Presumptuous!!" Queen Hippolyta was furious.

However, Kewen hung up the phone directly. This time he didn't even give Diana the face.

Scoffing and rolling his eyes, Ke Wen felt that these Amazons were just spoiled because no one had ever really rubbed them.

In fact, after hearing Diana tell the story, Ke Wen immediately had the idea of ​​​​rejecting it.

The Amazons are already arrogant enough. If they were allowed to make up for their defensive weaknesses, their arrogance would probably grow to the point of breaking the sky.

For Diana's sake, Ke Wen patiently communicated with the other party.

If the Amazon can really come up with something that tempts him, Kewen might agree to trade with him.

It's a pity that Hippolyta still treasures their outdated concepts and things, and has completely failed to recognize her true identity.

Kewen was naturally too lazy to argue with the other party.

Anyway, the attitude has been given, and then it depends on the other party's reaction.

As for the alliance breaking up?

Ke Wen didn't take it seriously at all.

If it weren't for Diana's sake, Ke Wen wouldn't bother to lick those whores.

More than ten minutes later, the phone rang again.

It was estimated that Diana had finished arguing with Hippolyta, so Coven answered the phone.

"Where did your empathy go?"

It sounded like a reproach, but Diana said it in a dumbfounded way.

Her tone seemed to be coaxing an awkward child: "Okay Kewen, don't take it to heart. I apologize to you on behalf of my mother."

"Don't worry, I'm not that bad yet." Ke Wen smiled softly and said, "The Amazons have been closed to the country for thousands of years. Of course I can understand your mother's mentality."

"She was just stimulated."

Diana explained with a sigh: "Mom saw too many things today that could break her cognition. Human weapons made it difficult for her to stay calm."

"Understood." Ke Wen nodded: "But Diana, I'm afraid that deal will not be established."

"It doesn't matter." Diana responded: "But I have an idea here."

"tell me the story."

Kewen said while looking towards the door of the living room.

Because Farah suddenly teleported over.

"What happened just now?" Farah frowned and asked, "The entire temple and the 'pocket universe' were enveloped in a depressing atmosphere for a moment, and those who were practicing magic suffered some backlash. Boss, are you angry?



Ke Wen pressed the sound hole of his cell phone: "I didn't suppress my emotions just now. It's okay now. You can go arrange treatment."

"Is everything okay?" Farah asked again with concern.

Kewen waved his hand and put the phone close to his ear again.

Diana's voice just sounded: "Kevin, regarding protective equipment, I will ask Bruce to help me purchase some bulletproof materials and technologies, but I also want to ask you to do me a favor."

"What's the business?" Ke Wen asked.

"There will be Amazons coming to human society in the future." Diana implored: "I would like to ask you to ensure their safety in human society? For the sake of the alliance."

"Oh?" Ke Wen was slightly surprised: "Your mother still plans to continue our alliance?"


Diana responded with a smile: "She has calmed down and of course she won't act out of anger anymore."

Ke Wen nodded with satisfaction: "That's no problem. As long as the alliance relationship is still there, then since the allies have come to our side, we 'Kama Taj' will naturally be responsible for the safety of our allies."

"Thank you." Diana said softly: "Kewen, on behalf of my mother, I apologize to you again for what happened just now."

"An Xin, I didn't care."

What Ke Wen said was true. Queen Hippolyta was really not worth his concern. In other words, Ke Wen didn't take her to heart at all.

And Diana also believed Coven's answer.

Because in her understanding, Kewen has always been very frank. If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not. Kewen has never deceived her.

So since Kewen said he didn't care, he really didn't care.

Then Diana's tone was once again filled with gentle smile.

She chatted with Ke Wen for a few more words, and then ended the communication.

Kewen put away his phone and looked at Farah, who still hadn't left.

He smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, I was just disgusted by an old-fashioned stubbornness."

"Queen Hippolyta?" Farah guessed the target instantly: "My senses about that woman are not very good either."

She said with disgust: "Although that woman looks straight at people, her eyes are 'hanging'. She is so arrogant that she cannot understand why."

"Don't worry about her."

Ke Wen sat down on the sofa: "As for those Amazons, you just have to deal with them in the future. If you encounter any problems, just use them."

"Okay." Farah said contemptuously: "If all Amazons are as arrogant as Hippolyta, then they will be easy to use. If you want to motivate them or satisfy their vanity, you can use them to do something for them.

Let’s fight to the death.”

"Yeah." Ke Wen nodded: "Just don't go too far, Diana is not easy to fool."

"Don't worry, I have confidence in my heart."

After speaking, Farah looked at Kewen carefully and found that Kewen was indeed not angry anymore. She then resigned: "Then I will arrange the treatment of the mages. Fortunately, we have a mature response to 'magic backlash'

Plan, boss, you should pay attention to it in the future."

Kewen waved his hand, then picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

Without a woman to accompany him at night, he would have to find other ways to spend his sleepless nights.

A few hours later, it was already bright.

Another call came from an unknown number. After Kewen answered it, he immediately shrank his neck with guilt.

Because the call came from Charlotte, the Virgin whom he avoided.

Fortunately, the call was just a normal greeting from Charlotte.

Charlotte said that she has now settled down, and through the body she possesses, she has begun to live a normal life in the human world.

Charlotte told Cowen the addresses of her work and home, and invited Cowen to have a party with him when he was free.

Kewen agreed with a guilty conscience, and after a few more perfunctory conversations, he hung up the phone on the pretext of something else.

Throwing away his phone, Ke Wen cursed Lucifer in his mind.

Because his mobile phone number was given to Virgin Charlotte by Lucifer.

Ke Wen didn't care whether the other party was out of filial piety or because he was threatened.

He finally broke off contact with Charlotte, but because of Lucifer's talkativeness, he and Charlotte had an intersection again.

Depressed and a little confused, Ke Wen raised his hand to call for his cell phone and sent a text message to Lucifer.

After typing a lot of curse words in the text message and clicking send, Kewen let out a long breath.

But today seems to be his Good Friday.

I just put my phone on the sofa again, but trouble came to me automatically.

There was a knock on the living room door.

At Ke Wen's greeting, a female mage on duty in the temple opened the door.

"Sir." The female mage said respectfully, "There are three guests downstairs looking for you."

Ke Wen let go of his perception for a moment, and caught two familiar and unfamiliar breaths.

Among the familiar smells, one was really familiar, and the other came from an acquaintance whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Surprised by the other party's appearance, Kewen immediately stood up and walked downstairs...

This chapter has been completed!
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